Please resume

by Cordobian - opened

please resume

Hi @Cordobian , thanks for your comment!

This space has been running on A10G for almost 1 month, which costs 1.05 $/hour. When we created this space, we wanted people to use it to play with Notus for a period of time after the initial release of the model. Sadly, hosting this space is not free and it costs us some money, so we have decided to pause it after 1 month.

If you want to use Notus, you can still clone this space on your profile, or you can run Notus using either OLLAMA, LlamaCpp, HF Transformers or vLLM.

Hi, have you considered applying for a GPU grant?

Argilla org

Hi @mrfakename , we thought about it a little later after we released the model. Anyways, I think it's not worth it doing it now, Notus 7B v1 has been surpassed by many models already that are being served for free here:

gabrielmbmb changed discussion status to closed

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