mrfakename PRO


AI & ML interests

LLMs, TTS, & Open Source



Posts 5

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Mistral AI recently released a new Mixtral model. It's another Mixture of Experts model with 8 experts, each with 22B parameters. It requires over 200GB of VRAM to run in float16, and over 70GB of VRAM to run in int4. However, individuals have been successful at finetuning it on Apple Silicon laptops using the MLX framework. It features a 64K context window, twice that of their previous models (32K).

The model was released over torrent, a method Mistral has recently often used for their releases. While the license has not been confirmed yet, a moderator on their Discord server yesterday suggested it was Apache 2.0 licensed.

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Today, I'm excited to launch two new models on the TTS Arena: MeloTTS and StyleTTS 2. Both are open sourced, permissively licensed, and highly efficient.

Curious to see how they compare with other leading models? Vote on the TTS Arena ā¬‡ļø


MeloTTS, released by MyShell AI, provides realistic and lifelike text to speech while remaining efficient and fast, even when running on CPU. It supports a variety of languages, including but not limited to English, French, Chinese, and Japanese.

StyleTTS 2 is another fully open sourced text to speech framework. It's permissively licensed, highly-efficient, and supports voice cloning and longform narration. It also provides natural and lifelike speech.

Both are available now to try on the TTS Arena - vote to find which one is better! The leaderboard will be revealed once we collect enough votes.