Could we machine translatation task using this model?

by Pitambarmuduli - opened

want to translate from German to English by using falcon-7b model .

Pitambarmuduli changed discussion status to closed
Pitambarmuduli changed discussion status to open

So falcon 7b is a causal decoder-only model , which means it's primarily design for autoregressive generation task , such as next token prediction . Usually for machine translation you require both Encoder and Decoder . I mean you can try but it won't be as efficient

here are some models you can use:
BART, BigBird-Pegasus, Blenderbot, BlenderbotSmall, Encoder decoder, FairSeq Machine-Translation, GPTSAN-japanese, LED, LongT5, M2M100, Marian, mBART, MT5, MVP, NLLB, NLLB-MOE, Pegasus, PEGASUS-X, PLBart, ProphetNet, SwitchTransformers, T5, UMT5, XLM-ProphetNet

Yeah, I tried, but it's not as effective; sometimes it's translated, sometimes it's not.

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