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readme: update model hub links
language: de
license: mit
  - flair
  - token-classification
  - sequence-tagger-model
base_model: dbmdz/bert-base-historic-multilingual-cased
  - text: >-
      In Teltsch und Jarmeritz wurden die abgegebenen Stimmen für Genossen
      Krapka ungiltig erklärt , weil sie keinen Wohnort aufwiesen .

Fine-tuned Flair Model on German NewsEye NER Dataset (HIPE-2022)

This Flair model was fine-tuned on the German NewsEye NER Dataset using hmBERT as backbone LM.

The NewsEye dataset is comprised of diachronic historical newspaper material published between 1850 and 1950 in French, German, Finnish, and Swedish. More information can be found here.

The following NEs were annotated: PER, LOC, ORG and HumanProd.


We performed a hyper-parameter search over the following parameters with 5 different seeds per configuration:

  • Batch Sizes: [8, 4]
  • Learning Rates: [3e-05, 5e-05]

And report micro F1-score on development set:

Configuration Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Avg.
bs8-e10-lr5e-05 0.3974 0.3847 0.3941 0.4084 0.3881 39.45 ± 0.82
bs8-e10-lr3e-05 0.3759 0.39 0.4087 0.3916 0.3884 39.09 ± 1.05
bs4-e10-lr3e-05 0.3732 0.4014 0.3915 0.3741 0.3805 38.41 ± 1.08
bs4-e10-lr5e-05 0.3654 0.3756 0.3845 0.3947 0.3933 38.27 ± 1.1

The training log and TensorBoard logs (only for hmByT5 and hmTEAMS based models) are also uploaded to the model hub.

More information about fine-tuning can be found here.


We thank Luisa März, Katharina Schmid and Erion Çano for their fruitful discussions about Historic Language Models.

Research supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TPU Research Cloud (TRC). Many Thanks for providing access to the TPUs ❤️