Slow inference speed and high VRAM using huggingface transformers

by Starlento - opened

When using transformers to inference this model (the example code in README), the VRAM will keep increasing to around 14GB and the output is just a short response.
It seems it is inferencing by default 4000 tokens without noticing the stop_token <|im_end|>.

And I found a duplicated code here:

I do not know how to input the stop_token in your self.generate() function, could you kindly fix it?

OpenBMB org

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We recommend using vLLM for generation, where you can specify a stop token. Please check our blog for usage examples.

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We recommend using vLLM for generation, where you can specify a stop token. Please check our blog for usage examples.

Sorry as well that I forgot this issue. In fact for transformers, I can set the stop token by change the tokenizer's eos_token.
Thank you very much for your reply, it is never late. By the way, will VLLM implementation have some VRAM saving compared to transformers?

Starlento changed discussion status to closed

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