[ { "context": { "en": "The cave bear had a very broad, domed skull with a steep forehead. Its stout body had long thighs, massive shins and in-turning feet, making it similar in skeletal structure to the brown bear. Cave bears were comparable in size to the largest modern-day bears. The average weight for males was 350 to 600 kg (770 to 1,320 lb), though some specimens weighed as much as 1000 kg (2,200 lb), while females weighed 225 to 250 kg (495 to 550 lb). Of cave bear skeletons in museums, 90% are male due to a misconception that the female skeletons were merely \"dwarfs\". Cave bears grew larger during glaciations and smaller during interglacials, probably to adjust heat loss rate.Cave bears of the last Ice Age lacked the usual two or three premolars present in other bears; to compensate, the last molar is very elongated, with supplementary cusps. The humerus of the cave bear was similar in size to that of the polar bear, as were the femora of females. The femora of male cave bears, however, bore more similarities in size to those of Kodiak bears.", "zh_tw": "末次冰期的洞熊缺乏前臼齒(其他熊具有 2 至 3 顆),但最後一顆臼齒大幅延長,並具有許多互補的尖點。雄性洞熊的肱骨與雌性洞熊的股骨長度類似現存的北極熊。而雄性洞熊的股骨的長度則近似於科迪亞克棕熊。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 840, "text": "The humerus" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "肱骨" } ] }, "id": "c315d12a524b5441c1837b281f79ba7b199e9015", "question": { "en": "What part can be found in cave bear and polar bear?", "zh_tw": "在洞穴熊和北極熊身上可以找到什麼部分?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Cave bear", "zh_tw": "洞熊" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "網際網路是社會學領域中,最新的研究物件之一,如美國曆史學家羅伯・丹屯說:它為社會帶來革命性的影響,「就像發生在昨天,或前天,完全看你怎樣計算這個時間距離」。網際網路起源自美國國防高等研究計劃署 1969 年開發的 ARPANET,「網際網路」(Internet)一詞則誕生於 1974 年。1990 年代中葉,全球資訊網(WWW)誕生,當圖形使用者介面和新功能如電子郵件出現後,網際網路也開始普及化了,出現非學術、軍事用途的商業網路。1995 年,微軟公司的 Internet Explorer 網頁瀏覽器正式釋出,Netscape 瀏覽器則晚了一些。Google 成立於 1998 年、維基百科在 2001 年上線,Facebook、Twitter 和 Youtube 等社群網站在 2000 年代中葉紛紛出現,當代資訊社會進入 Web 2.0 時代。全球網際網路使用者人口數正在持續上升中。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 106, "text": "ARPANET" } ] }, "id": "b8e433330f2cc4a9c454e76198ba699ac12de62e", "question": { "en": "The World Wide Web can trace it's origins to what development in the late 1960's?", "zh_tw": "全球資訊網可以追溯到哪個 20 世紀 60 年代末的發展階段?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "網際網路正逐漸成為一種政治工具。2004 年美國總統選舉中,民主黨籍總統候選人霍華德・迪恩利用網路作為宣傳工具,引起不少話題;2008 年,巴拉克・歐巴馬同樣利用網路為選情加溫。當代已有許多社會運動是透過網路發起,被稱為網際網路行動主義。這表示,政治力已經懂得利用網路作為工具,甚至懂得控制網路。許多國家如北韓、伊朗、沙烏地阿拉伯、中華人民共和國等均實行嚴格的網路審查制度,而泰國、俄羅斯、澳洲等國家則對網路言論進行監控。絕大多數國家出於阻止犯罪、鼓動自殺或兒童色情等理由都有網路審查措施,僅有少數非洲、中南美洲、大洋洲和蒙古國未實施網路審查。在某些國家,人民甚至只能連上治安單位許可的網際網路服務提供者。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 293, "text": "網際網路服務提供者" } ] }, "id": "f182fcbefd5ffd21ee85ee5819979777caaa52ae", "question": { "en": "In various countries, what type of companies sometimes limit access to specific websites that are on police lists?", "zh_tw": "在不同的國家,何種型別的公司有時會對警方列表中的特定網站進行訪問限制?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "當人們發現網際網路在經濟發展上的優勢後,電子商務也跟著出現,卻也證明某些認為網路會帶來貧富差距與數位落差的觀點,例如線上地圖與位置感知(location-aware)服務的誕生。電子商務衝擊大量未跟上科技發展的中小型企業與實體企業,並增長貧富差距。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "例如線上地圖與位置感知(location-aware)服務" } ] }, "id": "28f509ca9d17155e46e87a1b8c01b12a9223ecd4", "question": { "en": "What contributes to the reinforcement of economic inequality?", "zh_tw": "是什麼加劇了經濟不平等?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "網際網路社會學" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The immature American goldfinch has a dull brown back, and the underside is pale yellow. The shoulders and tail are dull black with buff-colored, rather than white, markings on wings and rump. This coloration is the same in both genders.The song of the American goldfinch is a series of musical warbles and twitters, often with a long note. A tsee-tsi-tsi-tsit call is often given in flight; it may also be described as per-chic-o-ree. While the female incubates the eggs, she calls to her returning mate with a soft continuous teeteeteeteete sound. The young begin to use a call of chick-kee or chick-wee shortly before fledging, which they use until they have left the nest entirely. There are two defense calls made by adults during nesting; a sweet call made to rally other goldfinches to the nest and distract predators, and a bearbee used to signal to the nestlings to quiet them and get them to crouch down in the nest to become less conspicuous.", "zh_tw": "美洲金翅雀的雛鳥背部呈暗褐色,下身呈淡黃色。肩膀及尾巴都是暗黑色,雙翼及臀部有暗黃色的斑紋。雄性及雌性雛鳥都是一樣顏色的。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 132, "text": "buff-colored" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 39, "text": "暗黃色" } ] }, "id": "70f578419e4d5a377c8386a0cc21f457699bbda3", "question": { "en": "What color are the markings on the wings?", "zh_tw": "翅膀上的斑紋是什麼顏色?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "American goldfinch", "zh_tw": "美洲金翅雀" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In mammals, seven recA-like genes have been identified: Rad51, Rad51L1/B, Rad51L2/C, Rad51L3/D, XRCC2, XRCC3, and DMC1/Lim15. All of these proteins, with the exception of meiosis-specific DMC1, are essential for development in mammals. Rad51 is a member of the RecA-like NTPases.", "zh_tw": "人類的 Rad51 的基因位於第 15 號染色體。包括此基因在內,哺乳類共有七種類似 recA 的基因,包括 Rad51、Rad51L1/B、Rad51L2/C、Rad51L3/D、XRCC2、XRCC3 以及 DMC1。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 18, "text": "recA-like" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 40, "text": "類似 recA" } ] }, "id": "a5f90fd5e6e891fe575b092c7d15931310fe6061", "question": { "en": "What type of gene is Rad51?", "zh_tw": "Rad51 是哪種基因?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "RAD51", "zh_tw": "RAD51" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Major finds from Roman London, including mosaics, wall fragments, and old buildings were formerly housed in the London and Guildhall Museums. These merged after 1965 into the present Museum of London near the Barbican Centre. Museum of London Docklands, a separate branch dealing with the history of London's ports, opened on the Isle of Dogs in 2003. Other finds from Roman London continue to be held by the British Museum.Much of the surviving wall is medieval, but Roman-era stretches are visible near Tower Hill Station, in a hotel courtyard at 8–10 Coopers Row, and in St Alphege Gardens off Wood Street. A section of the river wall is visible inside the Tower. Parts of the amphitheatre are on display at the Guildhall Art Gallery. The southwestern tower of the Roman fort northwest of town can still be seen at Noble Street. Occasionally, Roman sites are incorporated into the foundations of new buildings for future study, but these are not generally available to the public.", "zh_tw": "羅馬倫敦的重要考古發現,包括鑲嵌工藝、城牆瓦礫及古建築,曾藏於倫敦博物館及數間市政廳博物館(Guildhall Museum)。 1965 年後匯合,展於現今的倫敦博物館(近巴比肯藝術中心)。一間以倫敦港口歷史為主題的分館 —— 倫敦港區博物館(Museum of London Docklands),2003 年在道格斯島開幕。其他羅馬倫敦的考古發現,將由大英博物館繼續存放。城牆遺蹟大部分屬於中世紀,而羅馬時期一段在塔丘站附近、Coopers Row 8-10 號一間酒店的庭院,以及 Wood 街旁邊的 St Alphege Gardens 都可以見到。 有一段河堤可在倫敦塔上眺望。 圓形競技場的區域性遺蹟於市政廳藝廊(Guildhall Art Gallery)展出。 城西北的羅馬時期要塞,其西南塔樓仍可從 Noble 街見到。 偶有羅馬時期遺蹟納入了新建築地基的範圍,有待日後研究,但公眾一般無法造訪。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 715, "text": "Guildhall Art Gallery" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 308, "text": "市政廳藝廊" } ] }, "id": "5cc1b9ad98b4bee2c59e50f3b334027404ed276c", "question": { "en": "Where can parts of the amphitheatre be viewed?", "zh_tw": "在哪裡可以看到圓形競技場的區域性遺蹟?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Londinium", "zh_tw": "倫蒂尼恩" }
[ { "context": { "en": "An ADI value is based on current research, with long-term studies on animals and observations of humans. First, a no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), the amount of a substance that shows no toxic effects, is determined. Usually the studies are performed with several doses including high doses. In the case of several studies on different effects, the lowest NOAEL is usually taken. Then, the NOAEL (or another point of departure such as a benchmark dose level (BMDL)) is divided by a safety factor, conventionally 100, to account for the differences between test animals and humans (factor of 10) and possible differences in sensitivity between humans (another factor of 10). safety factors with values other than 100 may be used if information on uncertainty about the value of the point of departure (NOAEL or BMDL) justify it. For instance, if the ADI is based on data from humans the safety factor is usually 10 instead of 100. The ADI is usually given in mg per kg body weight.The ADI is considered a safe intake level for a healthy adult of normal weight who consumes an average daily amount of the substance in question. Increased safety factors for infants have been discussed, but are not needed, because elimination of chemicals is in fact often more rapid in children and as children generally suffer higher illness rates than adults, adverse effects caused by food additives can easily be disguised as any number of things children usually suffer with. It would be far more difficult to argue the case with a healthy adult. The ADI does not take into account allergic reactions that are individual responses rather than dose-dependent phenomena.", "zh_tw": "ADI 值基於當下的研究,包括對動物人類的長期觀察。首先,不產生毒性作用的物質量無可見不良反應水平(NOAEL)被確定下來 。 通常這些研究會使用幾個不同的劑量,包括一些高劑量。 若是在對物質的不同效果進行研究的情況下,通常採用最低的 NOAEL。 然後,用 NOAEL(或其他出發點,如基準劑量水平(BMDL))除以常規 100 的安全係數,以考慮到測試動物和人之間的差異(因子 10)和可能存在的靈敏度差異(另一個因素 10)。 如果出發點價值含有不確定性,且有關資訊(NOAEL 或 BMDL)證明了這一點,則可以使用 100 以外的的安全係數。 例如,如果 ADI 基於來自人類的資料,安全係數通常為 10 而不是 100. ADI 通常以 mg /kg 體重給出。對於正常體重的成年人而言,ADI 是標準的安全攝入量,也就是該成年人每天消耗此物質的平均量。已經討論了對嬰兒安全因素的增加,但不是必需的,因為在兒童身上,化學物質的排出速度事實上通常更快。而且兒童一般患病率高於成年人,食物新增劑引起的不良反應可以容易地被偽裝成任何兒童常見的健康問題。此類的混淆對健康成年人來說將不會那麼容易。 ADI 不考慮非計量導致的個體過敏反應。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 265, "text": "several" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 73, "text": "幾個" } ] }, "id": "5763d1ce69a2d90f66b3863cb121ce5ef806e75d", "question": { "en": "How many doses approximately are used in these experiments?", "zh_tw": "在這些實驗中,大約使用多少個不同的劑量?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 148, "text": "NOAEL" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 50, "text": "NOAEL" } ] }, "id": "42b153e5ad5bbd9124cbd535325ceb201a9507ea", "question": { "en": "What is the acronym for no-observe-adverse-effect level?", "zh_tw": "無可見不良反應水平的首字母縮寫是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Acceptable daily intake", "zh_tw": "一日可接受攝取量" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The name Coomassie was adopted at the end of the 19th century as a trade name by the Blackley-based dye manufacturer Levinstein Ltd, in marketing a range of acid wool dyes. In 1896 during the Fourth Anglo-Ashanti War, British forces had occupied the town of Coomassie (modern-day Kumasi in Ghana). In 1918 Levinstein Ltd became part of British Dyestuffs which in 1926 became part of Imperial Chemical Industries. Although ICI still owns the Coomassie trademark, the company no longer manufactures the dyes.", "zh_tw": "考馬斯這個名字最初在 19 世紀末被一家設在英國 Blackley 的染料公司 Levinstein Ltd. 作為貿易名使用,用來售賣一些酸性羊毛染料。1896 年在第四次英國 - 阿散蒂戰爭期間,英國軍隊佔據了考馬斯鎮(今迦納庫馬西)。1918 年, Levinstein Ltd. 公司併入不列顛染料公司(British Deystuffs Cororation) ,後者在 1926 年成為帝國化學工業的一部分。雖然帝國化學工業公司仍然持有考馬斯這種商標,可是他們沒有再生產這種染料。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 280, "text": "Kumasi" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 115, "text": "庫馬西" } ] }, "id": "5c3bc7c9685e167efa5dd0655d43170079b4f151", "question": { "en": "What is the town of Coomassie known as in present time?", "zh_tw": "考馬斯鎮現在叫什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Coomassie Brilliant Blue", "zh_tw": "考馬斯亮藍" }
[ { "context": { "en": "While in Paris, Abel contracted tuberculosis. At Christmas 1828, he traveled by sled to Froland to visit his fiancée. He became seriously ill on the journey; and, although a temporary improvement allowed the couple to enjoy the holiday together, he died relatively soon after on 6 April 1829, just two days before a letter arrived from August Crelle. Crelle had been searching for a new job for Abel in Berlin and had actually managed to have him appointed as a Professor at the University of Berlin. Crelle wrote to Abel to tell him, but the good news came too late.", "zh_tw": "在巴黎期間 ,阿貝爾曾染上肺結核,長期的旅行加劇了他的病情。1828 年聖誕節,他滑著雪橇到弗羅蘭拜訪他的未婚妻克里斯汀,兩人一起享受假期的歡愉使其病情稍有緩解。在此同時,克雷勒已為阿貝爾爭取到柏林大學的教授職位。克雷勒寫信告訴阿貝爾這個好訊息,但信件送達時已太遲了,兩天前,1829 年 4 月 6 日,阿貝爾已經病逝。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 59, "text": "1828" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 30, "text": "1828" } ] }, "id": "c7a45575b84ef5a2ab4ce8f74617cb6473ab84a4", "question": { "en": "What year did Abel go to see his fiancee?", "zh_tw": "阿貝爾是哪年去看未婚妻的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Niels Henrik Abel", "zh_tw": "尼爾斯・阿貝爾" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The X-24 was one of a group of lifting bodies flown by the NASA Flight Research Center (now Armstrong Flight Research Center) in a joint program with the U.S. Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base in California from 1963 to 1975. The lifting bodies were used to demonstrate the ability of pilots to maneuver and safely land wingless vehicles designed to fly back to Earth from space and be landed like an airplane at a predetermined site.", "zh_tw": "X-24 是 NASA 德萊頓飛行研究中心與美國空軍的一個聯合研究計劃中,從 1963 年至 1975 年在加利福尼亞州愛德華空軍基地試飛過的一組升力體飛機中的一個。這些升力體飛機將會證明飛行員有能力駕駛這種無機翼的飛機從太空返回地面。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 154, "text": "U.S. Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 22, "text": "美國空軍的一個聯合研究計劃中,從 1963 年至 1975 年在加利福尼亞州愛德華空軍基地" } ] }, "id": "612e35ebbac2b1022a62c54564c3a16a9e4233b9", "question": { "en": "Who did NASA join up with for the program?", "zh_tw": "在這個計劃中,NASA 和誰聯合?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The X-24A was a fat, short teardrop shape with vertical fins for control. It made its first, unpowered, glide flight on April 17, 1969 with Air Force Maj. Jerauld R. Gentry at the controls. Gentry also piloted its first powered flight on March 19, 1970. The craft was taken to around 45,000 feet (13.7 km) by a modified B-52 and then drop launched, then either glided down or used its rocket engine to ascend to higher altitudes before gliding down. The X-24A was flown 28 times at speeds up to 1,036 mph (1,667 km/h) and altitudes up to 71,400 feet (21.8 km).", "zh_tw": "X-24A 是一種很胖的水滴型飛機。它的首次無動力滑翔是在 1969 年 4 月 17 日,飛行員為美國空軍的 Jerauld Gentry 少校,他也是 1970 年 3 月 19 日第一次有動力飛行的飛行員。X-24A 會被一架改裝了的 B-52 轟炸機帶入 45000 英尺(13.7 千米)的高空,然後與母機分離。在此之後它會一直滑翔到地面,或者先啟動火箭發動機,升到一定高度後再滑翔到地面。X-24A 共飛了 28 次,速度達到了 1036 英里/時(1667 千米/時),高度達到了 71400 英尺(21.8 千米)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 470, "text": "28 times" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 209, "text": "28 次" } ] }, "id": "5b79fbbb17f3840190665081853f92bcac0c6e96", "question": { "en": "How many times was the Gentry craft X-24A flown?", "zh_tw": "X-24A 共飛了多少次?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The X-24A was flown 28 times in the program that, like the HL-10, validated the concept that a Space Shuttle vehicle could be landed unpowered. The fastest speed achieved by the X-24A was 1,036 miles per hour (1667 km/h or Mach 1.6). Its maximum altitude was 71,400 feet (21.8 km). It was powered by an XLR-11 rocket engine with a maximum theoretical vacuum thrust of 8,480 pounds force (37.7 kN).", "zh_tw": "在整個計劃中,X-24A 共飛了 28 次。它與 HL-10 共同證明了太空梭的降落是不需要動力的。X-24A 達到的最高速度為 1036 英里/時(1667 千米/時),高度達到了 71400 英尺(21.8 千米)。為它提供動力的是一具 XLR-11 火箭發動機,理論上它的最大推力為 8480 磅(37.7 千牛)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 303, "text": "XLR-11 rocket engine" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 120, "text": "XLR-11 火箭發動機" } ] }, "id": "c1c673c5096d9f5b539fb2733837fc244bb31654", "question": { "en": "The X-24A was able to achieve high speeds due to which component?", "zh_tw": "X-24A 由於哪個部件能夠實現高速?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Martin Marietta X-24", "zh_tw": "X-24 試驗機" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Joseph Michael Arpaio (; born June 14, 1932) is an American former law enforcement officer and politician. He served as the 36th Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona for 24 years, from 1993 to 2017, losing reelection to Democrat Paul Penzone in 2016.", "zh_tw": "喬・阿爾帕約於 1993 年開始擔任美國亞利桑那州馬里科帕縣治安官(sheriff),並於 1996 年、2000 年、2004 年、2008 年和 2012 年連續當選治安官,2016 年正式退休。在阿爾帕約擔任治安官期間,其嚴厲打擊罪犯與非法移民,並因試圖以粉色囚服降低罪犯暴力衝突行為,並因對囚犯待遇消極而受到一些人士的不滿。2003 年,一些囚犯抗議室外溫度達 32℃而監獄缺少降溫裝置,對此阿爾帕約回應道:“在伊拉克,士兵們住在帳篷中,那裡高達 120 華氏度(約 49℃),他們可沒有犯下罪行,所以,閉上你們的嘴!”" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 124, "text": "36th Sheriff of Maricopa County" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 25, "text": "馬里科帕縣治安官(sheriff)" } ] }, "id": "0b9a20ca5be4565baf5b0f78830a8645f066b5e6", "question": { "en": "Joseph Michael Arpaio was a officer that served as what?", "zh_tw": "喬・阿爾帕約曾擔任過什麼官職?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Joe Arpaio", "zh_tw": "喬・阿爾帕約" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1981 年愛爾蘭絕食抗議(英語:1981 Irish hunger strike)發生於北愛爾蘭問題中,它將一場為期五年的共和派囚犯抗議活動推向頂峰。這一抗議活動始於 1976 年的毛毯示威(blanket protest),當時英國政府取消了準軍事組織囚犯的特殊政治犯地位(Special Category Status)。1978 年,在若干離開牢房清理便壺的囚犯受到攻擊的事件之後,這一抗議示威升級為穢物示威(dirty protest),囚犯們拒絕清洗,並且在牢房牆壁上塗滿排洩物。1980 年,七名囚犯參與了持續 53 天的第一次絕食抗議。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 59, "text": "五年" } ] }, "id": "69a81be147e9f76e9f17ce566c8cf654736df8b4", "question": { "en": "How long did the 1981 Irish hunger strikes last?", "zh_tw": "1981 年愛爾蘭人捱餓持續了多久?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1981 年的第二次絕食抗議運動是囚犯同首相瑪格麗特・撒切爾夫人的最後攤牌。一名參與絕食的囚犯博比・桑茲在絕食運動期間當選為下院議員,這激起了全世界媒體的興趣。此次絕食運動在包括博比・桑茲在內的十名囚犯死去之後停止。有 100,000 人參加了桑茲的葬禮。這一抗議事件使得民族主義更為激進,並促使新芬黨成為一個主流政黨。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 130, "text": "抗議" } ] }, "id": "867ae34836e8ad27ac3eaec8cbeb27b6cba1c289", "question": { "en": "What gave Sinn Fein the context to turn into a popular political party?", "zh_tw": "是什麼促使新芬黨成為一個受歡迎的政黨的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1976 年 9 月 14 日,新關押囚犯 Kieran Nugent 開始發起 “毛毯示威”,愛爾蘭共和軍和愛爾蘭國家解放軍戰俘都拒絕穿上囚服,有些打赤膊有些用監獄裡的毛毯改做成衣服。1978 年獄警襲擊了出牢房 “倒尿屎盆”(例如,倒夜壺)的囚犯,這一事件後來升級為一場穢物示威運動,囚犯們不洗澡還把糞便抹在牆上。這些反抗運動都是為了獲得政治犯地位,為此他們提出後來為人們所知的 “五項要求”。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 81, "text": "監獄裡的毛毯" } ] }, "id": "3c9075a2d688817669d272184587ed9c8b5b0793", "question": { "en": "What did the prisoners make garments out of?", "zh_tw": "囚犯的衣服是用什麼做的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "漢弗萊・阿特金斯發表宣告稱桑茲的自殺 “出於某些人對他的啟示,即他的死對他們的事業有益。” 他的葬禮按照愛爾蘭共和國最高軍事榮譽進行,葬禮路線兩側排滿了超過十萬人。撒切爾夫人對他的死並未表示遺憾,她告訴下議院 “桑茲是一名罪犯。他選擇結束自己的生命。而這種選擇,他所在的組織並沒有給予被他們殺害的人。”" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 117, "text": "結束自己的生命" } ] }, "id": "3356b07afff249dedd2d6b9c45982b1e7fa57db7", "question": { "en": "How did Sands die?", "zh_tw": "桑茲怎麼死?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在喬・麥克唐納和馬丁・赫爾森死後,在七月許多抗議者家庭參加了一場由天主教牧師丹尼斯・福勒(Denis Faul)神父支援的一個會議。這些家庭考慮到缺乏和牧師集會的社群,隨後決定與格里・亞當斯(Gerry Adams)會晤。在會議上,福勒神父對亞當斯施壓要求設法結束這場罷工。亞當斯同意要求愛爾蘭共和軍領導層對群眾下達結束罷工的命令。第二天亞當斯開會向六百個抗議者簡要說明了由英國政府擬議的和解方案,以求結束這場罷工。罷工民眾拒絕了這個和解方案,深信接受低於 “五項要求” 的任何條款是對鮑比・桑得斯和其他死者所做犧牲的背叛。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "在喬・麥克唐納和馬丁・赫爾森死後,在七月許多抗議者家庭參加了一場由天主教牧師丹尼斯・福勒(Denis" } ] }, "id": "2409a8c354456eec58c7c4519862f400edc34dfb", "question": { "en": "The meeting with Father Faul followed the deaths of which two gentlemen?", "zh_tw": "與福勒神父的會面是在哪兩位先生的死亡之後?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "1981 年愛爾蘭絕食抗議" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Boris Lvovich Vasilyev (Russian: Борис Львович Васильев; 21 May 1924 – 11 March 2013) was a Russian writer and screenwriter. He is considered the last representative of the so-called lieutenant prose, a group of former low-ranking Soviet officers who dramatised their traumatic World War II experience.", "zh_tw": "鮑里斯・利沃維奇・瓦西里耶夫(俄語:Борис Львович Васильев,1924 年 5 月 21 日-2013 年 3 月 11 日),蘇聯作家、編劇、第二次世界大戰參戰軍人。代表作為中篇小說《這裡的黎明靜悄悄》。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 57, "text": "21 May 1924" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "1924 年 5 月 21 日" } ] }, "id": "d62148be1181289d64f5cdf35f62c649a5a73710", "question": { "en": "When was Vasilyev born?", "zh_tw": "瓦西里耶夫是何時出生的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Boris Vasilyev (writer)", "zh_tw": "鮑里斯・利沃維奇・瓦西里耶夫" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The original bronze statue was placed in the Mediterranean Sea on 22 August 1954, at approximately 17 metres (56 ft) depth, and stands 2.5 metres (8 ft) tall. It was sculpted by Guido Galletti, based on an idea of Italian diving instructor Duilio Marcante. The statue was placed near the spot where Dario Gonzatti, the first Italian to use SCUBA gear, died in 1947. It depicts Christ offering a benediction of peace, with his head and hands raised skyward. The statue was subsequently dedicated to the memory of Marcante.Due to increasing amounts of corrosion and the growth of crustaceans, the statue was removed from the water and restored in 2003. A hand that had been detached, presumably by an anchor, was also replaced. The statue was returned to the water with a new base on 17 July 2004. The statue was cleaned in 2018.", "zh_tw": "由於受到腐蝕和甲殼類動物的生長量,雕像曾經從水中取出修復,並於 2003 年恢復原貌。一隻手也曾經被錨分割,已被更換。這座雕像是在 2004 年 7 月 17 日回到了水裡的新基地。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 782, "text": "17 July 2004" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 65, "text": "2004 年 7 月 17 日" } ] }, "id": "8cb15decbe7220c2293d58717522882a26293c30", "question": { "en": "When was the statue restored?", "zh_tw": "該雕像何時被複原?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Christ of the Abyss", "zh_tw": "深淵中的基督" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In July 2005 an authentic 1826 Beethoven manuscript titled \"Grande Tugue [sic] à quatre mains\" was found by a librarian at the Palmer Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. The manuscript was authenticated by Dr. Jeffrey Kallberg at the University of Pennsylvania and by Dr. Stephen Roe, head of Sotheby's Manuscript Department. This was the four-hand piano arrangement of the Große Fuge, Op. 134. The manuscript had been missing for 115 years. It was auctioned by Sotheby's Auction House on 1 December 2005; it was bought for GBP 1.12 million (USD 1.95 million) by a then-unknown purchaser, who has since revealed himself to be Bruce Kovner, a publicity-shy multi-billionaire who donated the manuscript—along with 139 other original and rare pieces of music—to the Juilliard School of Music in February 2006. It has since become available in their online manuscript collection. The manuscript's known provenance is that it was listed in an 1890 catalogue and sold at an auction in Berlin to a Cincinnati, Ohio industrialist, whose daughter gave it and other manuscripts including a Mozart Fantasia to a church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1952. It is not known how the Beethoven manuscript came to be in the possession of the library.", "zh_tw": "1826 年初,出版商阿爾塔利亞在提出將大賦格從原本的絃樂四重奏作品中分拆之前,已向貝多芬指有「不少意見」希望此曲有一個鋼琴四手的改編版本(由於此曲當時並不受歡迎,因此這有可能僅是出版商的託辭),但當時貝多芬對此並無興趣。因此阿爾塔利亞轉而邀請奧地利作曲家安東改編。然而貝多芬對該改編不甚滿意,於是自行譜寫一更忠於原作的版本。此版本於其第十四絃樂四重奏(作品 131)後完成,阿爾塔利亞以作品 134 出版。2005 年 10 月 13 日,有報導稱賓夕凡尼亞州溫尼伍德的柏爾馬神學院,一名圖書館管理員找到鑑證過的貝多芬 1826 年手稿,標題為「Grosse Fuge (a piano four-hands version of the op. 133 string quartet finale)」。此篇樂章即是貝多芬的鋼琴四手聯彈改編,作品 134,已經失蹤了 115 年。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 127, "text": "Palmer Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 225, "text": "賓夕凡尼亞州溫尼伍德的柏爾馬神學院" } ] }, "id": "274e17240522d38df8b7d9b38f1183a550d8ea1e", "question": { "en": "A genuine document of a famous composer was discovered where?", "zh_tw": "一個著名作曲家的真實檔案被發現在哪裡?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Große Fuge", "zh_tw": "大賦格" }
[ { "context": { "en": "His first steps he did at the famous club Borussia Pankow in the east of Berlin. In November 2008, Morales made his first match for the second team of Hertha BSC in the Regionalliga. In 2010, he was allowed to travel with the professional players to the summer training camp for first time, though he could not make it to the squad. Due to injuries to Fanol Perdedaj and Raffael, however, he made his professional debut for Hertha's first team on December 5, 2010, in a match against 1860 Munich, which Hertha lost 0–1.On May 17, 2013, Morales joined FC Ingolstadt on a two-year contract. Morales received a red card in the 80th minute of Ingolstadt's opening match against Erzgebirge Aue on July 19, 2013, after earning a spot in the starting XI. On May 16, 2018 Morales joined newly promoted Bundesliga team Fortuna Düsseldorf.", "zh_tw": "2008 年 11 月,摩拉利斯在德國地區聯賽首次代表哈化柏林二隊上陣。2010 年,他獲提升至職業隊,並首次獲安排加入球會的夏季訓練營,但他並未入選球員名單之列。由於佩德代(Fanol Perdedaj)及拉斐爾接連受傷,他在 2010 年 12 月 5 日對 1860 慕尼黑的賽事中首次亮相一隊賽,但在該場球隊以 0:1 落敗。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 352, "text": "Fanol Perdedaj and Raffael" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 84, "text": "佩德代(Fanol Perdedaj)及拉斐爾" } ] }, "id": "326607dfbe273b9f59d28341f5433c753a20989a", "question": { "en": "Who was injured that allowed Morales to get playing time with Hertha's first team?", "zh_tw": "誰的受傷讓莫拉萊斯獲得了與赫塔隊的主力一起踢球的時間?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Alfredo Morales", "zh_tw": "艾法度・摩拉利斯" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The college was initially founded as the Cambridge Training College for Women, and it began with 14 students in a small house in Newnham called Crofton Cottage. The first principal was a graduate of Newnham College, Elizabeth Phillips Hughes (1851-1925), who was in post from 1885 to 1899. In 1895, the college moved to a distinguished purpose-built building, designed by architect William Fawcett, overlooking Fenner's Cricket Ground - which continues to be the main college building to this day. One of the first matriculants, Molly Thomas, recounted the experience of the first class of students in A London Girl of the 1880s, published under her married name, M.V. Hughes.", "zh_tw": "起初,學院設在紐納姆學院裡的一座名為克羅夫頓(Crofton)的小樓內,共有 14 位學生。首任校長(任期:1885-1899)伊麗莎白・休斯(Elizabeth Phillips Hughes,1851-1925)畢業於紐納姆學院。1895 年,學院遷至專為其建造的大樓內。新大樓由威廉・福西特(William Fawcett)設計,面朝劍橋大學的芬那板球場(Fenner’s Cricket Ground)。該大樓沿用至今。瑪麗・休斯(Mary Hughes,1866-1956)的著書《一個八十年代的倫敦女孩》(A London Girl of the 1880s)回憶了她作者作為學院第一批學生的經歷,當時瑪麗名為茉莉・托馬斯(Molly Thomas)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 664, "text": "M.V. Hughes" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 214, "text": "瑪麗・休斯(Mary Hughes,1866-1956)的著書《一個八十年代的倫敦女孩》(A London Girl of the 1880s)" } ] }, "id": "fe725406996016a4f3c711b584ca5705b09d8842", "question": { "en": "What was Molly Thomass' married name?", "zh_tw": "莫莉・托馬斯的婚名是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Hughes Hall, Cambridge", "zh_tw": "劍橋大學休斯學院" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In General Retreat, it is the woman who has to overcome various obstacles to have sex with Custer. Instead of arrows, cannonballs are fired at the woman.", "zh_tw": "正如 1980 年代早期的很多電子遊戲製作公司一樣,Mystique 終於被迫結業。它將旗下游戲的智慧財產權出讓給 Playaround 公司,後者以《西部嘿咻》之名繼續製作本作一段時間。Playaround 對本作進行了一些小修改,例如將女性角色的皮膚改黑,讓她張開手臂作出誘使 “卡斯特” 靠近的姿態。該公司還製作了本作的一個名為《撤退將軍》(General Retreat)的修改版,這次是由女性角色克服障礙來與 “卡斯特” 相會。相對於原作的弓箭,女主角面對的是炮彈。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 118, "text": "cannonballs" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 235, "text": "炮彈" } ] }, "id": "c4aada56a26cd90879a0fcebfb8ffff095a526be", "question": { "en": "What was used in replacement of arrows", "zh_tw": "用什麼來代替弓箭?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Custer's Revenge", "zh_tw": "卡斯特的復仇" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Methyllithium is the simplest organolithium reagent with the empirical formula CH3Li. This s-block organometallic compound adopts an oligomeric structure both in solution and in the solid state. This highly reactive compound, invariably used as a solution in ethers, is a reagent in organic synthesis as well as organometallic chemistry. Operations involving methyllithium require anhydrous conditions, because the compound is highly reactive toward water. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are also incompatible with MeLi. Methyllithium is usually not prepared, but purchased as a solution in various ethers.", "zh_tw": "甲基鋰是一個有機鋰試劑,化學式為 CH3Li。這種 s 區的有機金屬化合物無論在固體或溶液中都是低聚態。這種高活性的化合物經常用於合成醚,並用於有機合成和有機金屬化學。涉及到它的反應需要在無水條件下進行,因為它與水劇烈反應。氧氣和二氧化碳也不能與它共存。因此甲基鋰使用前通常不事先製備,但可以溶解在各種醚溶液中儲存。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 133, "text": "oligomeric structure" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 48, "text": "低聚態" } ] }, "id": "fdc4fe8164ec80862c17e3ae2b98184db1a5bf3c", "question": { "en": "The compound adopts a what structure?", "zh_tw": "這個化合物採用什麼結構?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 382, "text": "anhydrous conditions" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 94, "text": "無水條件" } ] }, "id": "eacf1c4d9bc77eb464b3e3b5267a8433723eee14", "question": { "en": "What conditions are optimal conditions for methyllithium?", "zh_tw": "什麼條件是甲基鋰的最佳條件?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Methyllithium", "zh_tw": "甲基鋰" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The human genome contains on the order of 25,000 genes which work in concert to produce on the order of 1,000,000 distinct proteins. This is due to alternative splicing, and also because cells make important changes to proteins through posttranslational modification after they first construct them, so a given gene serves as the basis for many possible versions of a particular protein. In any case, a single mass spectrometry experiment can identify about", "zh_tw": "人類基因組包含了 19000 個蛋白編碼基因,它們協同工作,產生了 1000000 不同的蛋白質。這是由於透過可變剪接,轉錄後修飾機制以及翻譯後修飾機制,細胞可以利用一個基因模板製造出多個不同的蛋白質序列。通常情況下,一次質譜分析實驗可以識別大約 2000-10000 個蛋白質分子。一個細胞能產生的精確的蛋白質種類數量比知道每個基因能能產生多少 mRNA 更有價值,基因圖譜能在單次實驗中最大程度地提供出細胞功能總體態勢圖。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 237, "text": "posttranslational modification" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 69, "text": "翻譯後修飾機制" } ] }, "id": "d75c37f8d03e0a70df976c111b06d921ec2fd63d", "question": { "en": "What is the phenomenon called in which cells make important changes amongs themselves?", "zh_tw": "細胞自身發生重要變化的這個現象叫什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Gene expression profiling", "zh_tw": "基因表達譜" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The application is highly customizable and can be extended with macros written in BeanShell, Jython, JavaScript and some other scripting languages.", "zh_tw": "jEdit 也有很方便的宏定義功能,可以用 BeanShell、Jython 和 JavaScript 等指令碼語言。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 82, "text": "BeanShell, Jython, JavaScript" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 21, "text": "BeanShell、Jython 和 JavaScript" } ] }, "id": "9ab311eed412bdcd04b2e6cb48a38acb0d3e7229", "question": { "en": "What is an example of a programming language used to write macros?", "zh_tw": "什麼用於編寫宏的程式語言例子?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "JEdit", "zh_tw": "JEdit" }
[ { "context": { "en": "A youth product of América-MG, Jajá Coelho arrived in Europe to sign for Dutch club Feyenoord in November 2004, but signed a loan deal with Westerlo immediately after his arrival to Rotterdam. Jajá joined Getafe CF in January 2006 after a year loan spell. After only two games for Getafe CF in 2nd half of 2005–06 season, he was loaned to Flamengo in the second half of the 2006 season, and later signed a loan deal with Racing Genk in the 2nd half of the 2006–07 season. Finally, he was loaned out to Westerlo in the 1st half of 2007–08.", "zh_tw": "賈賈出自美洲 (MG) 青訓體系。2004 年 11 月,他加盟荷蘭豪門費耶諾德,之後被立即租借到比利時球隊韋斯特洛。 2006 年 1 月,賈賈加盟西班牙球隊赫塔費,並在 2006/07 賽季下半賽季得到 2 次出場機會。2006 年夏季,他被租借回到巴西,加盟弗拉門戈。之後他又被先後租借到比利時的根克和韋斯特洛。2008 年 2 月,賈賈和烏克蘭足球超級聯賽球隊哈爾科夫冶金簽約三年半。他在烏克蘭表現出色,並在 2008 年成為第二位贏得烏克蘭超級聯賽 MVP 的外籍球員。2010 年 8 月 7 日,他以 420 萬歐元的身價加盟土耳其球隊特拉布宗體育,和球隊簽約四年。 8 月 30 日,他在和安塔利亞體育的比賽上演在土耳其聯賽的首秀。 2010/11 賽季,他為球隊出場 29 次,射進 12 球。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 140, "text": "Westerlo" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 54, "text": "韋斯特洛" } ] }, "id": "336fcfe0f5885d73cff953cb764dbada1c41c0c4", "question": { "en": "What company was the loan deal signed with?", "zh_tw": "租借協議是和哪球隊籤的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Jajá", "zh_tw": "傑克森・阿維利諾・科埃略" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Its lyrics were written by Rudolf Alexander Schröder in 1950. Hermann Reutter composed its tune after Carl Orff, whom Heuss wanted to have as composer, had rejected the request and suggested Reutter instead. Heuss’ attempts failed, and in 1952 he and Chancellor Adenauer recognized the \"Deutschlandlied\" as the new national anthem, with only the third stanza being sung on official occasions.", "zh_tw": "《德國頌歌》(德語:Hymne an Deutschland)是德意志聯邦共和國的第一首國歌,使用於 1950 年 12 月 31 日至 1952 年 5 月 2 日。魯道夫・亞歷山大・施羅德(Rudolf Alexander Schröder)作詞,赫爾曼・路德(Hermann Reutter)作曲。由於《德意志之歌》在納粹時期作為國歌的歷史,西德總統特奧多爾・豪斯希望將《德國頌歌》採納為國歌,其音樂風格接近宗教音樂,但並未被國民熟悉。1952 年德國總理康拉德・阿登納最終說服總統將《德意志之歌》的第三段作為國歌。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 27, "text": "Rudolf Alexander Schröder" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 84, "text": "魯道夫・亞歷山大・施羅德(Rudolf Alexander Schröder)作詞,赫爾曼・路德(Hermann" } ] }, "id": "d2a728ef0d6d9a1f32a625e62b446f35ef0cf54f", "question": { "en": "who wrote the lyrics?", "zh_tw": "誰作的詞?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 287, "text": "Deutschlandlied" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 245, "text": "《德意志之歌》" } ] }, "id": "2900a0d1fe0a8c0abb11cb57954fb23dbbc85818", "question": { "en": "Reutter composed which song?", "zh_tw": "雷特創作了哪首歌?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Hymne an Deutschland", "zh_tw": "德國頌歌" }
[ { "context": { "en": "As of the census of 2000, there were 7,422 people, 3,084 households, and 2,152 families residing in the county. The population density was 1 person per square mile (0/km2). There were 3,999 housing units at an average density of 0 per square mile (0/km2). The racial makeup of the county was 90.97% White, 0.13% Black or African American, 2.37% Native American, 0.71% Asian, 0.13% Pacific Islander, 3.19% from other races, and 2.48% from two or more races. 5.44% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. 14.1% were of Irish, 14.0% United States or American, 13.8% German and 11.8% English ancestry. 95.9% spoke English and 3.6% Spanish as their first language.", "zh_tw": "根據 2000 年人口普查,萊克縣擁有 7,422 居民、3,084 住戶和 2,152 家庭。其人口密度為每平方英里 1 居民(每平方公里 0.37 居民)。萊克縣擁有 3,999 間房屋單位,其密度為每平方英里 0.48 間(每平方公里 0.18 間)。萊克縣的人口是由 90.97% 白人、0.13% 黑人、2.37% 土著、0.71% 亞洲人、0.13% 太平洋島民、3.19% 其他種族和 2.48% 混血構成。而西班牙裔或拉丁美洲人佔了人口 5.44%。在 90.97% 白人當中,有 14.1% 為愛爾蘭人、13.8% 德國人以及 11.8% 為英國人。在 7,422 居民當中,有 95.9% 母語為英語以及 3.6% 為西班牙語。在 3,084 住戶中,有 29% 擁有一個或以上的兒童(18 歲以下)、58.6% 為夫妻、7.5% 為單親家庭、30.2% 為非家庭、23.70% 住戶為獨居,12.00% 住戶有同居長者。平均每戶有 2.39 人,而平均每個家庭則有 2.84 人。在 7,422 居民中,有 24.9% 為 18 歲以下、5.1% 為 18 至 24 歲、24.3% 為 25 至 44 歲、28.1% 為 45 至 64 歲以及 17.7% 為 65 歲以上。人口的年齡中位數為 43 歲,每 100 個女性就有 100.5 個男性。而每 100 個成年女性(18 歲以上)就有 98.3 個成年男性。萊克縣的住戶收入中位數為 $29,506,而家庭收入中位數則為 $36,182。男性的收入中位數為 $29,454,而女性的收入中位數則為 $23,475。萊克縣的人均收入為 $16,136。約 13.40% 家庭和 16.10% 人口在貧窮線以下,包括 20.4% 兒童(18 歲以下)及 9.5% 長者(65 歲以上)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 20, "text": "2000" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 2, "text": "2000 年" } ] }, "id": "a79f27ec5ba15e2816b22eecc823fb7b2abf52bf", "question": { "en": "What year did the county have a population of 7,422?", "zh_tw": "該縣的人口有 7422 人是在哪一年?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Lake County, Oregon", "zh_tw": "萊克縣 (俄勒岡州)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The 1999 FIFA World Youth Championship took place in Nigeria between 3 April and 24 April 1999. This was the 12th edition of the tournament.", "zh_tw": "1999 年國際足協世界青年錦標賽是國際足總第 12 屆國際足總世界青年足球錦標賽,本屆主辦國為奈及利亞,比賽日期為 1999 年 4 月 3 日至 4 月 24 日。本次舉辦城市有 8 個,其為伊巴丹、拉哥斯、埃努古、哈科特港、卡諾、卡拉巴爾、卡杜納、包奇。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 9, "text": "FIFA World Youth Championship" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 28, "text": "國際足總世界青年足球錦標賽" } ] }, "id": "403347e14b9f20711558abff6c65915991024f4c", "question": { "en": "Which soccer event was held in Nigeria in April 1999?", "zh_tw": "1999 年 4 月奈及利亞舉行了哪項足球賽事?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "1999 FIFA World Youth Championship", "zh_tw": "1999 年國際足協世界青年錦標賽" }
[ { "context": { "en": "There were 15,638 households out of which 43.00% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.30% were married couples living together, 8.40% had a female householder with no husband present, and 26.50% were non-families. 20.90% of all households were made up of individuals and 4.80% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.85 and the average family size was 3.33.", "zh_tw": "根據 2000 年人口普查,埃爾科縣擁有 45,291 居民、15,638 住戶和 11,493 家庭。。其人口密度為每平方英里 3 居民(每平方公里 1 居民)。埃爾科縣擁有 18,456 間房屋單位,其密度為每平方英里 1 間(每平方公里 0.41 間)。埃爾科縣的人口是由 82.04% 白人、0.59% 黑人、5.30% 土著、0.68% 亞洲人、0.11% 太平洋島民、8.50% 其他種族和 2.78% 混血構成。而西班牙裔或拉丁美洲人佔了人口 19.73%。在 15,638 住戶中,有 43.00% 擁有一個或以上的兒童(18 歲以下)、59.30% 為夫妻、8.40% 為單親家庭、而有 26.50% 為非家庭。其中 20.90% 住戶為獨居,4.80% 為同居長者。平均每戶有 2.85 人,而平均每個家庭則有 3.33 人。在 45,291 居民中,有 32.50% 為 18 歲以下、8.80% 為 18 至 24 歲、31.50% 為 25 至 44 歲、21.30% 為 45 至 64 歲以及 5.90% 為 65 歲以上。人口的年齡中位數為 31 歲,每 100 個女性就有 108.80 個男性。每 100 個成年女性(18 歲以上)就有 109.40 個成年男性。埃爾科縣的住戶收入中位數為 $48,383,而家庭收入中位數則為 $52,206。男性的收入中位數為 $41,322,而女性的收入中位數則為 $24,653。埃爾科縣的人均收入為 $18,482。約 7.00% 家庭和 8.90% 人口在貧窮線以下。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 231, "text": "20.9" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 317, "text": "20.90%" } ] }, "id": "1da8bda17fcddc02f54910502f58ea9c7c784389", "question": { "en": "What is the percentage of population living on their own?", "zh_tw": "獨居人口的百分比是多少?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Elko County, Nevada", "zh_tw": "埃爾科縣" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Queen Victoria Building (abbreviated as the QVB) is a heritage-listed late-nineteenth-century building designed by the architect George McRae located at 429-481 George Street in the Sydney central business district, in the Australian state of New South Wales. The Romanesque Revival building was constructed between 1893 and 1898 and is 30 metres (98 ft) wide by 190 metres (620 ft) long. The domes were built by Ritchie Brothers a steel and metal company that also built trains, trams and farm equipment. The building fills a city block bounded by George, Market, York and Druitt Streets. Designed as a marketplace, it was used for a variety of other purposes, underwent remodelling and suffered decay until its restoration and return to its original use in the late twentieth century. The property is owned by the City of Sydney and was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 5 March 2010.", "zh_tw": "維多利亞女王大廈(英語:Queen Victoria Building,簡稱 “QVB”)是位於澳大利亞悉尼市中心的 19 世紀曆史建築,是悉尼的重要地標。這座羅曼復興式建築始建於 1893 年,於 1898 年落成,寬 30 米(98 英尺),長 190 米(620 英尺)。大廈佔據悉尼市中心的整個一個街區,四周為喬治街、市場街(Market Street),約克街(York Street)和逐依街(Druitt Street)。大廈設計時為市場,歷史上曾用於各種用途,並曾被廢棄而幾乎被拆,直到接近 20 世紀末才由馬來西亞華商整修恢復原貌,並回復最早的商業用途,現為新加坡政府投資公司下屬怡保公司旗下的商場。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 553, "text": "George, Market, York and Druitt" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 159, "text": "喬治街、市場街(Market Street),約克街(York Street)和逐依街(Druitt Street)" } ] }, "id": "08734368a578116daa2da491691af7eb6acdbdb4", "question": { "en": "What streets surround the city block?", "zh_tw": "街區周圍有什麼街道?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The building, on the \"scale of a cathedral\" was designed by George McRae, a Scottish architect who had emigrated to Sydney in 1884. At the time, Sydney was undergoing a building boom and since in architecture \"no one school or style predominated\", McRae produced four designs for the building in different styles (Gothic, Renaissance, Queen Anne and Romanesque) from which the Council could choose. The Council's choice of Victorian Romanesque style conveys the influences of American architect Henry Hobson Richardson. The use of columns, arches, and a prodigal amount of detail such as was used by McRae in the chosen design are typical of Richardsonian Romanesque, an eclectic style identifiably established between 1877 and 1886.", "zh_tw": "這座 “有著主教座堂般尺寸” 的大廈的設計師是蘇格蘭人喬治・麥克萊(George McRae),他在 1884 年移民悉尼。當時的悉尼正在大興土木,新建房屋中沒有任一風格佔據多數,因此麥克萊提供了四種不同風格的設計(哥特復興式、新文藝復興式、安妮女王式和羅曼復興式)供市議會選擇。市議會最終選定的維多利亞時代羅曼復興式設計反映了美國建築師亨利・霍布森・理查森(Henry Hobson Richardson)的風格影響:被選中的麥克萊設計中對立柱、圓拱的使用,及鋪張的細節設計都具有 “理查森式羅曼式” 的特色,這是一種在 1877 年到 1886 年之間確立的折衷主義風格。大廈最引人注目的特徵是中央的圓頂:由玻璃質內層穹頂和貼銅的外層圓頂構成,外層頂部還有一座小圓頂。屋頂上還分佈了大大小小的其他較小圓頂,其中長方形大廈的四角上各有一座圓頂。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 314, "text": "Gothic, Renaissance, Queen Anne and Romanesque" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 108, "text": "哥特復興式、新文藝復興式、安妮女王式和羅曼復興式" } ] }, "id": "eaa076860295c84bcca755894565b1c4ebbdffc3", "question": { "en": "In what styles did McRae produce buildings?", "zh_tw": "麥克萊設計的建築有幾種風格?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The dominant feature of the building is the central dome which consists of an interior glass dome and a copper-sheathed exterior, topped by a domed cupola. Smaller domes of various sizes are on the rooftop, including ones on each upper corner of the rectangular building. Stained-glass windows, including a cartwheel window depicting the arms of the City of Sydney, allow light into the central area, and the roof itself incorporates arched skylights running lengthways north and south from the central dome. The colonnades, arches, balustrades and cupolas are of typically intricate Victorian style.", "zh_tw": "大廈中央部分大量採用花玻璃窗採光,包括一扇半圓形的大型 “車輪” 窗,圖案為悉尼市的紋章。此外,整個屋頂中央設定南北向的拱頂天窗,使得建築內部得到大量自然光照。建築細部的柱廊、圓拱、欄杆和圓亭等都具有細膩的維多利亞式特徵。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 584, "text": "Victorian" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 103, "text": "維多利亞" } ] }, "id": "702c810386909b2530db9a8dcd4e700821079927", "question": { "en": "What era do the arches look like they are from?", "zh_tw": "這些弓箭看起來是來自哪個時期的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The building consists of four main shopping floors. The top three levels have large openings (protected by decorative cast-iron railings) that allow natural light from the ceiling to illuminate the lower floors. Much of the tilework, especially under the central dome, is original, and the remainder is in keeping with the original style. Underground arcades lead south to Town Hall railway station and north to the Myer building.", "zh_tw": "現在的大廈內部闢有四層商鋪,上三層中開有大空格(有裝飾性鑄鐵圍欄圍繞),使得自然光可以從玻璃屋頂照射到下面的樓層。內部的瓷磚(特別是中央穹頂下的部分)許多都是原物,其他則是按照原樣複製的。此外,大廈還有一層地下走廊,往南聯通市政廳地下火車站,往北聯通麥葉百貨公司大樓。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 272, "text": "original" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 88, "text": "原樣" } ] }, "id": "1f835445d631aa72c6ffb61dc63b442a19692fb4", "question": { "en": "Is most of the tilework original or has it been redesigned?", "zh_tw": "大部分瓷磚是原物還是重新設計的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Queen Victoria Building", "zh_tw": "維多利亞女王大廈" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Lou Yun began gymnastics training at the Hangzhou Sports School for Amateurs, and in the same year he also entered the provincial sports school of Zhejiang. He was selected for the National Gymnastics team in 1977. Known for his specialty in the vault, he won the 1987 World Championships in that event, in addition to his two gold medals.", "zh_tw": "1981 年樓雲參加了在日本舉行的 “中部日本杯” 國際體操邀請賽,獲跳馬和自由體操冠軍。之後他又參加了東京都國際體操賽,又將這兩塊金牌收入囊中。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 324, "text": "two gold medals" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 64, "text": "兩塊金牌" } ] }, "id": "5379e4a03e39f4899eaa9d4460d1a8189a4035cd", "question": { "en": "How many first place medals did he receive?", "zh_tw": "他獲得多少個第一名的獎牌?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Lou Yun", "zh_tw": "樓雲" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Edessa was one of the largest of the Crusader states in terms of territory but had one of the smallest populations. Edessa itself had about 10,000 inhabitants. The rest of the county consisted mostly of fortresses. The county's territory extended from Antioch in the west to across the Euphrates in the east at its greatest extent. It also often occupied land as far north as Armenia proper. To the south and east were the powerful Muslim cities of Aleppo and Mosul, and the Jazira (northern Iraq). The inhabitants were mostly Syriac Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox Christians, with some Greek Orthodox Christians and Arab Muslims. Although the numbers of Latins always remained small, there was a Roman Catholic Patriarch. The fall of the city was the catalyst for the Second Crusade in 1146.", "zh_tw": "埃德薩伯國所有十字軍城邦中佔地最大的國家之一,它的人口卻是最少的之一。埃德薩城內約有一萬名居民,其他地區則多為軍事堡壘。埃德薩在全盛時期佔有的土地自安條克的邊境沿著幼發拉底河向東延伸,向北至多到達亞美尼亞本土,向南至多到達贊吉王朝的首都 - 阿勒頗附近。埃德薩城的居民中多數是敘利亞正教及亞美尼亞正教教徒,希臘正教教徒及穆斯林也佔據了一部分的人口。儘管在埃德薩城的拉丁人相對很少,在城內依舊有一位羅馬天主教的主教。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 662, "text": "Latins" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 182, "text": "拉丁人" } ] }, "id": "26745e8c60c0cc29e1d4070c4435ddc11daf9866", "question": { "en": "Which group of people were never large in number?", "zh_tw": "哪一群體的人數從來就不是很多?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "County of Edessa", "zh_tw": "埃德薩伯國" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Generally, vertical transport could be done more safely and inexpensively by cranes than by customary methods. Typical areas of application were harbors, mines, and, in particular, building sites where the treadwheel crane played a pivotal role in the construction of the lofty Gothic cathedrals. Nevertheless, both archival and pictorial sources of the time suggest that newly introduced machines like treadwheels or wheelbarrows did not completely replace more labor-intensive methods like ladders, hods and handbarrows. Rather, old and new machinery continued to coexist on medieval construction sites and harbors.Apart from treadwheels, medieval depictions also show cranes to be powered manually by windlasses with radiating spokes, cranks and by the 15th century also by windlasses shaped like a ship's wheel. To smooth out irregularities of impulse and get over 'dead-spots' in the lifting process flywheels are known to be in use as early as 1123.The exact process by which the treadwheel crane was reintroduced is not recorded, although its return to construction sites has undoubtedly to be viewed in close connection with the simultaneous rise of Gothic architecture. The reappearance of the treadwheel crane may have resulted from a technological development of the windlass from which the treadwheel structurally and mechanically evolved. Alternatively, the medieval treadwheel may represent a deliberate reinvention of its Roman counterpart drawn from Vitruvius' De architectura which was available in many monastic libraries. Its reintroduction may have been inspired, as well, by the observation of the labor-saving qualities of the waterwheel with which early treadwheels shared many structural similarities.", "zh_tw": "通常,用起重機來完成垂直搬運要被常規的方式更安全、更廉價。因此,在港口、礦山和尤其是建築等領域,踏輪起重機應用廣泛,其在高聳的哥特式教堂的建造中發揮了重要作用。然而,無論當時的文字還是圖案資料都表明像踏輪起重機、獨輪車等新引入的機械遠沒有取代傳統的勞動力密集的梯子、泥漿桶、擔架等方式。相反,在中世紀新舊方式一直在港口和建築工地共存。除了踏輪,中世紀的資料顯示,當時的起重機也有用帶輻條、曲柄的絞盤來手動驅動的,直至 15 世紀仍有用船舵形狀的絞盤來驅動起重機的。已知早在 1123 年,飛輪就被用來緩解吊裝過程中衝擊的不規則性和克服 “死點” 的影響。儘管踏輪起重機的重新興起毫無疑問地與當時哥特式建設的大規模興建有關,但其具體過程是不明確的。踏輪起重機的重現還可能導致了絞盤的技術進步。另外,中世紀踏輪可能是刻意借鑑古羅馬建築師維特魯威的《建築十書》中的圖樣來製作的,該書可以在很多修道院的圖書室中輕易得到。早期踏輪的結構與水車十分相似,所以踏輪的再現也可能是從水車的省力結構中受到了啟發。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 145, "text": "harbors, mines, and, in particular, building sites" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 33, "text": "港口、礦山和尤其是建築等領域" } ] }, "id": "c39b3a34f1b152f9b2008e756497b23cf548a8a5", "question": { "en": "where were the ares of application?", "zh_tw": "在哪裡應用?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Crane (machine)", "zh_tw": "起重機" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "邁克爾遜 - 莫雷實驗:在狹義相對論中,這個實驗可以這樣解釋:在干涉儀的靜止系中,光在各個方向上傳播時間相同。在干涉儀運動系中,縱向光束的傳播路徑要比靜止系中長,其傳播時間也會相應變長,在向前和反射路徑中,其與橫向光束傳播時間需要分別乘以 L/(c-v) 與 L/(c+v)。因此,為使各向傳播時間重新一致,干涉儀中橫向路徑發生收縮。兩路光束的傳播速度一致,兩個垂直臂的總時間與其運動方向無關。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "在狹義相對論中,這個實驗可以這樣解釋:在干涉儀的靜止系中,光在各個方向上傳播時間相同" } ] }, "id": "937cd14655dccd4a0ce9fd16e9c01baf30693cc7", "question": { "en": "What is the definition according to special relativity?", "zh_tw": "依據狹義相對論,該如何進行定義?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "快 μ 子的活動範圍要比慢 μ 子大得多。在地球固聯絡中,大氣層厚度保持原長。μ 子壽命增長可以透過時間膨脹解釋。然而在,繆子靜止系中,其壽命並沒有改變,但大氣層厚度收縮以致 μ 子能夠到達地球表面。重離子靜止時會是球形,而在以接近光速的速度運動時則會變成盤形。粒子碰撞的部分實驗結果只能透過由長度收縮引起的核子密度增大解釋。高速運動的帶電粒子電離能力較強。經典物理學的結果卻與之相反,因為運動的電離粒子會與其他原子電子相互作用的過程會佔去部分時間。在相對論中,則可以透過靜電場發生的長度收縮導致其在傳播方向上電場增強解釋。在同步加速器以及自由電子鐳射器中,高速電子會被注入波盪器中以產生同步輻射。在電子靜止系中,波盪器的長度會收縮易產生更高頻率的輻射。除此之外,為了達到實驗室系中測到的頻率,人們可以應用相對論性多普勒效應。波盪器所能產生的極高頻率輻射只能透過長度收縮以及相對論性多普勒效應得到。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 147, "text": "長度收縮引起的核子密度" } ] }, "id": "878533eaf7e1ff208933ef4a810a8eac4cefe137", "question": { "en": "What must be considered when explaining results from particle collisions?", "zh_tw": "解釋粒子碰撞的結果時必須考慮什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "長度收縮" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The A5 is a high-wing flying boat-type amphibious monoplane with a carbon fiber airframe and retractable undercarriage. It seats two people in an enclosed 46-inch-wide (116.8 cm) cockpit and is powered by a single 100 hp (75 kW) Rotax 912 iS engine driving a three-bladed pusher propeller. Dornier-style sponsons provide hydrodynamic stability, housing the retracted main landing gear, and act as a step for crew and passenger. The wings can be folded aft for ground transport and storage. The factory installed equipment includes an angle of attack indicator as a safety enhancement for stall awareness, a feature not usually found in general aviation aircraft. A whole-airframe Ballistic Recovery Systems parachute is optional, except for in U.S.-registered A5s where it is mandatory, due to ICON's exemption to the U.S. LSA weight limit. The A5 uses many different design elements to provide a manageable stall recovery.", "zh_tw": "A5 是一架上單翼,船底的兩棲飛機。該機擁有碳纖維補強的機身以及收放式起落架,駕駛艙內最多可坐下兩人。同時使用一具 100 馬力(約 75 千瓦)的 Rotax 912iS 引擎帶動一隻後置推力漿。採用了 Dornier 風格的船舷以提供流體力學上的穩定性,同時給起落架提供收納空間,也方便乘員上下機。機翼則可以摺疊起來方便運輸以及存放。航電裝置中包含一個通用航空中比較罕見的迎角指示器。還可以選裝整機用降落傘。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "high-wing flying boat-type amphibious monoplane" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 6, "text": "上單翼,船底的兩棲飛機" } ] }, "id": "67bf7da1a8afa7355e9325c1b62f32ba1b0ea969", "question": { "en": "What type of object is the A5?", "zh_tw": "A5 是什麼型別的物體?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "ICON A5", "zh_tw": "ICON A5" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Mátyás Szűrös (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈmaːcaːʃ ˈsyːrøʃ]; born 11 September 1933 in Püspökladány) is a Hungarian politician. He served as provisional President of the Republic from 23 October 1989 to 2 May 1990. His presidency occurred during Hungary's transition from Communism to democratic government.Szűrös served as Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary from March 1989 to May 1990. In the fall of 1989, as part of an agreement between the Communists and the opposition to establish multiparty democracy, the 1949 Constitution was almost completely rewritten to remove its Communist character. The Presidential Council, the country's Communist-era collective presidency, was dissolved. Under the Constitution, Szűrös became provisional president until the election. Soon after taking office on 23 October he made the official proclamation that Hungary had removed the \"People's Republic\" from its constitutional name and was now the \"Republic of Hungary.\"", "zh_tw": "絮勒什・馬加什 (Mátyás Szűrös}(1933 年 9 月 11 日-) 匈牙利政治家。1989 年 10 月 18 日–1990 年 5 月 2 日擔任共產主義過渡到民主政府的臨時總統。絮勒什曾擔任匈牙利社會主義工人黨中央書記,主管國際事務。1989 年 3 月至 1990 年 5 月擔任匈牙利國民議會議長,10 月 23 日總統委員會解散後出任臨時總統。廢除 1949 年憲法,從它的官方名稱匈牙利人民共和國刪除了 “人民” 名稱,僅稱匈牙利共和國。1990 年 5 月 2 日由根茨・阿爾帕德接任臨時總統,絮勒什回到國民議會任副主席。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 105, "text": "Hungarian politician" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "匈牙利政治家" } ] }, "id": "2f6b07076541f0436f5f973824d8bac092480862", "question": { "en": "Who is Matyas Szuros?", "zh_tw": "絮勒什・馬加什是誰?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Mátyás Szűrös", "zh_tw": "絮勒什・馬加什" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Commercially, \"Santa Tell Me\" reached the top 10 in Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, South Korea and Switzerland, as well as the top 20 in Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. The song entered the US Billboard Hot 100 at number 65 and later peaked at number 42. The music video was directed by Chris Marrs Piliero and was released on Grande's official Vevo on December 12, 2014. The song received its first performance at the 2014 A Very Grammy Christmas concert in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on November 18, 2014.", "zh_tw": "《Santa Tell Me》最高美國《公告牌》Hot 100 榜第四十二位,同時衝進了其他國家的音樂排行榜,包括日本、韓國、澳大利亞和歐洲各國。音樂影片由克里斯・馬爾斯・皮利羅執導,於 2014 年 12 月 12 日在 Vevo 平臺播出。2014 年 11 月 18 日在洛杉磯神殿大會堂舉行的音樂會 A Very Grammy Christmas 中,愛莉安娜首次演唱歌曲。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 466, "text": "2014" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 93, "text": "2014 年" } ] }, "id": "415f291aacd8553953ce1926cddc1e540fc2713e", "question": { "en": "What year did the music video for \"Santa Tell Me\" premier on Vevo?", "zh_tw": "“音樂影片《Santa Tell Me》在哪一年第一次在 Vevo 平臺播出?”" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Santa Tell Me", "zh_tw": "Santa Tell Me" }
[ { "context": { "en": "From the middle of the 19th century onwards, trade, industry and tourism gained momentum. Nevertheless, until the middle of the 20th century, agriculture dominated the canton. Today a great number of small and middle-sized businesses dominate the economy. The largest employer is the airplane constructor Pilatus. The small and middle-sized businesses work in a wide range of areas. Many specialize in machine construction, medical equipment, international trade, optics and electronics.", "zh_tw": "在 1500 年左右,下瓦爾登人主要是當僱傭兵。由十九世紀中葉以降,貿易、工業及旅遊業得到了長足的發展。到二十世紀中葉為止,下瓦爾登的經濟產業主要是農業,牛隻及乳酪主要出口到義大利北部。現在主導經濟的是中小型企業,行業有機械製造、醫療用品、國際貿易、光學及電子儀器等。州內最大的僱主是一間叫皮拉圖斯的飛機建造商。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 23, "text": "19th century" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 25, "text": "十九世紀" } ] }, "id": "b650d5b721943b4bb6af4912ee8e4e84a53a4d6f", "question": { "en": "When did these sectors of the economy begin to grow?", "zh_tw": "這些經濟部門在什麼時候開始增長?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Canton of Nidwalden", "zh_tw": "下瓦爾登州" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Charles Thomas Studd, often known as C. T. Studd (2 December 1860 – 16 July 1931), was a British missionary, a contributor to The Fundamentals, and a cricketer.", "zh_tw": "施達德(1860 年 12 月 2 日-1931 年 7 月 16 日),原名查爾斯・托馬斯・施達德(Charles Thomas Studd)是英國著名的板球手,曾代表英國參加重要賽事;1885 年改行擔任傳教士(劍橋七傑之一),先後在中國、印度和非洲傳教。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 89, "text": "British" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 65, "text": "Studd)是英國著名的板球手,曾代表英國參加重要賽事;1885 年改行擔任傳教士(劍橋七傑之一),先後在中國、印度和非洲傳教。" } ] }, "id": "5bd8a86787f44cd2f95658332c0e75012af0e535", "question": { "en": "What is the nationality of Mr. Studd?", "zh_tw": "施達德是哪個國家的人?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Charles Studd", "zh_tw": "施達德" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Born in Birmingham to a working-class family, Arthur Ward initially pursued a career as a civil servant before concentrating on writing full-time. He worked as a poet, songwriter and comedy sketch writer for music hall performers before creating the Sax Rohmer persona and pursuing a career writing fiction.Like his contemporaries Algernon Blackwood and Arthur Machen, Rohmer claimed membership to one of the factions of the qabbalistic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Rohmer also claimed ties to the Rosicrucians, but the validity of his claims has been questioned. His doctor and family friend Dr R. Watson Councell may have been his only legitimate connection to such organisations.His first published work came in 1903, when the short story \"The Mysterious Mummy\" was sold to Pearson's Weekly. Rohmer's main literary influences seem to have been Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle and M. P. Shiel.He gradually transitioned from writing for music hall performers to concentrating on short stories and serials for magazine publication. In 1909 he married Rose Elizabeth Knox.", "zh_tw": "羅默的作品在 1903 年首次被出版,《皮爾遜週刊》刊登了他的短篇小說《The Mysterious Mummy》。他的文學創作似乎主要受到了埃德加・愛倫・坡、柯南道爾及 M・P・希爾的影響。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 749, "text": "The Mysterious Mummy" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 36, "text": "The Mysterious Mummy" } ] }, "id": "31c99333cfce9abf5678c55cf9d0c0e6c1df4488", "question": { "en": "What was the first published work?", "zh_tw": "首次出版的作品是什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1061, "text": "Rose Elizabeth Knox" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "d4884fbad057df34898f2c81298bba9f4647cd8f", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1909 年,他與誰結婚?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "漸漸地,他從為音樂廳表演寫劇本轉變為專注於雜誌上短篇小說與連載小說的釋出。1909 年,他與羅斯・伊麗莎白・洛克斯結婚。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 46, "text": "羅斯・伊麗莎白・洛克斯" } ] }, "id": "d4884fbad057df34898f2c81298bba9f4647cd8f", "question": { "en": "Who did he marry in 1909?", "zh_tw": "1909 年,他與誰結婚?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sax Rohmer", "zh_tw": "薩克斯・羅默" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Every year, each of the 30 NBA teams nominates one of its players to compete for this award. From these nominees, one player from each NBA division are selected by a panel as the divisional Sportsmanship Award winners. At the end of the regular season, players in the league cast votes for the award, with eleven points given for each first-place vote, nine for second-place vote, seven points for third, five points for fourth, three points for fifth and one point for each sixth place vote received. The player with the highest point total, regardless of the number of first-place votes, wins the award and presented with the Joe Dumars Trophy; named after the former Detroit Pistons player and the award's inaugural recipient.Grant Hill has won the award three times; the most in NBA history. Kemba Walker, Jason Kidd and Mike Conley are the only other players to have won it multiple times, each having done so twice.", "zh_tw": "每一年,NBA 的 30 支球隊中每支球隊都有一名球員可以角逐這個獎項。在這 30 名候選者中,6 位來自 NBA 六個不同賽區的球員將被評審選為這 6 個賽區的候選者,最後在 NBA 例行賽結束之後,由聯盟全部球員投票評選出最終的得獎者。獲得第一位的選票將獲得 11 分,第二位選票獲得 9 分,第三位選票獲得 7 分,第四位選票 5 分,第五位選票獲得 3 分,第六位選票獲得 1 分。最終得分最高的球員將獲得該獎項(無論該球員是否獲得最多的第一位選票),獲得該獎項的球員將同時獲聯盟頒發「喬・杜馬斯獎」,而第一個獲獎者是前底特律活塞隊球員喬・杜馬斯,NBA 在將聯盟歷史上第一個最佳運動精神獎給杜馬斯的同時,也將此獎項用他的名字命名。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 758, "text": "three" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 178, "text": "3" } ] }, "id": "9917086f27443031d33467e21bf8d2233d8e296e", "question": { "en": "How many times did Grant Hill win the award?", "zh_tw": "格蘭特・希爾獲獎多少次?\\n" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "NBA Sportsmanship Award", "zh_tw": "NBA 最佳運動精神獎" }
[ { "context": { "en": "It was the first episode written by Ron Hauge and was directed by Mike B. Anderson. George Meyer pitched \"Bart the homo\" as an initial idea for an episode while show runners Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein were planning an episode involving Lisa \"discovering the joys of campy things\". Oakley and Weinstein combined the two ideas and they eventually became \"Homer's Phobia\". Fox censors originally found the episode unsuitable for broadcast because of its controversial subject matter, but this decision was reversed after a turnover in the Fox staff. Filmmaker John Waters guest-starred, providing the voice of the new character, John.", "zh_tw": "《霍默的恐懼症》是羅恩・豪格編劇的第一集《辛普森一家》,邁克・B・安德森擔任導演。劇情源自喬治・邁爾的初步構想,節目統籌比爾・歐克利和喬希・溫斯坦也曾計劃製作一期莉薩發現坎普風魅力所在的節目,《霍默的恐懼症》就是兩種構思的結合。福克斯的審查部門認為節目主題和內容都容易引發爭議,所以拒絕批准播出,幸而福克斯的工作人員之後推翻了這一決定。電影人約翰・沃特斯在劇中客串演出,為新角色約翰配音。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 66, "text": "Mike B. Anderson" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 28, "text": "邁克・B・安德森" } ] }, "id": "0717490c072137d1ceea779d8e96f3b65281d0dc", "question": { "en": "Who directed the controversial \"Homer's Phobia\" episode?", "zh_tw": "“誰導演了有爭議的《霍默的恐懼症》一集?”" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Homer's Phobia", "zh_tw": "霍默的恐懼症" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The meetings took place in the Mediterranean, off the island of Malta. The Soviet delegation used the missile cruiser Slava, while the US delegation had their sleeping quarters aboard USS Belknap. The ships were anchored in a roadstead off the coast of Marsaxlokk. Stormy weather and choppy seas resulted in some meetings being cancelled or rescheduled, and gave rise to the moniker the \"Seasick Summit\" among international media. The meetings ultimately took place aboard Maksim Gorkiy, a Soviet cruise ship chartered to West German tour company Phoenix Reisen, which anchored in the harbor at Marsaxlokk.", "zh_tw": "會議選擇在遠離馬耳他島的地中海上進行。蘇聯代表團乘坐斯拉瓦號導彈巡洋艦,美國代表團則乘坐海軍貝爾納普號參加會議,雙方的軍艦都停泊在馬耳他海港城市馬爾薩什洛克。暴風雨的天氣和海面的波濤洶湧使得雙方的一些會議取消或改期,在國際媒體間傳出了 “暈船峰會(Seasick Summit)” 的綽號。最後會議在蘇聯的遊輪馬克西姆・高爾基號上舉行。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 473, "text": "Maksim Gorkiy," } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 155, "text": "馬克西姆・高爾基號" } ] }, "id": "f1134d7268c52b7e6bfe0c9f2991fa4b595b14b4", "question": { "en": "On which ship did the meetings occur?", "zh_tw": "會議在那艘船上舉行?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Malta Summit", "zh_tw": "馬耳他峰會" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "布洛芬或萘普生過敏的人群、對水楊酸(或一般非甾體抗炎藥)不耐受的人群禁用,患有哮喘的人群或會因非甾體抗炎藥導致支氣管痙攣的人群慎用。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "布洛芬或萘普生過敏的人群、對水楊酸(或一般非甾體抗炎藥)不耐受的人群" } ] }, "id": "7388d21add9ad134b672d3caf5fd8a4ec0a32d44", "question": { "en": "Who are those exempted from taking aspirin?", "zh_tw": "哪些人不能服用阿司匹林?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "因為阿司匹林會對胃壁產生影響,生產廠商建議患有消化性潰瘍、輕症糖尿病或胃炎的人群在服用前先諮詢醫師。 即使沒有上述情況,當阿司匹林與酒精或華法林同時服用時也有導致胃出血的風險。 患有血友病或其它出血性疾病的人群也不應服用該藥及其它水楊酸類藥物。 患有遺傳性疾病葡萄糖 - 6 - 磷酸脫氫酶缺乏症的人群服用阿司匹林會導致溶血性貧血,這取決於用量的多少和病情的嚴重性。 不建議登革熱患者服用該藥,因為這會提高出血傾向。 患有腎病、高尿酸血癥或痛風的人群不宜服用,因為阿司匹林會抑制腎臟排出尿酸的功能,從而加重病情。另外不應使用該藥治療兒童或青少年的發熱或流感,因為這與患上瑞氏綜合徵有關。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 15, "text": "生產廠商建議患有消化性潰瘍、輕症糖尿病或胃炎的人群在服用前先諮詢醫師" } ] }, "id": "6e2331d2b6c053b2ee40befb021a6f143acbc4e9", "question": { "en": "Is aspirin dangerous enough to require medical advice before usage?", "zh_tw": "阿司匹林是否危險到服用前需諮詢醫生建議?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿司匹林是水楊酸的乙醯衍生物,呈弱酸性,在 25 °C(77 °F)下酸度係數為 3.5。 阿司匹林可以在醋酸銨或鹼金屬的醋酸鹽、碳酸鹽、檸檬酸鹽和氫氧化物溶液中迅速分解。阿司匹林在乾燥空氣中性質穩定,但在潮溼的環境中會逐漸水解成乙酸和水楊酸。在鹼性溶液中,阿司匹林迅速水解,生成只含有水楊酸鹽與乙酸鹽的澄清溶液。如同麵粉廠一樣,生產阿司匹林的工廠也需要留意空氣中阿司匹林的含量,因為過量的粉末會導致粉塵爆炸。在美國,美國國家職業安全衛生研究所(NIOSH)將建議暴露限值定為 5 毫克每立方米(時間加權平均)。1989 年,美國職業安全與健康管理局(OSHA)將允許最大暴露限值定為 5 毫克每立方米,但這項規定在 1993 年 OSHA 和美國勞工聯合會 - 產業工會聯合會(AFL–CIO)的訴訟中被廢除。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 19, "text": ",在 25 °C(77 °F)下酸度係數為 3.5" } ] }, "id": "8bc7a18a440d5e8e67235457e06a2caf0f207fce", "question": { "en": "What is the acid dissociation in Celsius?", "zh_tw": "酸度係數是在多少攝氏度下的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "製取阿司匹林的反應通常歸為酯化反應。水楊酸和乙酸酐(一種乙酸的衍生物)發生反應,水楊酸中的羥基替換為酯基(R-OH → R-OCOCH3),生成阿司匹林和副產物乙酸。通常用少量硫酸作催化劑(有時用磷酸)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 91, "text": "催化劑" } ] }, "id": "9c1cf7a5ae88441a10fc0a70f749b11969f77aa7", "question": { "en": "What is sulfuric acid used for?", "zh_tw": "硫酸可以用來做什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿司匹林還有三種作用方式。一是使線粒體的氧化磷酸化解偶聯。阿司匹林會攜帶質子從線粒體膜間隙擴散進入線粒體基質,然後再次電離釋放質子。簡而言之,阿司匹林作為緩衝劑運輸質子,因此高劑量服用時會因電子傳遞鏈釋放的熱量而造成發熱,這和低劑量服用的退燒作用相反。 二是阿司匹林會促進一氧化氮自由基的生成。一氧化氮自由基本身在小鼠體內也有抗炎的作用,它能減少白細胞粘附,後者是免疫系統應對感染的重要一步。不過,沒有足夠證據表明阿司匹林能抗感染。 第三,更新的研究表明水楊酸及其衍生物能透過 NF-κB 調節細胞訊號。NF-κB 是一種轉錄因子複合體,在許多生物過程(包括髮炎)中起重要作用。阿司匹林在體內分解為水楊酸,而水楊酸本身則有抗炎、退燒、鎮痛等作用。2012 年發現水楊酸還能啟用 AMP 活化蛋白激酶,這是水楊酸和阿司匹林藥效的一種可能的解釋。 阿司匹林分子中的乙醯基也並非沒有作用。細胞蛋白的乙醯化是其轉譯後修飾中被廣泛研究的現象。阿司匹林能使包括 COX 同工酶在內的幾種蛋白質乙醯化。這些乙醯化反應可能可以闡釋一些阿司匹林尚未得到解釋的效應。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 261, "text": "轉錄因子複合體" } ] }, "id": "b895480b6d51c7f9e2661ef2ae72acca5f8d46fd", "question": { "en": "What is NF-kB?", "zh_tw": "NF-kB 是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "乙醯水楊酸是一種弱酸,口服後在胃的酸性環境中幾乎不電離,而是迅速經細胞膜吸收。小腸中較高的 pH 促進了藥物的電離,從而減緩了藥物在小腸中的吸收。過量服用時藥物會凝結,所以吸收更慢,血漿濃度在服用後 24 小時內都會上升。血液中的水楊酸有 50–80% 與白蛋白結合,其餘是具有活性的電離態。藥物和蛋白質的結合和濃度有關。結合位點飽和以後遊離態的水楊酸就會增加,其毒性也會增強。藥物的分佈體積是 0.1–0.2 升每千克。酸中毒會增強水楊酸向組織中的滲透,從而增加藥物的分佈體積。若按治療劑量服用,則有多達 80% 的水楊酸在肝臟中代謝。它和甘氨酸反應生成水楊醯胺乙酸,但這種代謝途徑容量有限。少量水楊酸也會羥基化形成龍膽酸。大劑量服用時,藥物代謝從一級反應變為零級反應,因為代謝途徑已飽和,腎臟的排出變得更加重要。水楊酸主要透過腎臟作為水楊醯胺乙酸(75%)、遊離水楊酸(10%)、水楊酸苯酚(10%)、醯基葡萄糖醛酸苷(5%)、龍膽酸(< 1%)、2,3 - 二羥基苯甲酸排洩。當攝入低劑量時(小於 250mg,成人),所有途徑都透過一級動力學,消除半衰期約為 2.0 至 4.5 小時。 當攝入高劑量水楊酸時(大於 4000mg),半衰期會延長至 15-30 小時,因為水楊醯胺乙酸和水楊酚醛葡糖苷酸的生物轉化途徑已飽和。 代謝途徑的飽和使得腎臟對水楊酸的排洩更加重要,而尿液酸鹼度對其影響也更為敏感。當尿液的 pH 值從 5 升至 8 時,腎臟對水楊酸的清除能力會提升 10-20 倍。透過鹼化尿液來增加水楊酸的清除率便是利用了這一點。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 197, "text": "0.1–0.2 升每千克" } ] }, "id": "54563d93abda8c0ac80bf2d7d04788e3ea96016e", "question": { "en": "What is the volume distribution of aspirin?", "zh_tw": "阿司匹林的分佈體積是多少?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "阿司匹林" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 American superhero film featuring the DC Comics characters Batman and Superman. It is the follow-up to 2013's Man of Steel and the second installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The film is directed by Zack Snyder, written by Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer, and features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, and Gal Gadot. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first live-action film to feature Batman and Superman together, as well as the first live-action cinematic portrayal of Wonder Woman. In the film, criminal mastermind Lex Luthor manipulates Batman into a preemptive battle with Superman, whom Luthor is obsessed with.", "zh_tw": "《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》(英語:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)是一部於 2016 年上映的美國超級英雄電影,以 DC 漫畫人物蝙蝠俠和超人為題材,由華納兄弟與拉特帕克 - 沙丘娛樂聯合制作,同時也是 2013 年電影《超人:鋼鐵英雄》的續集,本片則為 DC 擴充套件宇宙的第二部作品。電影仍由查克・史奈德執導,大衛・S・高耶與克里斯・泰瑞歐撰寫劇本,並由亨利・卡維爾、班・艾佛列克、艾美・亞當斯、傑西・艾森柏格、傑瑞米・艾朗、黛安・蓮恩、勞倫斯・費許朋、荷莉・杭特以及蓋兒・加朵主演。本片是史上首部超人與蝙蝠俠合作的電影,主要講述超人和蝙蝠俠兩位英雄,在邪惡商人雷克斯・路瑟誤導加上縱使之下展開了鬥爭,而電影裡也首次在大銀幕中介紹了其他正義聯盟英雄神力女超人、鋼骨、水行俠和閃電俠。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 255, "text": "Zack Snyder" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 167, "text": "查克・史奈德" } ] }, "id": "df8e70278b97a3a0f3ecf454d7a7f82a4fe91294", "question": { "en": "Who directed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?", "zh_tw": "誰執導電影《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "In June 2013, Warner Bros. announced that director Zack Snyder and screenwriter David S. Goyer would return for a Man of Steel sequel, with the studio considering the release for the film in 2015. The following month, Snyder confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con International that the sequel to Man of Steel would feature Superman and Batman meeting for the first time on film. Goyer and Snyder would co-write the story, with Goyer authoring the script despite saying in 2006 that a 'Batman Vs. Superman' film \"is where you go when you admit to yourself that you've exhausted all possibilities ... an admission that this franchise is on its last gasp\", and Christopher Nolan involved in an advisory role as executive producer. According to Snyder, the film would take inspiration from the comic The Dark Knight Returns.In November 2013, Snyder clarified his film would not be based upon the aforementioned graphic novel. \"If you were going to do that, you would need a different Superman. We're bringing Batman into the universe that now this Superman lives in.\" Batman v Superman marks the first appearance of Wonder Woman in a live-action, theatrical film, which Warner Bros. had been developing as far back as 1996. In December 2013, Chris Terrio was hired to rewrite the script, due to Goyer's commitments to other projects. Further commenting on the influences, Terrio revealed in an article published by The Wall Street Journal that the movie would draw inspiration from Nolan's Batman trilogy, Italian semiotician Umberto Eco's 1972 essay \"The Myth of Superman\", and the W.H. Auden poem \"Musée des Beaux Arts\" which contrasts the quotidian details of normal people's lives with the epic struggles of mythological figures. According to him, \"In superhero stories, Batman is Pluto, god of the underworld, and Superman is Apollo, god of the sky. That began to be really interesting to me — that their conflict is not just due to manipulation, but their very existence.\" The Joker and the Riddler were supposed to appear in the film, but Snyder ultimately decided to cut them from the final script.The film's official title, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, was revealed in May 2014. Snyder stated that having the \"v\" in the title instead of \"vs.\" was a way \"to keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way\". Henry Cavill later stated, \"I wouldn't call this a Superman sequel [...] This is Batman versus Superman. It's a separate entity altogether. It's introducing the Batman character and expanding upon the universe, which was kicked off by Man of Steel.\" Forbes noted that although the film originated as a sequel to Man of Steel, it was \"revamped into a backdoor pilot for Justice League and/or an eventual stand-alone Batman movie.\" As part of a settlement with his heirs, this is the first Batman production that lists Bill Finger as a co-creator.", "zh_tw": "2013 年 6 月,宣佈導演查克・史奈德和編劇大衛・S・高耶既會迴歸《超人:鋼鐵英雄》的續集,之前高耶很快地和華納兄弟簽了幾份合約,其中包括《超人:鋼鐵英雄》、續集和正義聯盟的電影,此外也在考慮於 2014 年發行的電影。2013 年 7 月,查克・史奈德在聖地亞哥國際動漫展上向大眾確定了在這 2015 年的續集中將會有蝙蝠俠加盟。高耶和史奈德將共同寫故事,並採用高耶編寫的劇本。克里斯多福・諾蘭則擔任參與監製顧問的角色。史奈德表示,這部電影的靈感將採用於漫畫《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士歸來》。然而,2013 年 11 月,史奈德澄清,這部電影不會完全都基於漫畫。「如果你要做到這一點,你需要一個不同的超人。我們把蝙蝠俠變成現在這個超人一起生活的相同宇宙」。該片也是神力女超人首次亮相於大螢幕的電影,在此之前,華納兄弟早於 1996 年在開發。2013 年 12 月,《亞果出任務》的編劇克里斯・泰瑞歐被僱來改寫劇本,因為基於高耶還有其他工作專案要執行。官方電影正名《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》於 2014 年 5 月公佈。史奈德說,標題中的「v」而不是「vs.」是為了避免太絕對「versus」的意思。《富比士》指出,雖然影片一開始被定為《超人:鋼鐵英雄》續集,但後來正義聯盟的前傳或蝙蝠俠的獨立電影。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1227, "text": "2013" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 370, "text": "2013" } ] }, "id": "77c1567dcd87750112079399b0b6ab9c7b08eec3", "question": { "en": "What year did Chris Terrio start rewriting Batman V. Superman?", "zh_tw": "克里斯・泰瑞歐哪一年開始改寫《蝙蝠俠對超人》的劇本?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", "zh_tw": "蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光" }
[ { "context": { "en": "McDonald's has for decades maintained an extensive advertising campaign. In addition to the usual media (television, radio, and newspaper), the company makes significant use of billboards and signage, and also sponsors sporting events ranging from Little League to the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games. Television has played a central role in the company's advertising strategy. To date, McDonald's has used 23 different slogans in United States advertising, as well as a few other slogans for select countries and regions.", "zh_tw": "2003 年 9 月至今──一個大 M 字和口號(通常在最後才出現)直到現在,麥當勞已在美國的廣告用了 23 個不同的口號,有些更是其國家地區的精選口號。但同時它某些廣告活動也帶來不少問題。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 408, "text": "23" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 51, "text": "23" } ] }, "id": "8c26e86b2fa39d2d9fa92c0a280209662cea40c7", "question": { "en": "What is the number of official slogans McDonald's has had in American markets?", "zh_tw": "麥當勞在美國市場有多少個官方口號?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "McDonald's", "zh_tw": "麥當勞" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "由於對現實生活的不滿,米爾克和他的愛人決定搬到舊金山,寄希望於在那裡使他們的關係得到更多的認可。他們在尤里卡谷(Eureka Valley)卡斯楚街開了一家卡斯特羅照相機館(Castro Camera),那裡本來是藍領階級社群,並逐漸發展成同志村。米爾克對於周圍愛爾蘭天主教的保守和壓力而感到十分的沮喪,於是他動用自己的背景從商人成為了一位同性戀權利運動家,亦成為了來三藩市闖天下的同性戀少年克里夫・鍾斯(Cleve Jones)之良師益友。在起初,史密斯還是米爾克的選戰經理,可是因為米爾克越來越專注於政治活動,破壞了他與史密斯的關係,後來史密斯離開了他。之後米爾克認識了傑克・里拉(Jack Lira),就像史密斯一樣對於米爾克對政治活動的投入無法忍受,後來上吊自殺。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 23, "text": "舊金山" } ] }, "id": "891ae9748fd3c6f29a9c88db8dd21cf8654db8bd", "question": { "en": "Where did the couple move to in the hopes they would find more acceptance?", "zh_tw": "為了能得到更多的認同,這對夫婦搬到哪裡去了?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 281, "text": "米爾克" } ] }, "id": "cdc9ebe21932bdaba7703141c139a5c9a94a6e03", "question": { "en": "Who was devoted to political activism?", "zh_tw": "誰致力於政治活動?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在 1973 年和 1975 年兩次競選三藩市市監事委員會(San Francisco Board of Supervisors)以及在 1976 年的加州州眾議員(California State Assembly)失敗後,米爾克於 1977 年代表第五選區參與了三藩市市監事委員會的選舉,最後更贏得了議席。他的勝利使他成為美國曆史上公開同性戀身份的參加政治選舉的第一人。米爾克之後認識了同為議員的丹・懷特。懷特是越戰退伍軍人,在政治上和社交上都是思想保守的人,於是他與米爾克的關係不算太好,由於傳媒和同事的關注都投向了米爾克,於是在懷特的心裡對他產生了怨恨。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 126, "text": "第五選區" } ] }, "id": "c5a1f18656d6f0800b7bb456b249d38c7c5145ed", "question": { "en": "What District did Milk when a seat for?", "zh_tw": "米爾克在哪區當選?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "就這樣米爾克和懷特一直保持著複雜的關係。一次,米爾克被邀請去參加懷特孩子的受洗儀式,當時懷特希望米爾克支援他反對在自己選區建設精神病醫院的主張,用來交換他支援對米爾克推出同性戀權利的法案。但是米爾克並沒有支援懷特,懷特感到了米爾克背叛,並最終在同性戀權利法律中投下了唯一一張反對票。米爾克也努力去反對《6 號提案》(Proposition 6),這是一個 1978 年 11 月在加利福尼亞州的全民投票,提案由約翰・布里格斯(John Briggs)發起,他是來自橙縣保守派州參議員,他的提案帶有同性戀歧視立場,禁止同性戀者在加利福尼亞州的公立學校工作。這同樣也是一個全國性的保守運動,起始於安妮塔・布萊恩(Anita Bryant)和她的組織,目的在於廢止當地同性戀的平等權利。在 1978 年 11 月 7 日,米爾克在竭盡全力反對《6 號提案》並取得成功之後,他和支持者更加的團結起來。懷特支援了《6 號提案》,投票後關注議員加薪,但得不到很大支援,並對市監事委員會提交自己的辭呈。可是不久他又改變了初衷,希望市長喬治・莫斯科尼同意讓他復職,在米爾克對市長的遊說下,市長拒絕了他的請求。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 32, "text": "懷特" } ] }, "id": "8e9adffcaa475cb19cc30f0ab68af559456aab93", "question": { "en": "Who voted against Milk's ordinance?", "zh_tw": "誰反對了米爾克的同性戀權利法?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 412, "text": "關注議員加薪" } ] }, "id": "6cb9cd47112b10497e22c3e3e8199bac5e3cc7df", "question": { "en": "What does a desperate White favor?", "zh_tw": "不顧一切的懷特支援什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1978 年 11 月 27 日的早晨,為了避開金屬探測器以藏匿他身上攜帶的槍支,懷特透過地下室的窗戶進入了三藩市市政廳。他要求和市長再見面,可是在被輕率的拒絕後。懷特勃然大怒,對市長和米爾克發射。電影以成千人的米爾克和市長的支持者的燭光遊行而告終。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 43, "text": "透過地下室的窗戶" } ] }, "id": "bd67030f1b38bb26323a27bd988bc95b4789a8e2", "question": { "en": "How did White enter City Hall?", "zh_tw": "那白人怎樣進入市政廳?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "早在在 1991 年初,奧利弗・斯通(Oliver Stone)就計劃製作並非執導一部關於米爾克一生的電影; 他為電影寫下了劇本,稱為《卡斯特羅街的市長》。 在 1992 年 7 月,導演葛斯・範・桑簽約了華納兄弟公司,並請羅賓・威廉斯作為男主演執導一部傳記片。 直到 1993 年 4 月,範・桑特在非議下離開了工作室。 在 2007 年 4 月,這部專輯電影的劇本由達斯汀・蘭斯・布萊克創作,而與此同時,導演布萊恩・辛格正在製作電影《卡斯特羅街的市長》(The Mayor of Castro Street) 同年 9 月,西恩・潘和馬特・戴蒙被邀請分別飾演米爾克和他的刺殺者丹・懷特。 戴蒙後來因為在 9 月的檔期衝突無法參演影片。 到了 11 月,美國焦點電影公司把《米爾克》這部電影移交給葛斯・範・桑特來執導,而同時辛格的電影由於編劇罷工而陷入了僵局。 在 2007 年 11 月喬什・布洛林,艾米爾・荷許以及詹姆斯・弗蘭科參加電影的演出,由喬什・布洛林代替戴蒙飾演丹・懷特。 2008 年電影《米爾克》在舊金山正式開始拍攝。電影製作人在透過調查舊金山的瞭解米爾克的同性戀者,將城市塑造成當時的那個年代。他們也重訪了當地卡斯特羅街米爾克開的照相機館,並把街佈景成上個世紀 70 年代的樣子。當初的照相機館,如今已是一個禮品店,被電影製作人租下來幾個月用來電影的拍攝。電影在卡斯特羅街的製作,同時也翻新了卡斯特羅劇場,它的外部重新經過了粉刷,並重新搭建了劇場前的篷子。電影的一些鏡頭也是在舊金山市政大廳拍攝,然而米爾克被殺害的地方 —— 懷特的辦公室,也同樣進行了翻修,因為如今的辦公室變得十分現代。電影製作人同時也想透過重新設計懷特的辦公室來展示一下舊金山歌劇院。 電影於 2008 年 3 月殺青。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "一部關於米爾克一生的電影" } ] }, "id": "9338734ab1b2ba81d77c1f52c13c0c56bb4b54fb", "question": { "en": "what was oliver stone thinking about producing in early 1991?", "zh_tw": "1991 年初,奧利弗・斯通 (oliver stone) 在考慮製作什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 161, "text": "在 2007 年 4 月,這部專輯電影的劇本由達斯汀・蘭斯・布萊克創作,而與此同時,導演布萊恩・辛格正在製作電影《卡斯特羅街的市長》(The" } ] }, "id": "faf1119bc2174b3f7cf3e81bc273ebea28690fc4", "question": { "en": "Who directed the film Harvey Milk?", "zh_tw": "電影《哈維・米爾克》的導演是誰?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "米爾克 (電影)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In Syria, Jews of both origins, numbering altogether fewer than 3,000 in 1987, are found. After a mass emigration in 1992, today fewer than 200 Jews live in Syria, mostly in the capital. Syrian Jews are Arabic-speaking and barely distinguishable from the Arabs around them. In Syria, as elsewhere, the degree to which Jews submit to the disciplines of their religion varies.", "zh_tw": "敘利亞猶太人主要集中在首都。敘利亞猶太人說阿拉伯語,與他們周圍的阿拉伯人幾乎沒有區別。在敘利亞和其他地方一樣,猶太人對宗教學科的程度也各不相同。政府把猶太人視為一個宗教社群,而不是一個民族社群。官方檔案稱他們為 musawiyin(摩西的追隨者)而不是 yahudin(猶太人)。雖然猶太人社群看起來有某種特權,但整體上它受到相當大的限制,更多是因為政治因素而不是宗教因素。猶太人的經濟自由是有限的,受到敘利亞警方的不斷監視。據報導,他們的情況在 1967 年第三次中東戰爭之前雖然不是很好,但從那時以後越來越惡化。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 298, "text": "the degree to which Jews submit to the disciplines of their religion" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 55, "text": "猶太人對宗教學科的程度也各不相同" } ] }, "id": "bc39774de6ecb0fc88e979a49744e6347ad46830", "question": { "en": "In Syria what is something that is not consistent between the Jewish population?", "zh_tw": "在敘利亞,猶太人之間有什麼不一致的地方?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 203, "text": "Arabic" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 21, "text": "阿拉伯語" } ] }, "id": "b6e5624b36a61e24140443f919edb4aaf599889d", "question": { "en": "What language do Syrian Jews speak?", "zh_tw": "敘利亞猶太人說什麼語言?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Religion in Syria", "zh_tw": "敘利亞宗教" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Harry James Potter is the titular protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Potter, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard. Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practice magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore and other school professors along with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry also discovers that he is already famous throughout the novel's magical community, and that his fate is tied with that of Lord Voldemort, the internationally feared Dark Wizard and murderer of his parents, Lily and James. The film and book series revolve around Harry's struggle to adapt to the wizarding world and defeat Voldemort. Harry is considered a fictional icon and has been described by many critics, readers, and audiences as one of the greatest literary and film characters of all time.", "zh_tw": "哈利・詹姆・波特(英語:Harry James Potter),英國作家 J・K・羅琳奇幻小說《哈利波特》系列中的主角。書中大部分的情節涵蓋了成為了孤兒的哈利在 11 歲時得知自己是巫師的身分,併入讀霍格華茲魔法與巫術學院六年來的生活,在慈祥的校長鄧不利多及其他教授指導下學習使用魔法。哈利還發現自己在魔法世界已甚為著名,因為眾所皆知人人懼怕的黑魔法巫師佛地魔是殺害其父母詹姆・波特及莉莉・波特的兇手,而哈利自己是在其攻擊之下唯一存活之人,被稱為「那個活下來的男孩」(The Boy Who Lived)及「被選中的人」(The Chosen One)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "Potter" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 6, "text": "波特" } ] }, "id": "d8e40f39374bdb438f78512eb492181a5eb046ab", "question": { "en": "What is the last name of the main character?", "zh_tw": "主角的姓氏是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Harry Potter (character)", "zh_tw": "哈利・波特 (角色)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "90377 Sedna is a large minor planet in the outer reaches of the Solar System that was, as of 2015, at a distance of about 86 astronomical units (1.29×1010 km; 8.0×109 mi) from the Sun, about three times as far as Neptune. Spectroscopy has revealed that Sedna's surface composition is similar to those of some other trans-Neptunian objects, being largely a mixture of water, methane, and nitrogen ices with tholins. Its surface is one of the reddest among Solar System objects. It is most likely a dwarf planet. Among the eight largest trans-Neptunian objects, Sedna is the only one not known to have a moon.For most of its orbit, it is even farther from the Sun than at present, with its aphelion estimated at 937 AU (31 times Neptune's distance), making it one of the most distant-known objects in the Solar System other than long-period comets.Sedna has an exceptionally long and elongated orbit, taking approximately 11,400 years to complete and a distant point of closest approach to the Sun at 76 AU. These facts have led to much speculation about its origin. The Minor Planet Center currently places Sedna in the scattered disc, a group of objects sent into highly elongated orbits by the gravitational influence of Neptune. This classification has been contested because Sedna never comes close enough to Neptune to have been scattered by it, leading some astronomers to informally refer to it as the first known member of the inner Oort cloud. Others speculate that it might have been tugged into its current orbit by a passing star, perhaps one within the Sun's birth cluster (an open cluster), or even that it was captured from another star system. Another hypothesis suggests that its orbit may be evidence for a large planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.Astronomer Michael E. Brown, co-discoverer of Sedna and the dwarf planets Eris, Haumea, and Makemake, thinks that it is the most scientifically important trans-Neptunian object found to date, because understanding its unusual orbit is likely to yield valuable information about the origin and early evolution of the Solar System.", "zh_tw": "賽德娜(英文:Sedna)為一顆外海王星天體,小行星編號為 90377。它於 2003 年 11 月 14 日由天文學家布朗(加州理工學院)、特魯希略(雙子星天文臺)及拉比諾維茨(耶魯大學)共同發現,它被發現時是太陽系中距離地球最遠的天然天體。賽德娜目前距離太陽 88 天文單位,為海王星與太陽之間距離的 3 倍。在賽德娜大部分的公轉週期中,它與太陽之間的距離比任何已知的矮行星候選都要遙遠。賽德娜是太陽系中顏色最紅的天體之一。它大部分由水、甲烷、氮冰及託林(Tholin)所構成。國際天文聯會目前並未將賽德娜視為矮行星,但是有一些天文學家認為它應該是一顆矮行星。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 441, "text": "red" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 207, "text": "紅" } ] }, "id": "c2649b7aa6c532df1a9cd51f75791d49d03f6a07", "question": { "en": "What color is the surface of planet Sedna?", "zh_tw": "賽德娜行星的表面是什麼顏色?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "90377 Sedna", "zh_tw": "小行星 90377" }
[ { "context": { "en": "At this time, except that the country was one of dense jungle, and therefore most unfavourable for military operations, the British knew little of the interior of Upper Burma; but British steamers had for years been running on the great river highway of the Irrawaddy River, from Rangoon to Mandalay, and it was obvious that the quickest and most satisfactory method of carrying out the British campaign was an advance by water direct on the capital. Further, a large number of light-draught river steamers and barges (or flats), belonging to the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company under the control of Frederick Charles Kennedy, were available at Rangoon, and the local knowledge of the company's officers of the difficult river navigation was at the disposal of the British forces.Major-General, afterwards Sir, Harry Prendergast was placed in command of the invasion. As was only to be expected in an enterprise of this description, the navy as well as the army was called in requisition; and as usual the services rendered by the seamen and guns were most important. The total effective force available was 3,029 British troops, 6,005 Indian sepoys and 67 guns, and for river service, 24 machine guns. The river fleet which conveyed the troops and stores was composed of more than 55 steamers, barges, and launches, etc.", "zh_tw": "哈利・普倫德加斯特少將擔任這次入侵的指揮官。他統率 3,029 英軍、6,005 印度火槍軍、67 門大砲及至少 55 艘軍艦及在艦上設定 24 挺機關槍以控制河道。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1103, "text": "3,029" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 25, "text": "3,029" } ] }, "id": "cd0c18f66e5d0b723f547a242a26694f4f64050c", "question": { "en": "How many British troops were part of the army?", "zh_tw": "軍隊中有多少英軍?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Third Anglo-Burmese War", "zh_tw": "第三次英緬戰爭" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "朝鮮民主主義人民共和國沒有公佈任何有關宗教的官方統計數字。北韓是一個世俗國家,官方不鼓勵公眾信仰宗教。從 1990 年代末至 2000 年代, 北韓的主要宗教無法估計。傳統上,朝鮮巫教和天道教占主導地位,也有一小部分佛教徒和基督徒。北韓政府視天道教為朝鮮族的 “民族宗教”,天道教青友黨為朝鮮勞動黨的衛星黨,也是參加朝鮮民主主義民族統一戰線和祖國統一民主主義戰線的主要民主政黨之一。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 104, "text": "一小部分佛教徒和基督徒" } ] }, "id": "16e436b0460afdc207f140afdf2dc8e56c913ffe", "question": { "en": "What communities are there in North Korea?", "zh_tw": "北韓有哪些宗教團體?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在古代,所有的朝鮮人都相信他們的本土宗教是由巫師(무)所引領的。佛教在中國前秦時期(372 年)傳入朝鮮半島, 並發展成朝鮮佛教。當時朝鮮半島分為三個王國:北部的高句麗、西南方的百濟及東南方的新羅。佛教在公元 5 世紀才傳入新羅,而在公元 552 年成為新羅國教。 在高句麗,朝鮮傳統巫教依然佔優勢地位,在新羅和百濟則盛行佛教。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 32, "text": "佛教在中國前秦時期(372 年)傳入朝鮮半島," } ] }, "id": "ee17a6689e7cfe9566c80e05658e2689cec38306", "question": { "en": "What state did the Chinese Former Qin introduce Buddhism to?", "zh_tw": "中國古代秦朝把佛教傳播到哪個國家?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "李氏朝鮮時期(1392-1910)嚴厲地壓制朝鮮的佛教 和薩滿教 。大量佛教寺院被毀,佛教僧侶數量從幾百人下降到三十六人;佛教信仰從城鎮的生活中被消滅了,僧尼被邊緣化。這些限制一直持續到 19 世紀才結束。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 77, "text": "僧尼被邊緣化。" } ] }, "id": "41b549a5a66a0a632e5ef62137aa048e4b06db1a", "question": { "en": "What was the primary cause of the decline of Buddhism?", "zh_tw": "佛教被消滅的主要原因是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "佛教(불교)於朝鮮三國時期由中國傳入,對新羅和高麗王朝的文化有重要影響且成為這兩個王朝的主要宗教。李氏朝鮮時期(1392-1910)嚴厲地壓制了朝鮮的佛教和薩滿教。儒學成為國家的主要思想和宗教,大量佛教寺院被毀,佛教僧侶數量從幾百人下降到三十六人;佛教信仰從城鎮的生活中被消滅了,僧尼被邊緣化。這些限制一直持續到 19 世紀。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 72, "text": "朝鮮的佛教" } ] }, "id": "e0c2b6592ced2cf9cde4b4b9d1ed7238de3fb366", "question": { "en": "Besides Korean shamanism, what other religion was forbidden?", "zh_tw": "除了朝鮮的薩滿教,還有別的宗教被禁?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "基督宗教(그리스도교)在十八世紀末到十九世紀在朝鮮半島北部非常流行。第一批天主教傳教士於 1794 年到達,這是在中國北京首次受洗的朝鮮外交官李承薰回到朝鮮王朝十年之後。基督新教的傳教士在 1880 年帶抵達朝鮮王朝,他們和天主教傳教士使大量朝鮮人信仰基督宗教。衛理會和長老會在朝鮮建立了學校、醫院和孤兒院,對於朝鮮現代化建設中發揮了重要作用。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "十八世紀末到十九世紀" } ] }, "id": "d7466586292b8430b6fcbd970cc7dc66fd1c3ef3", "question": { "en": "When did Christianity become favored in northern Korea?", "zh_tw": "何時基督教在朝鮮受到青睞?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "朝鮮民主主義人民共和國宗教" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Hebron is a busy hub of West Bank trade, generating roughly a third of the area's gross domestic product, largely due to the sale of limestone from quarries in its area. It has a local reputation for its grapes, figs, limestone, pottery workshops and glassblowing factories, and has the major dairy-product manufacturer al-Juneidi. The old city of Hebron features narrow, winding streets, flat-roofed stone houses, and old bazaars. The city is home to Hebron University and Palestine Polytechnic University.Hebron is attached to cities of ad-Dhahiriya, Dura, Yatta, the surrounding villages with no borders. Hebron Governorate is the largest Palestinian governorate, with a population of 600,364 as of 2010.", "zh_tw": "希伯侖以葡萄、石灰石、陶器作坊和玻璃工廠著稱,著名的乳製品製造商 al-Juneidi 也位於此處。希伯侖老城的特點是狹窄曲折的街道、平頂的石頭房屋和古老的集市。希伯侖擁有希伯侖大學和巴勒斯坦理工大學。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 364, "text": "narrow" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 59, "text": "狹窄" } ] }, "id": "a32c07855706c9cbdbdfa9091fff9d1964cbef27", "question": { "en": "How wide are the streets?", "zh_tw": "街道有多寬?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Hebron", "zh_tw": "希伯侖" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "通常認為 “控制桿(joystick)” 一詞由 20 世紀初法國飛行員 Robert Esnault-Pelterie 最先使用的。同時還有他的飛行員夥伴 Robert Loraine,James Henry Joyce 和 Mr A.E. George。1910 年,飛行員先驅 Mr A.E. George 和他的同事 Mr. Jobling 在英格蘭 Newcastle 建造並起飛了一架雙翼飛機。據說是他發明了 “喬治杆(George Stick)”,後來更多的被稱為控制桿(joystick)。喬治和 Jobling 的飛機控制欄收藏在英格蘭 Newcastle Upon Tyne 的 Discovery Museum。在早期的飛機就有控制桿了,儘管具體操作的細節還不確定。1944 年左右在德國出現了第一個電動 2 軸控制桿。改進的該裝置用於使滑翔炸彈 Henschel Hs 293 瞄準艦船目標。在這裡,控制桿是由一個操作者來掌控讓導彈射中目標。此時的控制桿只是一個開關,而不是模擬感測器,即數字操縱桿。控制桿到達導彈的訊號是由無線電傳遞的。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 136, "text": "飛行員先驅" } ] }, "id": "4a98db3180456026443e4cf9e34fb4c50822fbc4", "question": { "en": "What was George occupation?", "zh_tw": "George 的職業是什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 396, "text": "293 瞄準艦船目標。" } ] }, "id": "2f96dfbce0121645583cdfc2ac98af712766a134", "question": { "en": "What type of targets were mainly targeted with the device?", "zh_tw": "這個裝置主要瞄準什麼目標?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 78, "text": "Robert Loraine,James Henry Joyce 和 Mr A.E. George" } ] }, "id": "a4bd597b65c210244c83dc4a1bd4b9aa551472a2", "question": { "en": "What are some other people besides Robert Esnault-Pelteri who argued that they created name\"joystick\"?", "zh_tw": "\"除了 Robert Esnault-Pelterie 之外,還有哪些人認為他們創造了\" 控制桿 \" 這個名字?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在 20 世紀 60 年代無線電控制飛機模型系統廣泛使用控制桿,如 1964 年 Phill Kraft 生產的 Kwik Fly。Kraft Systems 最終成為計算機行業和其他使用者的一個重要 OEM 控制桿供應商。電動輪椅是控制桿在除了無線電控制飛機以外的第一個行業,如 1963 年的 Permobil。在這段期間內,美國宇航局使用控制桿作為阿波羅任務控制裝置的一部分。例如,月球著陸器的測試模型使用控制桿操縱。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 172, "text": "控制桿" } ] }, "id": "ce88218a3895a7b4c20fb2ae634a6ee81ae9a03f", "question": { "en": "Kraft systems supplied what object to NASA to use as control devices?", "zh_tw": "Kraft 系統向美國宇航局供應了什麼作為控制裝置?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "街機控制桿是一種用於遊戲機或電腦的大型控制器。一些街機上配置使用杆和按鈕,用於使用特別的多鍵組合。例如,街機遊戲街頭霸王 II 或真人快打系列的 6 按鈕佈局在家用機手柄上實現起來並不舒服,所以有用於 Xbox 360 玩這類遊戲的家用控制桿出現了。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 72, "text": "6" } ] }, "id": "c87d11aee77aa1ba84445a5dcc12ed753b2571d4", "question": { "en": "How many circular shaped objects used to control characters were present on the arcade machines for Street Fighter II?", "zh_tw": "《街機遊戲街頭霸王 II》的遊戲機上有多少用於控制角色的圓形物體?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "醫用控制桿,是一種輔具指標裝置,是為相當嚴重的身體殘疾的人用來取代滑鼠的。這種控制桿不是用來玩遊戲的,而是插入 USB 埠和控制游標的。對於患痙病的人(如腦麻痺)來說,抓住控制桿比抓住滑鼠容易。微型控制桿也可為肌肉乏力的人們提供幫助,如肌肉萎縮症,或運動神經疾病。它們還用於電動輪椅的控制,因為它們是簡單而有效的一種控制方法。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 77, "text": "腦麻痺" } ] }, "id": "cc52b29559c6e61d96ee46167dde64576234076b", "question": { "en": "What kind of condition is cerebral palsy?", "zh_tw": "什麼樣的病情是腦癱?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "控制桿" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The MacBook was a line of Macintosh notebook computers designed, manufactured and sold by Apple Inc. from May 2006 to February 2012. A new line of computers by the same name was released in 2015, serving the same purpose as an entry-level laptop. It replaced the iBook series and 12-inch PowerBook series of notebooks as a part of Apple's transition from PowerPC to Intel processors. Positioned as the low end of the MacBook family, below the premium ultra-portable MacBook Air and the powerful MacBook Pro, the MacBook was aimed at the consumer and education markets. It was the best-selling Macintosh ever. For five months in 2008, it was the best-selling laptop of any brand in US retail stores. Collectively, the MacBook brand is the \"world's top-selling line of premium laptops.\"There have been four separate designs of the MacBook. The original model used a combination of polycarbonate and fiberglass casing which was modeled after the iBook G4. The second type was introduced in October 2008 alongside the 15-inch MacBook Pro; the MacBook shared the more expensive laptop's unibody aluminium casing, but omitted FireWire. A third design, introduced in late 2009, had a polycarbonate unibody casing.", "zh_tw": "MacBook 有 4 個獨立設計。第一代中使用的是以 iBook G4 為藍本,使用結合聚碳酸酯和玻璃纖維的白色或黑色外殼,是蘋果第一個搭載 Intel Core Duo 處理器的筆記型電腦。第二代在 2008 年 10 月與 15 寸 MacBook Pro 一同推出,採用了類似 15 寸 MacBook Pro 的一體式鋁製外殼,但移除了 FireWire,以降低價格。FireWire 的缺乏使客戶抱怨,導致 MacBook 銷售不佳。第三代在 2009 年 1 月推出,再次使用了聚碳酸酯外殼,並重新添加了 FireWire。FireWire 是在 2009 年底釋出的更新版本再度被移除。MacBook 系列與入門級的 MacBook Air 系列和專業級的 MacBook Pro 系列組成完整的產品線。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1017, "text": "15-inch" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 97, "text": "第二代在 2008 年 10 月與 15 寸" } ] }, "id": "ed39778440619f7c15cf231a8cbc1cf49142a46d", "question": { "en": "How big was the MacBook Pro that was launched in October 2008?", "zh_tw": "2008 年 10 月上市的蘋果膝上型電腦多大?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "MacBook (2006–2012)", "zh_tw": "MacBook" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1972 年,梅賽德斯 - 賓士推出了 W116 S 系列,史上第一個被劃作 S 系列的車型。W116 S 系列的特點是裝置四輪獨立懸掛系統和碟煞系統。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1972" } ] }, "id": "989426596c76fcb3cbb8ebda9082205646c36e6b", "question": { "en": "when did the Mercedes -Benz introduce the W116?", "zh_tw": "梅賽德斯 - 賓士何時推出 W116?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "W116 S 系列共有 280、350 和 450 型號冠有 SE 和 SEL 版本,整個 W116 S 系列的生產總量為 473,035 輛。這是個具有開創性的車款,並在梅賽德斯 - 賓士史上的第一次,公然強調造車哲學上,車輛安全高於造型設計。在 1960 年代後期開始的 “車輛安全研究”,將眾多安全功能融入整體設計。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 5, "text": "S 系列共有 280、350 和 450 型號冠有 SE 和 SEL 版本,整個 W116 S 系列的生產總量為 473,035 輛。" } ] }, "id": "fc0bcc9372b6488ec5b4dd27d8919d8835fafd9f", "question": { "en": "How many units of the W116 were produced?", "zh_tw": "生產了多少臺 W116?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "1998 年 7 月,梅賽德斯 - 賓士發表了完全重新設計的 W220 S 系列,身形稍微比其前款更小,重量更輕。不同於 W140 S 系列設計風格,展開新一代梅賽德斯 - 賓士設計語彙,重新關注優雅的風格,相較 W140 S 系列更加圓潤的造型風格。儘管車體較小,W220 比 W140 提供了更大的內部空間。 W220 S 系列的總產量為 485,000 輛,略超過 W140 S 系列。W220 S 系列配備全新 AIRMATIC 空氣懸吊系統和主動通風座椅(座椅使用微型風扇將空氣透過穿孔)的創新技術,中控臺安裝螢幕顯示導航系統以及 COMAND 輸入控制系統。其他選配包括:無鑰匙開門和點火,雷達控制的 Distronic 巡航控制系統和主動氣缸關閉控制系統。 2003 年,4MATIC 全時四輪驅動系統的 S 系列被匯入到北美市場,取代了傳統的後輪驅動配置。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 171, "text": "485,000 輛" } ] }, "id": "3025d664faca7b8037ca3b02c58b82aaeaec6292", "question": { "en": "How many W220 S-Class's were produced?", "zh_tw": "生產了多少 W220 s 級車輛?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "梅賽德斯 - 賓士 S 級" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Poe planned for years to produce his own journal The Penn (later renamed The Stylus), but he died before it could be produced. He died in Baltimore on October 7, 1849, at age 40; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, \"brain congestion\", cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other causes.Poe and his works influenced literature around the world, as well as specialized fields such as cosmology and cryptography. He and his work appear throughout popular culture in literature, music, films, and television. A number of his homes are dedicated museums today. The Mystery Writers of America present an annual award known as the Edgar Award for distinguished work in the mystery genre.", "zh_tw": "愛倫・坡後將心力投入散文,並在接著數年間謀職於文學雜誌與期刊,以他獨特的風格成為小有名氣的文學評論家。愛倫・坡因工作需求常來往巴爾的摩、費城、紐約等城市,而於 1835 年,26 歲的他與 13 歲的表妹維吉尼亞・克萊姆在巴爾的摩完婚。1845 年 1 月,愛倫・坡發表了詩作《烏鴉》,一夕成名。二年後,他的妻子死於結核病。愛倫・坡開始籌劃以個人名義創辦一份刊物《賓州報》(後改名為《鐵筆報》),但到死前都沒有完成此業。1849 年 10 月 7 日,愛倫・坡逝於巴爾的摩。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 49, "text": "The Penn" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 181, "text": "《賓州報》" } ] }, "id": "2e62cb1a941e40208fe73d1d11d77611f8fc91af", "question": { "en": "What was the originally planned name for this work?", "zh_tw": "這項工作最初的計劃名稱是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Edgar Allan Poe", "zh_tw": "愛倫・坡" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "特爾納特蘇丹國(印尼語:Kesultanan Ternate)是印度尼西亞最老的穆斯林王國之一,由 Baab Mashur Malamo 建立於 1257 年。在巴布拉蘇丹(Baabullah)時代(1570–1583)達到鼎盛的黃金時期。蘇丹國範圍包括印尼東部和菲律賓南部的一部分。特爾納特蘇丹國在 15 至 17 世紀是個區域大國以及世界主要的丁香生產地。現在特爾納特蘇丹國僅僅是文化的象徵,蘇丹也只是象徵性的存在,並沒有任何政治權利。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 142, "text": "特爾納特" } ] }, "id": "1300ae5c5c2b6d4b7c574d4e92caa19891338a16", "question": { "en": "Who produced cloves?", "zh_tw": "誰製作過丁香?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 61, "text": "Malamo" } ] }, "id": "eef0c5b1c2e41b7a6758c7da029548dfea46328b", "question": { "en": "What was the last name of the man who created The Sultanate of Ternate?", "zh_tw": "特爾納特蘇丹國的立國者的姓氏是什麼?\\n\\n" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "巴布拉蘇丹(Baabullah)(1570–1583 在位)時期是特爾納特蘇丹國的統治頂峰,其影響力遠達蘇拉威西島東部、安汶島、斯蘭島、帝汶島、棉蘭老島南部還有巴布亞部分地區。鄰近的蒂多雷蘇丹國經常與之激烈競爭以控制周圍島嶼,歷史學家倫納德・安達婭說,特爾納特與蒂多雷的 “二元” 對抗是馬魯古群島早期歷史的主題。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 52, "text": "蘇拉威西島東部、安汶島、斯蘭島、帝汶島、棉蘭老島南部還有巴布亞部分地區" } ] }, "id": "d83b37e4cba0b8fb025808e260613e932f894a4e", "question": { "en": "Which areas did Sultan Baabullah have under his influence at the peak of his reign?", "zh_tw": "巴布拉蘇丹統治的頂峰時期他的影響力遍及的地區有哪些?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "特爾納特蘇丹國" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "現代占星術家對行星的影響力來源持不同之意見。霍恩(Hone)寫道行星發揮作用是直接透過引力或他者,即未知的影響力。其他人認為行星們自己本身並沒有直接的影響力,可是卻為宇宙中基本的組織原則之反映。換句話說,宇宙無所不在得重複祂們自己的基本模式,在類似 - 分形(fractal-like )塑造之中,並且如其在上如其在下(as above so below);而前述這段話是出自鍊金術的整體宇宙觀原則,全文為──“如其在上,如其在下,如其在內,如其在外。(As above, so below. As within, so without.)”──。因此,行星們在天空中所形成的模式反映了人類內心精力基本的高低起伏。行星們也是互有關聯,尤其是在中國的傳統命理中,是與自然界的基本力量在一起得。最新的占星術家,提出星體的影響力來自於量子交換或是量子纏結,影響到人類身體與心靈、情緒反應。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 308, "text": "行星們" } ] }, "id": "80bcb10b8cb26025441db59a89f1761fef827bf7", "question": { "en": "What basic forces are associated with plants in Chinese culture?", "zh_tw": "在中國文化中,什麼基本力量與行星有關聯?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "墨丘利 - 水星()是雙子座與處女座的守護主星以及在處女座或是水瓶座中是擢升星。在羅馬神話中,墨丘利是眾神的使者,祂的速度和迅捷是著名與出名的。與此相呼應,為酷熱、鬱熱且沒有風世界的水星繞著太陽轉,他在太陽系任何行星之中是公轉軌道速度最快的行星。水星只有運用了 88 天的時間繞著太陽軌道來執行一週,在進入每一個黃道十二星座之中則必須耗費 7.33 天的時間。太陽系的行星裡,水星是這麼如此的貼近著太陽得,祂是跟隨著太陽仍在地平線之上之前,並且在太陽即將要下山之後的那個時刻人們即可以用肉眼來看見祂了,但也只有一個短暫的時間會存在於天空上顯現。占星術領域中的解釋,水星代表著溝通、智力(mentality)、思維模式、理性和推理,以及適應性和變化性的原則。水星是支配與掌管著學校和教育、周圍環境的鄰居、親兄弟姊妹與堂或表親兄弟姊妹、短距離的交通運輸,資訊和通訊形式像是郵遞、電子郵件和電話、報紙、新聞業與寫作、資訊情報的蒐集技能與身體的靈巧性。西元一世紀的詩人曼尼裡烏斯描述著水星為一顆變化無常、活潑和好奇的行星。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 130, "text": "88" } ] }, "id": "d9afe587eae466c7150aa12ece06e74ce00c3a0a", "question": { "en": "How many days does Mercury take to orbit the Sun?", "zh_tw": "水星繞著太陽軌道執行一週要多少天?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 405, "text": "資訊情報的蒐集技能與身體的靈巧性" } ] }, "id": "9967d5138401adce00d498d8698888c0372695c7", "question": { "en": "Which human like qualities were attributed to mercury", "zh_tw": "水星有哪些和人相似的特點?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "行星 (占星術)" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "2007 年 12 月,糧農組織實施應對糧價飛漲計劃幫助小生產者提高產量並增加收入。這個計劃也是糧農組織對 2008 年 4 月成立的聯合國全球糧食危機高級別工作組制定的全面行動框架的貢獻。糧農組織已經在 25 個國家實施專案,赴近 60 個國家執行機構間任務。透過全球糧食和農業資訊及預警系統提高監測工作,對國家提供政策建議,同時支援他們在提高糧食產量方面所作的努力,鼓勵農業投資。該計劃也與歐盟密切合作。例如,在海地實施一個一千萬美元的優質種子分發和培育專案;該專案顯著提高了糧食產量,降低了糧價,增加了農民收入。。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 197, "text": "歐盟" } ] }, "id": "84963273129122b0d40caa05c83295fda00e6157", "question": { "en": "Which Union worked closely with FAO to combat the Global Food Crisis?", "zh_tw": "哪個聯盟與聯合國糧食及農業組織密切合作,共同應對全球糧食危機?\\n" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "2007 年 12 月" } ] }, "id": "cfffe36d647b33faef889a7eb6c0cc25255cad87", "question": { "en": "When did FAO launch the initiative?", "zh_tw": "糧農組織何時發起這項倡議?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "糧食安全特別計劃 是糧農組織的首要行動,作為千年發展目標承諾的一部分,實現到 2015 年全世界飢餓人口數量減半的目標(當前估計接近 10 億人)。 透過全球超過 100 個國家的專案,該計劃促進提供切實有效地解決方案以消除飢餓、營養不良和貧困。當前 102 個國家參加了該計劃,並且有近 30 個國家開始轉向國家計劃。為取得這項工作的最大成效,糧農組織極力推動該計劃由國家管理,並充分利用其自身的資源來運轉。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 110, "text": "消除飢餓、營養不良和貧困。" } ] }, "id": "c887807bbfbe38ff88ae09923662c40ddd65c642", "question": { "en": "What does the Special Programme aim to combat?", "zh_tw": "糧食安全特別計劃的主要目標是對抗什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "每位糧農組織親善大使 – 來自藝術界、娛樂界、體育界和科學領域的名流,如諾貝爾獎獲得者麗塔・列維 - 蒙塔爾奇尼,著名演員鞏俐,歌唱家米瑞安・馬卡貝,足球運動員羅伯特・巴喬和勞爾・岡薩雷斯・布蘭科等很多名人 – 為糧農組織的願景,做出了個人和職業承諾,那就是為我們這一代和子孫後代建設一個糧食有保障的世界。親善大使們利用他們的智慧和影響力,帶動老少、貧富所有人一起投身於這場消除飢餓的全球運動,他們的目標是力爭在 21 世紀實現 “人人有糧”。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "每位糧農組織親善大使" } ] }, "id": "576d7546c500c44c51c89325271d6d35bce6dac4", "question": { "en": "What campaign does the Goodwill Ambassador draw people in for?", "zh_tw": "親善大使吸引人們參加什麼活動?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "聯合國糧食及農業組織" }
[ { "context": { "en": "All three women were considered social outcasts, albeit for different reasons. Tituba was an enslaved woman for Samuel Parris and his family; she and Sarah Good were both poor women, whereas Osborne was not. Osborne had not attended church in almost three years due to a long illness, and was still dealing with legal issues with the Putnam family. The accusations against Osborne likely were the product of powerful suggestions from the Putnam family. The warrant for Sarah Osborne's arrest was written for March 1, 1692. She was to be placed in the Boston jails for the duration of her examinations and trials and was sent to Boston along with Tituba and Sarah Good on March 7th, 1692. During her examinations, she claimed she was innocent and denied being involved with evil spirits or hurting the children. She did not confess, nor did she accuse anyone else. This contrasts Tituba's account, who confessed to witchcraft and claimed that Osborne and Sarah Good participated in witchcraft with her. Osborne died in jail on May 10, 1692, believed to have been 49 years of age.", "zh_tw": "1692 年 3 月 1 日,奧斯本被下達逮捕令。3 月 7 日,她和提圖芭、古德一起被送往波士頓。在等待審判期間,她一直被收押在波士頓的監獄。然而最終她卻從未接受審判,因為她早一步於 1692 年 5 月 10 日在監獄中逝世,一般認為她過世時年滿 49 歲。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 508, "text": "March 1, 1692" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1692 年 3 月 1 日" } ] }, "id": "9a8f6a8a46b131e1ac44c1051e51ebb6c1730846", "question": { "en": "When was Sarah Osborne arrested?", "zh_tw": "薩拉奧斯本什麼時候被捕?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 271, "text": "long illness" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "5a7e29a91acf14928eba69dc916a42b574cbcb43", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "為什麼奧斯本近三年沒有去教堂?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "出於不同的原因,三名女性都處於社會底層。提圖芭是奴隸,她和古德都是窮人,只有奧斯本不是窮人。由於長期患病,奧斯本近三年沒有進過教堂,且她和普特南家族有法律糾紛,非常有可能是普特南家族在幕後推動,促成了對奧斯本的指控 。為了奪得財產,她和普特南家族打官司,動搖了這個大家族在塞勒姆的權威和穩定性,這讓普特南家族認定她是個威脅。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 46, "text": "由於長期患病,奧斯本近三年沒有進過教堂,且她和普特南家族有法律糾紛,非常有可能是普特南家族在幕後推動,促成了對奧斯本的指控" } ] }, "id": "5a7e29a91acf14928eba69dc916a42b574cbcb43", "question": { "en": "Why did Osborne not go to church for nearly three years?", "zh_tw": "為什麼奧斯本近三年沒有去教堂?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Osborne is mentioned in the original version of Arthur Miller's The Crucible but does not appear as a character. Miller added her (along with other characters) into a courtroom scene when he wrote the screenplay for the 1996 film adaptation. In the drama, her name is spelled \"Osburn\". She was portrayed as a very pathetic character by actress Ruth Maleczech, an impoverished and obviously deranged beggar but also aware that she is in grave danger. As no evidence indicates that Osborne was mentally ill, her movie depiction may be a composite character of Osborne and Sarah Good, the latter of whom was known to mutter and insist she was reciting the Ten Commandments, as does the Osborne character in the movie.", "zh_tw": "《激情年代》,美國劇作家亞瑟・米勒 1953 年的作品。奧斯本在原始的戲劇版本中只有被提及名字,並沒有演員來飾演她。1996 年,亞瑟・米勒撰寫本劇的電影改編版本時,在法庭的場景加入了奧斯本的角色,由露絲・馬萊奇飾演。電影中的她被描寫成一位精神已經瘋狂的女乞丐。史實上的奧斯本並沒有留下精神病和成為乞丐的紀錄,電影版本的她很可能是融合了薩娜・古德的形象。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 220, "text": "1996" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 58, "text": "1996" } ] }, "id": "049e6e157a2c580e4371721d8bbe24150e820e97", "question": { "en": "When was 'The Crucible' film adaptation released?", "zh_tw": "電影《激情年代》的改編版什麼時候上映的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sarah Osborne", "zh_tw": "薩娜・奧斯本" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "現代物理學認為有四種基本作用力存在。然而,物理學中並沒有一個公認的統一理論,因此偶爾物理學家們也會假定存在一個額外的基本力 —— 第五種力。大多數物理學家假定第五種力大約和引力的強度相近(也就是說,比電磁力和核力弱得多),而其力程則從一毫米到宇觀尺度不等。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 86, "text": "引力" } ] }, "id": "b13edbb194b86f676d410a01715d80d7e612ddd8", "question": { "en": "What natural phenomenon is the fifth force likened to?", "zh_tw": "哪自然現象比喻為第五種力?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "關於額外的基本力的想法很難被驗證,這是因為引力實在是太弱了,兩個物體間的引力相互作用只有當其中一個物體質量很大時才無法被忽略。因此,想要測量比起地球還要小的物體間的引力,將需要非常精密的裝置。儘管如此,在 20 世紀 80 年代末,一群研究者們(Fischbach 等)在回顧 20 世紀早期由 Loránd Eötvös 所得出的關於第五種力的結論時,他們發現了作用尺度大約在 100m 量級的新的作用力。這一作用力被認為與超荷有關。然而,後來的實驗均沒能復現這一結果。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 88, "text": "非常精密的裝置" } ] }, "id": "4e725346efefc36598751dc61dd592128c1e2866", "question": { "en": "What does it take to measure earth's gravitational interactions?", "zh_tw": "測量地球引力相互作用需要什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "第五種力" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Linguists realised from the 17th century onwards that the language spoken by these people, the Goidelic languages, was a branch of the Celtic languages. This is usually explained as a result of invasions by Celts from the continent. However, other research has postulated that the culture developed gradually and continuously, and that the introduction of Celtic language and elements of Celtic culture may have been a result of cultural exchange with Celtic groups in southwest continental Europe from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.The hypothesis that the native Late Bronze Age inhabitants gradually absorbed Celtic influences has since been supported by some recent genetic research.The Romans referred to Ireland as Scotia 500 CE, and later Hibernia. Ptolemy, in 100 CE, recorded Ireland's geography and tribes. Ireland was never a part of the Roman Empire, but Roman influence was often projected well beyond its borders. Tacitus writes that an exiled Irish prince was with Agricola in Roman Britain and would return to seize power in Ireland. Juvenal tells us that Roman \"arms had been taken beyond the shores of Ireland\". In recent years, some experts have hypothesized that Roman-sponsored Gaelic forces (or perhaps even Roman regulars) mounted some kind of invasion around 100 CE, but the exact relationship between Rome and the dynasties and peoples of Hibernia remains unclear.", "zh_tw": "羅馬帝國佔領英格蘭後愛爾蘭的貴族有時襲擊英格蘭進行搶劫。羅馬人稱愛爾蘭為希伯尼亞(Hibernia)。托勒密於 100 年精確地描寫了愛爾蘭的地理和部落。愛爾蘭從未是羅馬帝國的一部分,但羅馬的影響往往超出它的疆域。塔西陀曾提及一個愛爾蘭部落首領,他在大不列顛與羅馬將軍阿古可拉相遇後回到愛爾蘭去奪權。尤維納爾報道說羅馬 “軍隊在愛爾蘭海岸被俘”。假如羅馬或其同盟者試圖入侵過愛爾蘭的話,那麼他們沒有留下多少痕跡。愛爾蘭與羅馬的關係到底怎樣今天不很清楚。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 757, "text": "Ptolemy" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 51, "text": "托勒密" } ] }, "id": "9a376e789d10ecea2b7b469d38895ff2739a2551", "question": { "en": "What scholar made records of both the tribes and geography of Ireland in 100CE?", "zh_tw": "哪位學者在 100 年記錄了愛爾蘭的部落和地理?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 929, "text": "Tacitus" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 107, "text": "塔西陀" } ] }, "id": "3e28ad95f1f2bbf71b6fab08a90ad8ae1da1ee68", "question": { "en": "who wrote about the the exiled Irish prince ?", "zh_tw": "誰記述了流亡的愛爾蘭王子?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Patrick is traditionally credited with preserving and codifying Irish laws and changing only those that conflicted with Christian practices. He is credited with introducing the Roman alphabet, which enabled Irish monks to preserve parts of the extensive oral literature. The historicity of these claims remains the subject of debate and there is no direct evidence linking Patrick with any of these accomplishments. The myth of Patrick, as scholars refer to it, was developed in the centuries after his death.Irish scholars excelled in the study of Latin learning and Christian theology in the monasteries that flourished shortly thereafter. Missionaries from Ireland to England and Continental Europe spread news of the flowering of learning, and scholars from other nations came to Irish monasteries. The excellence and isolation of these monasteries helped preserve Latin learning during the Early Middle Ages. The period of Insular art, mainly in the fields of illuminated manuscripts, metalworking, and sculpture flourished and produced such treasures as the Book of Kells, the Ardagh Chalice, and the many carved stone crosses that dot the island. Insular style was to be a crucial ingredient in the formation of the Romanesque and Gothic styles throughout Western Europe. Sites dating to this period include clochans, ringforts and promontory forts.", "zh_tw": "隨著新的信仰的普及傳統的德魯伊教垮臺了。愛爾蘭的學者在修道院中學習拉丁語和基督教神學,修道院在愛爾蘭非常繁華。從愛爾蘭到英格蘭和歐洲大陸的傳道士宣傳愛爾蘭的學風,從歐洲各地吸引了許多學者到愛爾蘭來。這些修道院非常出色,而且它們與世隔絕,為將拉丁語的許多知識儲存下來起了很大的作用。為書畫插圖的藝術、金屬加工、雕刻在愛爾蘭獲得巨大發展。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 660, "text": "Ireland" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "愛爾蘭" } ] }, "id": "e31c491da6f0a1f4c27c527995948a3e983bc8b4", "question": { "en": "What is the first country mentioned?", "zh_tw": "提到的第一個國家是哪個?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "History of Ireland", "zh_tw": "愛爾蘭歷史" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Socialization theory offers a straightforward account of the acquisition of gendered identities. Infants are seen as blank slates, waiting to be written down on by their environment. Through their interactions with people close to them and exposure to the values of their society, infants learn what sex is attributed to them and what roles they are expected to learn. Reinforcement (through rewarding gender-appropriate behavior and punishing what may seem as deviant behavior) socializes children into their genders. Parents, for example, are far more likely to engage with their sons in rough physical play than they are with their daughters, and it has been argued that long-term consequences may follow (in this case, a head start for boys in the development of physical violence and aggressiveness.)Parents and family can influence the way that a child develops their view of gender. These types of influences can include parental attitudes and difference of treatment regarding male and female children. Researcher Susan Witt claims that parents also expose children to gender from the time they are born via specific toys, colors, and names associated with genders in the binary. Witt suggests that parental attitudes about gender can differ from male to female children and that these attitudes develop quickly after a child's birth.Author Susan Grieshaber, in \"Constructing the Gendered Infant\", suggests that attitudes regarding pregnancy change after parents find out the sex of their child, subsequently changing parental attitudes towards the unborn child. According to Grieshaber's theory, once parents determine the sex of their unborn child, they assume a gender while planning for the child's arrival. Because of this, Grieshaber claims that infants are born into a gendered world where they never know anything other than the gender traits that are assumed due to their sex. Dr. Kara Smith utilizes similar theory throughout the analysis of her pregnancy journals kept throughout her second pregnancy. Smith concluded that her attitude towards her child changed after learning that her child’s sex was male. Smith's claim is reflected in changes in tone of voice when talking to the unborn child as well as differences in physical touch of her stomach throughout the rest of her pregnancy. Another theory of gender socialization, discussed by Susan McHale, is that the gender roles and attitudes of older siblings can impact the gender roles adopted by younger children. Throughout the findings of McHale's study, it is maintained that parents still have the most familial influence on childhood socialization.By the time children reach the age of three, many will have acquired a firm sense of themselves as male or female, a gender identity that remains throughout life. In addition, many pre-schoolers develop a firm awareness of gender stereotypes, insisting that certain activities or items of clothing are not for girls and others not for boys. Yet gender identity does not automatically follow from biological sex.Adults respond differently to communicative efforts of boys and girls. A study of infants aged 13 months found that when boys demand attention - by behaving aggressively, or crying, whining or screaming - they tended to get it. By contrast, adults tended to respond to girls only when they used language, gestures, or gentle touches; girls who used attention-seeking techniques were likely ignored. There was little difference in the communicative patterns at the start of the study, but by the age of two, the girls have become more talkative and boys more assertive in their communicative techniques.The norms that are taught throughout childhood are influential in an individual's life because the ideas about gender that are typically taught by parents in early years are reinforced outside of the home. A study done by Dr. Mick Cunningham states that the normative behaviors and attitudes that children observe can influence the way that these children grow up to structure their own households in adulthood. Normative gender roles can be reinforced outside of the household, adding power to these hegemonic ideas about gender. An analysis of children’s books in the twenty-first century, by Janice McCabe, suggests that this particular avenue of children’s media symbolically annihilates females, representing them about half as often as that of males. Underrepresentation such as this can affect children and their views of gender. Children’s TV networks, such as Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network have demonstrated a disproportional representation of males and females on their respective shows in a study done by Beth Hentges and Kim Case. According to Hentges and Case, there are less female characters across all three children’s networks; however, there is more propagation of stereotypical gendered behavior on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon than that of Disney.", "zh_tw": "許多小孩子長到三歲的時候,就已經有認定自己屬於男性或女性的自我意識了,且這一性別認同將會伴隨其終身。此外,許多學齡前兒童也形成了強烈的性別角色意識,認定不能做出自己的生理性別不符的行為舉止,或者穿和自己的生理性別不符的服裝。但不見得每個人的性別認同會與生理性別相一致。社交理論則簡單直白地解釋了性別身份的認同過程。剛剛降生的嬰兒宛如一張白紙,靜候社會的渲染。透過與親近的人互動,以及與社會上流行的那些價值觀的接觸,嬰兒明白了他們被賦予了什麼性別,以及他們將要學會扮演怎樣的角色。而獎懲制度(獎勵孩子那些符合性別模式的行為,懲罰那些不符合性別模式的行為)進一步將孩子們磨合進了他們的社會性別之中。比如說,比起女兒來說,父母更喜歡和兒子進行大動作的玩耍行為,而這會產生一些長期的效果(在這個例子中,男孩子從一開始便被教導了身體行為會更加暴力、激進一些)。此外,男孩子和女孩子在試圖與成年人溝通時,成年人的反應是不同的。一項針對 13 個月大的嬰兒的研究顯示,當男孩子需要吸引注意力時,通常會表現更加氣勢洶洶,大哭,哽咽或者尖叫,這樣成年人通常就會前來照顧他們了。而相反的是,女孩子們只有在使用語言、手勢,或者很溫和地觸碰時,成年人才會對她們的要求有所回應,而那些賣力氣來求得關注的女孩子們常常會被忽略掉。在這項研究剛剛開始的時候,男孩子和女孩子在與人溝通的方式上幾乎毫無差別,但是到了兩歲的時候,女孩子變得更愛說話了,男孩子則在溝通技巧上變得更武斷了。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 3430, "text": "ignored" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 545, "text": "被忽略" } ] }, "id": "223e2db32044ac402fd1edafcbec4f7f40fa6a7c", "question": { "en": "What happens when girl use attention-seeking techniques?", "zh_tw": "當女孩使用尋求關注方法時會發生什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sociology of gender", "zh_tw": "性別社會學" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The British Army during World War I was small in size when compared to the other major European powers. In 1914, the British had a small, largely urban English, volunteer force of 400,000 soldiers, almost half of whom were posted overseas to garrison the British Empire. (In August 1914, 74 of the 157 infantry battalions and 12 of the 31 cavalry regiments were posted overseas.) This total included the Regular Army and reservists in the Territorial Force. Together they formed the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), for service in France and became known as the Old Contemptibles. The mass of volunteers in 1914–1915, popularly known as Kitchener's Army, was destined to go into action at the battle of the Somme. In January 1916, conscription was introduced, and by the end of 1918, the army had reached its peak of strength of four million men.", "zh_tw": "英國陸軍的規模與其他歐洲主要勢力對比是比較小的。在戰爭爆發前,英國陸軍是一支小而現代化(相對當時而言)的志願軍,一共有 400,000 人,大多數人在大英帝國在全世界各地的軍事基地和要塞服役(至 1914 年 8 月,157 個步兵營中有 74 個、31 個騎兵團中有 12 個部署在海外)。這些常備軍和其他預備役軍人被編入「英國遠征軍」(British Expeditionary Force,BEF)遠征法國參加與德國的對戰。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 239, "text": "to garrison the British Empire" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 91, "text": "要塞服役" } ] }, "id": "3a6f61347e39a7e850853a79ca4bf2572fdd9ca2", "question": { "en": "Why were the volunteers working overseas?", "zh_tw": "為什麼志願軍在世界各地工作?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 483, "text": "British Expeditionary Force" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 163, "text": "英國遠征軍" } ] }, "id": "7b9a205b5ab5dd63dc37bccb4975836f86db87ab", "question": { "en": "what is the meaning of BEF?", "zh_tw": "BEF 的含義是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "History of the United Kingdom during the First World War", "zh_tw": "第一次世界大戰中的英國" }
[ { "context": { "en": "So the parser should also use the rule A → w if ε is in Fi(w) and it sees on the input stream a symbol that could follow A. Therefore, we also need the Follow-set of A, written as Fo(A) here, which is defined as the set of terminals a such that there is a string of symbols αAaβ that can be derived from the start symbol. We use $ as a special terminal indicating end of input stream and S as start symbol.", "zh_tw": "'$' 時一個特殊的終結符,用於表示分析棧的棧底或者輸入的結束;而 'S' 則時文法的開始符號。分析器會嘗試根據它在輸入流中看到的符號來改寫分析棧中的資料,但只會將仍需修改的資料存回分析棧中。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 331, "text": "as a special terminal indicating end of input stream" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 5, "text": "一個特殊的終結符" } ] }, "id": "01a3c016461767cc62b28038a7bde4770d23d081", "question": { "en": "What is $ used for?", "zh_tw": "“$” 這一符號表示什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "LL parser", "zh_tw": "LL 剖析器" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "18 世紀該書出版時,可謂現代自學書籍(self-help book)的一位先驅。該書成文參考大量文學舊作,如建議手冊、宗教故事等。18 世紀下半頁有大量行為指南得以出版,市場蓬勃發展,沃斯通克拉夫特出版《女教論》時正利用了這點。然而,該書談不上非常成功:儘管書評加以讚譽,但僅有一份雜誌有過評論,書也只重印過一次。儘管當時一些通俗雜誌有摘錄該書內容,但上世紀 70 年代女性主義文學批判崛起之前,該書一直未能重印。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 177, "text": "上世紀 70 年代" } ] }, "id": "1bd2fb2e0cdf511a20df8fd2343440b99cb45a8b", "question": { "en": "During which decade did Thoughts recirculate?", "zh_tw": "Thoughts 在哪個年代重印?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "雖然《女教論》與所有女性行為手冊一樣,陳詞濫調與建議鋪天蓋地,但從其中少數章節(如她對苦難單身女性的辛酸描述)可以預見沃斯通克拉夫特在《女權辯護》(1792 年)一書裡所闡述的女權主義者的論點。然而,一些評論家認為,根據沃斯通克拉夫特的後期作品可以看出《女教論》裡的這些章節似乎只有激進意味。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 74, "text": "1792 年" } ] }, "id": "2a27b850d204ea87c3144546b37d34839c4fb8e7", "question": { "en": "When was the Vindication of Rights Woman made?", "zh_tw": "《女權辯護》是什麼時候寫成的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "女教論" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "澳大利亞參議院的 76 名參議員中有 72 名由澳大利亞的六個州選舉產生,每個州均可選舉 12 名聯邦參議員。選舉採用比例代表制和可轉移單票制;每名參議員的任期為六年,參議院每三年改選一半。除了每個州選舉的參議員之外,北領地和澳大利亞首都領地亦可每個領地選舉 2 名聯邦參議員。在澳大利亞選舉制度中,北領地選區除了包含北領地之外,還包括澳大利亞位於印度洋的領土聖誕島和科科斯(基林)群島;同樣的,澳大利亞首都領地除了包括澳大利亞首都領地之外,還包括傑維斯灣領地。領地所選舉的參議員採用偏好投票制,其任期並不固定。通常情況下,領地所選舉的參議員任期從眾議院大選結束後開始,一直持續到下一次大選開始前。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 78, "text": "任期為六年" } ] }, "id": "76c57de229fe93ce7943dd405a9865f327138bd5", "question": { "en": "How long is the longer term a senator can serve?", "zh_tw": "每名參議員的較長任期為多長時間?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "由於《澳大利亞聯邦憲法》自 1901 年才頒佈;而在此之前,澳大利亞是屬於大英帝國統治下的自治領。由於當時的澳大利亞並非主權國家,所以並不使用 “國家元首” 一詞。因為現在的澳大利亞是一個君主立憲制國家,所以政府和學術界均將女王視為澳大利亞的國家元首。 但是在實踐中,澳大利亞的國家元首由澳大利亞女王和澳大利亞總督共同擔任,其中澳大利亞總督由女王根據澳大利亞總理的提議進行任命。雖然在許多方面,澳大利亞總督是澳大利亞女王的代表,並以她的名義行使各種憲法權力;但他們也各自行使其他一些重要權力。澳大利亞總督在國際上代表澳大利亞,並出訪其他國家。澳大利亞君主目前為伊麗莎白二世,她同時也是包括聯合王國在內等 15 個英聯邦國家的君主。與其他自治領一樣,澳大利亞也是透過《1931 年西敏法令》從英國國會獲得立法獨立。該法令於 1942 年在澳大利亞透過,並以 1939 年 9 月 3 日為追溯期始。根據 1953 年的《皇室風格與頭銜法案,澳大利亞國會授予伊麗莎白二世 “澳大利亞女王” 的頭銜。而到了 1973 年,更是刪除了她其他諸如 “聯合王國女王”、“信仰捍衛者” 之類的頭銜,僅保留了 “澳大利亞女王” 稱號。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 13, "text": "1901 年" } ] }, "id": "3ec485ea192187daaa5b6f6aaedeb4a36b23649f", "question": { "en": "What year does the Austrailian Constitution date from?", "zh_tw": "《澳大利亞聯邦憲法》自哪一年頒佈?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "澳大利亞政府" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Coupling and cohesion are terms which occur together very frequently. Coupling refers to the interdependencies between modules, while cohesion describes how related the functions within a single module are. Low cohesion implies that a given module performs tasks which are not very related to each other and hence can create problems as the module becomes large.", "zh_tw": "耦合性和內聚性二個名詞常一起出現,用來表示一個理想模組需要有的特點,也就是低耦合性及高內聚性。耦合性著重於不同模組之間的相依性,而內聚性著重於一模組中不同功能之間的關聯性。低內聚性表示一個模組中的各機能之間沒什麼關聯,當模組擴充時常常會出現問題。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 93, "text": "interdependencies between modules" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 53, "text": "不同模組之間的相依性" } ] }, "id": "8481b4840e879f26253cd5ebea26e0684e8af501", "question": { "en": "What is coupling?", "zh_tw": "什麼是耦合性?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Coupling (computer programming)", "zh_tw": "耦合性 (電腦科學)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Banana Fish (Japanese: バナナフィッシュ) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akimi Yoshida. Serialized in Bessatsu Shōjo Comic from 1985 to 1994 and adapted into an anime television series in 2018, the series follows Ash Lynx, a teenage gang leader in New York City. It takes its name from the J. D. Salinger short story \"A Perfect Day for Bananafish\".", "zh_tw": "《BANANA FISH 戰慄殺機》(日語:バナナフィッシュ,英語:BANANA FISH)是由吉田秋生所創作的日本漫畫作品。於《別冊少女 COMIC》1985 年 5 月號至 1994 年 4 月號(1994 年 6 月號、8・9 月合併號、1995 年 1 月號刊載番外篇)之間連載。單行本全 19 集、文庫版全 12 集另含番外篇 1 集。也發行以本作為基礎製作的廣播劇。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "Banana" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 1, "text": "BANANA" } ] }, "id": "9e94d23da3b19d764a6660ef8b403ba31427fa68", "question": { "en": "What fruit is mentioned in the name of this Japanese book series?", "zh_tw": "該日本叢書的名稱中提到了什麼水果?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Banana Fish", "zh_tw": "Banana Fish" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Iran Air Flight 277 was a passenger flight which crashed near Urmia Airport, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, on 9 January 2011. At least 77 of the more than 100 aboard died. The aircraft involved, a Boeing 727-286Adv, was operating Iran Air's scheduled domestic service from Mehrabad International Airport, Tehran, to Urmia. It crashed after a go-around was initiated during final approach, in poor weather conditions.", "zh_tw": "伊朗航空 277 號班機是伊朗國內的一趟定期航班。由伊朗航空經營。當地時間 2011 年 1 月 9 日 19 時 45 分,執行此航班的波音 727-286Adv,在即將降落烏爾米耶機場時墜毀。當時機上有 105 人" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "277" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 4, "text": "277" } ] }, "id": "d473cacae5e04b4a6e445e82e3cac84cb670cdf5", "question": { "en": "What was the flight number that crashed in Iran in 2011?", "zh_tw": "2011 年在伊朗墜毀的班機是什麼號碼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Iran Air Flight 277", "zh_tw": "伊朗航空 277 號班機空難" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Merced, known as the \"Gateway to Yosemite,\" is less than two hours by automobile from Yosemite National Park to the east and Monterey Bay, the Pacific Ocean, and multiple beaches to the west. The community is served by the passenger rail service Amtrak, a minor, heavily subsidized airline through Merced Regional Airport, and three bus lines. It is approximately 110 miles (180 km) from Sacramento, 130 miles (210 km) from San Francisco, 45 miles (72 km) from Fresno, and 270 miles (430 km) from Los Angeles.", "zh_tw": "美熹德也被稱為「通往優勝美地之門 (Gateway to Yosemite)」,因為 99 號加利福尼亞州州道及 140 號加利福尼亞州州道的交匯點就在美熹德城內。經由 CA-140 一路往東,優勝美地國家公園即在美熹德約兩個小時車程的地方,;美熹德往西,經由 CA-152 公路可到達蒙特瑞灣 (Monterey Bay) 和太平洋,與漫長的海灘。美熹德位處加州中央谷地中部,距離舊金山約 2.5 小時車程,距離加州首府沙加緬度約 2 小時車程,距離洛杉磯約 5 小時車程。附近較大的城市有 南邊的佛雷斯諾及北邊的莫德斯托。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 22, "text": "Gateway to Yosemite" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 8, "text": "通往優勝美地之門" } ] }, "id": "478b77b895d8b64cb196ec9b6c0abf58dc01847c", "question": { "en": "What is Merced also known as?", "zh_tw": "美熹德又叫做什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Merced, California", "zh_tw": "美熹德 (加利福尼亞州)" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "受東北太平洋上空的強烈高壓脊影響,約翰繼續向西移動,而因上層風切變存在而無法超越熱帶風暴強度標準。由於風切變強度不斷變化,風暴的強度波動也很大。在此期間,氣旋上空雲系多次被風切變破壞,約翰的強度一度降至接近熱帶低氣壓標準。在太平洋上空緩慢移動了 8 天后,風切變於 8 月 19 日開始大幅減少,約翰隨即得到顯著強化,於太平洋時區當天下午 17 點升級成颶風。8 月 19 至 20 日的 18 小時裡,約翰從一級颶風增強成大型颶風。PDT8 月 20 日上午 11 點左右,風暴進入中太平洋,預警責任由美國國家颶風中心移交中太平洋颶風中心。進入中太平洋後,約翰繼續緩慢西進,並因夏威夷群島以南較遠處洋麵的環境有利而繼續快速增強,於 8 月 22 日成為薩菲爾 - 辛普森颶風等級下最高級別的五級颶風,再於夏威夷標準時間當天晚上達到持續風速每小時 280 公里的最高強度。約翰還在 22 日這天(夏威夷標準時間)從夏威夷群島以南約 500 公里海域經過,是風暴距該群島最近的一次,並且一度存在轉向北上的可能,對群島構成威脅。但由於有高壓脊的保護,約翰的移動路線保持偏南,只是其外圍雨帶還是在群島產生狂風暴雨。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 160, "text": "太平洋時區當天下午 17 點" } ] }, "id": "d7d853f907650b1fd11eaa4da733afd8ad670d09", "question": { "en": "What time was hurricane John registered as a hurricane?", "zh_tw": "約翰號何時升級成颶風?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "經過夏威夷群島後,約翰開始緩慢轉向北上,前進方向幾乎正對約翰斯頓環礁,這裡建有美國的軍事基地,除基地人員外沒有常駐人口。受風切變增多的影響,風暴緩慢減弱,強度從五級颶風標準降至一級,風力時速 145 公里。當地時間 8 月 25 日,約翰在約翰斯頓環礁以北僅 24 公里洋麵掠過,這也是氣旋距該群島最近的一次。約翰斯頓環礁上測得的最大持續風速為每小時 95 公里,相當於強烈熱帶風暴標準,陣風時速則有 120 公里。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 129, "text": "24 公里" } ] }, "id": "72bac74764cb133604da2de17f70a4b4e5f5f360", "question": { "en": "How close did John make it to Johnston Atoll?", "zh_tw": "約翰距離約翰斯頓環礁有多近?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "經過約翰斯頓環礁近海後,氣旋轉向西北,並因風切變減少而再度增強。當地時間 8 月 27 日,約翰達到風力時速 210 公里的第二波最高強度,並在不久後從北緯 22° 附近洋麵穿越國際日期變更線,進入聯合颱風警報中心駐關島辦事處監控範圍。至此風暴成為颱風,並且在西太平洋行進期間都被稱為颱風約翰。穿過國際日期變更線後不久,約翰再次減弱並且基本停止前進。到了 9 月 1 日,系統已降級成熱帶風暴,而且就在國際日期變更線以西不遠處洋麵,基本沒有移動。約翰在此徘徊 6 天之久,連續多天的移動路線形成逆時針環路。9 月 7 日,由於有低壓槽逼近,風暴快速向東北方向移動,於 9 月 8 日經過國際日期變更線回到中太平洋。回到中太平洋後,約翰在中途島以北較遠處海域達到持續風速每小時 145 公里的第三波最高強度,相當於較為強烈的一級颶風。但由於低壓槽和中北太平洋水溫較低的共同影響,這一強度只保持了很短的時間。風暴結構快速消解,中太平洋颶風中心於 9 月 10 日釋出針對系統的第 120 份公告,宣佈約翰在烏納拉斯卡島以南約 1600 公里洋麵轉變成溫帶氣旋。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 130, "text": "西太平洋" } ] }, "id": "234590c0bdb4716408dd53e5252159adc9a1ccfd", "question": { "en": "Where did John become a typhoon?", "zh_tw": "約翰在哪裡成為颱風?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "約翰進入西北太平洋後,聯合颱風警報中心在預測風暴動向和估計氣旋強度上都遭遇困難。進入西北太平洋後,颱風約翰的強度有大幅降低,聯合颱風警報中心在連續 4 份公告中都宣稱系統已弱化成熱帶低氣壓,還認為氣旋很快就會消散。但實際上,約翰並沒有像聯合颱風警報中心預計的那樣消散,所以該機構又在下一份公告中將系統升級成弱熱帶風暴。與此同時,有兩份相互獨立的船隻報告稱,約翰的持續風速至少有 55 節(相當於每小時 100 公里),遠較聯合颱風警報中心公告中的 35 節(相當於每小時 65 公里)要快。風暴返回中北太平洋後還會繼續增強,成為較為強烈的一級颶風,超出聯合颱風警報中心的所有預報。經過重新分析,該機構將協調世界時 9 月 1 日中午 12 點至 9 月 8 日中午 12 點間釋出的所有有關約翰的公告作出修改,把其中估計的風力時速資料提高至少 9 公里,最多的則有 40 公里。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 4, "text": "西北太平洋" } ] }, "id": "dd3353e3e94ef90f19726624a8af5729ece422d8", "question": { "en": "Where was John while it was evaluated by the JWTC?", "zh_tw": "JWTC 評估的時候 John 在哪裡?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 197, "text": "每小時 100 公里" } ] }, "id": "dbb9d650f173bebcf58a43f463263da092edb87a", "question": { "en": "How many miles per hour is 55 knots?", "zh_tw": "55 節相當於每小時多少公里?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "颶風約翰先後對夏威夷群島和約翰斯頓環礁構成影響,但程度很輕。風暴在夏威夷群島以南約 550 公里洋麵經過,多個島上的信風風速增強,朝向東南或南面的海岸還受到大浪衝擊,並且隨著氣旋向西移動,群島的西向海岸也出現大浪。沿海浪高在 1.8 至 3 米不等,凱盧阿科納(Kailua-Kona)的海灘公園被淹。此外,夏威夷大島因暴雨引發區域性洪災,但程度較輕,還有部分短線道路封閉。沒有任何報道表明夏威夷群島因這場颶風引發人員傷亡或嚴重破壞。颶風約翰在距約翰斯頓環礁不足 25 公里海域掠過,但距該群島最近時已大幅減弱成一級颶風。風暴來襲前,新聞報道稱島上的浪高達 6.1 至 9.1 米。與此同時,北半球熱帶氣旋的最強風力和最大雨量大都集中在風暴前進方向的右側(北面),所以位於約翰路徑以南的約翰斯頓環礁也就免於受到風暴最強破壞力的衝擊。不過,群島上美軍基地的 1100 名工作人員還是預先撤離到火奴魯魯,以防萬一。群島上的建築物受到相當程度破壞,但由於海島面積狹小、基地的作用也較為有限,因此破壞導致的損失不大,總計數額約為 1500 萬美元(1994 年美元)。風暴殘留途經阿留申群島,在烏納拉斯卡產生時速 74 公里的陣風。風暴還給當地帶去暖空氣,有兩家氣象站測得的氣溫為 19°C,這在當地已屬高溫天氣。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "550 公里" } ] }, "id": "204de300f3288fcb938533064d61d15c4fa32b53", "question": { "en": "How long did John pass south?", "zh_tw": "颶風約翰經過時距離夏威夷群島以南有多遠?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 154, "text": "夏威夷大島" } ] }, "id": "e3d18da316e3fbbd97fb12c8d8be169000437d3f", "question": { "en": "Where were heavy rains?", "zh_tw": "暴雨在哪裡?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "颶風約翰 (1994 年)" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "早在 1985 年,Jeffrey N. Cuzzi 和 Jeffrey D. Scargle 就依據恩克環縫明顯是受到引力擾動的鋸齒狀邊緣預測環縫內有衛星。在 1986 年,Showalter 等人依據重力強度模式推測其軌道和質量。他們得到非常準確的預測,軌道半長軸是 133,603 ± 10 公里,質量是土星質量的 5–10×10−12,並且推斷恩克環縫內只有單獨一顆衛星。與實際的半長軸差距只有 19 公里,而精確的質量是土星的 8.6×10−12。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 201, "text": "19 公里" } ] }, "id": "0d74914421f037409434d2eccffea1410756cc06", "question": { "en": "How much does the semi-axis differ by?", "zh_tw": "半軸有多大差異?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "稍後,這顆衛星在距離預測位置 1° 之處被發現。這項搜尋使用了航海家 2 號所有的影像,並且利用電腦來計算,在充份有利的條件下,影像的解析度是否高到足以看見衛星。每幅航海家 2 號影像解析度必須比~50 公里 / 畫素還要好,才能讓潘清楚的顯現出來。總計,有 11 張航海家 2 號的影像中出現了潘的身影。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 14, "text": "1°" } ] }, "id": "f3104e91d6d940a9be361d78cabe8590d5db98c6", "question": { "en": "How close was the moon to the exact position that it was thought to be in?", "zh_tw": "月球離它被認為所處的位置有多近?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "潘的軌道離心率造成它與土星的距離大約有 4 公里的變化。就目前資料來看,其傾斜角(上移和下移的角度)與零無甚差別。潘繞行其中的恩克環縫,寬度大約是 325 公里。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 63, "text": "恩克環縫" } ] }, "id": "a3875c17506b6ae69eddf084b9ff1ed161fd3f28", "question": { "en": "What feature of Pan's orbit causes a distance variation?", "zh_tw": "潘繞行有什麼特徵導致距離變化?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "土衛十八" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Allen was born Allan Stewart Konigsberg in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. He and his sister, Letty (b. 1943), were raised in Midwood, Brooklyn. He is the son of Nettie (née Cherry; November 8, 1906 – January 27, 2002), a bookkeeper at her family's delicatessen, and Martin Konigsberg (December 25, 1900 – January 8, 2001), a jewelry engraver and waiter. His family was Jewish, and his grandparents immigrated to the US from Russia and Austria and spoke Yiddish, Hebrew, and German. Both of Allen's parents were born and raised on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.His childhood was not particularly happy; his parents did not get along, and he had a rocky relationship with his stern, temperamental mother. Allen spoke German quite a bit in his early years. He would later joke that when he was young he was often sent to inter-faith summer camps. While attending Hebrew school for eight years, he went to Public School 99 (now the Isaac Asimov School for Science and Literature) and to Midwood High School, where he graduated in 1953. Unlike his comic persona, he was more interested in baseball than school and his strong arms ensured he was first to be picked for a team. He impressed students with his extraordinary talent with cards and magic tricks.For pay, he wrote jokes (or \"gags\") for agent David O. Alber, who sold them to newspaper columnists. At age 17 he legally changed his name to Heywood Allen and later began to call himself Woody Allen. According to Allen, his first published joke read: \"Woody Allen says he ate at a restaurant that had O.P.S. prices—over people's salaries.\" He was earning more than both his parents combined. After high school, he attended New York University, studying communication and film in 1953, before dropping out after failing the course \"Motion Picture Production\". He studied film at City College of New York in 1954 but left before the end of the first semester. He taught himself rather than studying in the classroom. He taught at The New School and studied with writing teacher Lajos Egri.p.74", "zh_tw": "艾倫・斯圖爾特・康尼斯堡生於紐約市布朗克斯區,在布魯克林區長大。母親內蒂(Nettie Cherry,1906 年 11 月 8 日-2002 年 1 月 27 日)在家族經營的熟肉店裡做會計,父親馬丁・康尼斯堡(Martin Konigsberg,1900 年 12 月 25 日-2001 年 1 月 13 日)則是一名珠寶雕刻師和服務員。 艾倫的家族是阿什肯納茲猶太人,祖父母是俄羅斯和奧地利移民,說意第緒語、希伯來語和德語。 艾倫的父母均出生在曼哈頓下東城。艾倫有一個妹妹 Letty,1943 年出生,在布魯克林 Midwood 社群長大。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 274, "text": "Martin Konigsberg" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 99, "text": "馬丁・康尼斯堡" } ] }, "id": "ab534437c815d9b4fc0f7399638be2fc3f75acfe", "question": { "en": "Which parent of his lived longer?", "zh_tw": "他父或母較長壽?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1366, "text": "age 17" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "f01b0bc09793408aad044d78eece433b44db55b2", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "他何時自稱伍迪・艾倫?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "艾倫的童年不算特別愉快:父母不和,母子間關係也很僵硬。 艾倫小時候常說德語。在希伯來語學校學習了 8 年之後,他進入了 99 公立學校(即現在的艾薩克・阿西莫夫科學與文學學院)和 Midwood 米德伍德高中。那時的他對棒球更為著迷,希望能練就一副強壯的手臂以保證被校隊選中。 艾倫在牌技與魔術方面表現出的過人天賦也給他的同學留下了深刻印象。為了賺錢,艾倫給經紀人 David O. Alber 寫笑話,後者再轉賣給報紙專欄作家。他開始自稱伍迪・艾倫。17 歲時,他把自己的本名改為 Heywood Allen。 那時他的收入已經超過了他父母收入的總和。高中畢業後,艾倫就讀於紐約大學,學習通訊與電影專業。之後他進入紐約市立學院學習,但沒過多久就退學了。 後來艾倫透過自學學習了課程,而不是在教室裡。他最後在紐約新學院任教。他還跟隨寫作老師拉約什・埃格里學習寫作。p.74" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 226, "text": "17 歲" } ] }, "id": "f01b0bc09793408aad044d78eece433b44db55b2", "question": { "en": "How old was Woody Allen when he took his name?", "zh_tw": "他何時自稱伍迪・艾倫?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Woody Allen", "zh_tw": "伍迪・艾倫" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "Novell 將它的網路傳輸協定基於 XNS,並從 IDP 及 SPP 中建立自己的標準,名為 IPX(Internetwork Packet eXchange)與 SPX(Sequenced Packet eXchange)。檔案與列印服務透過 IPX 執行 NetWare 核心協定(NCP),IPX 同時包括 Routing Information Protocol(RIP)與 Service Advertising Protocol(SAP)。NetWare 使用 Novell DOS(前身為 DR-DOS)作為開機載入器。Novell DOS 類似 MS-DOS 與 IBM PC-DOS,但不需要額外的 DOS 許可證;這於 1991 年收購 Digital Research 中獲得。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 192, "text": "Service Advertising Protocol" } ] }, "id": "ce5827e3d0b818f44a811206a765674b0a44aeaf", "question": { "en": "What do the letters SAP signify?", "zh_tw": "SAP 字母表示什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 47, "text": "IPX(Internetwork Packet eXchange)與 SPX(Sequenced Packet eXchange)" } ] }, "id": "761d37b4302660b0a404cc97a42f47d7ac69f1db", "question": { "en": "what were the name of the standards Novell created from IDP and SPP?", "zh_tw": "從 IDP 及 SPP 中建立自己的標準,那標準名為什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "2003 年至 2005 年 Novell 發表一個橫越其業務量的轉折產品,目的為阻止市場份額的下跌以及離開其他附屬 Novell 的產品,但開始並不如 Novell 預期那麼成功。為了盡力減低損失 Novell 在 2005 年後期進行一輪臨時解僱。同時其 Linux 業務的收入不斷增加,成長不夠快以容納 NetWare 損失的收入。這意味著公司的收入不是急速下跌,也不成長。缺乏清晰的方向與不適當的管理意味 Novell 完成改組需要比預期更多時間。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 108, "text": "2005 年後期" } ] }, "id": "c5770cf25b914ca39721f9612f216ccc9159540e", "question": { "en": "When did Novell fire people to cut costs?", "zh_tw": "為了減少人力成本,諾維爾什麼時候開始解僱人員?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "Novell" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Acting on the Carter Doctrine policy, and out of fear the Iraqi Army could launch an invasion of Saudi Arabia, US President George H. W. Bush quickly announced that the US would launch a \"wholly defensive\" mission to prevent Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia, under the codename Operation Desert Shield. The operation began on 7 August 1990, when US troops were sent to Saudi Arabia, due also to the request of its monarch, King Fahd, who had earlier called for US military assistance. This \"wholly defensive\" doctrine was quickly abandoned when, on 8 August, Iraq declared Kuwait to be Iraq's 19th province and Saddam named his cousin, Ali Hassan Al-Majid, as its military-governor.The US Navy dispatched two naval battle groups built around the aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS Independence to the Persian Gulf, where they were ready by 8 August. The US also sent the battleships USS Missouri and USS Wisconsin to the region. A total of 48 US Air Force F-15s from the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, landed in Saudi Arabia and immediately commenced round-the-clock air patrols of the Saudi–Kuwait–Iraq border to discourage further Iraqi military advances. They were joined by 36 F-15 A-Ds from the 36th Tactical Fighter Wing at Bitburg, Germany. The Bitburg contingent was based at Al Kharj Air Base, approximately an hour south east of Riyadh. The 36th TFW would be responsible for 11 confirmed Iraqi Air Force aircraft shot down during the war. There were also two Air National Guard units stationed at Al Kharj Air Base, the South Carolina Air National Guard's 169th Fighter Wing flew bombing missions with 24 F-16s flying 2,000 combat missions and dropping four million pounds (1,800,000 kilograms; 1,800 metric tons) of munitions, and the New York Air National Guard's 174th Fighter Wing from Syracuse flew 24 F-16s on bombing missions. Military buildup continued from there, eventually reaching 543,000 troops, twice the number used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Much of the material was airlifted or carried to the staging areas via fast sealift ships, allowing a quick buildup.", "zh_tw": "美國總統布什很快就宣佈美國將發動一項旨在防止伊拉克入侵沙烏地阿拉伯的防禦行動 ——「沙漠之盾行動」。8 月 7 日美軍進駐沙烏地阿拉伯。8 月 8 日伊拉克宣稱科威特的一部分劃分為巴士拉省,另一部分自立為省。以艾森豪威爾號航空母艦和獨立號航空母艦為首的兩支美國海軍艦隊進入戰鬥地區。最後美軍在當地的駐軍達 50 萬人。當時軍事分析家的意見是,假如伊拉克在十月份以前入侵沙烏地阿拉伯的話,美軍在當地的駐軍將不足以阻擋入侵者。聯合國安理會和阿拉伯聯盟就這場衝突發表了一系列決議,其中最重要的是 11 月 29 日的聯合國安理會第 678 號決議,其中設定伊拉克撤出科威特的截止日期為 1991 年 1 月 15 日,並授權「以一切必要手段執行第 660 號決議」—— 一種授權動武的外交語言。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 277, "text": "Operation Desert Shield" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 42, "text": "沙漠之盾行動" } ] }, "id": "5bb523e95c25e58167a097e5584ff352fab68336", "question": { "en": "What was the codename for the mission to prevent Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia by George H. W. Bush?", "zh_tw": "喬治・H・布什防止伊拉克入侵沙烏地阿拉伯的任務代號是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Although there were human rights abuses committed in Kuwait by the invading Iraqi military, the alleged incidents that received the most publicity in the US were fabrications of the public relations firm hired by the government of Kuwait to influence US opinion in favor of military intervention. Shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the organization Citizens for a Free Kuwait was formed in the US. It hired the public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for about $11 million, paid by Kuwait's government.Among many other means of influencing US opinion, such as distributing books on Iraqi atrocities to US soldiers deployed in the region, \"Free Kuwait\" T-shirts and speakers to college campuses, and dozens of video news releases to television stations, the firm arranged for an appearance before a group of members of the US Congress in which a young woman identifying herself as a nurse working in the Kuwait City hospital described Iraqi soldiers pulling babies out of incubators and letting them die on the floor.The story helped tip both the public and Congress towards a war with Iraq: six Congressmen said the testimony was enough for them to support military action against Iraq and seven Senators referenced the testimony in debate. The Senate supported the military actions in a 52–47 vote. However, a year after the war, this allegation was revealed to be a fabrication. The young woman who had testified was found to be a member of Kuwait's Royal Family, in fact the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the US. She hadn't lived in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion.", "zh_tw": "科威特被佔領後不久,在美國就成立了一個叫做「公民為自由科威特」的組織,這個組織用科威特政府的 1100 萬美元開始了一場宣傳戰。其中一個很可能是欺騙性的情節談到,伊拉克士兵將科威特嬰兒從他們的保育箱中扔出來,讓他們在醫院的地板上死去。這個情節出現在一個由多個美國電視臺報道的,由美國國會舉行的關於伊拉克在科威特的暴行的聽證會上。在這次聽證會上,陳述這個情節的那個 15 歲的女孩後來證明是科威特駐美國大使的女兒,一位王室成員。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 311, "text": "Iraq" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 81, "text": "伊拉克" } ] }, "id": "c57bed08021f552b5e2df23f32689ba88b155934", "question": { "en": "What country's invasion of Kuwait resulted in U.S. military action?", "zh_tw": "哪國入侵科威特導致美國採取軍事行動?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Iraq's government made no secret that it would attack if invaded. Prior to the war's start, in the aftermath of the failed US–Iraq peace talks in Geneva, Switzerland, a reporter asked Iraq's English-speaking Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz: \"Mr. Foreign Minister, if war starts ... will you attack?\" His response was: \"Yes, absolutely, yes.\"Five hours after the first attacks, Iraq's state radio broadcast declaring that \"The dawn of victory nears as this great showdown begins.\" Iraq fired eight missiles the next day. These missile attacks were to continue throughout the war. A total of 88 Scud missiles were fired by Iraq during the war's seven weeks.", "zh_tw": "聯合國安理會第 678 號決議的最後通牒過後,1991 年 1 月 17 日,聯軍開始執行名為「沙漠風暴行動」的強烈空襲,每天的攻擊次數上千。使用的武器有制導炸彈、集束炸彈、空氣炸彈和巡航導彈。相應地伊拉克次日向以色列發射了 8 顆飛毛腿導彈。盟軍的首要目標是摧毀伊拉克的空軍和防空設施,這個任務很快就完成了,在此後的戰爭期間盟軍空軍幾乎暢通無阻。雖然伊拉克的防空能力比預期的要好,但在戰爭第一天盟軍只損失了一架隸屬於 VFA-81「劃日者」的 F/A-18C 戰鬥機(機號 AA403),遭伊拉克空軍的 MIG-25 PD 戰鬥機擊落。在這段時間裡隱形戰機被多次使用來消滅伊拉克的地對空導彈和其它防空武器。這些武器被消滅後,盟軍的其它飛機的行動就安全得多了。大多數飛機是從沙烏地阿拉伯和盟軍在波斯灣的六艘航空母艦上起飛的。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 513, "text": "eight missiles" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 112, "text": "8 顆飛毛腿導彈" } ] }, "id": "173b7652b5b3f5166e8ff17a513a98d6127697d7", "question": { "en": "How many missiles in total did Iraq launch?", "zh_tw": "伊拉克一共發射了多少枚導彈?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The next targets were command and communication facilities. Saddam Hussein had closely micromanaged Iraqi forces in the Iran–Iraq War, and initiative at lower levels was discouraged. Coalition planners hoped that Iraqi resistance would quickly collapse if deprived of command and control.", "zh_tw": "盟軍的下一個目標是指揮和通訊設施。薩達姆在兩伊戰爭中對他的軍隊的指揮非常詳細,小部隊自己的主動性幾乎全部喪失。盟軍戰略家希望假如伊拉克的指揮和控制系統被摧毀後它的抵抗力就會被大為削減。戰爭的第一個星期中伊拉克進行了幾次攻擊,但其效果甚小,38 架伊拉克米格機被盟軍飛機擊落,此後伊拉克空軍開始逃往伊朗。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 268, "text": "command and control" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 68, "text": "指揮和控制系統" } ] }, "id": "67dc3640acdeb040043cce9583e10c696c54ffb4", "question": { "en": "What type of leadership deprivation did planners hope would collapse the Iraqi resistance?", "zh_tw": "策劃人員希望用什麼樣的剝奪領導權的方式來瓦解伊拉克的抵抗力量?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The coalition rejected the proposal, but said that retreating Iraqi forces would not be attacked, and gave 24 hours for Iraq to withdraw its forces. On 23 February, fighting resulted in the capture of 500 Iraqi soldiers. On 24 February, British and American armored forces crossed the Iraq–Kuwait border and entered Iraq in large numbers, taking hundreds of prisoners. Iraqi resistance was light, and four Americans were killed.", "zh_tw": "1991 年 2 月 22 日伊拉克同意一個由蘇聯提出的停火協議。這個協議要求伊拉克在三週內退回到戰前的位置和完全停火,此外聯合國安理會觀察撤兵和停火。美國拒絕了這個建議但說回退的伊拉克軍隊將不被攻擊並限令伊拉克於 24 小時內撤兵。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 107, "text": "24 hours" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 107, "text": "24 小時" } ] }, "id": "6e98e93fdc86044ebbb2a3f7700c52eacb004d8a", "question": { "en": "How long did the coalition provide for the removal of forces?", "zh_tw": "聯盟軍隊要求在多長時間內撤兵?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "On 25 February 1991, Iraqi forces fired a Scud missile at an American barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The missile attack killed 28 US military personnel.The coalition's advance was much swifter than US generals had expected. On 26 February, Iraqi troops began retreating from Kuwait, after they had set 737 of its oil wells on fire. A long convoy of retreating Iraqi troops formed along the main Iraq-Kuwait highway. Although they were retreating, this convoy was bombed so extensively by coalition air forces that it came to be known as the Highway of Death. Thousands of Iraqi troops were killed. American, British, and French forces continued to pursue retreating Iraqi forces over the border and back into Iraq, eventually moving to within 150 miles (240 km) of Baghdad, before withdrawing back to Iraq's border with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.One hundred hours after the ground campaign started, on 28 February, President Bush declared a ceasefire, and he also declared that Kuwait had been liberated.", "zh_tw": "假如我們在 1991 年消滅薩達姆政府,將陸戰改為入侵伊拉克的話,那麼我們將違反我們的不在行動中改變目標的宗旨,進入目標滑動的狀態,其結果是不可估算的人道和政治代價…… 我們將不得不佔領巴格達和整個伊拉克。同盟將立刻解散,阿拉伯國家會憤怒地離開我們,其它同盟國也會離開。在這種情況下我們沒有任何可行的,不違反我們的原則的「逃避計劃」…… 假如我們入侵的話,美國可能今天還是一個敵對國的佔領者。其結果 —— 可能是悲慘的結果 —— 將是另一個樣子。伊拉克沒有使用化學武器,而盟軍的進展也比美國將軍估計的要快。2 月 26 日伊拉克軍隊開始退出科威特,他們撤出時將科威特油田點燃。在從科威特通向伊拉克的高速公路上伊拉克軍隊和伊拉克和巴勒斯坦平民組成了一條長龍。這支隊伍被盟軍飛機猛烈轟炸以至於它獲得了「死亡高速公路」的外號。陸戰開始後 100 小時布什總統宣佈停火,2 月 27 日他宣佈科威特被解放。記者西摩・赫希稱停火被宣佈兩天後一支由巴里・邁卡弗裡指揮的美軍系統地屠殺撤退的伊拉克軍隊和一些平民。邁卡弗裡自己否認這個事件,在後來美國陸軍的調查中邁卡弗裡被證實無罪。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 545, "text": "Highway of Death" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 349, "text": "死亡高速公路" } ] }, "id": "6e346dbeb1a7cd5b7a19dda1a4631e5473f58506", "question": { "en": "What did the area ultimately be named as?", "zh_tw": "該地區最終被命名為什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "In coalition-occupied Iraqi territory, a peace conference was held where a ceasefire agreement was negotiated and signed by both sides. At the conference, Iraq was authorized to fly armed helicopters on their side of the temporary border, ostensibly for government transit due to the damage done to civilian infrastructure. Soon after, these helicopters and much of Iraq's military were used to fight an uprising in the south. The rebellions were encouraged by an airing of \"The Voice of Free Iraq\" on 2 February 1991, which was broadcast from a CIA-run radio station out of Saudi Arabia. The Arabic service of the Voice of America supported the uprising by stating that the rebellion was well supported, and that they soon would be liberated from Saddam.In the North, Kurdish leaders took American statements that they would support an uprising to heart, and began fighting, hoping to trigger a coup d'état. However, when no US support came, Iraqi generals remained loyal to Saddam and brutally crushed the Kurdish uprising. Millions of Kurds fled across the mountains to Turkey and Kurdish areas of Iran. These events later resulted in no-fly zones being established in northern and southern Iraq. In Kuwait, the Emir was restored, and suspected Iraqi collaborators were repressed. Eventually, over 400,000 people were expelled from the country, including a large number of Palestinians, because of PLO support of Saddam. Yasser Arafat didn't apologize for his support of Iraq, but after his death, the Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas' authority formally apologized in 2004.There was some criticism of the Bush administration, as they chose to allow Saddam to remain in power instead of pushing on to capture Baghdad and overthrowing his government. In their co-written 1998 book, A World Transformed, Bush and Brent Scowcroft argued that such a course would have fractured the alliance, and would have had many unnecessary political and human costs associated with it.", "zh_tw": "和平談判是在被佔領的伊拉克土地上進行的。在這個會議上,伊拉克被准許在它的邊界內使用武裝直升機。此後不久,這些直升飛機和其它部隊被用來打擊南部的叛亂。在北方,庫爾德人的領導人相信了美國關於支援人民起義的號召開始武裝暴亂,並希望以此激起一次政變。但當美國不進行干涉時,伊拉克軍人保持他們的忠誠並嚴重地打擊了庫爾德人的軍隊。上百萬庫爾德人逃過土耳其和伊朗的邊境。後來這些事件被用來建立伊拉克南部和北部的禁飛地帶。在科威特,埃米爾的獨裁政府被恢復。被懷疑為伊拉克合作者的人,尤其巴勒斯坦人受到特別法庭調查。最後 40 萬以上的人被逐出境。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1172, "text": "northern and southern Iraq" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 189, "text": "伊拉克南部和北部" } ] }, "id": "a1e022b0af5dfe40f9bcca1bd5057b57879d0f44", "question": { "en": "Where were the no-fly zones established?", "zh_tw": "哪裡建立了禁飛地帶?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The war was heavily televised. For the first time, people all over the world were able to watch live pictures of missiles hitting their targets and fighters departing from aircraft carriers. Allied forces were keen to demonstrate their weapons' accuracy.", "zh_tw": "海灣戰爭也是一場「媒體戰」。戰爭不再是來自遙遠地方的新聞故事,首次世界各地的人可以直接在電視前看到導彈擊中它們的目標或從軍艦上發射的戰鬥實況轉播。盟軍非常願意顯示他們武器的精確性。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 172, "text": "aircraft carriers" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 60, "text": "軍艦" } ] }, "id": "e88583433c6542ea4577bdf7e0016f7d009b87a7", "question": { "en": "Allied forces, wanting to demonstrate their weapon's accuracy, used live pictures to show fighters departing from where?", "zh_tw": "為了證明他們武器的精確性,盟軍使用實時照片來顯示戰士從哪裡離開?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Scud missiles utilize inertial guidance which operates for the duration that the engines operate. Iraq used Scud missiles, launching them into both Saudi Arabia and Israel. Some missiles caused extensive casualties, while others caused little damage.The US Patriot missile was used in combat for the first time. The US military claimed a high effectiveness against Scuds at the time, but later analysis gives figures as low as 9%, with 45% of the 158 Patriot launches being against debris or false targets. The Dutch Ministry of Defense, which also sent Patriot missiles to protect civilians in Israel and Turkey, later disputed the higher claim. Further, there is at least one incident of a software error causing a Patriot missile's failure to engage an incoming Scud, resulting in deaths. Both the US Army and the missile manufacturers maintained the Patriot delivered a \"miracle performance\" in the Gulf War.", "zh_tw": "美國的愛國者導彈第一次在戰時被使用。美國軍方聲稱他們將多枚飛毛腿導彈在飛行中擊落。後來證明愛國者導彈對於聯軍的保護主要是心理上的。其實際攔截效率很難確定,最低的一種估計甚至認為只有為 9%。而美國軍方始終堅持愛國者導彈在海灣戰爭中的表現是「奇蹟般的」。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 854, "text": "Patriot" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 104, "text": "愛國者" } ] }, "id": "5ef1260e1bc05fe69da61e451eb9a4acae2802e5", "question": { "en": "Which type of missile was greatly acclaimed in the Gulf war?", "zh_tw": "哪類導彈在海灣戰爭中備受好評?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Gulf War", "zh_tw": "海灣戰爭" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "儘管原子的英文名稱(atom)本意是不能被進一步分割的最小粒子,但是在現代科學領域,原子實際上包含了很多不同的亞原子粒子。它們分別是電子,質子和中子。氫原子和帶一個正電荷的氫離子例外,前者沒有中子,後者只有一個質子。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 2, "text": "原子" } ] }, "id": "419b7f01519b290e2117a5b753f64661d62bd196", "question": { "en": "What was initially known to be the smallest particle?", "zh_tw": "最初知道的最小顆粒是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "掃描隧道顯微鏡是用來在原子水平觀測物體表面的一種儀器。它利用了量子穿隧效應,使得電子能夠穿越一些平時不能夠克服的障礙。在操作中,電子能夠隧穿介於兩個平面金屬電極之間的真空。每一個電極表面吸附有一個原子,使得穿隧電流密度大到可以測量。保持電流恆定,隨著掃描的進行,可以得到一個探針末端的上下位移與橫向位移之間的關係圖。計算證明掃描隧道顯微鏡所得到的顯微影象能夠分辨出單個原子。在低偏差的情況下,顯微影象顯示的是對相近能級的電子軌道的一種空間平均後的尺寸,這些相近的能級也就是費米能中的區域性態密度。當原子失去一個電子時,該原子就被電離了。這一個多餘的電荷就使其在磁場中執行的軌跡發生偏折。這個偏轉角度是由原子的質量所決定的。質譜儀就利用了這個原理來測定離子的質荷比。如果一個樣品裡面有多種同位素,質譜可以透過測量不同離子束的強度來推導每一種同位素的比例。使原子氣化的技術包括電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜以及電感耦合等離子體質譜法。這兩種技術都使用了氣態或等離子態的樣品。另外一個有侷限性的方法是電子能量損失譜,它是透過測量透射電子顯微鏡中電子束穿越一個樣品後所損失的能量。原子探針顯像具有三維亞奈米級的解析度,也可以透過飛行時間質譜儀來鑑定單個的原子。激發態光譜可以用來研究遠距離恆星的元素組成。透過觀測到的來自恆星的光譜中一些特殊的波長,可以得到氣體狀態下原子的量子轉變。使用同種元素的氣體放電燈,可以得到相同的顏色。氦元素就是透過這種手段在太陽的光譜中被發現的,比在地球上發現早了 23 年。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 31, "text": "量子穿隧效應" } ] }, "id": "e8a39385c2c204738ace7fccf71747f5dceb7e28", "question": { "en": "What is the name of the phenomenon that allows the particles to pass through?", "zh_tw": "使得粒子透過的現象名為什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 11, "text": "原子水平" } ] }, "id": "ed172bfd33995b7a9729ae81984cebe04ce16f68", "question": { "en": "At what level is a scanning tunneling microscope used at?", "zh_tw": "掃描隧道顯微鏡用於什麼水平?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "原子" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Born to a Jewish family in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, Becker earned a B.A. at Princeton University in 1951, and a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1955 with a thesis entitled The Economics of Racial Discrimination. At Chicago, Becker was influenced by Milton Friedman, whom Becker called \"by far the greatest living teacher I have ever had\". Before turning 30, he began to teach at Columbia University in 1957, and in 1970 returned to the University of Chicago. In 1965 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. Becker was a founding partner of TGG Group, a business and philanthropy consulting company. Becker won the John Bates Clark Medal in 1967. He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1972, and was a member (and for a time the President) of the Mont Pelerin Society. Becker also received the National Medal of Science in 2000.A political conservative, he wrote a monthly column for Business Week from 1985 to 2004, alternating with liberal Princeton economist Alan Blinder. In 1996 Becker was a senior adviser to Republican Presidential Candidate Robert Dole. In December 2004, Becker started a joint weblog with Judge Richard Posner entitled The Becker-Posner Blog.\"The Becker-Posner Blog\". uchicagolaw. University of Chicago Law School.Becker's first wife was Doria Slote, from 1954 until her death in 1970. The marriage produced two daughters, Catherine Becker and Judy Becker. About ten years later, in 1980 Becker married Guity Nashat, a historian of the Middle East whose research interests overlapped his own. Becker had two stepsons, Cyrus Claffey and Michael Claffey, from his second marriage.Becker died in Chicago, Illinois, aged 83, on May 3, 2014, after complications from surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.In 2014 he was honored in a three-day conference organized at the University of Chicago.", "zh_tw": "1951 年得到普林斯頓大學學士學位,1955 年獲得芝加哥大學博士學位,博士論文題目為《種族歧視的經濟學》(The economics of racial discrimination)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 179, "text": "The Economics of Racial Discrimination" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "1951 年得到普林斯頓大學學士學位,1955 年獲得芝加哥大學博士學位,博士論文題目為《種族歧視的經濟學》(The" } ] }, "id": "ace930a0256e3486c802f3b4cadbc0eeda3d9acc", "question": { "en": "What research did Becker work on for his doctorate?", "zh_tw": "貝克爾為他的博士學位做了什麼研究?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Gary Becker", "zh_tw": "蓋瑞・貝克" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Qualification for the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup determined which 15 teams joined China, the hosts of the 2007 tournament, to play for the Women's World Cup. Europe had 5 qualifying berths, Asia 3.5 berths (including the hosts), North and Central America 2.5 berths, Africa 2 berths, South America 2 berths and Oceania 1 berth. The 16th spot was determined through a play-off match between the third-placed teams in North/Central America and Asia.", "zh_tw": "2007 年國際足協女子世界盃外圍賽將決出 15 支出線隊與東道主中國一起參加 2007 年國際足協女子世界盃,名額分配為:歐洲 5 席,亞洲 3.5(含東道主),中北美與加勒比海地區 2.5 席,南美洲 2 席,非洲 2 席及大洋洲 1 席。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 275, "text": "2" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "2" } ] }, "id": "f582cf495c0c1a3f9e7b1b1c4921d895428c4e1c", "question": { "en": "How many qualifying berths did Africa have?", "zh_tw": "非洲有資格獲得幾個席位?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "The 2006 Women's African Football Championship functioned as a qualifying tournament. Originally, this tournament was scheduled to be held in Gabon, but due to \"organisational reasons\" Gabon withdrew from hosting the competition. 32 teams entered the African Championships and competed for the two available spots, but six withdrew during the qualifying session.", "zh_tw": "2006 非洲女子足球錦標賽同時作為女子世界盃預選賽。此屆比賽原定於加彭舉行,後來由於 “組織上的問題” 而退出,最終賽事移師 奈及利亞舉行。共有 32 支球隊參與此次比賽以爭奪 2 個出線名額,但有 6 支隊在預選賽期間退出。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 9, "text": "Women's African Football Championship" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 4, "text": "非洲女子足球錦標賽" } ] }, "id": "9b93ae81f211853a3b0cb94348487f4a25c8948b", "question": { "en": "What was the qualifying tournament in 2006?", "zh_tw": "哪是 2006 年的資格賽?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "2007 FIFA Women's World Cup qualification", "zh_tw": "2007 年國際足協女子世界盃外圍賽" }
[ { "context": { "en": "After the loss of her boyfriend at age 20, Lee became closer to her sister Amy. At around 30 years old, she entered Columbia University School of the Arts and earned a Master of Fine Arts in film. There she met Phil Johnston, her future writing partner on Wreck-It Ralph. Lee graduated from Columbia in 2005 and stayed in New York City, where she developed a background in live-action film, working as assistant director on and producer of the short film in 2004, \"A Thousand Words\".In March 2011, Johnston called Lee to ask her to join him at Disney Animation in Burbank to help him write Wreck-It Ralph. What was supposed to be a temporary eight-week writing gig eventually turned into a much longer commitment. First, she was asked to stay on until Ralph was finished. She then became involved with Frozen, initially as screenwriter and later as co-director with Chris Buck. When Lee was brought on board, she helped transition the film from an action-adventure to \"more musical, with more comedy.\" She worked closely with the songwriters (Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez) in the writing of the script. Frozen gave her the opportunity to celebrate \"wild and wonderful\" girls like her childhood self, and her daughter, Agatha. It was also the highest-earning film with a female director in terms of domestic earnings, until surpassed by Warner Bros.' Wonder Woman.On May 17, 2014, Lee delivered the commencement address to the class of 2014 at her alma mater, the University of New Hampshire. She revealed that she had struggled with self-doubt while growing up, and then in April of her junior year of college, her boyfriend was killed in a boating accident, after which she felt \"no doubt, only grief ... and for a brief moment ... [knew] better than to waste a second doubting.\" Years later, that memory would help her overcome her initial doubt over whether she was good enough to apply to Columbia. At Columbia, Johnston recognized she was talented but insecure, and one day asked her to \"promise ... that you'll leave it out of your work, just know that you're good enough and move on.\" She concluded: \"If I learned one thing it is that self-doubt is one of the most destructive forces. It makes you defensive instead of open, reactive instead of active. Self-doubt is consuming and cruel and my hope today is that we can all collectively agree to ban it ... Please know, from here on out, you are enough and dare I say, more than enough.\" UNH then awarded her the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters.In September 2014, it was announced that Lee and Buck would co-direct a short film featuring the Frozen characters called Frozen Fever. It was released in March 2015. Lee was one of several Disney writers and directors who received credit for \"Creative Leadership\" on the 2014 film Big Hero 6 and the 2016 film Moana, and received screen credit as one of the writers who developed the story for the 2016 film Zootopia.In August 2014, Variety reported that Lee's next project after Frozen would be an adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's 1962 novel A Wrinkle in Time. After the news broke, Lee tweeted: \"Been in love with the book for over 30 years. Writing this script means the world to me.\" Catherine Hand, the executive producer of the 2003 television film version, and Jim Whitaker produced for Disney, and Ava DuVernay directed the film, based on Lee's script. A Wrinkle in Time was released in March 2018.On March 12, 2015, Disney announced that Lee and Buck would co-direct a full length sequel to Frozen.In June 2018, Lee was named the chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, following John Lasseter's exit from Disney.", "zh_tw": "她生於 1971 年,母親和父親分別為 Linda Lee 與 Saverio Rebecchi,生長於羅德島州的 East Providence。獲得新罕布什爾大學的英語學位,之後到紐約從事印刷藝術設計工作。30 歲時進入哥倫比亞大學藝術學院學習電影美術,取得藝術創作碩士學位,並遇到了事業搭檔 Phil Johnston,後來兩人共同擔任《無敵破壞王》的編劇。2018 年 6 月,在迪士尼創意總監約翰・拉塞特因醜聞宣佈離職後,迪士尼宣佈珍妮佛・李將接替他在迪士尼的位置。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 168, "text": "Master of Fine Arts in film" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 105, "text": "30 歲時進入哥倫比亞大學藝術學院學習電影美術,取得藝術創作碩士學位,並遇到了事業搭檔" } ] }, "id": "aebf960e6e0bd9ff77638f9552ac0ba7b0a678e9", "question": { "en": "What degree did she achieve?", "zh_tw": "她是什麼學歷?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Jennifer Lee (filmmaker)", "zh_tw": "珍妮佛・李" }
[ { "context": { "en": "SMS Prinzregent Luitpold was the fifth and final vessel of the Kaiser class of battleships of the Imperial German Navy. Prinzregent Luitpold's keel was laid in October 1910 at the Germaniawerft dockyard in Kiel. She was launched on 17 February 1912 and was commissioned into the navy on 19 August 1913. The ship was equipped with ten 30.5-centimeter (12.0 in) guns in five twin turrets, and had a top speed of 21.7 knots (40.2 km/h; 25.0 mph).", "zh_tw": "柳特波德攝政王號戰列艦(德語:SMS Prinzregent Luitpold)是德意志帝國海軍皇帝級戰列艦的第五艘及最後一艘。該艦於 1910 年 10 月在基爾的日耳曼尼亞船廠進行龍骨架設,1912 年 2 月 17 日下水,並於 1913 年 8 月 19 日交付海軍服役。柳特波德攝政王號在五座雙聯裝炮塔中裝備有十門 305 毫米 50 倍徑速射炮,最高航速為 21.7 節(40.2 公里每小時;25.0 英里每小時)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "SMS Prinzregent Luitpold" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "柳特波德攝政王號戰列艦(德語:SMS Prinzregent Luitpold)" } ] }, "id": "9771b7b3b082ba8e29c6a89ca7de2f6120895a17", "question": { "en": "Within the Kaiser class of battleships what was considered the final vessel?", "zh_tw": "皇帝級戰列艦的最後一艘是什麼艦?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "SMS Prinzregent Luitpold", "zh_tw": "柳特波德攝政王號戰列艦" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the futures exchange with the world's largest market in options and futures contracts on base and other metals. As the LME offers contracts with daily expiry dates of up to three months from trade date, weekly contracts to six months, and monthly contracts up to 123 months, it also allows for cash trading. It offers hedging, worldwide reference pricing, and the option of physical delivery to settle contracts. Since 2012 it has been owned by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing after LME's shareholders voted in July 2012 to approve the sale of the exchange for a price of £1.4 billion.", "zh_tw": "倫敦金屬交易所是全球最大的基本金屬及其他金屬的期貨、期權市場,位於英國倫敦市 Leadenhall 街道。倫敦金屬交易所提供了從交易日開始到 3 個月到期的合約,還有長至 123 個月的合約,它同時還允許現貨交易。它同時提供了商品對沖,世界範圍內的參考價格,以及現貨交割方式來了結合約的期權。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 373, "text": "reference pricing" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 124, "text": "參考價格" } ] }, "id": "da4ddecafe5f927e991a0dbe69b73e3fef1a0622", "question": { "en": "what does London Metal exchange offer worldwide?", "zh_tw": "倫敦金屬交易所為全球提供了什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "London Metal Exchange", "zh_tw": "倫敦金屬交易所" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Many pre-Columbian civilizations were marked by permanent settlements, cities, agriculture, civic and monumental architecture, major earthworks, and complex societal hierarchies. Some of these civilizations had long faded by the time of the first permanent European colonies and the arrival of enslaved Africans (c. late 16th–early 17th centuries), and are known only through archaeological investigations and oral history. Other civilizations were contemporary with the colonial period and were described in European historical accounts of the time. A few, such as the Maya civilization, had their own written records. Because many Christian Europeans of the time viewed such texts as pagan, men like Diego de Landa burned them, even while seeking to preserve native histories. Only a few hidden documents have survived in their original languages, while others were transcribed or dictated into Spanish, giving modern historians glimpses of ancient culture and knowledge.", "zh_tw": "許多前哥倫布時期的文明都留下了歷史的印記:永久性住宅、城市、農業、民用或紀念用建築,大型土方結構、複雜的社會等級體系。其中一些文明伴隨著第一批歐洲和非洲的永久住民的到來 (15 世紀後期至 16 世紀早期) 而消亡,只能透過考古調查和口述歷史窺見一斑。另一些文明則與殖民時期同時代因而被記載到歐洲當時的歷史文獻中。還有一些,例如瑪雅文明,留有他們自己的文字記錄。因為當時許多歐洲天主教徒把這些文字視作異端,一些人譬如迪亞哥・德・蘭達雖然一方面試圖保護當地歷史,一方面卻又燒燬了許多文獻。只有一些秘藏的文獻逃過一劫,另有一些則透過抄錄或者口述轉成西班牙語,譲現代歷史學家得以一窺遠古的知識和文化。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 603, "text": "written" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 176, "text": "文字" } ] }, "id": "bce8d30ece50727a54c436729bb7dd4935476c27", "question": { "en": "How were the records documented?", "zh_tw": "記錄是如何保持的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Pre-Columbian era", "zh_tw": "前哥倫布時期" }
[ { "context": { "en": "After working for a year in Barcelona, he settled in London where he directs and animates award-winning commercials for television and cinema. In 1992, he created the short film Tom Sweep, followed by The Monk and the Fish (1994), which was made in France with the studio Folimage. This film was nominated for an Oscar and has won numerous prizes including a César Award for Best Short Film and the Cartoon d'or. Michael also writes and illustrates children's picture books and teaches animation at art colleges in England and abroad.", "zh_tw": "邁克爾・度德威特(Michaël Dudok de Wit,1953 年 7 月 15 日-)生於荷蘭阿布考德,是一位動畫師,導演,插畫家。他起初在瑞士學習版畫,之後在 1978 年畢業於英國的西薩瑞藝術學院(West Surrey College of Art)學習動畫,且完成首部作品《會見》(The Interview)。在巴塞羅那工作一年之後,定居在英國為電影、電視以及廣告製作動畫。1992 年他創作了第一部動畫短片《清潔工湯姆》(Tom Sweep),1994 年的《和尚與飛魚》使他獲得(The Monk and the Fish)獲得了奧斯卡最佳動畫短片的提名和其它眾多獎項包括法國凱撒獎與歐洲金動畫獎等。他同時也製作兒童圖書,並在英國等地的藝術學院教課。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 517, "text": "England and abroad" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 324, "text": "英國等地" } ] }, "id": "4ce3a98e2113ece570a6cea8ad3f82d1d2d6fcfc", "question": { "en": "Where are the colleges located where Michael teaches at?", "zh_tw": "邁克爾任教的大學在哪裡?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Michaël Dudok de Wit", "zh_tw": "邁克爾・度德威特" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The Chinese government aims at assessing the trustworthiness and compliance of each person. The data collected stems both from peoples' own accounts, as well as their network's activities. Website operators can mine the traces of data that users exchange with websites and derive a full social profile that includes location, friends, health records, insurance, private messages, financial position, gaming duration, smart home statistics, preferred newspapers, shopping history, and dating behaviour.", "zh_tw": "目前,部分技術由阿里巴巴旗下螞蟻金服運營的芝麻信用所實現。阿里巴巴運營了中國最大的線上服務平臺,如網路購物和電子支付。阿里巴巴為了評估一個人的信用分數而透過其監管體系自由地收集來自社交網路,公共和私有機構等平臺的資料,而這些資料皆來自於個人在這些平臺自有的賬戶,以及網路活動。平臺運營方可以挖掘個人留下的的資料軌跡從而獲得完整的社交檔案,包括:位置資訊、好友、健康記錄、保險、私人訊息、財務狀況、遊戲時間、智慧家居統計、首選報紙、購物記錄以及約會行為。除了芝麻信用這類商業性質機制外,中國政府部門也落實相應措施,透過收集銀行的信用評估資訊和行政部門的處罰記錄,對滿足要求的組織或個人給予便利,或者限制或懲罰不滿足要求的組織或個人,例如針對失信被執行人乘坐高鐵、飛機等高消費行為,或宣傳他們等。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 220, "text": "traces of data" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 153, "text": "資料軌跡" } ] }, "id": "1e6eea1b2a0a4a3404f6b269d334582d15a0cf68", "question": { "en": "what can websites mine?", "zh_tw": "網站可以挖掘什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Social Credit System", "zh_tw": "社會信用體系" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "島嶼多為火山島,不同活動程度的火山位於一些較大的島嶼,而許多較小的島嶼只是由沙子與棕櫚樹覆蓋的小環礁島。最西與最東之間的島嶼大約相距 1500 公里。位於萬那杜以北的聖塔克魯茲群島遠離其他島嶼多於 200 公里。最大的瓜達爾卡納爾島面積達 6475 平方千米,島上有全國最高峰波波馬納休山,海拔 2330 米。氣候為赤道多雨氣候,終年炎熱,盛行赤道海洋氣團,無旱季。年均降水量在 3000 毫米左右。索羅門群島由兩組截然不同的陸地生態區組成。當中大多數島嶼,連同屬於巴布亞紐幾內亞的領土的布干維爾島及布卡島,都屬於索羅門群島雨林生態區;聖塔克魯茲群島是所羅門東邊主要的一群,與臨近的萬那杜群島屬於萬那杜雨林生態區。這兩個生態區,連同鄰近的新喀里多尼亞、俾斯麥群島、新幾內亞、澳大利亞和紐西蘭,都屬於澳亞大陸生態區的範圍。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 206, "text": "兩組" } ] }, "id": "e18b622076aef43307b5a837683a3f6779bca4c7", "question": { "en": "How many ecoregions are there in the Solomon Islands?", "zh_tw": "索羅門群島有多少生態區?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "2007 年 12 月 13 日,索羅門群島議會以 25 票對 22 票透過對總理梅納西・索格瓦雷的不信任案。索格瓦雷成為這個南太平洋島國自 1978 年獨立以來第一個因議會不信任投票下臺的總理。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "梅納西・索格瓦雷" } ] }, "id": "7e38c1ad56b52c1939ca1330d77db703b018f1ed", "question": { "en": "Who was the prime minister of solomon island in June 2007?", "zh_tw": "2007 年 6 月索羅門群島的總理是誰?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "索羅門群島政府以薄弱的政黨政治和非常不穩定的議會聯盟為特點。他們受頻繁的不信任投票影響,內閣因此經常改組。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 16, "text": "非常不穩定的" } ] }, "id": "290ad41f5d0ec5981f753efb1b547e22670a6c82", "question": { "en": "Does Solomon Islands have stable parliamentary coalition?", "zh_tw": "索羅門群島有穩定的議會聯盟嗎?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "索羅門群島" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Like DNA, RNA can carry genetic information. RNA viruses have genomes composed of RNA that encodes a number of proteins. The viral genome is replicated by some of those proteins, while other proteins protect the genome as the virus particle moves to a new host cell. Viroids are another group of pathogens, but they consist only of RNA, do not encode any protein and are replicated by a host plant cell's polymerase.", "zh_tw": "如同 DNA,RNA 也可以攜帶遺傳資訊。RNA 病毒的基因組由 RNA 組成,可以轉譯出多種蛋白質,其中一些負責基因組的複製,而其它的則作為保護構造,在病毒離開宿主細胞後,保護基因組。類病毒是另一種型別的病原體,但它們僅由 RNA 組成,且該 RNA 並不會轉譯出任何蛋白質,並利用宿主的聚合酶來複制。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 10, "text": "RNA" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 7, "text": "RNA" } ] }, "id": "d8f98ee20d5173fc8a52bc3ceb83ca4ab9b7fe38", "question": { "en": "In addition to DNA, what else is capable of conveying genetic information?", "zh_tw": "除了 DNA 之外,還有什麼能夠攜帶遺傳資訊?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "RNA", "zh_tw": "核糖核酸" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Avatar (marketed as James Cameron's Avatar) is a 2009 American epic science fiction film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron, and stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and Sigourney Weaver. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are colonizing Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system, in order to mine the mineral unobtanium, a room-temperature superconductor. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na'vi – a humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film's title refers to a genetically engineered Na'vi body operated from the brain of a remotely located human that is used to interact with the natives of Pandora.Development of Avatar began in 1994, when Cameron wrote an 80-page treatment for the film. Filming was supposed to take place after the completion of Cameron's 1997 film Titanic, for a planned release in 1999, but, according to Cameron, the necessary technology was not yet available to achieve his vision of the film. Work on the language of the film's extraterrestrial beings began in 2005, and Cameron began developing the screenplay and fictional universe in early 2006. Avatar was officially budgeted at $237 million. Other estimates put the cost between $280 million and $310 million for production and at $150 million for promotion. The film made extensive use of new motion capture filming techniques, and was released for traditional viewing, 3D viewing (using the RealD 3D, Dolby 3D, XpanD 3D, and IMAX 3D formats), and for \"4D\" experiences in select South Korean theaters. The stereoscopic filmmaking was touted as a breakthrough in cinematic technology.Avatar premiered in London on December 10, 2009, and was released in the United States on December 18 to positive reviews, with critics highly praising its groundbreaking visual effects. During its theatrical run, the film broke several box office records and became the highest-grossing film of all time, as well as in the United States and Canada, surpassing Cameron's Titanic, which had held those records for twelve years. It also became the first film to gross more than $2 billion and the best-selling film of 2010 in the United States. Avatar was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, and won three, for Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects.", "zh_tw": "《阿凡達》(英語:Avatar)是 2009 年上映的一部美國科幻史詩式電影,由詹姆斯・卡麥隆撰寫劇本並執導,主要演員有山姆・沃辛頓、柔伊・沙達納、雪歌妮・薇佛、蜜雪兒・羅德里奎茲和史帝芬・朗。電影設定於 2154 年,當時人類正在南門二恆星系生態茂盛的潘朵拉衛星上開採珍稀礦產難得素。 採礦殖民地的擴張威脅到了當地部落納美人的生存:納美人是土生土長於潘多拉星球上的有感知智慧能力的類人種族。電影的標題「阿凡達」,指的是經過基因改造而能為部分人類所控制的納美人身體,人類使用他們來同潘朵拉星上的原住民展開交流。阿凡達的開發始於 1994 年,卡梅隆當時為這部電影撰寫了 80 頁的劇本論述。柯麥隆原計劃在 1997 年的《鐵達尼號》攝製完成後就開始製作這部電影,並打算在 1999 年上映,但最終未能如願。柯麥隆解釋說,當時的技術手段還不足以表現出他想像的電影場景。為電影中的外星人創造語言的工作開始於 2005 年夏天,柯麥隆也在 2006 年初開始發展劇本及其虛構世界。官方公佈的《阿凡達》製作費為 2.37 億美元。其餘的估計則認為電影製作大概花費了 2.8 至 3.1 億美元,另外投入 1.5 億美元到市場的宣傳營銷上。在發行上,這部電影不僅使用了傳統的 2D 放映格式,還使用了包括 RealD 3D、Dolby 3D、XpanD 3D 和 IMAX 3D 在內的多種 3D 格式,乃至 4D 格式。因為在 3D 視野和立體視覺製片上有著諸多創新,這部電影被譽為電影製片技術上的一大突破。因為這部電影,爾後所有好萊塢動作片都使用了 3D 拍攝技術,之後,3D 放映版本也開始遍及全世界幾乎所有的首輪戲院。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1287, "text": "$237 million" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 451, "text": "2.37 億" } ] }, "id": "66a081658627a29d274b69b8ecf6e38984d380ee", "question": { "en": "What was the original amount allotted to film Avatar?", "zh_tw": "《阿凡達》製作費為多少美元?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "From January to April 2006, Cameron worked on the script and developed a culture for the film's aliens, the Na'vi. Their language was created by Dr. Paul Frommer, a linguist at USC. The Na'vi language has a lexicon of about 1000 words, with some 30 added by Cameron. The tongue's phonemes include ejective consonants (such as the \"kx\" in \"skxawng\") that are found in the Amharic language of Ethiopia, and the initial \"ng\" that Cameron may have taken from New Zealand Māori. Actress Sigourney Weaver and the film's set designers met with Jodie S. Holt, professor of plant physiology at University of California, Riverside, to learn about the methods used by botanists to study and sample plants, and to discuss ways to explain the communication between Pandora's organisms depicted in the film.From 2005 to 2007, Cameron worked with a handful of designers, including famed fantasy illustrator Wayne Barlowe and renowned concept artist Jordu Schell, to shape the design of the Na'vi with paintings and physical sculptures when Cameron felt that 3-D brush renderings were not capturing his vision, often working together in the kitchen of Cameron's Malibu home. In July 2006, Cameron announced that he would film Avatar for a mid-2008 release and planned to begin principal photography with an established cast by February 2007. The following August, the visual effects studio Weta Digital signed on to help Cameron produce Avatar. Stan Winston, who had collaborated with Cameron in the past, joined Avatar to help with the film's designs. Production design for the film took several years. The film had two different production designers, and two separate art departments, one of which focused on the flora and fauna of Pandora, and another that created human machines and human factors. In September 2006, Cameron was announced to be using his own Reality Camera System to film in 3-D. The system would use two high-definition cameras in a single camera body to create depth perception.While these preparations were underway, Fox kept wavering in its commitment to Avatar because of its painful experience with cost overruns and delays on Cameron's previous picture, Titanic, even though Cameron rewrote the script to combine several characters together and offered to cut his fee in case the film flopped. Cameron installed a traffic light with the amber signal lit outside of co-producer Jon Landau's office to represent the film's uncertain future. In mid-2006, Fox told Cameron \"in no uncertain terms that they were passing on this film,\" so he began shopping it around to other studios, and approached Walt Disney Studios, showing his proof-of-concept to then-chairman Dick Cook. However, when Disney attempted to take over, Fox exercised its right of first refusal. In October 2006, Fox finally agreed to commit to making Avatar after Ingenious Media agreed to back the film, which reduced Fox's financial exposure to less than half of the film's official $237 million budget. After Fox accepted Avatar, one skeptical Fox executive shook his head and told Cameron and Landau, \"I don't know if we're crazier for letting you do this, or if you're crazier for thinking you can do this ...\"", "zh_tw": "2006 年 1 月至 4 月,柯麥隆逐步完善了劇本,並發展了電影中外星人納美人的文化。南加州大學的語言學家保羅・弗朗莫創造了該族的語言。納美語大概有 1000 個詞彙,其中有 30 個是由柯麥隆加入的。發音音位中的緊喉子音(例如將「kx」讀成「skxawng」)出現在衣索比亞的阿姆哈拉語中;而詞尾的「ng」則可能是柯麥隆從紐西蘭的毛利語裡借出來的。雪歌妮・韋佛與電影的佈景設計師拜訪了加州大學河濱分校的植物生理學教授喬迪・S・霍爾特,向他求教植物學家研究和取樣植物的方法,並對如何解釋電影中潘多拉星生物的交流進行了討論。2006 年 7 月,柯麥隆宣佈他將在 2007 年 2 月確定演員後開始《阿凡達》的主要攝影工作,並計劃於 2008 年年中上映。同年 8 月,特效公司維塔數碼與柯麥隆簽約,以協助其製作《阿凡達》。此前與柯麥隆合作過的斯坦・溫斯頓,也協助了《阿凡達》的設計。電影的製片設計花費了幾年時間。電影有著兩組不同的製片設計師,和兩組相互獨立的藝術部門,其一主要負責潘朵拉星的植物群和動物群,其二主要負責創作人類機器和人類元素。2006 年 9 月,報導稱柯麥隆將使用他自己的現實攝影系統拍攝 3D 畫面。該系統將在一臺攝影機體中使用兩臺高畫質晰度的攝影機,以產生有深度感的畫面。當所有準備工作開始進行後,福克斯卻動搖了,他們還記得柯麥隆上部電影《鐵達尼號》預算超支和延期上映的痛苦經歷。柯麥隆為此重寫了《阿凡達》的劇本,合併了好幾名角色,還答應假如電影不成功的話就減少他的報酬,但都未能完全消除福克斯的擔心。柯麥隆在聯合制片人喬恩・蘭多的辦公室外安裝了盞交通訊號燈,並將其設為黃燈,以表現電影無法確定的未來。2006 年年中,福克斯告訴柯麥隆,他們已經「毫無疑問地放棄了這部電影」;於是,柯麥隆開始尋找其他的公司,並向迪克・庫克(後來成為了華特迪士尼公司的主席)展示了他的概念驗證。然而,當迪士尼打算接手時,福克斯卻動用了它的優先購買權。2006 年 10 月,在精巧媒體答應支援這部電影后,福克斯終於同意將《阿凡達》付諸製作;前者為後者分擔了佔官方預算一半以上的財務風險。在福克斯接受《阿凡達》後,柯麥隆和蘭多將交通燈轉為綠色。在兩位製片人參與撰寫的《阿凡達的藝術:詹姆士・柯麥隆的史詩歷險》(The Art of Avatar: James Cameron's Epic Adventure)一書中,有位仍覺懷疑的福克斯主管告訴蘭多說:「我不知道讓你們拍這電影是誰的瘋狂主意,是我們的還是你們的!」2006 年 12 月,柯麥隆將《阿凡達》描述為「一部 200 年後發生在一顆星球上的未來故事…… 是一場飽含環保意識的老式叢林歷險」。2007 年 1 月釋出的新聞稿則這樣描述這部電影:「《阿凡達》還是一場關於救贖和革命的心靈旅程。是一出關於一名負傷的前海軍陸戰隊隊員的故事,他不情願地加入了旨在佔領並利用一顆生物繁茂的外星球的行動,但他最終轉而率領當地種族為生存而戰」。而「我們將創造整個世界,包括由幻影般的植物和動物構成的完整生態系統,以及具有豐富文化和語言的原住民。」根據估計,電影使用了大約 2.8 至 3.1 億美元用於製作,並使用 1.5 億美元用於營銷;其 3,000 萬美元的稅收抵免在一定程度上減緩了對片方及其融資方的財務衝擊。然而,製片廠的一位發言人對電影網站 The Wrap 說,電影的預算「為 2.37 億美元,另有 1.5 億用於推廣,這就是全部了。」" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 1374, "text": "Weta Digital" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 339, "text": "維塔數碼" } ] }, "id": "ea2965f90478032118cb13eddc3eda7ec6d9a849", "question": { "en": "Who assisted Cameron in making avatar?", "zh_tw": "誰協助柯麥隆製作《阿凡達》?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Avatar (2009 film)", "zh_tw": "阿凡達" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Anemone coronaria is a herbaceous perennial tuberous plant growing to 20–40 cm tall, rarely to 60 cm (0.75–1.50 feet), spreading to 15–23 cm (0.50 to 0.75 feet), with a basal rosette of a few leaves, the leaves with three leaflets, each leaflet deeply lobed. The flowers which bloom from April to June are borne singly on a tall stem with a whorl of small leaves just below the flower; the flower is 3–8 cm diameter, with 5–8 red (but may be white or blue) showy petal-like tepals and a black centre. The pollen is dry, has an unsculpted exine, is less than 40 nm in diameter, and is usually deposited within 1.5 m of its source. This central mound consists of tightly packed pistils in the centre, with a crown-like ring of stamens surrounding this, which gives the species its name. The flowers produce 200–300 seeds. The plants form hard black tubers as storage organs.Aside from its flowers resembling poppies, the red single wild form flowers resemble the flowers of the red single wild form of Ranunculus asiaticus.", "zh_tw": "銀蓮花屬植物屬毛茛科,是多年生草本植物。其株高一般介於 30 至 60 釐米,基生葉 4—8,葉柄長 6—30 cm,疏生長柔毛;葉片圓腎形,三全裂;花 2 至 5 朵,直徑 3.5 至 5 釐米,白色或帶粉紅色;瘦果上有長綿毛,部分品種如罌粟狀銀蓮花(罌粟秋牡丹,A. coronaria)有塊莖;胚珠內珠被有一層(與銀蓮花類似的還有胡桃、向日葵等),有些種因為果實構造不同,而被視為獨立的屬 —— 白頭翁屬(Pulsatilla)。歐洲的木質銀蓮花指森林銀蓮花(A. nemorosa)能引起皮膚起皰,從前曾藥用,開白花。北美的木質銀蓮花指五葉銀蓮花(A. quinquefolia),葉深裂。其花期一般為春季,部分品種的花期在秋季。春季開花的有亞平寧銀蓮花(A. apennina)、希臘銀蓮花(A. blanda)和孔雀狀銀蓮花(A. pavonina)。湖北金蓮花(A. hupehensis)或稱日本銀蓮花(A. japonica),是受歡迎的秋季開花的沿邊花壇花卉。很多種因花色鮮豔而栽培在花園中。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 102, "text": "0.75–1.50" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 20, "text": "其株高一般介於 30 至 60 釐米,基生葉 4—8,葉柄長 6—30" } ] }, "id": "503cd34d86793392ed2469472c6dcd79f582d59f", "question": { "en": "How many feet is the tallest that Anemone coronaria will grow but only happens occasionally?", "zh_tw": "銀蓮花冠形花冠最高可達幾英尺,但只是偶爾發生?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Anemone coronaria", "zh_tw": "銀蓮花" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Paratyphoid fever, also known simply as paratyphoid, is a bacterial infection caused by one of the three types of Salmonella enterica. Symptoms usually begin 6–30 days after exposure and are the same as those of typhoid fever. Often, a gradual onset of a high fever occurs over several days. Weakness, loss of appetite, and headaches also commonly occur. Some people develop a skin rash with rose-colored spots. Without treatment, symptoms may last weeks or months. Other people may carry the bacteria without being affected; however, they are still able to spread the disease to others. Both typhoid and paratyphoid are of similar severity. Paratyphoid and typhoid fever are types of enteric fever.Paratyphoid is caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica of the serotypes Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B, or Paratyphi C growing in the intestines and blood. They are usually spread by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected person. They may occur when a person who prepares food is infected. Risk factors include poor sanitation as is found among poor crowded populations. Occasionally, they may be transmitted by sex. Humans are the only animals infected. Diagnosis may be based on symptoms and confirmed by either culturing the bacteria or detecting the bacterial DNA in the blood, stool, or bone marrow. Culturing the bacteria can be difficult. Bone-marrow testing is the most accurate. Symptoms are similar to that of many other infectious diseases. Typhus is an unrelated disease.While no vaccine is available specifically for paratyphoid, the typhoid vaccine may provide some benefit. Prevention includes drinking clean water, better sanitation, and better handwashing. Treatment of the disease is with antibiotics such as azithromycin. Resistance to a number of other previously effective antibiotics is common.Paratyphoid affects about six million people a year. It is most common in parts of Asia and rare in the developed world. Most cases are due to Paratyphi A rather than Paratyphi B or C. In 2015, paratyphoid fever resulted in about 29,200 deaths, down from 63,000 deaths in 1990. The risk of death is between 10 and 15% without treatment, while with treatment, it may be less than 1%.", "zh_tw": "副傷寒是一種由腸道沙門氏菌引起的疾病,目前已知有三種血清型可造成該疾病。症狀與傷寒相當類似,且通常發生於接觸細菌後的 6 至 30 天。 通常會逐漸地在幾天內發展出高燒,其他像是感到虛弱、沒有食慾以及頭痛也都相當常見。有些人會在皮膚上表現出玫瑰色紅斑。如果沒有接受治療,症狀將持續數週甚至數月。 有部分的人可能會攜帶著細菌卻不會遭受感染,即便如此,還是具備傳染其他人的能力。 傷寒和副傷寒的嚴重度相似,兩者所造成的熱病皆屬於腸熱。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 449, "text": "weeks or months" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 140, "text": "數週甚至數月" } ] }, "id": "780c4e10a07c92528ee5a2810fcba2effd3a2cbd", "question": { "en": "How long do symptoms last without treatment?", "zh_tw": "在不接受治療的情況下,症狀會持續多久?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Paratyphoid fever", "zh_tw": "副傷寒" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Christian Bjørnshøj Poulsen (born 28 February 1980) is a Danish former footballer. After starting his career with Holbæk, he played for a number of European clubs as a defensive midfielder, winning the Danish Superliga championship with F.C. Copenhagen, the German DFB-Ligapokal trophy with FC Schalke 04, and the European UEFA Cup with Spanish team Sevilla FC, later also playing for Italian Serie A club Juventus, as well as Premier League side, Liverpool, French side Evian, and Dutch side Ajax.", "zh_tw": "克里斯蒂安・波爾森(Christian Bager Poulsen,1980 年 2 月 28 日-)是一名丹麥職業足球運動員,司職防守中場。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 57, "text": "Danish" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 54, "text": "丹麥" } ] }, "id": "d172d2522a36f23c81cca800b2eb874d55e5eea6", "question": { "en": "What Nationality is Christian Bjørnshøj Poulsen?", "zh_tw": "克里斯蒂安・波爾森的國籍是什麼?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Christian Poulsen", "zh_tw": "克里斯蒂安・波爾森" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The airfield was first constructed in June 1941, during the third year of World War II. Initially it housed a military fighter aviation unit. Constructed without a hardened runway, after the war the airfield received a concrete runway, but remained exclusively in use by the military. During the second half of the 1980s, after Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, the airfield was significantly increased and improved, as the airfield was to be used by him when travelling to the presidential dacha on the southern coast of the Crimea, near the cape of Foros. Subsequently, it was also allowed to use the airfield for civilian purposes.", "zh_tw": "機場在 1941 年 6 月建成,當時是在第二次世界大戰中的第一年。在戰事中,此機場是用於駐守軍用戰鬥機航空隊。跑道地面不是硬地,在戰事後才鋪上混凝土。在二戰後,機場仍然用作軍用。直至 80 年代後期,米哈伊爾・戈爾巴喬夫統治下,機場便開始改變成為民用。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 43, "text": "1941" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 3, "text": "1941 年" } ] }, "id": "e7e39a037c18e146cffee11905c4dc6eda0fbb45", "question": { "en": "What year was the first airfield constructed", "zh_tw": "第一個機場是哪一年建成的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Sevastopol International Airport", "zh_tw": "塞瓦斯托波爾國際機場" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "芮塔・薩赫丘・奧拉(英語:Rita Sahatçiu Ora,1990 年 11 月 26 日-),是一名英國歌手、詞曲作家和演員。她的第一張專輯《尤拉 (Ora)》於 2012 年最先在英國發布。專輯收錄了英國的冠軍單曲 《安息 (R.I.P.)》 和 《派對 (How We Do (Party))》。在她客串 DJ Fresh 的單曲 《Hot Right Now》使尤拉獲得在英國單曲排行榜的第三個冠軍之後,她已經成為 2012 年在英國單曲排行榜上獲得最多冠軍的歌手。2013 年,她在全英音樂獎上獲得了三個提名。奧拉的第二張專輯的首支單曲 「我永不讓你失望 (I Will Never Let You Down)」在英國單曲排行榜上奪冠,這也是她 2014 年在英國單曲排行榜上獲得的第一個冠軍。同年,奧拉客串了伊基・阿塞莉婭的單曲《黑寡婦 (Black Widow)》。這支單曲曾在美國奪得第三名的成績。在 2015 年,尤拉成為英國之聲第 4 季的導師。同年年末也擔任了英國版 X 音素第 12 季的評委。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 31, "text": "1990 年 11 月 26 日" } ] }, "id": "1a24c9b91fdbd121cf28dcef8beb2fb7b394f19d", "question": { "en": "When was Rita Sahatciu Ora born?", "zh_tw": "芮塔・薩赫丘・奧拉什麼時候出生的?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "瑞塔・奧拉出生於科索沃首都普裡什蒂納,瑞塔・奧拉是阿爾巴尼亞裔,而她父母都是阿爾巴尼亞裔。母親 Vera 是一名精神科醫師,父親 Besnik 是經濟學家而且經營一家酒吧。她有一個弟弟 Don, 跟姐姐 Elena。她姐姐同時是她管理團隊的一員。她的本姓 Sahatçiu 源自土耳其語,意為 “表匠”。後來父母為了方便發音而在後面加上 Ora(阿爾巴尼亞語,意為 “時間”)作為姓氏。1991 年在她 1 歲的時候跟隨父母搬到了英國倫敦居住。小的時候她就表現出了對歌唱的熱愛。2004 年參演電影「Spivs」。並於 2009 年參加了「歐洲歌唱大賽」節目。在 2009 年在星探引薦下與 Jay Z 相識,得到了在 Jay Z 單曲「Forever Young」的 MV 中露臉的機會。由於在唱功和演技方面的出色表現,很快得到了 Jay-Z 的賞識。2011 年在 YouTube 中上傳了一個叫做「Hot Right Now」的影片,成為英國單曲榜第一名。2013 年,短暫演出了「玩命關頭 6」的賽車女郎。2014 年與伊基・阿塞莉婭合作演唱「Black Widow」。她參演了 2015 年上映的電影「格雷的五十道陰影」。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 193, "text": "1991" } ] }, "id": "512ccdb41af96f51b481a603957ad3fbc007fc6c", "question": { "en": "What year was Ora one year old?", "zh_tw": "奧拉哪一年一週歲?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "瑞塔・奧拉" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Born in Woodside, Dudley, Edwards signed for Manchester United as a teenager and went on to become the youngest player to play in the Football League First Division and at the time the youngest England player since the Second World War, going on to play 18 times for his country at top level. In a professional career of less than five years he helped United to win two Football League championships and two FA Charity Shields, and reach the semi-finals of the European Cup.", "zh_tw": "出生於達德利的愛華士在年少時已獲曼聯僱用,隨後成為甲級聯賽最年輕的球員,以及第二次世界大戰後英格蘭隊中最年輕的球員。在短短五年的職業足球生涯中,他曾經協助曼聯贏得兩次足球聯賽冠軍,並打入歐洲盃四強。1958 年 2 月,雖然他在慕尼黑空難中獲救,但延至 15 天后傷重不治。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 366, "text": "two" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 81, "text": "兩次" } ] }, "id": "fbe6f05d08184e573272cda34188fd784d0f8bd5", "question": { "en": "How many Football League Chamionships did Edwards win?", "zh_tw": "愛德華茲贏取了幾次足球聯賽冠軍?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Duncan Edwards", "zh_tw": "鄧肯・愛德華茲" }
[ { "context": { "en": "One of the film's most shocking moments involved an actual, severed, horse's head. Coppola received some criticism for the scene, although the head was obtained from a dog-food company from a horse that was to be killed regardless of the film. On June 22, the scene where Sonny is killed was shot on a runway at Mitchel Field in Mineola, where three tollbooths were built, along with guard rails, and billboards to set the scene. Sonny's car was a 1941 Lincoln Continental with holes drilled in it to resemble bullet holes. The scene took three days to film and cost over $100,000.Coppola's request to film on location was observed; approximately 90 percent was shot in New York City and its surrounding suburbs, using over 120 distinct locations. Several scenes were filmed at the Filmways Studio in East Harlem. The remaining portions were filmed in California, or on-site in Sicily, except for the scenes set in Las Vegas because there were insufficient funds to travel there. Savoca and Forza d'Agrò were the Sicilian towns featured in the film. The opening wedding scene was shot in a Staten Island neighborhood using almost 750 locals as extras. The house used as the Corleone household and the wedding location was at 110 Longfellow Road in the Todt Hill neighborhood of Staten Island. The wall around the Corleone compound was made from styrofoam. Scenes set in and around the Corleone olive oil business were filmed on Mott Street.After filming had ended on August 7, post-production efforts were focused on trimming the film to a manageable length. In addition, producers and director were still including and removing different scenes from the end product, along with trimming certain sequences. In September, the first rough cut of the film was viewed. Many of the scenes removed from the film were centered around Sonny, which did not advance the plot. By November, Coppola and Ruddy finished the semi-final cut. Debates over personnel involved with the final editing remained even 25 years after the release of the film. The film was shown to Paramount staff and exhibitors in late December 1971 and January 1972.", "zh_tw": "電影的第一個令人震驚的畫面,也就是「沃爾茨發現自己的種馬頭顱被放在床上」,引來了動物保育人士的抨擊。柯波拉後來澄清片中的馬頭,來自於一家狗食工廠製造馬肉罐頭所剩下的,劇組並沒有特地殺馬。這段鏡頭則是在紐約華盛頓港拍攝。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 166, "text": "a dog-food company" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 66, "text": "一家狗食工廠" } ] }, "id": "8a8d97549469bfe5b88525df95e5342866af366e", "question": { "en": "Where did Coppola receive the horse head from that gave him criticism?", "zh_tw": "柯波拉在哪裡接收到讓他面對抨擊的馬頭?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "The Godfather", "zh_tw": "教父 (電影)" }
[ { "context": { "en": "The most common signs and symptoms of kidney cancer are a mass in the abdomen and/or blood in the urine (or hematuria). Other symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, a high temperature and heavy sweating, and persistent pain in the abdomen, especially in the early stages of the disease.", "zh_tw": "腎癌最常見的徵兆或症狀是腹部出現腫塊或血尿。另外,疲倦、胃口差、體重下降、發高燒、大量出汗、腹部出現持續性疼痛都是腎癌的症狀。然而,上述症狀也可能會由其他情況造成,也有人患上腎癌後不會有上述症狀,特別是他患上的腎癌處於早期時。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "a mass in the abdomen and/or blood in the urine (or hematuria)" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "腹部出現腫塊或血尿" } ] }, "id": "21cf2fd41bb6dad49a89adf7856cb613efa38231", "question": { "en": "What would you see if you expected yourself to have developed Kidney Cancer.", "zh_tw": "如果患了腎癌,會有什麼症狀。糸艸" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Kidney cancer", "zh_tw": "腎癌" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "小說中的愛德華被描述為是個氣質迷人、彬彬有禮、意志堅定且非常固執的人。他對貝拉的保護欲十分強,並把她的安全、作為人類的一切及福利作為大前提。他特別於貝拉的安全風險的情況下經常過度分析情況,並傾向作出過度反應。他保持著自己還是人類的二十世紀初期一些過時的說話語調。愛德華把自己視為怪物,在他愛上了貝拉後,他拼命地希望自己是人類而非吸血鬼。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 37, "text": "貝拉" } ] }, "id": "1b071581966239865aa9bc31973e0eeef46c1b48", "question": { "en": "Edward is very protective of whom?", "zh_tw": "愛德華很保護誰?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "如《暮光之城》中所有吸血鬼一樣,愛德華被形容為有一種不可思議的美麗。在系列中不同的地方,貝拉把他與希臘神話中的神阿多尼斯進行比較。他的皮膚「像大理石一樣」— 非常蒼白、冰冷、肌膚會在陽光下閃耀。作者把他的臉部特徵形容為完美和有尖角的 — 有較高的顴骨、強大下頜的輪廓、筆直的鼻子、和豐滿的雙唇。他的頭髮,繼承了他生母那非一般的青銅色頭髮,但總是凌亂的。而他的眼睛,人類的時候是綠色的,現在被描述為金棕色。若他長時間沒有進食的話,他的外觀就會改變 — 他的眼睛會變得深色,幾乎變成黑色,和紫色的瘀傷會出現於眼睛的下方。愛德華的身高為 6 呎 2 吋,擁有修長而肌肉發達的身軀。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 65, "text": "他的皮膚「像大理石一樣」—" } ] }, "id": "e06b6655996a099fb05708d7dfd9b64a85c5e606", "question": { "en": "What was Edward's skin compared to?", "zh_tw": "愛德華的皮膚被比作什麼?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 56, "text": "阿多尼斯" } ] }, "id": "15225d7f8e2ea27689bce0435f7a1e1785817997", "question": { "en": "Who does Bella compare Edward to?", "zh_tw": "貝拉拿誰和愛德華比較?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "愛德華像《暮光之城》中所有吸血鬼一樣,擁有超越常人的耐力、感應、智力和敏捷度,以及自愈因素及夜視能力。他超乎常人的力量能使他制伏他的獵物、把樹木連根拔起、把汽車扔在一邊,及把金屬粉碎。他的身體組織比花崗岩更強更堅硬,使他比人類更強硬和耐用,這對他的體重稍有貢獻。他被形容為有一種不可思議的美麗,有一些精緻和完美的特徵。他的聲音和氣味對貝拉來說是非常誘人,以至經常讓她感到十分迷網。在《暮光之城》中,愛德華解釋自己如其他吸血鬼一樣,他不需要呼吸,但他仍習慣這樣做,因這有助他嗅到他身處的環境。他不能消化正常的食物,對他來說就像一般人吃泥一樣。愛德華不需要睡覺,就如吸血鬼一樣。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 250, "text": "正常的食物" } ] }, "id": "26f04d7f272004dbd5e245a85d4acdddf684ca42", "question": { "en": "What can't Edward digest?", "zh_tw": "愛德華不能消化什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "此外,愛德華也跟他的吸血鬼家人分享他的異能,然有些能力是他獨有的:他擁有超級驚人的速度,與其他吸血鬼相比,他是庫倫家族中最快的一個,能夠超越庫倫家族中任何一個;愛德華擁有讀心術,能讀懂跟自己距離幾英里內任何人的心思,唯獨是貝拉除外,作者說那是由於貝拉的一種異能。愛德華還保留了他於 20 世紀初作為人類生活的一些傳統思維和過時的說話方式。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 156, "text": "傳統思維和過時的說話方式" } ] }, "id": "74094800bc2b2ad8cd716ac67a5543fbded45b7d", "question": { "en": "What does Edward have from 20th century life?", "zh_tw": "愛德華保留了來自 20 世紀生活的什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "愛德華是個音樂人,他能像鋼琴演奏家一樣演奏彈鋼琴。他享受演奏的音樂範疇很廣泛,包括古典樂、爵士樂、前衛金屬、另類搖滾和朋克搖滾,但不喜歡鄉村音樂。他喜歡獨立搖滾音樂到主流音樂,也一樣地欣賞搖滾和古典音樂。他於《暮光之城》中提到,比起 60 年代的音樂,他更喜歡 50 年代的,但他不喜歡 70 年代的,並指 80 年代的是「可以忍受的」。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 162, "text": "可以忍受的" } ] }, "id": "710acf3422edffe9895a4e58282fd03d7cd1a1b3", "question": { "en": "How is eighties music described in \"Twilight?\"", "zh_tw": "“”“暮光之城”“如何描述 80 年代的音樂?”" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 68, "text": "鄉村音樂" } ] }, "id": "ef0706aa21dfe4289f0d47dc2838177008ea2e23", "question": { "en": "what kind of music does Edward hate?", "zh_tw": "愛德華討厭哪種音樂?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 12, "text": "鋼琴" } ] }, "id": "193e303358cd2b8049cbaa936f96c036ecaa2279", "question": { "en": "Which musical instrument did Edward play well?", "zh_tw": "愛德華擅長彈奏什麼樂器?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "愛德華的興趣是收藏汽車,他擁有一輛富豪 S60 及雅士頓・馬田 V12 Vanquish 作為「特別場合」的汽車。在《暮光之城:月蝕》中,他把一輛保時捷 911 的房車作為給姐姐愛麗絲的禮物。他本來買下一輛摩托車打算與貝拉同遊,但當他得知貝拉喜歡跟雅各布一起乘摩托車後,愛德華便把購得的摩托車送給賈斯珀。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 89, "text": "愛麗絲" } ] }, "id": "d0c2c79b9ddd4e94633f797747e99f23add6842b", "question": { "en": "Edward's sibling name is what?", "zh_tw": "愛德華的姐姐叫什麼名字?" } }, { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 48, "text": "特別場合" } ] }, "id": "cc23b8b4ae601489f1f08111bdbc0c561588c550", "question": { "en": "Edward's hobby of collecting cars led him to owning a Volvo and Aston Martin for what purpose?", "zh_tw": "愛德華收藏汽車的愛好讓他出於什麼目的擁有一輛富豪和雅士頓・馬田?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "然而,一次庫倫家族的棒球活動中,愛德華對貝拉的保護性讓她成為了另一吸血鬼詹姆斯的目標獵物。詹姆斯不同於庫倫家族,詹姆斯是經常吸食人血的,並且吸不到貝拉的血誓不罷休,對貝拉展開追捕。在庫倫家族的幫助下,愛德華從詹姆斯手上救到貝拉,他發現自己生命中不能沒有她,但如何確保貝拉的持久的安全仍然是一個懸而未決的問題。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 93, "text": "家族" } ] }, "id": "2cf6f07a1e72ce3e8b7c32ff7b5838c6870132d4", "question": { "en": "Who helped Edward rescue Bella?", "zh_tw": "誰幫助愛德華拯救貝拉?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "貝拉願意嫁給愛德華,條件是要由愛德華把她變成吸血鬼,還有就是在她還是人類的時候,跟她發生關係。愛德華最終妥協,同意由自己把她變成吸血鬼,但他畢竟是思想傳統的人,他認為親密行為應在婚後才發生。在第一集死去的吸血鬼詹姆斯,他的吸血鬼伴侶維多利亞,為了詹姆斯的死進行報復,決意要狩獵貝拉,並創造了一支新生的吸血鬼軍團。庫倫家族與由狼人雅各及山姆領導的種族戰鬥暫時停戰,因貝拉跟他們是朋友。後來,貝拉發現雅各比她所想的更愛自己,然而她知道自己對愛德華的愛更甚。後來,愛德華接受貝拉對雅各存在的關心,當二人成功地摧毀維多利亞後,貝拉承認愛德華是她一生中最愛。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 105, "text": "詹姆斯" } ] }, "id": "f3dd628c6dcc34221e7543768b89bee40083753d", "question": { "en": "Who was Victoria's lover?", "zh_tw": "維多利亞的愛人是誰?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "在雙方家人支援下,愛德華終於跟貝拉共諧連理,貝拉並在蜜月期間懷孕了。但是半人半吸血鬼胎兒的迅速增長讓貝拉的健康嚴重受到影響。愛德華試圖強迫她打掉胎兒,以挽救自己的生命。但是貝拉在短短日子已感覺到她跟未出生孩子之間的聯絡,堅持要把他生下來。愛德華也漸漸感受到了寶寶對他的愛,讀取到他的想法,並得知寶寶也愛貝拉。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 129, "text": "寶寶" } ] }, "id": "192d3212a7fd6a29dc8def086ceb68158fb74e52", "question": { "en": "Who did Edward come to love?", "zh_tw": "愛德華愛上了誰?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "貝拉在剖宮產期間的緊急情況下幾乎死亡,但愛德華成功把女兒取出來,然後把自己的毒液注射到貝拉的心臟。毒液慢慢的流到身體的各部分,使她身上的傷口迅速癒合,她變成了一名新生的吸血鬼。在貝拉痛苦的轉變過程中,雅各把他們的女兒雲妮絲美・庫倫烙印了。名叫伊琳娜的吸血鬼,一次意外地看見雲妮絲美的出現,誤會認為是庫倫家族製造不朽的吸血鬼小孩 — 在吸血鬼世界中被禁止的。她向伏圖爾一族告發他們。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 3, "text": "剖宮產" } ] }, "id": "4cebc2fadd10d52ab2ce7ee59042dbfbc4f21b56", "question": { "en": "What medical procedure almost caused the death of Bella?", "zh_tw": "什麼醫療程式幾乎導致貝拉死亡?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "愛德華・庫倫" }
[ { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "相對於之前的版本,NTFS v3.0 包含若干新功能:磁碟使用限額、稀疏檔案支援、重解析點、分佈連結跟蹤,以及檔案級加密(即 “加密檔案系統(EFS)”)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 9, "text": "NTFS v3.0 包含若干新功能:" } ] }, "id": "605868ba99428ddfddbf9def8501d9f9f552455d", "question": { "en": "What system has many new features over it's predecessors?", "zh_tw": "什麼系統比它的前輩有許多新特性?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "理論上,NTFS 卷的最大容量為 264-1 簇。在 Windows XP 專業版中,由於分割槽表限制,實際實現的最大容量為 232-1 簇。例如,在當簇的從大小為 64 KiB 時,Windows XP 的 NTFS 卷的最大容量為 256 TiB 減去 64 KiB;而當簇大小為預設的 4 KiB 時,卷最大容量將變為 16 TiB 減去 4 KiB(但這都超過了 Windows XP SP1 對磁碟容量的 128 GiB 限制)。由於主引導記錄(MBR)分割槽表最大支援單個分割槽容量為 2 TiB,因此如果要建立超過 2 TiB 的 NTFS 卷,必須要使用動態卷或者 GPT 卷。注意:微軟預設的載入程式必須使用 UEFI 和 64 位作業系統才能從 GPT 卷引導系統。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 62, "text": "232-1 簇" } ] }, "id": "57fa4d13871953d49556b0b5bbff40f383dacd66", "question": { "en": "What is the maximum size of an NTFS volume?", "zh_tw": "新技術檔案系統的最大容量為多少?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "事務 NTFS 並不要求事務是本機 NTFS 卷的檔案操作,可以包含在其它位置的任意事務資料或操作,例如對其它卷、本地登錄檔、SQL 資料庫中、系統服務或者遠端服務中的事務修改。所有這些事務使用 Windows 系統中的 “分佈事務協調器(DTC)” 服務在網路級別協調所有參與者,以確保所有參與者都能接收到同樣的提交狀態,並傳輸所有經過確認的更改。分散式 NTFS 事務的一個典型例子是可以以事務方式建立一個網路級別的分散式檔案系統,並且每個客戶端都保留每個檔案的準確的離線快取。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 63, "text": "SQL" } ] }, "id": "3b4be33572e0c41d69cf27205e82e8c937bc2bc2", "question": { "en": "What type of databases are restricted by transactional NTFS?", "zh_tw": "哪種資料庫被事務 NTFS 所限制?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "加密檔案系統(EFS)提供對 NTFS 捲上任意檔案和資料夾的使用者透明的強保護。加密檔案系統需要與 EFS 服務、Microsoft 的加密應用程式介面(CryptoAPI)以及 EFS 檔案執行時庫(FSRTL)聯合工作。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 41, "text": "加密檔案系統需要與 EFS 服務、Microsoft 的加密應用程式介面(CryptoAPI)以及 EFS" } ] }, "id": "32c33dc2be64c07545ed1472f81a85380961e8ce", "question": { "en": "What Microsoft program does EFS work in conjunction with?", "zh_tw": "EFS​​與 Microsoft 合作的程式是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "EFS 使用對稱金鑰(也被稱為 “檔案加密金鑰(FEK)”)加密檔案,這比起使用非對稱金鑰加密在加密和解密大量資料時消耗的時間較少。該對稱金鑰使用一個和請求加密檔案的使用者相關的公鑰加密檔案的內容,加密後的資料儲存在被加密檔案的可選資料流中。當需要解密檔案時,檔案系統使用使用者的金鑰解密儲存在檔案頭中的對稱金鑰,然後使用該對稱金鑰解密檔案。這些操作在檔案系統級別完成,因此對使用者來說是透明的。為了處理使用者丟失金鑰的情況,加密檔案系統中還支援多個附加解密金鑰,因此除使用者外,授權過的恢復代理也能訪問資料。NTFS 提供的加密和壓縮功能是互相排斥的 —— 如果同時希望加密和壓縮,則 NTFS 檔案系統級別隻能開啟其中一種功能,另一種功能需要使用其它第三方工具完成。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 225, "text": "附加解密金鑰" } ] }, "id": "1d937121240bf07603aa8ff91793eff54930a028", "question": { "en": "What is used to access if the file is lose?", "zh_tw": "如檔案丟失,可使用什麼進行訪問?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "Basic、Home 和 MediaCenter 版本的 Windows 不支援磁碟限額功能。要使用這個功能,必須安裝 Professional、Ultimate 或者伺服器版本的 Windows,或者使用 Windows 域中的企業部署工具進行部署。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 57, "text": "安裝 Professional、Ultimate 或者伺服器版本的 Windows,或者使用 Windows 域中的企業部署工具進行部署。" } ] }, "id": "f654163ca76e8921eab5ac023ca1820f6dda491e", "question": { "en": "How can you activate EFS?", "zh_tw": "如何啟用加密檔案系統?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "由於歷史原因,不支援 NTFS 的 Windows 使用本地時區作為時間戳,而目前版本的 Windows 對非 NTFS 分割槽也是用此方式進行處理。這意味著當檔案在 NTFS 和非 NTFS 分割槽間進行移動時,作業系統需要實時轉換時間戳。如果某些檔案移動時處於夏令時,而某些檔案處於標準時間,則可能移動後的時間可能會產生歧義,特別是當執行時間正好在時制轉換前後時,使用者可能會看到一小時的時間差。基於不同地區的不同夏令時規則,在任意 12 個月中,可能會產生最多 4 個小時的永久時間戳錯誤。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": null, "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 233, "text": "4" } ] }, "id": "022dbbe4a4df7a6e3b9e72723308a757a9afc07b", "question": { "en": "How many hours may the timestamp error be?", "zh_tw": "時間戳錯誤可能是幾個小時?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": null, "zh_tw": "NTFS" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In 1906 and 1907 Robert Baden-Powell, a lieutenant general in the British Army, wrote a book for boys about reconnaissance and scouting. Baden-Powell wrote Scouting for Boys (London, 1908), based on his earlier books about military scouting, with influence and support of Frederick Russell Burnham (Chief of Scouts in British Africa), Ernest Thompson Seton of the Woodcraft Indians, William Alexander Smith of the Boys' Brigade, and his publisher Pearson. In the summer of 1907 Baden-Powell held a camp on Brownsea Island in England to test ideas for his book. This camp and the publication of Scouting for Boys are generally regarded as the start of the Scout movement.", "zh_tw": "童軍運動開始於 1907 年,那時英國陸軍的中將羅伯特・貝登堡,在英國的白浪島舉辦第一次的童軍露營。貝登堡以他早期的軍事著作為基礎,在他的著作《童軍警探》(倫敦,1908 年)寫下了童軍運動的原則,並受到叢林印地安人創辦人歐尼斯特・湯普森・西頓、基督少年軍創辦人威廉・亞歷山大・史密斯的影響和出版家西里爾・亞瑟・培生的支援。在 20 世紀的前半期,這個運動發展成包括 3 個童軍年齡層(幼童軍、童軍和羅浮童軍)和 3 個女童軍年齡層(小女童軍、女童軍和蘭姐女童軍)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 223, "text": "military scouting" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 91, "text": "童軍運動" } ] }, "id": "6a66741939d238c363e3b8cb2e6705da0753fa2c", "question": { "en": "what were Baden-Powell's books about?", "zh_tw": "貝登堡的書是關於什麼的" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Scout units are usually operated by adult volunteers, such as parents and carers, former Scouts, students, and community leaders, including teachers and religious leaders. Scout Leadership positions are often divided into 'uniform' and 'lay' positions. Uniformed leaders have received formal training, such as the Wood Badge, and have received a warrant for a rank within the organization. Lay members commonly hold part-time roles such as meeting helpers, committee members and advisors, though there are a small number of full-time lay professionals.A unit has uniformed positions—such as the Scoutmaster and assistants—whose titles vary among countries. In some countries, units are supported by lay members, who range from acting as meeting helpers to being members of the unit's committee. In some Scout associations, the committee members may also wear uniforms and be registered Scout leaders.Above the unit are further uniformed positions, called Commissioners, at levels such as district, county, council or province, depending on the structure of the national organization. Commissioners work with lay teams and professionals. Training teams and related functions are often formed at these levels. In the UK and in other countries, the national Scout organization appoints the Chief Scout, the most senior uniformed member.", "zh_tw": "這些童軍類團體大多由成人自願者運作,像是父母、以前是童軍或女童軍的成人、學生、社群的領導者,也包含了教師和宗教領袖。童軍服務員在這些團體的地位會劃入「制服領袖」和「會友」的位置上。制服領袖或服務員常接受正式的訓練,像是木章訓練;會友委員常常支援擔任兼職角色,像是會議諮詢人員、委員會委員和顧問等,但是有少部分的會友是全職專業人員。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 222, "text": "'uniform' and 'lay'" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 74, "text": "「制服領袖」和「會友」" } ] }, "id": "2f5c9dd2376b6c33534e96d98df5782128a18da5", "question": { "en": "What are the two types of positions that scout leadership is divided into?", "zh_tw": "童子軍領導被劃分成哪兩種職位?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Scouting", "zh_tw": "童軍活動" }
[ { "context": { "en": "GPRS is a best-effort service, implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of other users sharing the service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain quality of service (QoS) is guaranteed during the connection. In 2G systems, GPRS provides data rates of 56–114 kbit/sec. 2G cellular technology combined with GPRS is sometimes described as 2.5G, that is, a technology between the second (2G) and third (3G) generations of mobile telephony. It provides moderate-speed data transfer, by using unused time division multiple access (TDMA) channels in, for example, the GSM system. GPRS is integrated into GSM Release 97 and newer releases.", "zh_tw": "GPRS 有別於舊的電路交換連線,電路交換連線在 Release 97 之前就已經被納入 GSM 標準。在舊有系統中,一個數據連線要建立並保持一個電路連線,在整個連線過程中這條電路將被獨佔,直到連線被解除。GPRS 基於分組交換,也就是多個使用者可以共享一個相同的傳輸通道,每個使用者只有在傳輸資料的時候才會佔用通道。這意味著所有的可用頻寬可以立即分配給當前傳送資料的使用者,這樣有更多的間隙傳送或接受資料,使用者可以共享頻寬。WEB 瀏覽、收發電子郵件和即時訊息都是能有效利用共享頻寬的間歇傳輸資料的服務。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 660, "text": "97" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 32, "text": "97" } ] }, "id": "cfb9a7f9d4f61803541dbde3c9517cc5b5f70000", "question": { "en": "What is the first release of GSM that GPRS is integrated in?", "zh_tw": "集成了 GPRS 的首個 GSM 版本是什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Using the CS-4 it is possible to achieve a user speed of 20.0 kbit/s per time slot. However, using this scheme the cell coverage is 25% of normal. CS-1 can achieve a user speed of only 8.0 kbit/s per time slot, but has 98% of normal coverage. Newer network equipment can adapt the transfer speed automatically depending on the mobile location.", "zh_tw": "使用 CS-4 有可能達到每時隙 22.8kbps 的速度。但是如果使用這個方案,現有網路只能覆蓋一般情況的 25% 的區域。CS-1 能達到 9.05 kbit/s 每時隙的速率而且可以覆蓋 98% 的正常區域。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 132, "text": "25% of normal" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 49, "text": "一般情況的 25%" } ] }, "id": "9ccbc6ac219f9e164203c03f5d2b249b92e25911", "question": { "en": "what is the cell coverage if one uses this scheme?", "zh_tw": "如果使用這個方案,手機覆蓋率是多少?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 219, "text": "98%" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 96, "text": "98%" } ] }, "id": "2caebc1efd784ab27d239a118e9ffa6c78296c58", "question": { "en": "What percentage of normal coverage does the CS-1 have?", "zh_tw": "CS-1 的正常覆蓋率是多少?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "General Packet Radio Service", "zh_tw": "GPRS" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In chemistry, isomers are ions or molecules with identical formulas but distinct structures. Isomers do not necessarily share similar properties. Two main forms of isomerism are structural isomerism (or constitutional isomerism) and stereoisomerism (or spatial isomerism).", "zh_tw": "同分異構體又稱同分異構物,英文為 Isomer。同分異構物指的是擁有相同分子式,但結構式卻不相同的多種分子。同分異構物之間並不擁有相同的化學性質,除非它們擁有相同的官能團(functional groups)。化學中常見的兩種主要的種類為結構異構(structural isomerism 或 constitutional isomerism)以及立體異構(stereoisomerism)。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 178, "text": "structural isomerism (or constitutional isomerism) and stereoisomerism (or spatial isomerism)" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 119, "text": "結構異構(structural isomerism 或 constitutional isomerism)以及立體異構(stereoisomerism)" } ] }, "id": "80901755f069f271ab0c6c6132488d8c7c86e7e2", "question": { "en": "What are the primary forms of isomerism known as?", "zh_tw": "主要異構被稱為什麼?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Isomers having different medical properties are common; for example, the placement of methyl groups. In substituted xanthines, theobromine, found in chocolate, is a vasodilator with some effects in common with caffeine; but, if one of the two methyl groups is moved to a different position on the two-ring core, the isomer is theophylline, which has a variety of effects, including bronchodilation and anti-inflammatory action. Another example of this occurs in the phenethylamine-based stimulant drugs. Phentermine is a non-chiral compound with a weaker effect than that of amphetamine. It is used as an appetite-reducing medication and has mild or no stimulant properties. However, a different atomic arrangement gives dextromethamphetamine, which is a stronger stimulant than amphetamine.", "zh_tw": "另外一個有著不同化學性質的同分異構體的例子是黃嘌呤。巧克力中的可可鹼中如果兩個甲基中的一個移動到雙環上的另外一個位置,這個同分異構體就是茶鹼了。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 127, "text": "theobromine" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 31, "text": "可可鹼" } ] }, "id": "7b5a0b7c8c112563c751ad3d03248f43312e1b68", "question": { "en": "What is found in chocolate that has the common effect of chocolate?", "zh_tw": "在巧克力中發現什麼,而這與巧克力有共同的影響?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "Isomer", "zh_tw": "同分異構" }
[ { "context": { "en": "Founded by the Edinburgh Town Council, the university began life as a college of law using part of a legacy left by a graduate of the University of St Andrews, Bishop Robert Reid of St Magnus Cathedral, Orkney. Through efforts by the Town Council and Ministers of the City the institution broadened in scope and became formally established as a college by a Royal Charter, granted by King James VI of Scotland on 14 April 1582 after the petitioning of the Council. This was unprecedented in newly Presbyterian Scotland, as older universities in Scotland had been established through Papal bulls. Established as the \"Tounis College\", it opened its doors to students in October 1583. Instruction began under the charge of another St Andrews graduate Robert Rollock. It was the fourth Scottish university in a period when the richer and much more populous England had only two. It was renamed King James's College in 1617. By the 18th century, the university was a leading centre of the Scottish Enlightenment.", "zh_tw": "愛丁堡大學的建立歸功於奧克尼群島首府柯克沃爾的聖馬格努斯大教堂的主教羅伯特・裡德,他在 1558 年去世後將其財產遺留下來作為大學最初的建立基金,並由愛丁堡鎮議會(Edinburgh Town Council)付諸實施,最終在多方努力下於 1582 年由詹姆斯六世頒發皇家憲章而成立,當年為 1582 年。因為當時的大學都是由教皇詔書創立的,這便非同尋常。最初名為 “Tounis College”,1617 年改名位詹姆斯國王學院(King James's College)。1583 年開始在一名年輕的聖安德魯斯畢業生 Robert Rollock 的管理下授課。這是當時第四所蘇格蘭大學,而同期英格蘭只有牛劍兩所。18 世紀成為了歐洲啟蒙運動的中心之一。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 914, "text": "1617" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 200, "text": "1617" } ] }, "id": "fd1a7ec51ba47467cc342dbc3800eb2a8111cd53", "question": { "en": "When was the fourth Scottish university renamed King Jame's college?", "zh_tw": "蘇格蘭的第四所大學何時改名為詹姆斯國王學院?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "University of Edinburgh", "zh_tw": "愛丁堡大學" }
[ { "context": { "en": "In October 2015, the original AlphaGo became the first computer Go program to beat a human professional Go player without handicaps on a full-sized 19×19 board. In March 2016, it beat Lee Sedol in a five-game match, the first time a computer Go program has beaten a 9-dan professional without handicaps. Although it lost to Lee Sedol in the fourth game, Lee resigned in the final game, giving a final score of 4 games to 1 in favour of AlphaGo. In recognition of the victory, AlphaGo was awarded an honorary 9-dan by the Korea Baduk Association. The lead up and the challenge match with Lee Sedol were documented in a documentary film also titled AlphaGo, directed by Greg Kohs. It was chosen by Science as one of the Breakthrough of the Year runners-up on 22 December 2016.At the 2017 Future of Go Summit, its successor AlphaGo Master beat Ke Jie, the world No.1 ranked player at the time, in a three-game match (the even more powerful AlphaGo Zero already existed but was not yet announced). After this, AlphaGo was awarded professional 9-dan by the Chinese Weiqi Association.AlphaGo and its successors use a Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to find its moves based on knowledge previously \"learned\" by machine learning, specifically by an artificial neural network (a deep learning method) by extensive training, both from human and computer play. A neural network is trained to predict AlphaGo's own move selections and also the winner's games. This neural net improves the strength of tree search, resulting in higher quality of move selection and stronger self-play in the next iteration.", "zh_tw": "2016 年 3 月,透過自我對弈數以萬計盤進行練習強化,AlphaGo 在一場五番棋比賽中 4:1 擊敗頂尖職業棋手李世石,成為第一個不借助讓子而擊敗圍棋職業九段棋士的電腦圍棋程式,立下了里程碑。五局賽後韓國棋院授予 AlphaGo 有史以來第一位名譽職業九段。" }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 170, "text": "2016" } ], "zh_tw": [ { "answer_start": 0, "text": "2016" } ] }, "id": "b5f69709bd343be802552e94d03b3cde2fc014f2", "question": { "en": "In what year did AlphaGo defeat Lee Sadol in a five game match?", "zh_tw": "AlphaGo 在哪年的五番棋比賽中擊敗李世石?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "AlphaGo", "zh_tw": "AlphaGo" }