imagewidth (px)
[ "A boy draped in a blanket holds a remote control on a couch", "A boy sitting on top of a couch under a pink blanket.", "A little boy sitting down with his blanket and a toy.", "a kid is wearing a blanket on a coach", "A boy covered up with his blanket holding the television remote", "A little boy with a pink blanket and a remote control sitting on a couch." ]
[ "A clean, orderly living room with high ceilings and with many windows.", "A Florida room is lit with location lighting.", "A living room with large windows facing the forest.", "A large living room with several couches and lamps.", "A living room filled with furniture and lots of windows." ]
[ "A sky filled with lots of colorful flying kites.", "Variety of different colored kites flying next to each other. ", "Multi colored and shaped kites flying in cloudy skies.", "many different types of kites flying in the sky", "A bunch of clouds flying very high in the sky." ]
[ "A Man skis using a sail in open snow-packed field.", "A man on a snowboard para sailing in the snow.", "A man on a snowboard using a parachute.", "A guy standing on a snowboard in the snow.", "A man is on a snow board with a kite." ]
[ "This is a room full of laptop computers.", "There is a room with several laptops on tables.", "A classroom with laptop computers, a projection screen and a basket of cookies.", "A computer lab has a blue wall and projector screen.", "some tables laptops chairs a white board and a white screen" ]
[ "a very big building with a mounted clock", "An architectural structure that has a wooden dock surrounding it. ", "Scaffolding surrounding a clock tower on a pier.", "Scaffolding around a building for construction or remodeling.", "A large building with a giant clock tower." ]
[ "A baseball player is swinging and about to run. ", "A man in a baseball outfit is wearing a hard hat and is swinging his bat while the catcher has his mitt out ready to catch it.", "a baseball player swings a bat at a baseball", "A person on a field with a baseball bat.", "A batter hits the ball during a Little League baseball game." ]
[ "a baseball player is going to swing a bat", "A baseball game with Barry Bonds #25 at bat and a catcher and umpire behind the plate as fans, photographers and camera people look on from the stands.", "Base ball game with pitcher on home base and the umpire.", "A man is at bat at a baseball game with a crowd watching.", "A baseball player is up to bat while the crowd films the event." ]
[ "A boy swinging a baseball bat at a ball.", "The boy is getting ready to hit the ball with his bat.", "A woman that is holding a baseball bat.", "a man holding a bat ready to kick a tennis", "A boy swinging a bat at as baseball heading towards him." ]
[ "A young baseball player in uniform getting ready to bat.,", "a baseball player holding a bat on the field", "Little league baseball game player getting ready to hit the ball.", "A man in a gray baseball uniform holds a bat over his shoulder.", "A baseball player practicing on a baseball field during the day." ]
[ "a tennis player attempting to reach a tennis ball", "A man is trying to catch the Tennis ball. ", "A man shows his great form while returning the ball.", "A tennis player is about to hit a tennis ball", "Man attempting to return a volley during a tennis game." ]
[ "A tennis player is lunging for the ball. ", "A woman hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racquet.", "a woman tennis player in a white top is playing tennis", "A tennis player looks at a tennis ball as she lifts up a tennis racket.", "A woman is reaching to strike a tennis ball" ]
[ "A person jumping as they swing at a incoming tennis ball.", "A woman in white shirt and black shorts playing tennis.", "A tennis player forcefully hits a tennis ball.", "A person wearing black shorts is playing indoor tennis ", "A woman swinging a tennis racquet on a tennis court." ]
[ "A computer desk with a green mat sitting on top of it.", "A desk with some blue prints, an envelope and a coffee mug.", "A desk with various office supplies adjacent to a window. ", "A large desk by a window is neatly arranged.", "A desk area with a window view with mugs, tablets, and books." ]
[ "Two people are at a computer desk with a mouse.", "A man sitting at a table using a laptop computer.", "A woman is typing on a laptop on a wooden table.", "A woman types on a laptop while someone else operates the mouse.", "two arms typing on a laptop and one hand on a mouse" ]
[ "A counter with extension cords, a toaster oven and a laptop.", "A kitchen has wires hanging down from a computer.", "an image of a kitchen setting with various cords hanging", "Many wires hang over the edge of a counter with electronics on it.", "a counter with a toaster over and an open laptop sitting on it." ]
[ "A group of men in suits sitting at a table using laptop computers.", "A group of men sitting by tables working on laptops", "Business people sit at their desks and use devices.", "A group of men sitting at a desk with lap top computers.", "Two men gesture hands next to laptops, one man uses a phone." ]
[ "A little girl eating food while sitting down.", "A close-up of a little girl eating a sandwich.", "A girl eagerly bites into a hot dog bun", "A young girl biting into a hot dog.", "A girl is taking a bite out of a sandwich." ]
[ "a women that is walking down a sidwalk", "Young woman walking down the sidewalk with cell phone", "The woman in high heels is looking at her phone", "A woman walking down the street looking at her phone", "A woman walking down the sidewalk with a cell phone in her hand." ]
[ "A baby girl sitting in a chair holding a white teddy bear.", "A small child is holding a stuffed bear", "A little girl is sitting in a red and white striped chair playing with a teddy bear. ", "A little girl sits on a striped chair holding a white teddy bear.", "a small girl sitting on a chair holding a white bear" ]
[ "A clock sitting in the middle of the city, in front of a building.", "Clockpost on the sidewalk in front of a travel agency.", "a clock on a pole on a city street ", "there is a clock in front of the store ", "A clock that is on top of a tower in front of a building." ]
[ "Two men standing on a very tall clock tower with a white clock and two thermometers.", "Two cowboys statues are at the top of a tower. ", "Tower clock designed with two western shooters for entertainment display", "a clock with two gunman from the old west", "A clock tower with two statues of cowboys on it " ]
[ "A table with a huge glass vase and fake flowers come out of it.", "A plant in a vase sits at the end of a table.", "A vase with flowers in it with long stems sitting on a table with candles. ", "Flowers in a clear vase sitting on a table.", "A large centerpiece that is sitting on the edge of a dining table." ]
[ "A group of people sitting at a long table having food and drinks.", "A group of people are posing for a photograph at a table.", "A group of people are sitting at a table with drinks.", "A group of people who are sitting around a table.", "A group of people sitting around a table." ]
[ "A woman bathing a baby near a kitchen sink.", "A woman wearing a stripped shirts bathes a baby in the kitchen. ", "A young mother bathing a newborn on the kitchen counter.", "Washing a baby in a purpose made basin on a kitchen countertop.", "A woman bathing a small baby in a kitchen." ]
[ "a kitchen with white counter tops and cabinets.", "An inside view of a kitchen is seen.", "A kitchen counter with ceiling lights and a sink.", "a small kitchen adjacent to a living room and dining area", "Lime green walls in a clean home kitchen" ]
[ "A man in white shirt on bicycle with a dog riding in the back.", "A man on a bicycle with a dog sitting in the back of the bike.", "an old photo of a person on a bike in a parking lot", "A man and his dog riding on a bike. ", "there is a man riding a bike with a dog on the back" ]
[ "A bathroom with a white bath tub under a window.", "a white tub a toilet a mirror and a sink", "A bathtub, sink and toilet are shown in a bathroom.", "a bathroom over looking a city with a nice view", "A bathroom that has some words on the floor." ]
[ "A person holding a toothbrush under the running water of a faucet.", "A toothbrush being held under a water facet.", "A person holds their toothbrush under a running sink.", "A toothbrush is being held under running water.", "Person holding a toothbrush under a faucet with running water." ]
[ "A yellow book bus driving down a street.", "The big book bus is blue and yellow", "A blue and yellow \"book bus\" is parked on the street.", "The bus is parked and ready to pick up more people", "There is a blue and yellow bus stopped with the words, Book Bus, on it." ]
[ "A beautiful woman with red hair sitting at a table.", "A woman sitting at a table with a clean plate.", "A woman at a restaurant sits in front of a finished plate.", "A picture of a woman that has just finished a desert.", "A person presses her hands to her face above an empty bowl." ]
[ "A small white bird standing on top of a pond of water.", "A bird is standing on a shallow body of water.", "The black and white bird stands in shallow water.", "A black and white bird that is standing in the water.", "A black and white bird stands in the water." ]
[ "A very dirty looking rest room with two toilets.", "a couple of toilet with a sink and green walled room.", "A couple of white toilets in a room.", "Two toilets next to each other in a bathroom with green walls. ", "A display of bathroom fixtures and a copper holding tank" ]
[ "A plate with chicken,carrots and mashed potatoes with silverware.", "There is a plate with some mashed potatoes and carrots on it.", "a plate of food on a place mate next to silverware and a red cup", "A plate of baby carrots, mashed potatoes and tuna set on a table with a cup and utensils. ", "a plate of food with carrots on a table" ]
[ "A fork rests on a plate next to a piece of cake.", "A piece of chocolate cake sits on a plate with a fork.", "a piece of chocolate cake and a fork on a plate", "A closeup on some chocolate cake has a fork by it.", "A piece of dutch chocolate cake with a fork on a plate. " ]
[ "A crystal bowl filled with oranges on top of a table.", "The glass bowl is filled with ripped oranges. ", "Clear glass bowl full of bright orange oranges.", "There is a glass bowl with oranges in it.", "a glass bowl full of tangerines on a wooden chest" ]
[ "A silver motorcycle parked next to a forest filled with lots of trees.", "A grey motorcycle parked in a tropical setting.", "A motorcycle sits parked in palm tree lined driveway. ", "There is a motor cycle that is parked next to many plants", "A motorcycle on a dirt road near palm trees." ]
[ "A man riding on the back of a motorcycle.", "A man is sitting on a black motorcylce", "A man sitting on a motorcycle in a yellow riding jacket.", "A man sitting on a motorcycle on a sidewalk.", "There is a man sitting on a motor cycle." ]
[ "motorcycle bikes all parked next to each other lined up down the road . ", "Tons of motorcycles are parked close to each other. ", "A row of motorcycles parked next to each other.", "a row of motorcycles in front of a forest", "Many motorcycles are lined up next to each other with several people standing among them in front of a lot of trees." ]
[ "A large jetliner flying through a cloudy blue sky.", "A airplane that is flying in the sky.", "The jet airplane flies across the blue sky. ", "a red and white plane flying under a blue sky", "An orange, red and grey plane flying in the sky." ]
[ "A humongous jumbo jet is on the airport runway.", "an airplane sitting on an asphalt landing strip.", "An airport parked on an airstrip in front of a building.", "A Lufthansa jumbo-jet at some airport during the day.", "The plane is sitting on the runway at the airport. " ]
[ "A small plan is parked half on a cement area and half in a field while the ground is wet.", "An old plane with the propeller and four windows sits on the runway,", "A propeller plane that is on the runway.", "A small airplane in an airport on a rainy day", "A old aircraft that is half parked on the tarmac." ]
[ "An airplane parked next to a terminal ready for passengers to board.", "A plane on the tarmac is parked at a gate.", "a large white plane is sitting on a runway", "An airplane sitting on a runway.being loaded up.", "An airplane parked at a airport terminal under gray skies." ]
[ "A airplane flying high in the sky next to a set of white smoke lines. ", "A plane that is flying in the sky.", "a big jumbo plane flies through the blue sky ", "a jet airplane in the air in between two jet streams", "A commercial jet with its wheels down in a blue sky" ]
[ "A cat sitting up on its hind feet on a park bench", "A fat black cat stands on his hind legs on a park bench.", "A black cat stands up on its hind legs on a bench.", "A cat standing up on a wooden bench.", "A black cat sitting on top of a wooden bench." ]
[ "A giraffe stands beneath a tree beside a marina.", "A statue of a giraffe eating at a marina.", "a giraffe statue next to some docked boats", "A giraffe is standing near the water with a lot of sailboats lined up.", "The giraffe is standing in front of the harbor. " ]
[ "A foot wearing a pointy pink flat shoe rested upon a bench.", "A woman showing off her pink pointy-toed heels.", "A woman wearing blue jeans with a sexy foot in a pink shoe.", "A photo of a bright pink shoe on a blue and green background.", "A lady wearing a pink shoe and blue jeans." ]
[ "A wild animal sitting on some rocks in a field.", "A sheep lays in a grassy, rocky area.", "A sheep is lying down in the grass.", "Sheep perched atop knoll on green countryside with rocks.", "A sheep sits on a rocky, hilly field." ]
[ "A giraffe looking for food between large rocks.", "A giraffe rests it's neck on a bunch of rocks.", "A giraffe laying down with his head on the rocks", "A giraffe reaching between two rocks to obtain grass.", "A giraffe reaching its head above some rocks to a grass area." ]
[ "A double decker bus driving down a street next to tall buildings.", "People are standing next to a car parked behind a bus.", "an orange and black car and a yellow and blue bus and some people ", "Men standing in a street next to a car and a large bus.", "A Hyundai vehicle is following a city bus." ]
[ "All of these sheep have coats that are ready for shearing.", "some sheep standing around by a wooden wall ", "Five sheep are standing and sitting in their enclosure.", "One sheep lies down as four others stand near.", "A group of five sheep wait outside a barn." ]
[ "A man pushing a wheelchair on the street.", "Bicycle crossing light on a traffic signal near a park.", "There are people walking near a traffic light.", "The man is pushing the person on the road in a wheelchair.", "The traffic light indicates bicycles on the crosswalk." ]
[ "A traffic light hanging over a street next to cross walks.", "A street light that is hanging from a wire.", "a street view of a traffice light, houses and vehicles", "This American city street has one-way traffic only", "A red stoplight at an urban intersection under a bright blue sky with puffy clouds." ]
[ "a colorful double decker bus doing down the road beside a semi", "A double decker bus is traveling down the street.", "A double decker bus on a street in England", "A double-decked bus is driving along the highway.", "A double decker bus is traveling down the road on an empty street." ]
[ "A PICTURE OF PEOPLE GETTING OFF OF A WHITE BUS ", "Couple of people just exited the bus and is walking through parking lot", "A couple people getting off of a white, school bus.", "A couple and child exit a white bus onto a gravel lot.", "a small parking lot in the middle of a forest feild" ]
[ "Top of a fire hydrant covered in pink paint.", "A pink piece of metal with a bolt and nut on top.", "A very close up view of an old bright colored fir hydrant.", "a decaying fire hydrant knob with worn paint", "a close up of a pink fire hydrant on a city street" ]
[ "An old green fire hydrant sits on a grassy curb. ", "Flowers hang from a small decorative post in a yard.", "A green fire hydrant sitting on a patch of grass.", "A green fire hydrant on at a cementery.", "The older style fire hydrant is on the side of the road." ]
[ "A flock of birds floating on top of a boat.", "Six birds are perched on a blue row boat in the body of water.", "A boat in on the water with a flock of birds in it.", "Birds land on a small boat sitting in the water.", "A group of gulls gather on an empty boat." ]
[ "A bird sits perched on the edge of an umbrella. ", "Bird sitting on the edge of a sun umbrella", "A bird that is standing on an umbrella.", "a close up of a small bird on an open umbrella ", "A close-up of a bird on the edge of a roof." ]
[ "A water bird stands on the shore as the tide comes in.", "A bird walking toward the water at the ocean.", "A bird standing on top of a wet beach.", "A pelican standing on the beach in front of the waves. ", "a little bird standing on the shore as the waves come in " ]
[ "Three geese eating out of a parking lot grassy field. ", "Ducks are walking through the grass near a parking lot.", "some birds grass on a patch of grass", "three geese walk along a median in a parking lot", "Four ducks are in a grassy island of a parking lot with their heads down." ]
[ "A hard to miss street sign set between two traffic lights.", "The sign is giving the directions while the traffic light is about to turn red", "A sign at a traffic light that says \"US-1 Whitehead St.\" ", "A highway sign displayed on a traffic post.", "A street sign and two traffic lights hang over US Route 1." ]
[ "A bird looks out across a body of water.", "A bird stands on a dry spot where it is surround by water.", "A beautiful bird stands on the bank of a river.", "A blue sand piper standing at the edge of the water.", "A large bird standing on top of a beach next to water." ]
[ "Three birds are looking around while on the ground.", "These three birds are walking along the beach looking for food", "Sea birds walking on wet sand at the beach", "Three small birds standing on a sandy beach.", "Three birds stand around on a sandy beach." ]
[ "A man with a brown bag and blue jacket stands by a train that is moving.", "A man in blue jacket standing by a passing train.", "Man standing on platform as train speeds by", "a man standing near a train with luggage", "a woman waiting on the platform for a train" ]
[ "Several birds with black and yellow feathers sitting on some branches.", "A few birds sitting on a tree with no leaves and the sky in the background. ", "A group of four birds sitting on the tree branches.", "Four birds are perched in leafless tree branches.", "Four birds sitting in tree branches with no leaves." ]
[ "A toucan perches behind a the bars of a cage.", "a big bird with a huge beak looks out of its cage", "A black and yellow bird with a huge colorful beak in a cage.", "A large colorful bird standing behind a wire fence.", "A toucan with a brightly colored beak in a cage." ]
[ "A train traveling down train tracks past some houses.", "A red train is coming down the tracks in a rural setting.", "A red and black train going on the tracks. ", "A train coming down the tracks near some houses.", "A train rounds the corner as it comes down the railroad tracks." ]
[ "A parking meter next to a parked car.", "a parking meter sits next to a parked car", "The front of a car is touching the parking meter. ", "a gray double parking meter and a black car", "A parking meter with a truck parked very close." ]
[ "A group of cows looking at camera by trees.", "Several cows with tagged ears standing in a grassy field.", "A herd of cow standing around a field.", "A herd of cows gathered close together in a field.", "a close up of a cow near other cows " ]
[ "A cat drinking out of a glass on top of a table.", "a cat stands on a table drinking water out of a glass ", "A cat drinking ice water out of a glass.", "A grey colored cat that is drinking from a glass of water.", "A cat is drinking something from a glass." ]
[ "there is a cat sitting on a wooden chair", "A cat is sitting on the wooden chair. ", "A small cat sitting down on a chair.", "A cat is sitting on a chair looking up.", "A black cat playing on top of a wooden chair." ]
[ "Cat sitting on wood framed mirror looking down at own reflection.", "A gold and white cat looking at their reflection in a mirror.", "A cat sitting down and looking at itself in the mirror.", "A curious cat staring at himself in the mirror.", "The cats looks at it's reflection while sitting on a mirror. " ]
[ "A multi colored cat standing over a white laptop.", "A cat standing on a desk looking at a laptop.", "A cat standing near an open laptop on a desk", "A cat looking at a computer monitor on a table", "Cat standing on papers looking at a laptop computer." ]
[ "One light brown cow with hay in it's mouth.", "A cow that is standing in the grass.", "Cow tethered with chain eating hay in outdoor field.", "A brown cow standing on top of a grass covered field.", "A cow tied to a rope is eating hay" ]
[ "A man in a suit stands in front of a bus", "A man standing in front of a bus on a country road.", "The man is standing in front of a bus.", "A man in a suit poses in front of a bus in a rural setting.", "A man standing in front of a tour bus in a rural area" ]
[ "People are sitting at the beach surrounded by tiki umbrellas.", "many umbrellas on a beach near a body of water", "A lot of people that are at the beach.", "Many tikis and umbrellas with chairs set up on the sandy shore of a beach. ", "Many tropical shade coverings on a sandy beach." ]
[ "Two men being drug on buggies by dogs.", "Men on bikes are getting pulled by a group of dogs.", "Men race on wheeled vehicles towed by a group of husky dogs.", "The man is riding a bike led by several dogs.", "Men race bicycles on grass pulled by sleigh dogs." ]
[ "The people are at tables on an outdoor patio.", "An outdoor patio in front of a large brick building.", "a patio full of people in front of a reddish building ", "An outside cafe setting with tables, chairs, umbrellas, and trees for shading. ", "A table and chairs with a umbrella near some people." ]
[ "Oddly dressed people standing by each other posing towards camera.", "An emo hipster with large breast, holding open her leather jacket.", "Two people dressing black stand in a field", "Two people dressed in black, one with a green mask.", "a man in a mask is holding an umbrella" ]
[ "A white Cairn terrier pants in the sun whilst dressed in a neon yellow outfit. ", "a little white dog wearing a bright yellow vest", "A West Highland White Terrier dressed in a neon yellow vest pants in the sunshine. ", "There is no image here to provide a caption for.", "A dog sanding on top of a pavement while wearing a safety jacket." ]
[ "A crowd of people standing in front of a window.", "People in a building near a wooden platform. ", "a group of people standing near a small pool", "A group of people standing around a large indoor pool.", "Indoor court of wood as a pen for people to view" ]
[ "A large brown dog walking in front of a woman holding two ski poles.", "A woman skiing with a dog running through the snow", "Dog running through the snow in front of a skier. ", "A woman cross country skiing with her dog.", "Golden dog walking in snow with a person cross country skiing in the background." ]
[ "Three teddy bears laying in bed under the covers.", "A group of stuffed animals sitting next to each other in bed.", "A white, beige and brown baby bear under a beige/white comforter.", "A trio of teddy bears bundled up on a bed.", "Three stuffed animals lay in a bed cuddled together." ]
[ "A young man jumping over a group of other young people to catch a frisbee.", "A man jumping over a group of people to catch a frisbee", "A man jumping over people to catch a frisbee", "A man reaching for a Frisbee while jumping over a group of people lying down", "Man leaping over a group of people reaching for a white frisbee. " ]
[ "A group of three zebras standing in a grassy area.", "Three zebra stand close to a cluster of small rocks.", "A couple of zebras are standing in a field", "A large group of zebra standing in a field.", "Three zebras standing on a grassy hill with other animals." ]
[ "A zebra eating some grass in some open area.", "A zebra grazing on grass in a pasture.", "A zebra grazing on some rich green grass.", "A zebra eats short grass inside its enclosure", "A zebra grazing on grass at an open zoo." ]
[ "Two horses grazing in a field with trees in the background", "A white horse standing on a lush green field.", "A white horse grazing in the grass ", "A gray horse grazing in a field on a sunny day. ", "A close up shot of a horse grazing in a small field. " ]
[ "A man secures a saddle on a horse that a girl is sitting on.", "A little girl on top of horse next to a cowboy.", "A man standing next to a little girl riding a horse.", "a little girl sitting on a big horse", "A small girl in a helmet sits atop a horse while a man is checking fo make sure she's safe." ]
[ "A brown horse pulling a carriage down a street.", "A sturdy looking horse is hooked up to a carriage.", "A large horse fitted to a fancy open top carriage.", "A horse pulling a carriage stands in the street next to a well.", "A close up a horse standing with a carriage on a road." ]
[ "a blue plate with an orange a cracker some lettuce and a twist bar", "An orange is placed on a plate with a cracker.", "A dish contains an orange and various snacks. ", "A bowl filled with , fruit, crackers and greens.", "An orange, chocolate, cracker, and piece of lettuce on a plate\n" ]
[ "A group of people outside on snow skis.", "Three friends are getting ready to ski on a warm, sunny day.", "three people standing near one another wearing skis", "there are several people gathered here talking together", "Three people in the heavy snow on skis." ]
[ "Two baseball players are trying to catch a ball.", "Two men playing a game of baseball on a field.", "Baseball players in the air with the ball coming towards them. ", "Vintage black and white baseball picture of man sliding into third base as a thrown ball goes over the defender's glove.", "Two ball players are leaping in the air." ]
[ "Two girls sitting on a bed eating bananas together. ", "A woman and a child enjoy bananas together.", "A mother and daughter eating a banana together..", "A woman and young child eating bananas together", "A woman and a young girl sit on a bed eating bananas. " ]
[ "A lunch salad in a yellow bowl made out of fruit, vegetables, and meats with chopsticks. ", "a small bowl filled with food such as veggies and rice", "A bowl holding a variety of foods and a set of chopsticks.", "The food is on the table and ready to eat. ", "A plate full of vegetables sitting on the table" ]
[ "a group of people picking out bananas from carts", "A yellow tent is covering people who are selling bananas.", "A couple of women buying banana's at a stand.", "A banana bunch for sale and people looking.", "A group of women standing inside of a farmers market." ]
[ "A person in a white jacket skiing down a slope", "A person riding skis down a snow covered ski slope.", "Person in white ski jacket coming down snow filled mountain.", "A woman dressed in black and white gear, skiing down a slope.", "Someone skiing down a ski slope with ski poles in the hands" ]
[ "A group of people riding down a snow covered ski slope.", "people holding a skating pole on the snow", "A group of skiers wearing black and red on a mountain", "Four skiers go down a steep slope together.", "Four people skiing on their skis at the ski slope" ]
[ "A woman riding skis next to a brown dog standing on it's hind legs.", "A woman on skis leans toward a dog standing on hind legs", "a women on ski's leaning over to a dog .", "There is a woman on skis next to a dog.", "Person on skis and snow looking at dog on two legs. " ]
[ "I am unable to see an image above.", "A group of skiers in the snow in a competition.", "A time lapse photo of a skier skiing down a hill.", "A group of men on skis in a race.", "A group of skiers glide along the snow." ]