ventilation system
Where should a ventilation system be closed?
office building
in the attic
large building
Hospital have ventilation system. A ventilation system should be closed at hospitals.
Vetilation system of house shouldnt be closed. At office building, ventilation system cant be closed. There is no ventilation system in the attic. Vetilation system of large buildings cannot be closed.
Hospital have ventilation system. A ventilation system should be closed at hospitals. At office building, ventilation system cant be closed. Vetilation system of house shouldnt be closed. There is no ventilation system in the attic. Vetilation system of large buildings cannot be closed.
being tired
Being tired makes humans decide to go to this object?
go to bed
have rest
go to the gym
watch tv
go to bed
Being tired causes sleepiness. People generally go to sleep on feeling sleepy. Bed is the object on which people generally sleep.
Have rest is an instruction and not an object. Go to the gym is an instruction and not an object. Snore is an action and not an object. Watch tv is an action and not an object.
Being tired causes sleepiness and people generally go to sleep on feeling sleepy. Bed is the object on which people generally sleep. All the other options are not objects.
Where is homemade food often stored?
Sometimes homemade food are stored in jar as jar is container used for storing the food.
Supermarket doesn't have homemade food generally. Backpack is not used to store the food but can be used to carry the things. Wal-mart is not place where homemade food can be found. Not all the container can be used to store the food.
Sometimes homemade food are stored in jar as jar is container used for storing the food. Supermarket doesn't have homemade food generally. Backpack is not used to store the food but can be used to carry the things.Wal-mart is not place where homemade food can be found. Not all the container can be used to store the food.
Most animals get tired, and when they do they what?
keep alive
lie down
lie down
Lying down means going to sleep. Sleeping removes tiredness.
Biting means digging one’s into something. Animals don't bite when they are tired. Grooming means cleaning and taking care of oneself. Animals don't groom when they are tired. Procreating means reproducting. Animals don't procreate when they are tired. Animals try to keep alive all the time and not just when tired.
Lying down means going to sleep which removes tiredness. All animals lie down when tired. Animals try to keep alive all the time and they don't do the actions in the other options when they are tired.
What does watching something entertaining cause people to have?
they cant watching recognize and hospitality
people have fun while watching something entertaining.
you cannot have hospitality by watching something entertaining. people cannot have talent by watching entertainment programs always. watching entertainment program doesnt make you recognize something. watching entertainment program doesnt make you have intelligence
people have fun while watching something entertaining.you cannot have hospitality by watching something entertaining. people cannot have talent by watching entertainment programs always.watching entertainment program doesnt make you recognize something. watching entertainment program doesnt make you have intelligence.
Where do you visit a dentist?
phone book
dental office
las vegas
dental office
Dental office is a business establishment owned and/or run by a dental professional. We visit a dentist at dental office.
Fair is a gathering of stalls and amusement for public entertainment. Fair is for public entertainment and dentist don’t have offices here. Phone book is a telephone directory. You can find a name of your dentist in a phone book but can’t visit him in a phone book. City is a large human settlement and can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. City is a very big area with densely populated habitats and is not the particular working area of a dentist. Las Vegas is the city of Las Vegas and often known simply as Vegas in Nevada, is the 28th most populated city in the united states, the most populated city in the state of Nevada and the county seat of Clark county. Las Vegas is the city in Nevada and is not the particular working area of a dentist.
Dental office is a business establishment owned and/or run by a dental professional. We visit a dentist at dental office. Fair is for public entertainment and dentist don’t have offices here. You can find a name of your dentist in a phone book but can’t visit him in a phone book. City is a very big area with densely populated habitats and is not the particular working area of a dentist. Las Vegas is the city in Nevada and is not the particular working area of a dentist.
Where is one likely to find poker chips?
Poker is played in a bar Bar is a place of entertainment
Supermarket is not a place of entertainment Poker is not played in a pantry Motherboard is not a place of entertainment
Poker is played in a bar and not in a pantry. Bar is a place of entertainment unlike supermarket and motherboard.
box office
Where in a city would you find many box offices?
theater district
movie theater
theater district
Box offices are found in theatres Many theatres are found in a specific place Theatre district is a specific place
Opera is not a specific place Theatres are not found in a ballpark Many box offices are not found in a theatre Many box offices are not found in a movie theatre
Box offices are found in theatres and many theatres are found in a specific place such as a theatre district unlike an Opera. Theatres are not found in a ballpark and many box offices are not found in a theatre or a movie theatre.
What does reckless driving lead to on a person?
traffic jams
reckless driving may lead to accident person is likely to get on injuries in accident.
reckless driving doesn't lead to fatigue. Traffic jams do not happen on a person. reckless driving doesn't lead to tiredness. Accidents doesn't happen on person but injuries are got on person's body by accident.
reckless driving may lead to accident and person gets injuries on his body due to accident.reckless driving doesn't lead to fatigue Traffic jams do not happen on a person.reckless driving doesn't lead to tiredness.Accidents doesn't happen on person but injuries are got on person's body by accident.
The satellite zipped past the moon, where was it heading?
night sky
outer space
The satellite can head in entire universe Moon is part of the entire universe
night sky is term used by people on earth outer space is space beyong earth moon is already mentioned in the statement air is various molecules in earth
The satellite can go past the moon and into the universe. All the other options are not fesiable choice as they are not considered a way after moon where the satellite can go.
Stress can affect your mood, sometimes even leading to what?
high blood pressure
heart attacks
Depression is caused due to stress. Stress can affect your mood and sometimes even leading to depression.
Stress might not lead to headache. Stress might not lead to high blood pressure. fatigue is not caused because of stress. Heart attacks is not caused because of stress.
Depression is caused due to stress. Stress can affect your mood and sometimes even leading to depression. Stress might not lead to high blood pressure or headache. Heart attacks or fatigue is not caused because of stress.
WHy do people write things down?
have to say
express yourself
not to forget
speak loudly
move fingers
not to forget
A person cannot forget if the things are written. People write down things because they do not want to forget them in future.
People dont write things because they have to say it. Things are not written to express yourself. After writing down things, people are not going to speak them loudly. Just to move fingers, people dont write things.
A person cannot forget if the things are written. People write down things because they do not want to forget them in future. Things are not written to express yourself. Just to move fingers, people dont write things. People dont write things because they have to say it. After writing down things, people are not going to speak them loudly.
So as not to disrupt instruction, there were always spare pencils in the what?
on teachers desk
Classrooms contain many students Students often need extra pencils during class Spare pencils are usually kept in the classrooms
Teacher's desk does not always have spare pencils Pencils are not stored in a cabinet Spare pencils are not stored in a backpack Store is not a place to keep spare pencils
Classrooms contain many students. Students often need extra pencils during class. Spare pencils are usually kept in the classrooms. Teacher's desk does not always have spare pencils. Pencils are not stored in a cabinet. Spare pencils are not stored in a backpack. Store is not a place to keep spare pencils.
Where is a delicatessen likely to be inside?
buy prepared foods
buy food
large city
Shop is a building or part of a building where goods or services are sold. Delicatessen is likely to be inside a shop.
Buy prepared foods is not where delicatessen is likely to be inside as delicatessen also serves cooked food. Buy foods is what you are going to do at delicatessen, but it is not where delicatessen is likely to be. Large city is a metropolis or a big city with a large population and many services. Large city or a big city might be having a delicatessen but where in large city is not known. Michigan is a state in midwestern regions of the united states. Michigan is not the proper location as Michigan is a state and not a place.
Shop is a building or part of a building where goods or services are sold. Delicatessen is likely to be inside a shop. Buy prepared foods and buy foods are not where delicatessen is likely to be inside as delicatessen also serves cooked food. Large city or a big city might be having a delicatessen but where in large city is not known. Michigan is not the proper location as Michigan is a state and not a place.
After exercising for 3 hours straight, what did the girl experience?
muscle growth
sore muscles
Continuous exercise can cause pain. The girl experience pain after exercising straight for 3 hours.
After exercising for 3 hours straight, the girl didnt experience exhaustion. After exercising for 3 hours straight, the girl didnt experience muscle growth. After exercising for 3 hours straight, the girl didnt experience tiredness. After exercising for 3 hours straight, the girl didnt experience sore muscles.
Continuous exercise can cause pain. The girl experience pain after exercising straight for 3 hours. After exercising for 3 hours straight, the girl didnt experience exhaustion or muscle growth or tiredness or sore muscles.
Most adult Americans split their time between home and what?
the office
It’s a good practice to split your time between home and work. when at work don’t think of home and when at home don’t think about work. This is called splitting of time.
Tent is a temporary home and splitting time for tent is not relevant. Apartment again is a home and splitting time for apartment is not possible. The Office may or may not be a workplace at whole. Foreign relates to out of country and you do not move up and down to other country daily.
Most adult American’s live a well-balanced life. This is the reason they divide the time between their work and home. Tent, Apartment and the office relates to either work or home, while no one goes to foreign daily.
Where would you read magazines while waiting to board winged transportation?
bis atation
Airports have airoplanes which are winged transports One boards a flight at an airport
Bus station does not have winged transport Library is not a place with winged transport People do not board anywhere from bed, they sleep on it Dentist is a doctor of teeth
One can read magaine and wait for boarding winged transport at an airport as it has airoplanes which are winged transport. All other options do not board people into winged transport.
If a contract is not signed it will be?
written on paper
Unsigned contract will be rejected later. A contract can be rejected easily if it is not signed.
Contract cant be dumb. Writing on paper is not required always for signing it. Contract is already unsigned. Unsigned contract cant be revised.
Unsigned contract will be rejected later. A contract can be rejected easily if it is not signed. Contract cant be dumb. Writing on paper is not required always for signing it. Contract is already unsigned. Unsigned contract cant be revised.
Where is likely to have an open air market?
rural area
buy fresh vegetables
Villages are open areas Markets in villages are also in open air
Cities are more packed and have markets in generally closed space. Fields are open areas but they are usually agriculture related Rural areas do not have markets buy fresh vegetables is not a place
The most likely place for open air markets are villages as they have open spaces. All the other options generally do not have open air markets.
The local environmentalist and philanthropist passed away, he was memorialized on a bench located where?
rest area
bus depot
state park
state park
State park is a public place where people can gather. Dead people are memorialized in public gatherings.
Dead people are not memorialized in rest area. Garden can be a place in front of a house. Dead people are not memorialized in all gardens. Dead people are not memorialized in but depot. Bank is a building that provides financial services. Dead people are not memorialized in a bank.
State park is a public place where people can gather and dead people are memorialized in public gatherings. The local environmentalist and philanthropist was memorialized on a bench in the state park. Dead people are not memorialized in places from the other options.
talking to
What is someone usually doing if someone else is talking to him or her?
looking at eyes
planning the perfect murder
If someone talks to us, we listen. Listening is the activity which the other person do.
language is not an activity. Looking at eyes is not the primary activity when someone talk to us. One dont plan murder while talking to someone. Voice is not an activity
If someone talks to us, we listen. Listening is the activity which the other person do. language or voice is not an activity. Looking at eyes is not the primary activity when someone talk to us. One dont plan murder while talking to someone.
Where would you put condiments if you are planning to use them soon?
If you are planning to use the condiments soon, you would put them on the table so that the condiments can be quickly added to the food.
Condiments cannot be added soon if they are kept in the kitchen. Condiments cannot be added soon if they are kept in the pantry. Condiments cannot be added soon if they are kept in the refrigerator. Condiments cannot be added soon if they are kept in containers far from the food.
If you’re planning to use the condiments soon, you’d put them on the table so that the condiments can be quickly added to the food. Condiments can’t be added soon if they’re kept in the kitchen, pantry and refrigerator. Condiments can’t be added soon if they’re kept in containers far from the food.
John looked for beavers but couldn't find any, because he lived where?
Australia has no beavers living there. One living in Australia won’t find any beavers as there are none.
Beavers live in America. One can find beavers where they live. Beavers live in countryside. Dictionary is a book. John cannot live in a book. Beavers live in woodlands.
Australia has no beavers living there and someone living in Australia won’t find any beavers as there are none. John lived in Australia. One cannot live in a dictionary and beavers can be found in the places from all the other options so John didn’t live there.
getting in shape
How is clothing better after getting in shape?
feels better
feeling better
look better
feel stronger
look better
Cothing looks better when we are fit. People become fit after getting in shape.
Clothing is not always about feels better. Clothing is not always about feeling better. Exercise is physical workout. Clothing is not better because of exercise. Clothing is not better because of feeling stronger.
Cothing looks better when we are fit, hence fit people look better after getting in shape. All other options are not the reason why clothing becomes better after getting in shape.
getting in shape
what does someone getting in shape want to achieve?
loss of muscle
losing weight
good health
good health
Everyone generally wants to live long and healthy. Getting in shape means burning calories. Burning calories brings good health.
Exercise is working out. Exercise is not something one wants to achieve. Loss of muscle makes one weak. Loss of muscle is not something one wants to achieve. Losing weight is itself not a reason for getting in shape. Sweat is not something one wants to achieve.
Everyone generally wants to live long and healthy so they try to get in shape for good health. Losing weight is itself not a reason for getting in shape and all the other options are not something one wants to achieve.
Where is a mouse likely to enter a house?
Houses have garage to keep cars which are in open Garage are connected to home and mouses can enter through it
cupboard is an almirah and they are in rooms of house Kitchen is a room inside house Sewer is not part of house Attic is a room below the roof
A garage is a room in open where one keeps car.It is in open and mouse can enter house through it. All the other options are a part of house hence are incorrect.
Where might groceries go when you take them home and put them in a room that isn't the main cooking room?
Pantry is a small room for storing food, groceries and cutlery.
Trunk is not a room. Supermarket is not in a home. Shelf is not a room. Sink is the action of going down in water. Sink is not a room.
Pantry is a small room for storing food, groceries and cutlery, which is a room that is not the main cooking room. Supermarket is not in a home and all the other options are not rooms.
She left the states and traveled across the pond, her next art gallery was in what city?
art museum
new york city
on a mural
The Pond is an informal term for the Atlantic Ocean.
Soho is in the united states. Art museum is not a city. New york city is in the united states. On a mural is not a city.
The Pond is an informal term for the Atlantic Ocean, which is what she travelled across from the states to reach London. Soho and New york are in the united states itself, and art museum and mural are not cities.
Where are people usually most comfortable?
spend time
taking bath
own land
own home
talk to each other
own home
Home is where people live People are surrounded by all personal belongings and familiar environment at home People are most comfortable in their own home
Spend time is an irrelevant answer Taking bath is not a place Talking to each other is an irrelevant option Owning a land does not make people feel most comfortable
Home is where people live. People are surrounded by all personal belongings and familiar environment at home. People are most comfortable in their own home. Spend time is an irrelevant answer. Taking bath is not a place. Talking to each other is an irrelevant option. People usually do not own land.
If someone had been smoking, an easy way to tell would be if they were what?
a chimney
go outside
Someone might be coughing if they are smoking. If someone had been smoking, an easy way to tell would be if they were coughing
A person dont inhale while smoking. A person might not be unhealthy if they had been smoking. A chimney is not a correct option. Go outside dont fits here.
Someone might be coughing if they are smoking. If someone had been smoking, an easy way to tell would be if they were coughing. A chimney is not a correct option. A person dont inhale while smoking. Go outside dont fits here. A person might not be unhealthy if they had been smoking.
The investigator considered the gun evidence, where did he send it?
back to its owner
police station
crime scene
police station
Police station is a building where the police works from. The investigator is a police.
Drawer is a sliding container under a table or in a cupboard. Drawer is not a place to send something to. Evidence is used to find out the criminals. Evidence is not sent back to its owner. Crime scene is where the investigator already is. Holster is a holder for a gun. Holster is not a place to send something to.
Police station is a building where the police works from and the investigator is a police so he sent the evidence to the police station to work on it. All the other options are not where evidence is sent to.
meet friend
A friend is greeting me, what would they say?
say hello
say hello
Saying hello is the first thing in greeting Friends say hello to each other
Greet is already stated in question A thing is associated with something. Socializing is an activity where one meets many people. Smiling is an expression
When two friends meet, they greet each other by saying hello. All the other options are not related to how two friends greet each other.
Where is there likely to be a pool near your own home?
at hotel
neighbor's house
neighbor's house
Neighbour house is a place just near to one's home Neighbour's home can hae a pool
YMCA is a assocation not related to near house where pools are found hotels are not near to one's home Waterfalls are in forests not near to home Backyard is a part of one's home
A neighbour's home is the home that is near to one's own house. A neighbour's home can have pool. All the other options are incorrect as they are not a place where one can likely find a pool near own home.
visiting museum
What is a person visiting a museum likely to feel after realizing an object is missing?
seeing artifacts
being bored
When some object is missing a person gets shock. A person visiting a museum is likely to feel shock after realizing that an object is missing.
A person dont feels happiness on realizing that object is missing. Seeing artifacts is not a feeling. Peace cant be felt on missing an object. A person dont feels bored on realizing that object is missing.
A person visiting a museum is likely to feel shock after realizing that an object is missing. Seeing artifacts is not feeling. Peace cant be felt on missing an object. A person dont feels happiness or boredon realizing that object is missing.
She was not lying intentionally, but she had a powerful what?
poker face
Lying involves creating false situations which needs imagination Powerful imagination power can help in creating scenarios
Poker faces are type of face and has nothing powerful Deceitful itself means cheating duplicious is not realted to giving power to lies Dishonesty and lying are almost similar
When one lies, they create fake situations and someone with powerful imagination can do that. All the other points like dishonesty and decietfulness are realted to lying but dont make it powerful. Other options are invalid as are not realted to lying.
meeting friend
Danny was meeting his friend James, but James didn't show up. James was always punctual. As time wore on and it became clear that his friend wasn't coming, Danny began to do what?
Panic is felt in times of uncertainity. As james did not come on time as usual, the situation of uncertainity arises.
Cheering is done to motivation Anger is felt when one thing is not done according to right Relaxation is felt when one is at peace joy is a positive feeling
As danny's friend always came on time, and failed this time, it raised uncertainity. This lead to danny panicking. All the other options are not related to a negative feeling in uncertainity.
general store
The rural general store is a staple of the great nation called what?
small town
The general store was the successor of the early trading post in the United States.
Towns is not a great nation. Salt is not a great nation. Canada is not a great nation. Small town is not a great nation.
The general store was the successor of the early trading post in the United States. All other options are not a great nation.
playing game
John and Joe like planning games but Joe was hit by a ball and fell down. What might have happened to Joe.
good natured ribbing.
When one is hit by ball, it hurts them and they are injured Injury can lead to one falling down
Anger does not lead to one falling down Good natured ribbing is not related to hit by ball Enjoying does not lead to one falling down Enjoyment does not lead to one falling down
When a person is hit by ball, they get hurt and have an injury that can lead to them falling down. All the otger options are not what happen when a ball hit that results in one falling down.
answering questions
If you answering questions you only get credit if you're what?
Credit means acknowledgement or praise given to someone when they are correct.
Answering questions can also be done without teaching. Satisfaction means a feeling of contentment. Being satisfied does not give one credits. Being clear does not give one credits. Discussing means talking about something. Talking about something does not give one credits.
Credit means acknowledgement or praise given to someone when they are correct. So if you are answering questions you only get credit if you are correct. Answering questions can also be done without teaching and the other options does not give one credit while answering questions.
watching film
Janet was watching the film because she liked what?
being entertained
being entertained
Film provides us entertainment. Janet was watching the film because she liked it with being entertained.
Erection is not a correct option. Laughter might not be linked with watching the film. She dont linked the film with fear. She didnt get boredom by watching the film.
Film provides us entertainment. Janet was watching the film because she liked it with being entertained. Erection is not a correct option. Laughter might not be linked with watching the film. She dont linked the film with fear. She didnt get boredom by watching the film.
learn new
What do you to learn new things as a kid?
ask questions
go to school
go to school
Go to school is used to express the idea of someone coming to a school to do his studies. We go to school to learn new things as a kid.
Ask questions is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as asking questions is due to your curiosity and you don’t learn new things from it as a kid. Fun is to enjoy or light-hearted pleasure. Fun is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as it doesn’t help in learning new things as a kid. Study is the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge especially by means of books. Study is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as to study you have to go to school. Driving is the control and operation of a motor vehicle. Driving is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as kids don’t drive or rather are not allowed to drive.
Go to school is used to express the idea of someone coming to a school to do his studies. We go to school to learn new things as a kid. Ask questions is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as asking questions is due to your curiosity and you don’t learn new things from it as a kid. Fun is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as it doesn’t help in learning new things as a kid. Study is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as to study you have to go to school. Driving is not what you do to learn new things as a kid, as kids don’t drive or rather are not allowed to drive.
The student wasn't sure of the answer, what could they do to find it?
complete test
learn to read
search on internet
ask questions
read book
ask questions
As the student wasn't sure of the answer so they could ask questions to find it. Every question has some answer.
The student will not complete test as they were not sure of the answer. If he wasn't sure of the answer, he may not learn to read. He might not search on internet if not sure of the answer. By reading book, they might not find answer.
Every question has some answer. As the student wasn't sure of the answer so they could ask questions to find it. The student will not complete test as they were not sure of the answer. If he wasn't sure of the answer, he may not learn to read. He might not search on internet if not sure of the answer. By reading book, they might not find answer.
From where does a mother read a story to their child?
tall building
british building
book of stories
book of stories
Story are available in the book of stories. From the book of stories, a mother read a story to their child.
A mother dont read a story from tall building to their child. A mother dont read a story from british building to their child. Story might not be available in the mall. From moon, a mother cant read a story.
From the book of stories, a mother read a story to their child. Story are available in the book of stories. A mother dont read a story from british or tall building to their child. Story might not be available in the mall. From moon, a mother cant read a story.
A person and his friends had a wonderful weekend trip, what did they create together that will last a lifetime?
know truth
own house
friendship braclets
wonderful memories
intelligent children
wonderful memories
When people spend time together, they create memories together Memories are the only things that last a lifetime When people have a wonderful weekend trip, they are bound to create wonderful memories
Knowing truth cannot be created together on a weekend Own house cannot be created in one weekend trip People usualy do not create friendship bracelets at a weekend trip Friends do not create intelligent children during a weekend trip
When people spend time together, they create memories together. Memories are the only things that last a lifetime. When people have a wonderful weekend trip, they are bound to create wonderful memories. Knowing truth and own house are irrelevant options. People usualy do not create friendship bracelets or intelligent children at a weekend trip.
What negative emotions or feelings can learning cause?
gaining knowledge
Distress is extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain. Negative emotions or feelings can learning cause is Distress.
Gaining Knowledge is to Learn things or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. Gaining Knowledge is not possible with negative emotion or distress. Effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success. Effectiveness is success whereas negative emotions or feelings can’t give success. Dysfunction is abnormality or impairment in the operation of a specified bodily organ or system. Dysfunction is a system abnormality while emotions and feelings are not abnormality of bodily organ or system. Happiness is the state of being happy and the feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can’t help but smile. Happiness is not caused by a negative emotion or feelings.
Distress is extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain. Negative emotions or feelings can learning cause is Distress. Gaining Knowledge is not possible with negative emotion or distress. Effectiveness is success whereas negative emotions or feelings can’t give success. Dysfunction is a system abnormality while emotions and feelings are not abnormality of bodily organ or system. Happiness is not caused by a negative emotion or feelings.
writing program
What might an unsuccessful writing program cause?
unexpected results
Frustration is the result of the unsuccessful happening. An unsuccessful writing program might cause frustration.
Unexpected results are not caused by unsuccessful writing program. An unsuccessful writing program dont cause bugs. Satisfaction is not caused by any unsuccessful programs. An unsuccessful writing program dont cause aggrevation.
Frustration is the result of the unsuccessful happening. An unsuccessful writing program might cause frustration. Unexpected results are not caused by unsuccessful writing program. An unsuccessful writing program dont cause bugs. Satisfaction is not caused by any unsuccessful programs. An unsuccessful writing program dont cause aggrevation.
driving car
What could happen after driving car that does not involve pain?
automobile accidents
eye strain
getting tired
car crash
getting tired
getting tires doesn't involve pain. After driving car one gets tired.
automobile accidents involves pain. backache is type of pain. eye strain involves pain. car crash doesn't happen usually after driving car
getting tires doesn't involve pain and someone gets tired after driving car for long time.automobile accidents and eye strain involves pain. backache is type of pain itself.car crash doesn't happen usually after driving car
heat source
What is likely to be a heat source in a log cabin?
Log cabin is a small house made from logs of wood. Log cabin generally has a fire place with fire in it as a heat source.
House is a building and cannot be in a log cabin. House is not a heat source. Home is a building and not a heat source. Bedroom is a room to sleep in and not a heat source. Sun is a star in the space and cannot be in a log cabin.
Log cabin is a small house made from logs of wood. Log cabin generally has a fire place with fire in it as a heat source. Bedroom is a room to sleep in and not a heat source and all the other options cannot be in a log cabin.
bald eagle
You can see bald eagles along the Mississippi in what state?
new mexico
Mississippi river flows along the borders of Iowa state.
Mississippi flows along the border of Wisconsin but there are no bald eagles there. Currency is a medium of exchange and not a state. Mississippi does not flow along the border of New Mexico. Canada is a country and not a state.
Mississippi river flows along the borders of Iowa state where bald eagles can be seen. Mississippi flows along the border of Wisconsin but there are no bald eagles there and Mississippi does not flow along the border of New Mexico. Other options are not states.
Where would you put your change if you plan to use it soon and you are a man?
backseat of car
Men have pockets Change can be put in the pocket Things can be used soon from the pocket
Change cannot be put in the backseat of car Men do not have purses Things cannot be used soon from a jar Things cannot be used soon from a wallet
Men have pockets and not purses. Change can be put in the pocket and not in the backseat of car. Things can be used soon from the pocket and not from a jar or a wallet.
The sloth of a man was convicted of the crime caused by his apathy, he would spend at least a hundred hours finally doing a what?
three toed
civil service
costa rica
civil service
Civil services are to be done by a person. As the sloth of a man was convicted of the crime caused by his apathy so he would spend at least a hundred hours finally doing a civil service.
Commercial is not a service that a person needs to do. Three toed do not fits here. As a person cant do paraguay so they dont spend hours for it. Costa rica is not a correct option.
Civil services are to be done by a person. As the sloth of a man was convicted of the crime caused by his apathy so he would spend at least a hundred hours finally doing a civil service. Commercial is not a service that a person needs to do. Three toed do not fits here. As a person cant do paraguay so they dont spend hours for it. Costa rica is not a correct option.
fight inflation
In order to fight inflation you should be doing this?
saving money
not very much
higher interest rates
saving money
Savings of money is advisable if you want to fight the inflation as the prices of the goods increases in inflation.
Dissatisfaction is not grammatically suitable here. Not very much is not an activity that person can do to fight inflation. Person should not invest in inflation as its not benefitial in long run. higher interest rates is not an activity that person can do to fight inflation.
Savings of money is advisable if you want to fight the inflation as the prices of the goods increases in inflation. Dissatisfaction is not grammatically suitable here. Not very much and higher interest rates is not an activity that person can do to fight inflation. Person should not invest in inflation as its not benefitial in long run.
vegetarian restaurant
Where can a vegetarian restaurant be found?
san francisco
most cities
in the country
A vegetarian restaurant is a food eatery which can be found anywhere Anywhere means al all places one can find vegetarian restaurant
One can find vegetaria restaurant in other places than san fransico also Vegetarian restaurants can be found in all areas ther than downtown also All cities have vegetarian restarants hence most cities is not valid in the country is vague
A vegetarian restaurant is a eatery that one can find anywhere in any area of world. All the other options are not fesiable as they are not the most appropriate places where a vegetarian restaurant can be found.
falling in love
What do people usually feel when falling in love?
getting married
getting married
Generally falling in love makes people feel happiness. Happiness is kind of feeling.
Getting married is not feeling but an action that people may take after falling in love. Usually falling in love doesnt make you feel pain. Getting married is not feeling but an action that people may take after falling in love. Suffering is not feeling but the state of undergoing pain.
Generally falling in love makes people feel happiness and Happiness is kind of feeling. Getting married is not feeling but an action that people may take after falling in love. Usually falling in love doesnt make you feel pain.Suffering is not feeling but the state of undergoing pain.
eating dinner
What happens after eating dinner?
heart burn
become tired
become full
become full
after eating meal you stomach becomes full.
Heart burn doesn't always happen after eating. you dont become tired after eating. flatulence doesn't happen always after eating. indigestion doesn't happen always after eating
after eating meal you stomach becomes full. Heart burn or flatulence or indigestion doesn't always happen after eating. you dont become tired after eating.
Name a sort of place where live crabs are not allowed.
most offices
fish department
fancy restaurant
fish market
most offices
Most offices means generally major all the space with a room or other area where an organization’s employees perform administrative work. Live crabs are not allowed in most offices.
Fish department is an entity engaged in raising or harvesting fish which is determined by some authority to be a fishery. Fish department is an entity engaged in harvesting of fish and crabs and so, live crabs are allowed. Basin is a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having taps connected to a water supply; a washbasin. Basin is a wash basin and not an office. Fancy restaurant is a style of eating that usually takes place in expensive restaurants, where especially good food is served to people, often in a formal way. Fancy restaurants cook a live crab for serving to people as food. Fish market is a market where fish is sold. Fish markets sell live crabs to peoples.
Most offices means generally major all the space with a room or other area where an organization’s employees perform administrative work. Live crabs are not allowed in most offices. Fish department is an entity engaged in harvesting of fish and crabs and so, live crabs are allowed. Basin is a wash basin and not an office. Fancy restaurants cook a live crab for serving to people as food. Fish markets sell live crabs to peoples.
buying products
When are people buying products more?
economic boom
being able to use
economic boom
Economic boom means to have more money Economic boom refers to a financial situation Economic boom enables to buy products
Debt does not mean to have more money Being able to use does not enable to buy products Disagreements do not refer to a financial situation Trading does not mean to have more money
Economic boom means to have more money unlike debt and trading. Economic boom referes to a financial situation unlike disagreements. Unlike being able to use, economic boom enables to buy products.
agreeing with
Agreeing with someone who you have fun with can lead to what?
Friendship means the emotions or conduct of friends. The conduct of friends is usually agreeing with each other and having fun.
Compliance means showing submissiveness. Agreeing with someone might not lead to compliance. Contract is a legally enforcable agreement. Agreeing with someone might not lead to a contract. Agreeing with someone who is also fun might not just lead to harmony. Employee means someone who works for someone else. Agreeing with someone might not lead to being an employee.
Friendship means the emotions or conduct of friends which is usually agreeing with each other and having fun. So agreeing with someone who you have fun with can lead to friendship and not to the other options.
They prided themselves on being a wealth of knowledge, and that's why many chose to attend their what?
book store
University is an institution of higher education and research, which awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines. They prided themselves on being a wealth of knowledge, and that's why many chose to attend their university.
Book store is a store where various books are sold. Book is a written or printed work whereas it was not the bookstore where many of them chose to attend. Meeting is the medium how people exchange information to large groups at work. Meeting is an assembly of people for formal discussions. Meeting is about being a wealth of knowledge and meeting is not about wealth of knowledge. Class means a group of students or pupils who are taught together. Class is the group of pupils and boss whereas it was not the bookstore where many of them chose to attend. Encyclopaedia is a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically. Encyclopaedia is a book or set of books as choosing to attend their encyclopaedia is weird.
University is an institution of higher education and research, which awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines. They prided themselves on being a wealth of knowledge, and that's why many chose to attend their university. Book is a written or printed work whereas it was not the bookstore where many of them chose to attend. Meeting is about being a wealth of knowledge and meeting is not about wealth of knowledge. Class is the group of pupils and boss whereas it was not the bookstore where many of them chose to attend. Encyclopaedia is a book or set of books as choosing to attend their encyclopaedia is weird.
The living do many things that the dead do not, but one is most important. What do the living do that the dead do not?
sometimes bad
have experiences
have experiences
Experiences are a part of living humans life Experiences form a major part of life
Not every living human can talk Sometimes bad does not fit the need of question Pollution is not a part of life and death Happiness is a virtue and not all living people have it
Every living being has experience while they are alive. Happiness and talking are not part of living beings life. Other options like pollution and sometime bad does are invalid options as they do not fit the need of the question.
canned food
The person prepared for anything, this is why he kept months worth of canned food in his what?
grocery store
Cellar is a place to store canned food Cellar is a part of the house Cellar is a room below ground level
Pantry is not a room below ground level Grocery store is not a part of the house Kitchen is not a room below ground level Cupboard is not a room below ground level
Cellar is a place to store canned food. Cellar is a part of the house while grocery store is not. Cellar is a room below ground level. Pantry, kitchen and cupboard are not rooms below ground level.
You should watch out for snakes if floating down what African body of water?
wet grass
western texas
high grass
amazon river
amazon river
River can be called as a body of water. You should watch the snakes that are floating down in amazon river which is an African body if water.
The snakes might not be floating down in wet grass. Western texas is not an African body of water. Snakes are found in high grass but they cant float over there. At tree, snakes cant float.
River can be called as a body of water. You should watch the snakes that are floating down in amazon river which is an African body if water. At tree, snakes cant float. The snakes might not be floating down in wet grass. Western texas is not an African body of water. Snakes are found in high grass but they cant float over there.
Where is aberdeen in the US located?
south dakota
Aberdeen is located in Washington State. Washington state is located in US.
Scotland is not located in US. Europe is not located in US. Aberdeen is not located in Maryland. Aberdeen is not located in South Dakota.
Aberdeen is located in Washington state which is in US. Aberdeen is also located in Scotland which is part of Europe. However, Scotland or Europe are not inside US. Aberdeen is not located in Maryland and South Dakota states.
What is a good result of jogging?
insect repellent
heart attacks
improved health
shin splints
being tired
improved health
Jogging is the activity of running at a steady, gentle pace as a form of physical exercise. Improved health is a good result of jogging.
Insect repellent is a substance that deters insects from approaching or settling. Insect repellent is totally irrelevant with jogging. Heart attacks can happen if you're spending too much time intensely jogging. Getting heart attack is not a good result. Shin splints protects our leg muscles from getting stretched. Wearing Shin splints protects legs from causing acute pain in the shin and lower leg caused by prolonged running, typically on hard surfaces. Slow running or jogging doesn’t tend to stretch muscles. Being tired is normal after a long run as you have expended a lot of energy and put physical demands on your body. Being tired is not the good results of jogging.
Jogging is the activity of running at a steady, gentle pace as a form of physical exercise. Improved health is a good result of jogging. Insect repellent is a substance that deters insects from approaching or settling. Heart attacks can happen if you're spending too much time intensely jogging. Getting heart attack is not a good result. Slow running or jogging doesn’t tend to stretch muscles. Being tired is normal after a long run as you have expended a lot of energy and put physical demands on your body. Being tired is not the good results of jogging.
The teacher took the children out of the playroom to change diapers, where did the teacher work?
big house
nursery school
grandma's house
nursery school
Children with diapers in a playroom are found in nursery schools Teachers with small kids are found in a nursery kids Nursery school is a place where teachers work
Teachers do not work at big house Grandma house is not a place where teacher works Creche is a type of nursery school Preschool is a type of nursery school
A teacher can work in a nursery school. nursery school have playrooms and kids who are small and wear diapers. teacher does not work in big house or a grandma's house. Creche and preschools are a type of nursery schools.
Where are you If you're on a road that passes a group of residences, stores, and other public buildings?
north america
Town contains road. Town contains residences, stores and other public buildings.
Valley dont pass through residences, stores or public buildings Bridge dont contains residences, stores or public buildings Highways dont contain residences, stores or public buildings North America is a very wide term, it contain many countries.
Town contains road. Town contains residences, stores and other public buildings. Bridge, highway or valley dont contains residences, stores or public buildings. North America is a very wide term, it contain many countries.
What do we feel when we run out of energy?
we feel weakness when lose our energy
fatigue doesnt always happen due to loss of energy. matter is not something you feel you dont feel deprived due to loss of energy. mass is not something you feel.
we feel weakness when lose our energy.fatigue doesnt always happen due to loss of energy. matter is not something you feel. you dont feel deprived due to loss of energy. mass is not something you feel.
A quarter of it was twenty five pounds, so the whole was what?
school year
Weight can be measured in pounds. Twenty five pounds is a quarter of hundred weight.
School year dont have a quarter of twenty five pound. Upper dont suits here. century dont have a quarter of twenty five pound. hour dont have a quarter of twenty five pound.
Twenty five pounds is a quarter of hundred weight. Upper dont suits here. School year, century or hour dont have a quarter of twenty five pound.
returning to work
Bill is returning to work. He has experienced a bad feeling and thus stayed home for a week. What did he probably feel?
Malaise is the feeling of dicomfort or illness, hence it requires time to recover. A person feeling malaise need to stay at home for around 1 week to get well
Sad people dont stay at home for a week. Stress is a temporary feeling, dont require a week Painless person would not like to stay at home for long Boredom is not a bad feeling, boredom goes away if we go out rather.
A person feeling malaise need to stay at home for around 1 week to get well. Sad or painless people dont stay at home for a week. Stress is a temporary feeling, dont require a week. Boredom is not a bad feeling, it rather goes away if we go out.
Everyone feels a little lost sometimes, they just need someone to listen and to be what?
victory in war
Things can be understood after listening. Everyone feels a little lost sometimes, they just need someone to listen and to understood.
Someone cant just listen and accept. When a person is lost, he might not be happy. A person is not happiness. When a person is lost, he might not have victory in war.
Things can be understood after listening. Everyone feels a little lost sometimes, they just need someone to listen and to understood. Someone cant just listen and accept. When a person is lost, he might not be happy or have victory in war. A person is not happiness.
Jamie started fiddling when she was 13. It was an exciting thing for her. She'd never played an instrument before and was thrilled. What might have been thrilling for her?
dancing about
being happy
snapped fiddle string.
square dancing
When a person does something for first time, they discover new things which makes the feel thrilled about it
Dancing about is not related to playing instrument When one is thrille, one is happy but not vice versa Snaped fiddle string is not related to thrilling Square dancing is not related to one getting thrilled
When a person tries something for first time, like playing instrument, they find it thrilling as they discover new things. All the other options are not fesiable as they are not why one get thrilled while playing an instruemnt for first time.
A condom is a form of contraceptive for a penis, meanwhile a diaphragm is one designed for a what?
health center
medicine cabinet
Diaphragm is a contraceptive for vagina. Diaphragm is used by female, so it is designed for vagina.
Contraceptive cant be designed for drawer. Arm is not a sexual organ of human body. Contraceptive cant be designed for health center. Contraceptive cant be designed for medicine cabinet
Diaphragm is a contraceptive for vagina. Diaphragm is used by female, so it is designed for vagina. Contraceptive cant be designed for drawer or health center or medicine cabinet. Arm is not a sexual organ of human body.
going somewhere
What passes between the point of one destination to another?
elapsed time
elapsed time
Destinations are usually seperated by distance. It takes time to travel distance. The time taken to travel some distance is called elapsed time.
Relaxation means feeling stressfree. Relaxation doesn't pass between one destination and another. Obstacle is something that blocks or hinders. Obstacle doesn't pass between one destination and another. Uneasiness is the feeling of anxiety and discomfort. Uneasiness doesn't pass between one destination and another. Movement is the action of moving. Movement doesn't pass between one destination and another.
Destinations are usually seperated by distance and it takes time to travel distance, which is called elapsed time. So, elapsed time is what passes between the point of one destination to another. All the other options are not what passes between the point of one destination to another.
What could you use to store a clock?
own bedroom
Shelf is used to store things Clocks can be stored in a shelf
Own bedroom is not used to store things Clocks cannot be stored in a desk Clocks cannot be stored in a wall Clocks cannot be stored in a car
Shelf is used to store things unlike own bedroom. Clocks can be stored in a shelf and not in a desk, a wall or a car.
His friend insisted that he must, but his conscience stopped him as he knew that he what?
will not
need not
should not
should not
Should is not is used when one wants to stop. Should not is used in contrary to must.
Unnecessary means something that is not necessary. Optional means when two or more choices are given. Will not is used when you are sure about not doing something. Need not is used to when there is no need to do something.
His friend insisted that he must, but his conscience stopped him as he knew that he should not is an apt use as his conscience was suggesting him to stop. All the other options are incorrect as they are not the right use grammatically and contextually.
Where might be a well manicured lawn?
north america
golf course
united states
golf course
Golf course is a large area of grass on which golf is played. Well-manicured lawn might be at a golf course.
Ocean is a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically. Ocean is completely covered with water and lawns grow on land and not water. Michigan is a state in midwestern regions of the united states. Michigan is a state in united states and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns. North America is the northern continent of the western hemisphere, extending northward from the Colombia-Panama border and including Central America, Mexico, the islands of Caribbean Sea, the united states, Canada and Greenland. North America is a continent and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns. The United States is a country of 50 states covering a vast swath of North America, with Alaska in the northwest and Hawaii extending the nation’s presence into Pacific Ocean. United States is a country and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns.
Golf course is a course on which golf is played. Well-manicured lawn might be at a golf course. Ocean is completely covered with water and lawns grow on land and not water. Michigan is a state in united states and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns. North America is a continent and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns. United States is a country and not a location where there is well-manicured lawns.
If I have a forgiving attitude toward someone, what do they receive?
great relief
feel better
Person gets the redemption when the other person forgives him as forgiveness saves the person from sin. Person with forgiving attitude always forgive the others.
Person doesn't get isolation on getting the forgiveness. Person doesn't always gets absolution on getting the forgiveness. Person doesn't always have great relief when they get forgiveness from other. Person doesn't always feel better when they get forgiveness from other.
Person gets the redemption when the other person forgives him as forgiveness saves the person from sin and Person with forgiving attitude always forgive the others.Person doesn't get isolation on getting the forgiveness. Person doesn't always gets absolution on getting the forgiveness. Person doesn't always have great relief when they get forgiveness from other. Person doesn't always feel better when they get forgiveness from other.
going into trance
Is there a way for people going into trance to see things that do not exist?
Hallucination means imagining unreal things. Unreal things are things that don't exist.
Meditate is to focus on and calm one's mind. One may not see things that don't exist by meditating. Medicated is to be treated with medicine. One may not see things that don't exist by medicating. One may not see things that don't exist by confusion. Epilepsy is a nerve cell disorder in brain causing seizures. One won't see things that don't exist by epilepsy.
Hallucination means imagining unreal things which are things that don't exist. People in trance can have hallucinations. Other options may not cause one to see things that don't exist.
killing people
Someone charged with killing people is likely to reside where?
going to jail
get arrested
going to jail
Going to jail means go to a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody specifically a place for those awaiting trial or held for minor crimes. Someone charged with killing people is likely to reside going to jail.
Terrible is extremely bad or serious. Killing people is a terrible kind of act, and where someone killing people may reside. Murder means the unlawful planned killing of one human being by another. Likely to reside in murder is an inappropriate term and murder is not a place where one can stay in. Home is to go to the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Some one charge with killing is kept in custody and not at home. Get arrested is to take or keep in custody by authority of law or to seize, capture specifically. Get arrested is to seize someone and then kept in imprisonment.
Going to jail means go to a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody specifically a place for those awaiting trial or held for minor crimes. Someone charged with killing people is likely to reside going to jail. Killing people is a terrible kind of act, and where someone killing people may reside. Likely to reside in murder is an inappropriate term and murder is not a place where one can stay in. Some one charge with killing is kept in custody and not at home. Get arrested is to seize someone and then kept in imprisonment.
In what would you find gasoline in the water?
gas station
drinking glass
power mower
Boat is a small vessel to travel over water.
Gas station is not in the water. Refineries is not in the water. Drinking glass is not in the water. Power mower is not in the water.
Boat is a small vessel to travel over water and it uses gasoline to run. All other options are not in the water.
barber shop
What is used just before leaving a barber shop?
military base
small town
Comb is a piece of plastic used to untangle hair. People usually untangle their hair just before leaving a barber shop.
Water is liquid used for washing or drinking. One might not use water just before leaving a barber shop. Military base is a place used by the army. Military base is not something to use in a barber shop. Seville is a city in spain. Seville is not something to use in a barber shop. Small town is a place. Small town is not something to use in a barber shop.
Comb is a piece of plastic used to untangle hair and people usually untangle their hair just before leaving a barber shop. One might not use water just before leaving a barber shop and the other options are not things used in a barber shop.
learning language
Why should people try learning language for business settings?
better communication
better communication
Better communication is defined as verbal speech or other methods of relaying information that get a point across. People should try learning language for business settings for better communication.
Happiness is the state of being happy and the feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can’t help but smile. Happiness is in no way helpful in learning language for business settings. Problems is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. Problems is such that nobody invites problems in Business settings. Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something. Confidence is belief or faith whereas peoples are already confident in their business settings and they don’t need to learn language when they don’t need to speak or understand them. Comfortness is a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any physically unpleasant feelings caused by pain, heat, cold etc. Comfortness can’t be achieved by learning languages in a business setting.
Better communication is defined as verbal speech or other methods of relaying information that get a point across. People should try learning language for business settings for better communication. Happiness is in no way helpful in learning language for business settings. Problems is such that nobody invites problems in Business settings. Confidence is belief or faith whereas peoples are already confident in their business settings and they don’t need to learn language when they don’t need to speak or understand them. Comfortness can’t be achieved by learning languages in a business setting.
What can you do to keep yourself from feeling like a failure?
lower expectations
hold back
amount to nothing
lower expectations
Lower expectation of success from yourself may stop you feeling like failure. Person feels like failure when he has high expectation of success but doesn't get success.
Holding back may not stop you feeling like failure but it can make you fail. Reflection may not stop you feeling like failure but it can give you mental pressure. Efforts that amount to nothing cannot stop you feeling like failure instead person can feel more like failure if it happens. Illusion cannot stop you feeling like failure in fact person can feel more like failure with the illusion.
Lower expectation of success from yourself may stop you feeling like failure as Person feels like failure when he has high expectation of success but doesn't get success. Holding back may not stop you feeling like failure but it can make you fail.Reflection may not stop you feeling like failure but it can give you mental pressure. Efforts that amount to nothing cannot stop you feeling like failure instead person can feel more like failure if it happens. Illusion cannot stop you feeling like failure in fact person can feel more like failure with the illusion.
A person takes competing seriously, that person works up a what playing even the simplest of games?
A person who takes competing seriously works up a sweat because the person will strive seriously to win and defeat their competitors.
The person cannot work up enemies as the person may compete against friends. The person may or may not work up aggression because some games can be won without aggression. The person cannot work up defeat as the person will play to defeat opponents. The person cannot work up tiredness as tiredness will cause the person to underperform and probably, lose.
A person who takes competing seriously works up a sweat because the person will strive seriously to win and defeat their competitors. The person can’t work up enemies as the person may compete against friends. The person may or may not work up aggression because some games can be won without aggression. The person can’t work up defeat as the person will play to defeat opponents. The person can’t work up tiredness as tiredness will cause the person to underperform and probably, lose.
drinking alcohol
What the positive consequences of drinking alcohol?
have fun
frequent urination
slurring words
have fun
Having fun is consequences of drinking alcohol. having fun is positive thing.
death is not positive thing. frequent urination is not positive thing slurring words is not positive thing sickness is not positive thing
Having fun is consequences of drinking alcohol and its a positive thing.death, frequent urination, slurring words and sickness are positive things.
eating breakfast
Why is eating breakfast the best meal of the day?
feeling satisfied
have energy
start metabolism
full stomach
gain energy
have energy
Breakfast makes you have energy that you need in the morning to start your day.
breakfast is not needed to feel satisfied as you can feel satisfied by eating any food. Breakfast doesn't boost your metabolism. having full stomach is not comfortable feeling so cannot be the reason of eating breakfast. Energy can be gained by other ways also excercising.
Breakfast makes you have energy that you need in the morning to start your day.breakfast is not needed to feel satisfied as you can feel satisfied by eating any food. Breakfast doesn't boost your metabolism. having full stomach is not comfortable feeling so cannot be the reason of eating breakfast. Energy can be gained by other ways also excercising.
Ballet dancing is a form of artistic what?
swan lake
become tired
Ballet dancing is a form of artistic expression. Expression are needed in dancing.
Swan lake is not related with dancing. Intercourse is not artistic. Ballet dancing is not a form to become tired. Ballet dancing is not a fatigue.
Expression are needed in dancing. Ballet dancing is a form of artistic expression. Swan lake is not related with dancing. Intercourse is not artistic. Ballet dancing is not a form to become tired or fatigue.
He couldn't take the match straight to the log and hope to get warm, he first crumpled up some what?
light fire
start fire
burn paper
burn paper
A matchstick is small in size and a burn paper can last longer A match can burn a paper and it can burn log
Light fire is an action Start fire means igniting fire competition cannot be used to burn log branches cannot be crumpled
As a match is small to be carried, he crumpled up some burn paper to warm himself. All the other options are incorrect are they are not something that can be crumpled to fire.
Bill would not allow Sam to built a new addition. Sam protested that the construction was what?
Permitted means being allowed by some concerned authority. Construction of a new addition will be allowed by the local authorities.
Sam would not protest against bill if the construction was restricted. Sam would not protest against bill if the construction was off limits. Sam would not protest against bill if the construction was forbid. Sam would not protest against bill if the construction was prohibited.
Permitted means being allowed by some concerned authorities and construction of a new addition will be allowed by the local authorities. Hence Sam was protesting against bill as the construction of new addition was permitted. Sam would not protest against bill if the construction was any of the things from the other options.
What office furniture stores paper files?
filing cabinet
filing cabinet
filing cabinet
A filing cabinet is a piece of office furniture used for storing paper files.
Drawer is not specifically meant for storing the files. Computers cannot store paper files. Desk is not for storing the files but to keep the files when in use.
A filing cabinet is a piece of office furniture used for storing paper files.Drawer is not specifically meant for storing the files. Computers cannot store paper files.Desk is not for storing the files but to keep the files when in use.
competing against
What do you feel when successful when competing against a worthy adversary.
one winner
You feel a sense of pride for being successful while competing against a worthy adversary because a worthy adversary is an opponent of distinguished merit or importance.
You may or may not feel encouraged when successfully competing against a worthy adversary. One winner could also mean the worthy adversary was successful and not you. You may not get an injury while successfully competing against a worthy adversary. You will feel proud after successfully competing and not while competing against a worthy adversary.
You feel a sense of pride for being successful while competing against a worthy adversary because a worthy adversary is an opponent of distinguished merit or importance. You may or may not feel encouraged when successfully competing against a worthy adversary. One winner could also mean the worthy adversary was successful and not you. You may not get an injury while successfully competing against a worthy adversary. You’ll feel proud after successfully competing and not while competing against a worthy adversary.
Where are thousands of acres of farmland and Mt. Rushmore?
farming areas
north dakota
north dakota
North dakota have farmlands spread in thousands of acres of land. Mount Rushmore is situated in north dakota
Houses cannot have thousands of acres of land. Farming areas doean't have mountains mostly. Not every countryside have Mt Rushmore. Mt Rushmore is not situated in michigan.
North dakota have farmlands spread in thousands of acres of land and Mount Rushmore is situated in north dakota.Houses cannot have thousands of acres of land. Farming areas doean't have mountains mostly. Not every countryside have Mt Rushmore. Mt Rushmore is not situated in michigan.
If a small flying animal picks up a string, where are they taking it?
bird's nest
bird's nest
A string can be used to make bird's nest. A small flying animal picks up a string and takes it to the bird's nest.
They might not pick up a string to take it to the park. Guitar isnt a place where a small flying animal can take a string. Kite isnt a place where a small flying animal can take a string. Quark isnt a place where a small flying animal can take a string.
A string can be used to make bird's nest. A small flying animal picks up a string and takes it to the bird's nest. They might not pick up a string to take it to the park. Guitar or kite or quark isnt a place where a small flying animal can take a string.
The cocky lead character beat the odds again, he then made a quip about ever rule having its what?
capsulize idea
a rule which is made by someone can have its exception. Every rule has its exception
capsulize idea is not something related to a rule made by cocky lead Rule and train are not related A rule and suck are not related Anarchy is a way of leardership but is not related to a rule
A cocky lead can make rule but every rule brings with it its execption that a cocky lead can make. All the other options do not answer what additional the rule had with itself hence are incorrect.
running errands
Joe and John and sylvia were all running errands. They split up their tasks into blocks that were near each other and then each person took one block of tasks. They did this because it gave them more what?
freed up time
net gain
Splitting up task among people leads to efficiency. When people divide work and do that, it happens faster. Block of task leads to complete task on time.
Splitting up work leads to less stress. Aggravation is not the result of dividing work. They were running errands, no Freed up time Net gain is not caused in running errands.
Splitting up task among people leads to efficiency. When people divide work and do that, it happens faster. Block of task leads to complete task on time. Splitting up work leads to less stress. Aggravation is not the result of dividing work. Freed up time is not the case since they were running errands. Net gain is not caused in running errands.
The buffalo were big thick and easy to spot, but the were hunted to the point that their numbers were what?
As one can eaisly see a buffalo, they get hunted in large numbers hence their population decreases making them sparse Numbers can get sparse
Numbers cannot get thin Numbers cannot get stomach Numbers are not clear Numbers cannot be thickskin
Numbers of the buffalo can get sparse as they are easy to spot hence can be hunted. Hunted means killed which results in lesser number of living buffallo. All the other options are incorrect as numbers cannot be those.
duffel bag
James's duffel bag was too heavy to carry with him, so he left it where?
bag lady's shopping cart
army barracks
bus station
locker room
locker room
Duffel bag is cylidrical and made of canvas or some soft material. Duffel bag can fit in locker and remains safe.
Leaving bag at lady's shopping cart is not safe. Army barracks is place where army personnel lives not for storing bags. Leaving bag at bus station is not safe. Transit is not place to put bag.
Duffel bag is cylidrical and made of canvas or some soft material so it can fit in locker and remains safe.Leaving bag at lady's shopping cart or at bus station is not safe. Army barracks is place where army personnel lives not for storing bags. Transit is not place to put bag.
John put the book in his pack and then went off to work. Where might he be working?
public library
Synagogue is a place of worship Those working in a place of worship need to carry the holy book Holy book is a type of book Books are carried in a backpack
Public library is not a place of worship Backpack is not a place of worship Briefcase is not a place of worship Suitcase is not a place of worship
Those working in a place of worship such as the synagogue are required to carry the holy book which is a type of book and can be carried in a backpack. Public library, back, briefcase and suitcase are not places of worship.