{ "query": "How many zip codes are under Barre, VT?", "pos": [ "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name" ], "neg": [ "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "name of county refers to county", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))" ] }
{ "query": "What is the country and state of the city named Dalton?", "pos": [ "Dalton is the city;" ], "neg": [ "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;" ] }
{ "query": "Which state has the most bad aliases?", "pos": [ "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));" ], "neg": [ "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias" ] }
{ "query": "What is the CBSA name and type in York, ME?", "pos": [ "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type" ], "neg": [ "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)" ] }
{ "query": "Among the residential areas with the bad alias \"Internal Revenue Service\", how many of them are in the Eastern time zone?", "pos": [ "\"Internal Revenue Service\" is the bad_alias; in Eastern time zone refers to time_zone = 'Eastern'" ], "neg": [ "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the Asian populations of all the residential areas with the bad alias \"URB San Joaquin\".", "pos": [ "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias" ], "neg": [ "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "Savoy is the city;", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';" ] }
{ "query": "State the male population for all zip code which were under the Berlin, NH CBSA.", "pos": [ "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name" ], "neg": [ "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1" ] }
{ "query": "List 10 cities with a median age over 40. Include their zip codes and area codes.", "pos": [ "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)" ] }
{ "query": "Among all the residential areas in Delaware, how many of them implement daylight saving?", "pos": [ "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "Greeneville is the city;", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average household income in the city known as \"Danzig\"?", "pos": [ "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';" ], "neg": [ "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "Greeneville is the city;", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'" ] }
{ "query": "Among the cities belonging to the country named Arroyo, calculate the percentage of increase in the population in these cities from 2010 to 2020.", "pos": [ "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';" ], "neg": [ "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name" ] }
{ "query": "What are the top 3 states with the highest Asian population? List the full names of all the representatives in the said states.", "pos": [ "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name" ], "neg": [ "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip code, city, and congress representative's full names of the area which has highest population in 2020.", "pos": [ "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);" ], "neg": [ "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "Savoy is the city;", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts." ] }
{ "query": "Compare the numbers of postal points under Smith Adrian and Heck Joe.", "pos": [ "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the percentage of congress representatives from the Democrat party. Among them, how many postal points are in the Hawaii state?", "pos": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';" ], "neg": [ "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)" ] }
{ "query": "Among the cities with area code 608, how many cities implement daylight savings?", "pos": [ "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';" ], "neg": [ "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'" ] }
{ "query": "List down the area code and country of the city named Savoy.", "pos": [ "Savoy is the city;" ], "neg": [ "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "name of county refers to county", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip codes and coordinates of the postal points under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ.", "pos": [ "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';" ], "neg": [ "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';" ] }
{ "query": "In the state where Lisa Murkowski is the representative, how many cities have zero employees?", "pos": [ "zero employee refers to employees = 0" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts." ] }
{ "query": "Please list the zip_codes of all the residential areas in Huntingdon county with over 30 employees.", "pos": [ "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county" ], "neg": [ "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))" ] }
{ "query": "Name 10 cities with their states that are under the Lexington-Fayette, KY office of the Canada Border Services Agency.", "pos": [ "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name" ], "neg": [ "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "Tell the name of the county which is represented by Hartzler Vicky.", "pos": [ "name of county refers to county" ], "neg": [ "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;" ] }
{ "query": "Which city and state has the bad alias of Lawrenceville?", "pos": [ "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias" ], "neg": [ "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "biggest land area refers to Max(land_area); \"SAINT CROIX\" is the county", "Dalton is the city;", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the area code of Bishopville, SC?", "pos": [ "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state" ], "neg": [ "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "\"Virginia\" is the state" ] }
{ "query": "Which city has the most bad aliases?", "pos": [ "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));" ], "neg": [ "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type" ] }
{ "query": "Give at least five alias of cities with a postal point of post office.", "pos": [ "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';" ], "neg": [ "\"Alabama\" is the name", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "Greeneville is the city;", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');" ] }
{ "query": "What percentage of households are in \"Coroyell\" out of its state?", "pos": [ "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'", "Savoy is the city;", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "Greeneville is the city;", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the congress representatives' IDs of the postal points in East Springfield.", "pos": [ "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;" ], "neg": [ "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip codes and area codes of the postal points with the community post office type at the elevation above 6000.", "pos": [ "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;" ], "neg": [ "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "name of county refers to county", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)" ] }
{ "query": "In which county is the residential area with the highest average income per household located?", "pos": [ "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "Savoy is the city;", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)" ] }
{ "query": "Please list the bad alias of all the residential areas with a median female age of over 32.", "pos": [ "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32" ], "neg": [ "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "\"Internal Revenue Service\" is the bad_alias; in Eastern time zone refers to time_zone = 'Eastern'", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "biggest land area refers to Max(land_area); \"SAINT CROIX\" is the county", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name" ] }
{ "query": "Which district has the largest land area in Wisconsin? Write the full name of the congress representative and include the postal codes.", "pos": [ "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "Dalton is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "How many counties are there in Alabama?", "pos": [ "\"Alabama\" is the name" ], "neg": [ "name of county refers to county", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the average number of beneficiaries per postal point in Guam.", "pos": [ "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';" ], "neg": [ "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type" ] }
{ "query": "Which zip code in Massachusetts that have more than 1 area code?", "pos": [ "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1" ], "neg": [ "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip codes and the alias of Greeneville.", "pos": [ "Greeneville is the city;" ], "neg": [ "\"Internal Revenue Service\" is the bad_alias; in Eastern time zone refers to time_zone = 'Eastern'", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "Dalton is the city;", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "Savoy is the city;", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the average male median age of all the residential areas in Windham county.", "pos": [ "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county" ], "neg": [ "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "Dalton is the city;", "Greeneville is the city;", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average median female age of all the residential areas in the Arecibo county?", "pos": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))" ], "neg": [ "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'", "name of county refers to county", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';" ] }
{ "query": "Indicate the name of the country with a population greater than 10000 in 2010.", "pos": [ "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "Greeneville is the city;", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "Savoy is the city;", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));" ] }
{ "query": "How many states are in the central time zone? Write their full names.", "pos": [ "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'" ], "neg": [ "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state" ] }
{ "query": "Among the zip code under Saint Croix county, which zip code has the biggest land area?", "pos": [ "biggest land area refers to Max(land_area); \"SAINT CROIX\" is the county" ], "neg": [ "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "Greeneville is the city;", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "name of county refers to county", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name" ] }
{ "query": "List all the bad alias for zip codes in Puerto Rico.", "pos": [ "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'" ], "neg": [ "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "name of county refers to county", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "Dalton is the city;", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the average elevation of the cities with alias Amherst.", "pos": [ "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';" ], "neg": [ "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "Greeneville is the city;", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "\"Alabama\" is the name" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip codes and the congress representatives' names of the postal points which are affiliated with Readers Digest.", "pos": [ "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';" ], "neg": [ "\"Internal Revenue Service\" is the bad_alias; in Eastern time zone refers to time_zone = 'Eastern'", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type" ] }
{ "query": "Calculate the ratio between the number of representatives in Alabama and the number of representatives in Illinois.", "pos": [ "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))" ], "neg": [ "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "Dalton is the city;", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "Savoy is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "How many males are there in New Haven County's residential areas?", "pos": [ "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population" ], "neg": [ "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "Dalton is the city;", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)" ] }
{ "query": "What is the area code of Phillips county in Montana?", "pos": [ "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state" ], "neg": [ "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "Dalton is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "Which state is Outagamie County in? Give the full name of the state.", "pos": [ "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county" ], "neg": [ "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the elevation of the city belonging to Hampden, Massachusetts?", "pos": [ "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts." ], "neg": [ "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "Savoy is the city;", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'" ] }
{ "query": "Show the alias for the county at coordinate (18.090875, -66.867756).", "pos": [ "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));" ] }
{ "query": "What are the states with an above-average female population?", "pos": [ "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));" ], "neg": [ "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "Dalton is the city;", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the difference in the number of cities with P.O. box only and cities with Post Office among the cities with area code 787?", "pos": [ "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;" ], "neg": [ "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';" ] }
{ "query": "Give the location coordinates of the city with area code 636.", "pos": [ "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)" ], "neg": [ "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))", "Greeneville is the city;", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "name of county refers to county" ] }
{ "query": "How many postal points with unique post office types are there in Ohio?", "pos": [ "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';" ], "neg": [ "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)" ] }
{ "query": "Give the alias of the cities with an Asian population of 7.", "pos": [ "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;" ], "neg": [ "name of county refers to county", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';" ] }
{ "query": "Among all the residential areas in Arecibo county, what is the zip_code of the one with the highest white population?", "pos": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)" ], "neg": [ "Greeneville is the city;", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "name of county refers to county" ] }
{ "query": "Indicate the name of the congressman represent in Guanica.", "pos": [ "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;" ], "neg": [ "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "Dalton is the city;", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type" ] }
{ "query": "List down the country of the cities with a population greater than 97% of the average population of all countries in 2020.", "pos": [ "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));" ], "neg": [ "COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Smith' and last_name = 'Adrian') > COUNT(zip_code where first_name = 'Heck' and last_name = 'Joe');", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "Greeneville is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "Count the number of postal points under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA.", "pos": [ "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';" ], "neg": [ "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "\"Internal Revenue Service\" is the bad_alias; in Eastern time zone refers to time_zone = 'Eastern'", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the zip codes and CBSA officers of the postal point in Oxford.", "pos": [ "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';" ] }
{ "query": "Among the postal points in California, calculate the percentage of them in post office types.", "pos": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';" ], "neg": [ "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the population of Arecibo in 2020.", "pos": [ "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';" ], "neg": [ "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "\"York\" is the city; 'ME' is the state; type refers to CBSA_type", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "the most bad aliases refer to MAX(COUNT(bad_alias));", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "name of county refers to county", "\"Virginia\" is the state", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "Greeneville is the city;" ] }
{ "query": "Among the listed cities, provide the area code of the city with the largest water area.", "pos": [ "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);" ], "neg": [ "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "DIVIDE(COUNT(party = 'Democrat'), COUNT(congress_rep_id)) as percentage; postal points refer to zip_code; state = 'Hawaii';", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40" ] }
{ "query": "What is the highest gender ratio of the residential areas in Arecibo county?", "pos": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))" ], "neg": [ "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);", "DIVIDE(SUM(households where county = 'CORYELL'), SUM(households)) as percentage;", "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code" ] }
{ "query": "Among the postal points in Texas, provide the zip codes and cities of postal points which have total beneficiaries of above 10000.", "pos": [ "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;" ], "neg": [ "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "coordinates refer to latitude and longitude; under Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ refers to CBSA_name = 'Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ';", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "population greater than 10000 in 2010 refers to population_2010 > 10000;", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))" ] }
{ "query": "What is the total number of households in Arecibo county?", "pos": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "Greeneville is the city;", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county" ] }
{ "query": "What are the precise locations of the cities with an area code of 787?", "pos": [ "precise location refers to latitude, longitude" ], "neg": [ "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "congress representatives' IDs refer to CID; East Springfield is the city;", "CBSA officers refer to CBSA_name; postal point refers to zip_code; Oxford is the city;", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;" ] }
{ "query": "How many counties are there in Virginia State?", "pos": [ "\"Virginia\" is the state" ], "neg": [ "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "precise location refers to latitude, longitude", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "highest average income per household refers to Max(avg_income_per_household)", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name" ] }
{ "query": "In which county can you find the city with the highest number of females?", "pos": [ "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)" ], "neg": [ "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest gender ration refers to Max(Divide (male_population, female_population))", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; postal points affiliated with Readers Digest refer to zip_code where organization = 'Readers Digest';", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state" ] }
{ "query": "List all the zip codes in the county of New Castle in Delaware.", "pos": [ "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state" ], "neg": [ "postal points refer to zip_code; unique post office types refer to type = 'Unique Post Office'; Ohio is the name of the state, in which name = 'Ohio';", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; total number of households refer to sum(households)", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population" ] }
{ "query": "What is the name and the position of the CBSA officer in the city of Cabo Rojo?", "pos": [ "name of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_name; position of the CBSA officer refers to CBSA_type;" ], "neg": [ "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "\"Bishopville\" is the city; 'SC' is the state", "\"OUTAGAMIE\" is the county", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; average median female age = Divide (Sum(median_female_age), Count(country))", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state" ] }
{ "query": "What is the bad alias of the residential area with the highest average house value?", "pos": [ "highest average house value refers to Max(avg_house_value)" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "Dalton is the city;", "Texas is the name of the state, in which name = 'Texas'; total beneficiaries of above 10000 refer to total_beneficiaries > 10000;", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "over 30 employees refers to employee > 30; 'HUNTINGDON' is the county", "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';", "Asian population of 7 refers to asian_population = 7;", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name" ] }
{ "query": "In California, how many delivery receptacles are there in the community post office that has the highest number of delivery receptacles?", "pos": [ "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type" ], "neg": [ "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "biggest land area refers to Max(land_area); \"SAINT CROIX\" is the county", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "zero employee refers to employees = 0", "Greeneville is the city;", "DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SUM(population_2020)), SUM(population_2010)), SUM(population_2010) as percentage where county = 'ARROYO';", "\"URB San Joaquin\" is the bad_alias", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "\"Barre, VT\" is the CBSA_name", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county" ] }
{ "query": "Describe the number of postal points and the countries in West Virginia.", "pos": [ "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';" ], "neg": [ "above-average female population refers to female_population > DIVIDE(SUM(female_population), COUNT(state));", "average male median age refers to Divide (Sum(male_median_age), Count(county)); 'WINDHAM' is the county", "median female age of over 32 refers to median_female_age > 32", "\"Massachusetts\" is the state; zip code more than 1 area code refers to Count (zip_code) > 1", "\"ARECIBO\" is the county; highest white population refers to Max(white_population)", "\"Berlin, NH\" is the CBSA_name", "\"PHILLIPS\" is the county; 'Montana' is the name of state", "postal point of post office refers to type = 'Post Office';", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "the largest water area refers to MAX(water_area);" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the alias of the city with the highest population in year 2020.", "pos": [ "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);" ], "neg": [ "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "postal points refer to zip_code; West Virginia is the name of the state, in which name = 'West Virginia';", "community post office type refers to type = 'Community Post Office'; elevation above 6000 refers to elevation > 6000;", "in California refers to name = 'California' and state = 'CA'; 'Community Post Office' is the Type", "median age over 40 refers to median_age > 40", "\"Wisconsin\" is the state; largest land area refers to Max(land_area); full name refers to first_name, last_name; postal code refers to zip_code", "city with highest asian population refers to Max(Sum(asian_population)); full name refers to first_name, last_name", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "\"Lexington-Fayette, KY\" is the CBSA_name", "\"Alabama\" is the name" ] }
{ "query": "List all the counties in Georgia.", "pos": [ "Georgia is the name of the state, in which name = 'Georgia';" ], "neg": [ "name of congressman implies full name which refers to first_name, last_name; Guanica is the city;", "the highest population in year 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "\"NEW HAVEN\" is the county; male refers to male_population", "DIVIDE(SUM(total_beneficiaries), COUNT(zip_code)) where name = 'Guam';", "implement daylight savings refers to daylight_savings = 'Yes';", "DIVIDE(COUNT(zip_code where type = 'Post Office'), COUNT(zip_code)) as percentage where name = 'California';", "\"Alabama\" is the name", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "\"Alabama\" and \"Illinois\" are both state; Ratio = Divide (Count(state = 'Alabama'), Count(state = 'Illinois'))" ] }
{ "query": "How many post offices are there in New York?", "pos": [ "\"New York\" refers to state = 'NY' and name = 'New York'; 'Post Office' is the type" ], "neg": [ "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"NEW CASTLE\" is the county; 'Delaware' is the name of state", "population of Arecibo in 2020 refers to SUM(population_2020) where county = 'ARECIBO';", "representative's full names refer to first_name, last_name; area which has highest population in 2020 refers to MAX(population_2020);", "highest number of females refers to Max(female_population)", "SUBTRACT(COUNT(type = 'P.O. Box Only'), COUNT(type = 'Post Office')) where area_code = 787;", "average household income refers to avg_income_per_household; city known as \"Danzig\" refers to bad_alias = 'Danzig';", "Savoy is the city;", "\"Puerto Rico\" refers to state = 'PR'", "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'" ] }
{ "query": "For the county where DeSantis Ron is from, what is the average female median age?", "pos": [ "average female median age refers to Divide (Sum(female_median_age), Count(county))" ], "neg": [ "location coordinate refers to (latitude, longitude)", "central time zone refers to time_zone = 'Central'", "AVG(elevation) where alias = 'Amherst';", "population_2020 > MULTIPLY(0.97, AVG(population_2020));", "coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; latitude = '18.090875; longitude = '-66.867756'", "\"Delaware\" is a county; implement daylight savings refers to daylight_saving = 'Yes'", "the county of Hampden is located in the state of Massachusetts.", "\"Lawrenceville\" is the bad_alias", "Greeneville is the city;", "postal points refer to zip_code; under New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA refers to CBSA_name = 'New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA';" ] }
{ "query": "For the flight on 2018/8/1 that was delayed for the longest time, which was the destination airport of this flight?", "pos": [ "on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';  delayed for the longest time refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY); destination airport refers to DEST;" ], "neg": [ "flight numbers refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International';", "flight destination refers to DEST; from Albany refers to ORIGIN = 'ABY';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N922US'; from Phoenix refers to ORIGIN = 'PHX';", "on August 2, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2'; Horizon Air refers to Description which includs 'Horizon Air';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; arrived on time refers to ARR_DELAY < = 0; Meadows Field airport refers to Description = 'Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field'; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "depart to refers to DEST; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International refers to Description = 'Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; Chicago O'Hare International refes to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International';" ] }
{ "query": "Which airline operated more flights on 2018/8/1, American Airlines Inc. or Endeavor Air Inc.?", "pos": [ "SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') > SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means American Airlines Inc. operated more flights than  Endeavor Air Inc; SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') < SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means Endeavor Air Inc. operated more flights than American Airlines Inc.; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';" ], "neg": [ "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; arrived on time refers to ARR_DELAY < = 0; Meadows Field airport refers to Description = 'Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field'; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "arriving at Miami refers to DEST = 'MIA';", "hours in total = DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY), 60); Delta Air Lines refers to Description = 'Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL'; delayed due to a late aircraft refers to LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8/%'; plane number refers to TAIL_NUM; highest delayed hours refers to MAX(DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY),60));", "flight numbers refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International';", "depart to refers to DEST; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International refers to Description = 'Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; Chicago O'Hare International refes to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International';", "Southwest Airlines Co.: WN refers to Description = 'Southwest Airlines Co.: WN'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; actual elapsed time lower than the 80% of the average actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < (MULTIPLY AVG(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME), 0.8);", "percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "on August 2, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2'; Horizon Air refers to Description which includs 'Horizon Air';" ] }
{ "query": "For the flight with the tail number 'N702SK', which air carrier does it belong to?", "pos": [ "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N702SK';" ], "neg": [ "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000;", "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; arrived on time refers to ARR_DELAY < = 0; Meadows Field airport refers to Description = 'Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field'; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';", "origin airport id refers to ORIGIN_AIRPORT_ID; longest delay due to a late aircraft refers to MAX(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY);", "flight numbers refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International';", "Southwest Airlines Co.: WN refers to Description = 'Southwest Airlines Co.: WN'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; actual elapsed time lower than the 80% of the average actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < (MULTIPLY AVG(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME), 0.8);", "American Airlines can be found in Description which contains 'American Airlines'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY < 0), COUNT(DEP_DELAY)), 1.0); earlier departure refers to DEP_DELAY < 0;" ] }
{ "query": "What is the actual departure time of JetBlue Airways with the plane's tail number N903JB to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on the 20th of August 2018?", "pos": [ "actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; JetBlue Airways refers to Description like '%JetBlue Airways%'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N903JB'; to refers to DEST; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport refers to Description like '%Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood%'; on the 20th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/20';" ], "neg": [ "flight numbers refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International';", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';", "arriving at Miami refers to DEST = 'MIA';", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));", "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);", "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));", "fastest flight refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME, CRS_ELAPSED_TIME));", "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;", "took off from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; on 2018/8/27 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/27';" ] }
{ "query": "List the air carrier description and code of the flight with the shortest arrival time.", "pos": [ "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);" ], "neg": [ "hours in total = DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY), 60); Delta Air Lines refers to Description = 'Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL'; delayed due to a late aircraft refers to LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8/%'; plane number refers to TAIL_NUM; highest delayed hours refers to MAX(DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY),60));", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "Alaska Airlines refers to Description = 'Alaska Airlines Inc.: AS'; delayed refers to DEP_DELAY > 0; on 2018/8/2 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2';", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "on August 2, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2'; Horizon Air refers to Description which includs 'Horizon Air';", "On August 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%'; day with the highest number of cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(FL_DATE WHERE CANCELLED = 1)); cancelled due to the most serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A'; in Dallas/Fort Worth International refers to Description = 'Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Dallas/Fort Worth International';", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N922US'; from Phoenix refers to ORIGIN = 'PHX';", "Oklahoma as origin refers to Origin = 'OKC';", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the only flight destination for flights from Albany?", "pos": [ "flight destination refers to DEST; from Albany refers to ORIGIN = 'ABY';" ], "neg": [ "depart to refers to DEST; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International refers to Description = 'Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; Chicago O'Hare International refes to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000;", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; JetBlue Airways refers to Description like '%JetBlue Airways%'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N903JB'; to refers to DEST; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport refers to Description like '%Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood%'; on the 20th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/20';", "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';", "Republic Airline refers to Description which contains 'Republic Airline'; departure delay of 30 minutes and above refers to DEP_DELAY > 30;", "landed on refers to DEST; Oakland Airport refers to Description which contains 'Oakland'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport refers to Description = 'Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport';", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));", "took off from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; on 2018/8/27 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/27';" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the number of airplanes that landed on Oakland Airport on 2018/8/7.", "pos": [ "landed on refers to DEST; Oakland Airport refers to Description which contains 'Oakland'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';" ], "neg": [ "name of the airline refers to Description; flights to refers to DEST; Chicago Midway International refers to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'; most flights to Chicago Midway International refers to MAX(COUNT(DEST WHERE Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'));", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "Southwest Airlines Co.: WN refers to Description = 'Southwest Airlines Co.: WN'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; actual elapsed time lower than the 80% of the average actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < (MULTIPLY AVG(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME), 0.8);", "departing from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International'; arrived earlier than scheduled refers to ARR_DELAY < 0;", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N702SK';", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);" ] }
{ "query": "What is the name of the airline with the highest number of non-cancelled flights?", "pos": [ "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));" ], "neg": [ "arriving at Miami refers to DEST = 'MIA';", "Republic Airline refers to Description which contains 'Republic Airline'; departure delay of 30 minutes and above refers to DEP_DELAY > 30;", "took off from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; on 2018/8/27 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/27';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000;", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "hours in total = DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY), 60); Delta Air Lines refers to Description = 'Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL'; delayed due to a late aircraft refers to LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8/%'; plane number refers to TAIL_NUM; highest delayed hours refers to MAX(DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY),60));", "on August 25, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/25'; departure delay of -5 refers to DEP_DELAY = -5;" ] }
{ "query": "How many flights of air carrier called JetBlue Airways: B6 have 0 new arrival delay?", "pos": [ "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;" ], "neg": [ "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N702SK';", "average departure delay time = DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY), COUNT(Code)); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';", "SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') > SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means American Airlines Inc. operated more flights than  Endeavor Air Inc; SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') < SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means Endeavor Air Inc. operated more flights than American Airlines Inc.; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);", "flight destination refers to DEST; from Albany refers to ORIGIN = 'ABY';", "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "Oklahoma as origin refers to Origin = 'OKC';", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';", "flight numbers refers to OP_CARRIER_FL_NUM; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International';" ] }
{ "query": "Provide the origin of the flight that has the shortest actual elapsed time.", "pos": [ "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);" ], "neg": [ "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000;", "hours in total = DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY), 60); Delta Air Lines refers to Description = 'Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL'; delayed due to a late aircraft refers to LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8/%'; plane number refers to TAIL_NUM; highest delayed hours refers to MAX(DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY),60));", "On August 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%'; day with the highest number of cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(FL_DATE WHERE CANCELLED = 1)); cancelled due to the most serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A'; in Dallas/Fort Worth International refers to Description = 'Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Dallas/Fort Worth International';", "Oklahoma as origin refers to Origin = 'OKC';", "arriving at Miami refers to DEST = 'MIA';", "Alaska Airlines refers to Description = 'Alaska Airlines Inc.: AS'; delayed refers to DEP_DELAY > 0; on 2018/8/2 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2';", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "departing from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International'; arrived earlier than scheduled refers to ARR_DELAY < 0;" ] }
{ "query": "Which airport did Republic Airline fly the most from?", "pos": [ "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));" ], "neg": [ "fastest flight refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME, CRS_ELAPSED_TIME));", "planes refers to TAIL_NUM; Southwest Airlines Co. refers to Description = 'Southwest Airlines Co.: WN';", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "cancelled flights refers to CANCELLED = 1;", "depart to refers to DEST; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International refers to Description = 'Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; Chicago O'Hare International refes to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International';", "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));", "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';", "took off from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; on 2018/8/27 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/27';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the average departure delay time of flights operated by American Airlines Inc.?", "pos": [ "average departure delay time = DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY), COUNT(Code)); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';" ], "neg": [ "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "hours in total = DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY), 60); Delta Air Lines refers to Description = 'Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL'; delayed due to a late aircraft refers to LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8/%'; plane number refers to TAIL_NUM; highest delayed hours refers to MAX(DIVIDE(SUM(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY),60));", "depart to refers to DEST; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International refers to Description = 'Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International'; depart from refers to ORIGIN; Chicago O'Hare International refes to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago O'Hare International';", "0 departure delay refers to DEP_DELAY = 0;", "Oklahoma as origin refers to Origin = 'OKC';", "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';", "cancelled flights refers to CANCELLED = 1;", "code starting with the letter C refers to Code like 'C%';", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the total number of flights that flew on August 2, 2018 with air carrier described as Horizon Air?", "pos": [ "on August 2, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2'; Horizon Air refers to Description which includs 'Horizon Air';" ], "neg": [ "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "Southwest Airlines Co.: WN refers to Description = 'Southwest Airlines Co.: WN'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; actual elapsed time lower than the 80% of the average actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < (MULTIPLY AVG(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME), 0.8);", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "departing from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International'; arrived earlier than scheduled refers to ARR_DELAY < 0;" ] }
{ "query": "How many planes of Spirit Air Lines took off on 2018/8/7?", "pos": [ "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';" ], "neg": [ "American Airlines can be found in Description which contains 'American Airlines'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY < 0), COUNT(DEP_DELAY)), 1.0); earlier departure refers to DEP_DELAY < 0;", "fastest flight refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME, CRS_ELAPSED_TIME));", "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; JetBlue Airways refers to Description like '%JetBlue Airways%'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N903JB'; to refers to DEST; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport refers to Description like '%Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood%'; on the 20th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/20';", "flight date refers to FL_DATE; Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH refers to Description = 'Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH'; actual elapsed time below 100 refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < 100;", "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "arriving at Miami refers to DEST = 'MIA';", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';", "flights from refers to ORIGIN; San Diego International airport refers to Description = 'San Diego, CA: San Diego International'; flights to refers to DEST; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; in the August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';" ] }
{ "query": "How many flights from Charlotte Douglas International Airport to Austin - Bergstrom International Airport experienced serious reasons that cause flight cancellation?", "pos": [ "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';" ], "neg": [ "average departure delay time = DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY), COUNT(Code)); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';", "code starting with the letter C refers to Code like 'C%';", "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';", "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N922US'; from Phoenix refers to ORIGIN = 'PHX';", "on August 2, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2'; Horizon Air refers to Description which includs 'Horizon Air';", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport refers to Description = 'Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; arrived on time refers to ARR_DELAY < = 0; Meadows Field airport refers to Description = 'Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field'; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';" ] }
{ "query": "What is the percentage of flights from Los Angeles International airport that were cancelled due to a type C cancellation code?", "pos": [ "percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';" ], "neg": [ "flights on average = DIVIDE(COUNT(Code), 31); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; every day in August, 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "cancelled flights refers to CANCELLED = 1;", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "name of the airline refers to Description; flights to refers to DEST; Chicago Midway International refers to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'; most flights to Chicago Midway International refers to MAX(COUNT(DEST WHERE Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'));", "average departure delay time = DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY), COUNT(Code)); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';", "flight destination refers to DEST; from Albany refers to ORIGIN = 'ABY';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000;", "actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; JetBlue Airways refers to Description like '%JetBlue Airways%'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N903JB'; to refers to DEST; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport refers to Description like '%Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood%'; on the 20th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/20';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));" ] }
{ "query": "How many flights operated by American Airlines Inc. on 2018/8/1 were faster than scheduled?", "pos": [ "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;" ], "neg": [ "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') > SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means American Airlines Inc. operated more flights than  Endeavor Air Inc; SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') < SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means Endeavor Air Inc. operated more flights than American Airlines Inc.; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));", "American Airlines can be found in Description which contains 'American Airlines'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY < 0), COUNT(DEP_DELAY)), 1.0); earlier departure refers to DEP_DELAY < 0;", "percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';", "name of the airline refers to Description; flights to refers to DEST; Chicago Midway International refers to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'; most flights to Chicago Midway International refers to MAX(COUNT(DEST WHERE Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'));", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "flight date refers to FL_DATE; Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH refers to Description = 'Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH'; actual elapsed time below 100 refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < 100;" ] }
{ "query": "On August 2018, which day had the highest number of cancelled flights due to the most serious reasons in Dallas/Fort Worth International?", "pos": [ "On August 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%'; day with the highest number of cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(FL_DATE WHERE CANCELLED = 1)); cancelled due to the most serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A'; in Dallas/Fort Worth International refers to Description = 'Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Dallas/Fort Worth International';" ], "neg": [ "percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C';", "name of the airline refers to Description; flights to refers to DEST; Chicago Midway International refers to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'; most flights to Chicago Midway International refers to MAX(COUNT(DEST WHERE Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'));", "took off from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; on 2018/8/27 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/27';", "on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';  delayed for the longest time refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY); destination airport refers to DEST;", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';", "average departure delay time = DIVIDE(SUM(DEP_DELAY), COUNT(Code)); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA';", "actual elapsed time refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME; Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM. Refers to Description = 'Semo Aviation Inc.: SEM';", "Republic Airline refers to Description which contains 'Republic Airline'; departure delay of 30 minutes and above refers to DEP_DELAY > 30;" ] }
{ "query": "How many flights of Endeavor Air Inc. were faster than scheduled on 2018/8/31?", "pos": [ "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';" ], "neg": [ "on August 25, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/25'; departure delay of -5 refers to DEP_DELAY = -5;", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);", "flights on average = DIVIDE(COUNT(Code), 31); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; every day in August, 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "Alaska Airlines refers to Description = 'Alaska Airlines Inc.: AS'; delayed refers to DEP_DELAY > 0; on 2018/8/2 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/2';", "On August 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%'; day with the highest number of cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(FL_DATE WHERE CANCELLED = 1)); cancelled due to the most serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A'; in Dallas/Fort Worth International refers to Description = 'Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: Dallas/Fort Worth International';", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N702SK';", "flight date refers to FL_DATE; Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH refers to Description = 'Profit Airlines Inc.: XBH'; actual elapsed time below 100 refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < 100;", "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;", "flights from refers to ORIGIN; San Diego International airport refers to Description = 'San Diego, CA: San Diego International'; flights to refers to DEST; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; in the August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "actual departure time refers to DEP_TIME; JetBlue Airways refers to Description like '%JetBlue Airways%'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; TAIL_NUM = 'N903JB'; to refers to DEST; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport refers to Description like '%Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood%'; on the 20th of August 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/20';" ] }
{ "query": "Among the flights with air carrier named Republic Airline, how many of the flights have departure delay of 30 minutes and above?", "pos": [ "Republic Airline refers to Description which contains 'Republic Airline'; departure delay of 30 minutes and above refers to DEP_DELAY > 30;" ], "neg": [ "Oklahoma as origin refers to Origin = 'OKC';", "names of the airlines refers to Description; highest number of non-cancelled flights refers to MAX(COUNT(CANCELLED = 0));", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') > SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means American Airlines Inc. operated more flights than  Endeavor Air Inc; SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') < SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means Endeavor Air Inc. operated more flights than American Airlines Inc.; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "on August 25, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/25'; departure delay of -5 refers to DEP_DELAY = -5;", "Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport refers to Description = 'Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport';", "landed on refers to DEST; Oakland Airport refers to Description which contains 'Oakland'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "Republic Airline refers to Description = 'Republic Airline: YX'; fly the most from refers to MAX(COUNT(ORIGIN));", "American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME;", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';" ] }
{ "query": "List the tail numbers of all the aircraft that arrived on time at Meadows Field airport in August of 2018?", "pos": [ "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; arrived on time refers to ARR_DELAY < = 0; Meadows Field airport refers to Description = 'Bakersfield, CA: Meadows Field'; in August of 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';" ], "neg": [ "shortest actual elapsed time refers to MIN(ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME);", "shortest arrival time refers to MIN(ARR_TIME);", "0 departure delay refers to DEP_DELAY = 0;", "Endeavor Air Inc. refers to Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E'; faster than scheduled refers to ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME < CRS_ELAPSED_TIME; on 2018/8/31 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/31';", "flights on average = DIVIDE(COUNT(Code), 31); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; every day in August, 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "name of the airline refers to Description; flights to refers to DEST; Chicago Midway International refers to Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'; most flights to Chicago Midway International refers to MAX(COUNT(DEST WHERE Description = 'Chicago, IL: Chicago Midway International'));", "tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; on August 17, 2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/17';", "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "arrival time lower than the 40% of the average arrival time refers to ARR_TIME < MULTIPLY(AVG(ARR_TIME), 0.4); flew to Phoenix refers to DEST = 'PHX';", "from refers to ORIGIN; Charlotte Douglas International Airport refers to Description = 'Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Douglas International'; to refers to DEST; Austin - Bergstrom International Airport refers to Description = 'Austin, TX: Austin - Bergstrom International'; serious reasons refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'A';" ] }
{ "query": "Among the flights departing from John F. Kennedy International, how many of them arrived earlier than scheduled?", "pos": [ "departing from refers to ORIGIN; John F. Kennedy International refers to Description = 'New York, NY: John F. Kennedy International'; arrived earlier than scheduled refers to ARR_DELAY < 0;" ], "neg": [ "airport found in Ankara, Turkey refers to Description like '%Ankara, Turkey%';", "Spirit Air Lines refers to Description = 'Spirit Air Lines: NK'; on 2018/8/7 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/7';", "SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') > SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means American Airlines Inc. operated more flights than  Endeavor Air Inc; SUM(Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA') < SUM(Description = 'Endeavor Air Inc.: 9E') means Endeavor Air Inc. operated more flights than American Airlines Inc.; on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport refers to Description = 'Driftwood Bay, AK: Driftwood Bay Airport';", "JetBlue Airways refers to Description = '%JetBlue Airway%'; 0 new arrival delay refers to ARR_DELAY_NEW = 0;", "flights on average = DIVIDE(COUNT(Code), 31); American Airlines Inc. refers to Description = 'American Airlines Inc.: AA'; every day in August, 2018 refers to FL_DATE like '2018/8%';", "on 2018/8/1 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';  delayed for the longest time refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY); destination airport refers to DEST;", "departed on time refers to DEP_DELAY < = 0; on 8/1/2018 refers to FL_DATE = '2018/8/1';", "origin airport id refers to ORIGIN_AIRPORT_ID; longest delay due to a late aircraft refers to MAX(LATE_AIRCRAFT_DELAY);", "Asap Air Inc.: ASP refers to Description = 'Asap Air Inc.: ASP'; tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; longest departure delay refers to MAX(DEP_DELAY);" ] } exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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