There can never... ever... be anything physical between us. You know that, dear.
I know Frederick.
It wouldn't be fair to Elizabeth.
Of course not.
I say, it wouldn't be fair to you... or to me.
Nor to Elizabeth.
No. Nor to Elizabeth.
We all have our feelings. I know that I have mine. And... I wouldn't want to hurt yours.
And Elizabeth has hers.
Yes, Elizabeth has hers.
But, after all, you have yours.
Yes, I have mine.
And I have mine.
Yes...yes, you have yours.
Why don't we talk inside?
Well... ... perhaps for a few minutes.
Yes, I know.
It wouldn't be fair to her.
Yes, I know.
You've got to help me to remain faithful.
Yes, I will.
...But an intellectual relationship, like this we could have as often as we wanted. Three times a day anything!
All right if I turn out the lamp, sweetheart?
Yes, sweetie...I heard you. So! I'm ready for you, meine Liebe.
Are you ready for me?
Ready for Fuchsmachen???
I love it when you're excited. Come then, my Apfelstrudel! Come into my arms and let me hold you.
Sweetheart.....Is this really you???
What's that tune that you're playing
Zis is an old Transylvanian Lullaby.
How sweet! Such a quaint little tune.
May I see your violin?
It's an honor for me, sir. You play the violin?
Oh, just a little.
Nice! Nice little balance to it.
Ja, ja.
It's alive!
Hello there.
How's everything?
I'm going to untie you can you understand that?
MMMmmmm! MMMmmmm!
Yes, I'm going to set you free. Is the sedative ready?
It's alive. It's moving! It's breathing! It's standing! What is your name?
... It's.
Get the sedative ready!
MMmmm! MMmmm!
Poo tmmm anngh ma Ritz!
Diff'rent types who wear a day coat, pants with stripes and cutaway coat, perfect fits.........................
Poo tmmm anngh ma Ritz!
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper.
Soo pah doo per.
...Super duper. Come let's mix where Rock efellers walk with sticks or 'umber ellas' in their mitts.........................
For God's sake go on! Are you trying to make me look like a fool. Sing, you amateur! Sing!!
Wait! Stop! Don't give them the satisfaction. I know it's tough, but look at how far we've come! Are you going to throw it all away now??
Don't you think I know that? But what are you judging by? Bucharest??? This was always a hick town. They can't get a 'Bus and Truck' company to come in here. Are you going to let these idiots get the best of you? ...Or are you going to stand up like a man and show them that you've got more dignity in your little finger than they've got in all their beer bloated bodies put together?
Frederick Frankenstein?
Fron kon steen!
Are you putting me on?
No, it's pronounced Fron kon steen.
And do you also say Fro dereck?
No, Fred ereck.
Why isn't it Frodereck Fronkon steen?
It's not. It's Fredereck Fronkonsteen.
I see.
You must be Igor.
No, it's pronounced Aye gor.
But they told me it was Ee gor.
Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?
You were sent by Herr Falkstein, weren't you?
Yes, that's right. My grandfather and your grandfather used to pal around together. You and I should have a lot of laughs.
I'm sure we will.
This is Inga. They thought you might need an assistant temporarily.
How do you do?
Are these your bags?
Yes, just the two.
Incidentally I don't mean to embarrass you in any way, but I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.
What hump?
I beg your pardon?
There wolf! There castle!
Why are you talking like that?
I thought you wanted to.
Suit yourself...I'm easy. Better watch out for the wockers.
What wockers?
The wockers with the knockers.
Wockers with the knockers???