Beginners BBQ Class Taking Place in Missoula! Do you want to get better at making delicious BBQ? You will have the opportunity, put this on your calendar now. Thursday, September 22nd join World Class BBQ Champion, Tony Balay from Lonestar Smoke Rangers. He will be teaching a beginner level class for everyone who wants to get better with their culinary skills. He will teach you everything you need to know to compete in a KCBS BBQ competition, including techniques, recipes, timelines, meat selection and trimming, plus smoker and fire information. The cost to be in the class is $35 per person, and for spectators it is free. Included in the cost will be either a t-shirt or apron and you will be tasting samples of each meat that is prepared.
I thought I was going to finish the 3rd season of the Wire tonight. But there was a commentary on episode 11, so I had to re-watch Middle Ground with the commentary. Hopefully I can finish the season next weekend.
What do you do in your free time? Of course some of you ,watch TV or play video games . If it is too boring, would you like to do something more interesting? All of you have wild imagination ,so you can make your own games! Lisa Green ,who's 35 years old ,has been making her own games since she was 5 .I asked her How she started that hobby.She told me that she didn't like the games which other children play, so she started to make her own games. Then ,I asked her If it was difficult to make her own games. She told me that it wasn't difficult and,If you had imagination ,you would be a very good player too. Lisa yesterday invented a new game which is called table tennis with hand .You paint a court of table tennis , then you take the ball and throw it to the other. If you want to use a net make one! Isn't it a fantastic game ? With a bit practise, you'll be make your own games in no time !! Say hi to the future blogger of the school, Marinos! 2013! Marinos is a "present" blogger now!! It is very thrilling, isn't it!! That sounds very interesting, Raffaela!! I think that you have really wild imagination!!!! Two missions before winter courses start!
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2 New England NE 16 1 plays -1 yards 0:07 End of half. 4 Pittsburgh Pit 37 2 plays -1 yards 1:01 End of game. 2 8 opp29 1:57 Pit Bleier 0 Bas Draw/SI 4-3 sZ Run-Harris, F.
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Grace. What is it? What does it mean? How do you get it and how do you KNOW you got it? Honestly, I don’t know the answers to these questions. I have no way of describing something I don’t understand BUT believe deeply in my soul that it exists. How do you get these graces? Sanctifying grace is IN your soul. It’s the free and underserved gift from God. Actual grace would come from our knowledge and belief of all things right and wrong – following the Ten Commandments, making sure we follow a path that is pure and justified. Justified means to be sinless, and to be sinless means you are in favor with God. When you are baptized you are sinless and therefore have favor with God. When you go to reconciliation, you are once again sinless and in favor with God. You are in a state of grace. Once sanctifying grace is in your soul, you can increase it by every good action you do – receiving Communion, saying prayers, performing corporal works of Mercy. The most important thing to think about is NOT what you are going to do or how you are going to do it but to recognize God’s love. The reason you can do any good work is because God LOVES YOU FIRST in Grace. You must continually seek God’s grace, continually respond to the actual graces God is working within you, inclining you to turn to Him and do good. Have I answered the question as to what Grace is? I’ve read through all the study guides provided to me and compiled all the information, but I don’t believe that I’ve properly explained what Grace is. To me Grace is a feeling. Sometimes it’s butterflies in the stomach, and it takes my breath away. I feel this way every time I think of my husband. We met and married 38 years ago. I see God’s grace in our meeting, getting married, and living our life together as husband and wife. Sometimes it’s a jolt, like an electric shock and then an overwhelming wave of love, like the enormous amount of love I felt when I held my first baby in my arms for the first time. This happened again with my 2nd and 3rd child, and then God blessed us with twins to make 4 and 5. Then sometimes it feels like a raging fight going on inside me, making hard decisions that breaks my heart in two. I have no power to stop things from happening and my only recourse is just to constantly pray. Mostly it’s a feeling of ultimate peace and an over-whelming calmness that comes over me at different times during the day when God allows me glimpses of HIS love for me: when my dog and cat are doing something cute together; when I see the birds eating the seed I put out for them; when a certain little girl comes over to the house and calls me “Grandma”. I just breathe a sigh of thanksgiving and relax in the comfort of His hand. Where does Grace come from?
Yesterday [12 Nov], at the Shoreditch Town Hall, Dr. Macdonald, M.P., the coroner for the North- Eastern District of Middlesex, opened his inquiry relative to the death of Marie Jeanette Kelly, the woman whose body was discovered on Friday morning, terribly mutilated, in a room on the ground floor of 26, Dorset-street, entrance to which was by a side door in Miller's-court. Superintendent T. Arnold, H Division; Inspector Abberline, of the Criminal Investigation Department, and Inspector Nairn represented the police. The deputy coroner, Mr. Hodgkinson, was present during the proceedings. The Coroner (to the juror, severely): Do you think that we do not know what we are doing here, and that we do not know our own district? The jury are summoned in the ordinary way, and they have no business to object. If they persist in their objection I shall know how to deal with them. Does any juror persist in objecting ? The Juror: We are summoned for the Shoreditch district. This affair happened in Spitalfields. The Coroner: It happened within my district. The jury having made no further objection, they were duly sworn, and were conducted by Inspector Abberline to view the body, which, decently coffined, was at the mortuary adjoining Shoreditch Church, and subsequently the jury inspected the room, in Miller's-court, Dorset- street, where the murder was committed. The apartment, a plan of which was given in yesterday's Daily Telegraph, is poorly furnished, and uncarpeted. The position of the two tables was not altered. One of them was placed near the bed, behind the door, and the other next to the largest of the two windows which look upon the yard in which the dustbin and water-tap are situated. Joseph Barnett deposed : I was a fish-porter, and I work as a labourer and fruit- porter. Until Saturday last I lived at 24, New-street, Bishopsgate, and have since stayed at my sister's, 21, Portpool-lane, Gray's Inn-road. I have lived with the deceased one year and eight months. Her name was Marie Jeanette Kelly with the French spelling as described to me. Kelly was her maiden name. I have seen the body, and I identify it by the ear and eyes, which are all that I can recognise; but I am positive it is the same woman I knew. I lived with her in No. 13 room, at Miller's-court for eight months. I separated from her on Oct. 30. [Coroner] Why did you leave her ? - Because she had a woman of bad character there, whom she took in out of compassion, and I objected to it. That was the only reason. I left her on the Tuesday between five and six p.m. I last saw her alive between half-past seven and a quarter to eight on Thursday night last, when I called upon her. I stayed there for a quarter of an hour. [Coroner] Were you on good terms ? - Yes, on friendly terms; but when we parted I told her I had no work, and had nothing to give her, for which I was very sorry. [Coroner] Did you drink together ? - No, sir. She was quite sober. [Coroner] Was she, generally speaking, of sober habits ? - When she was with me I found her of sober habits, but she has been drunk several times in my presence. [Coroner] Was there any one else there on the Thursday evening ? - Yes, a woman who lives in the court. She left first, and I followed shortly afterwards. [Coroner] Have you had conversation with deceased about her parents ? - Yes, frequently. She said she was born in Limerick, and went when very young to Wales. She did not say how long she lived there, but that she came to London about four years ago. Her father's name was John Kelly, a "gaffer" or foreman in an iron works in Carnarvonshire, or Carmarthen. She said she had one sister, who was respectable, who travelled from market place to market place. This sister was very fond of her. There were six brothers living in London, and one was in the army. One of them was named Henry. I never saw the brothers to my knowledge. She said she was married when very young in Wales to a collier. I think the name was Davis or Davies. She said she had lived with him until he was killed in an explosion, but I cannot say how many years since that was. Her age was, I believe, 16 when she married. After her husband's death deceased went to Cardiff to a cousin. [Coroner] Did she live there long ? - Yes, she was in an infirmary there for eight or nine months. She was following a bad life with her cousin, who, as I reckon, and as I often told her, was the cause of her downfall. [Coroner] After she left Cardiff did she come direct to London ? - Yes. She was in a gay house in the West-end, but in what part she did not say. A gentleman came there to her and asked her if she would like to go to France. [Coroner] Did she go to France ? - Yes; but she did not remain long. She said she did not like the part, but whether it was the part or purpose I cannot say. She was not there more than a fortnight, and she returned to England, and went to Ratcliffe-highway. She must have lived there for some time. Afterwards she lived with a man opposite the Commercial Gas Works, Stepney. The man's name was Morganstone. [Coroner] Have you seen that man ? - Never. I don't know how long she lived with him. [Coroner] Was Morganstone the last man she lived with ? - I cannot answer that question, but she described a man named Joseph Fleming, who came to Pennington-street, a bad house, where she stayed. I don't know when this was. She was very fond of him. He was a mason's plasterer, and lodged in the Bethnal-green-road. [Coroner] Was that all you knew of her history when you lived with her? - Yes. After she lived with Morganstone or Fleming - I don't know which one was the last - she lived with me. [Coroner] Where did you pick up with her first ? - In Commercial-street. We then had a drink together, and I made arrangements to see her on the following day - a Saturday. On that day we both of us agreed that we should remain together. I took lodgings in George-street, Commercial-street, where I was known. I lived with her, until I left her, on very friendly terms. [Coroner] Did she express fear of any particular individual ? - No, sir. Our own quarrels were very soon over. Thomas Bowyer stated: I live at 37, Dorset-street, and am employed by Mr. McCarthy. I serve in his chandler's shop, 27, Dorset-street. At a quarter to eleven a.m., on Friday morning, I was ordered by McCarthy to go to Mary Jane's room, No. 13. I did not know the deceased by the name of Kelly. I went for rent, which was in arrears. Knocking at the door, I got no answer, and I knocked again and again. Receiving no reply, I passed round the corner by the gutter spout where there is a broken window - it is the smallest window. Charles Ledger, an inspector of police, G Division, produced a plan of the premises. Bowyer pointed out the window, which was the one nearest the entrance. He [Bowyer] continued: There was a curtain. I put my hand through the broken pane and lifted the curtain. I saw two pieces of flesh lying on the table. [Coroner] Where was this table ? - In front of the bed, close to it. The second time I looked I saw a body on this bed, and blood on the floor. I at once went very quietly to Mr. McCarthy. We then stood in the shop, and I told him what I had seen. We both went to the police-station, but first of all we went to the window, and McCarthy looked in to satisfy himself. We told the inspector at the police-station of what we had seen. Nobody else knew of the matter. The inspector returned with us. [Coroner] Did you see the deceased constantly ? - I have often seen her. I knew the last witness, Barnett. I have seen the deceased drunk once. John McCarthy, grocer and lodging-house keeper, testified: I live at 27, Dorset- street. On Friday morning, about a quarter to eleven, I sent my man Bowyer to Room 13 to call for rent. He came back in five minutes, saying, "Guv'nor, I knocked at the door, and could not make any one answer; I looked through the window and saw a lot of blood." I accompanied him, and looked through the window myself, saw the blood and the woman. For a moment I could not say anything, and I then said: "You had better fetch the police." I knew the deceased as Mary Jane Kelly, and had no doubt at all about her identity. I followed Bowyer to Commercial-street Police-station, where I saw Inspector Beck. I inquired at first for Inspector Reid. Inspector Beck returned with me at once. [Coroner] How long had the deceased lived in the room ? - Ten months. She lived with Barnett. I did not know whether they were married or not; they lived comfortably together, but they had a row when the window was broken. The bedstead, bed-clothes, table, and every article of furniture belonged to me. [Coroner] What rent was paid for this room ? - It was supposed to be 4s 6d a week. Deceased was in arrears 29s. I was to be paid the rent weekly. Arrears are got as best you can. I frequently saw the deceased the worse for drink. When sober she was an exceptionally quiet woman, but when in drink she had more to say. She was able to walk about, and was not helpless. [Coroner] Where was this ? - In Dorset-street. She went up the court, a few steps in front of me. [Coroner] Was anybody with her ? - A short, stout man, shabbily dressed. He had on a longish coat, very shabby, and carried a pot of ale in his hand. [Coroner] What was the colour of the coat ? - A dark coat. [Coroner] What hat had he ? - A round hard billycock. [Coroner] Long or short hair ? - I did not notice. He had a blotchy face, and full carrotty moustache. [Coroner] The chin was shaven ? - Yes. A lamp faced the door. [Coroner] Did you see them go into her room ? - Yes; I said "Good night, Mary," and she turned round and banged the door. [Coroner] Had he anything in his hands but the can ? - No. [Coroner] Did she say anything ? - She said "Good night, I am going to have a song." As I went in she sang "A violet I plucked from my mother's grave when a boy." I remained a quarter of an hour in my room and went out. Deceased was still singing at one o'clock when I returned. I remained in the room for a minute to warm my hands as it was raining, and went out again. She was singing still, and I returned to my room at three o'clock. The light was then out and there was no noise. [Coroner] Did you go to sleep ? - No; I was upset. I did not undress at all. I did not sleep at all. I must have heard what went on in the court. I heard no noise or cry of "Murder," but men went out to work in the market. [Coroner] How many men live in the court who work in Spitalfields Market ? - One. At a quarter- past six I heard a man go down the court. That was too late for the market. [Coroner] From what house did he go ? - I don't know. [Coroner] Did you hear the door bang after him ? - No. [Coroner] Then he must have walked up the court and back again? - Yes. [Coroner] It might have been a policeman ? - It might have been. [Coroner] What would you take the stout man's age to be ? - Six-and-thirty. [Coroner] Did you notice the colour of his trousers ? - All his clothes were dark. [Coroner] Did his boots sound as if the heels were heavy ? - There was no sound as he went up the court. [Coroner] Then you think that his boots were down at heels ? - He made no noise. [Coroner] What clothes had Mary Jane on ? - She had no hat; a red pelerine and a shabby skirt. [Coroner] You say she was drunk ? - I did not notice she was drunk until she said good night. The man closed the door. By the Jury: There was a light in the window, but I saw nothing, as the blinds were down. I should know the man again, if I saw him. [Coroner] Do you often hear cries of "Murder?" - It is nothing unusual in the street. I did not take particular notice. [Coroner] Did you hear it a second time? - No. [Coroner] Did you hear beds or tables being pulled about? - None whatever. I went asleep, and was awake again at five a.m. I passed down the stairs, and saw some men harnessing horses. At a quarter to six I was in the Ten Bells. [Coroner] Could the witness, Mary Ann Cox, have come down the entry between one and half-past one o'clock without your knowledge ? - Yes, she could have done so. [Coroner] Did you see any strangers at the Ten Bells ? - No. I went back to bed and slept until eleven. [Coroner] You heard no singing downstairs ? - None whatever. I should have heard the singing distinctly. It was quite quiet at half-past one o'clock. Caroline Maxewell, 14, Dorset-street, said: My husband is a lodging-house deputy. I knew the deceased for about four months. I believe she was an unfortunate. On two occasions I spoke to her. [Coroner] Did you speak to her ? - Yes; it was an unusual thing to see her up. She was a young woman who never associated with any one. I spoke across the street, "What, Mary, brings you up so early ?" She said, "Oh, Carrie, I do feel so bad." [Coroner] And yet you say you had only spoken to her twice previously; you knew her name and she knew yours ? - Oh, yes; by being about in the lodging-house. [Coroner] What did she say ? - She said, "I've had a glass of beer, and I've brought it up again"; and it was in the road. I imagined she had been in the Britannia beer-shop at the corner of the street. I left her, saying that I could pity her feelings. I went to Bishopsgate-street to get my husband's breakfast. Returning I saw her outside the Britannia public-house, talking to a man. [Coroner] This would be about what time ? - Between eight and nine o'clock. I was absent about half-an-hour. It was about a quarter to nine. [Coroner] What description can you give of this man ? - I could not give you any, as they were at some distance. [Coroner] What sort of dress had the deceased ? - A dark skirt, a velvet body, a maroon shawl, and no hat. [Coroner] Have you ever seen her the worse for drink ? - I have seen her in drink, but she was not a notorious character. Sarah Lewis deposed: I live at 24, Great Pearl-street, and am a laundress. I know Mrs. Keyler, in Miller's-court, and went to her house at 2, Miller's-court, at 2.30a.m. on Friday. It is the first house. I noticed the time by the Spitalfields' Church clock. When I went into the court, opposite the lodging-house I saw a man with a wideawake. There was no one talking to him. He was a stout-looking man, and not very tall. The hat was black. I did not take any notice of his clothes. The man was looking up the court; he seemed to be waiting or looking for some one. Further on there was a man and woman - the later being in drink. There was nobody in the court. I dozed in a chair at Mrs. Keyler's, and woke at about half- past three. I heard the clock strike. [Coroner] What woke you up ? - I could not sleep. I sat awake until nearly four, when I heard a female's voice shouting "Murder" loudly. It seemed like the voice of a young woman. It sounded at our door. There was only one scream. [Coroner] Were you afraid ? Did you wake anybody up ? - No, I took no notice, as I only heard the one scream. [Coroner] You stayed at Keyler's house until what time ? - Half-past five p.m. on Friday. The police would not let us out of the court. [Coroner] Have you seen any suspicious persons in the district ? - On Wednesday night I was going along the Bethnal-green-road, with a woman, about eight o'clock, when a gentleman passed us. He followed us and spoke to us, and wanted us to follow him into an entry. He had a shiny leather bag with him. [Coroner] Did he want both of you ? - No; only one. I refused. He went away and came back again, saying he would treat us. He put down his bag and picked it up again, saying, "What are you frightened about ? Do you think I've got anything in the bag ?" We then ran away, as we were frightened. [Coroner] Was he a tall man ? - He was short, pale-faced, with a black moustache, rather small. His age was about forty. [Coroner] Was it a large bag ? - No, about 6in to 9in long. His hat was a high round hat. He had a brownish overcoat, with a black short coat underneath. His trousers were a dark pepper-and- salt. [Coroner] After he left you what did you do ? - We ran away. [Coroner] Have you seen him since ? - On Friday morning, about half-past two a.m., when I was going to Miller's-court, I met the same man with a woman in Commercial-street, near Mr. Ringer's public-house (the Britannia). He had no overcoat on. [Coroner] Had he the black bag ? - Yes. [Coroner] Were the man and woman quarrelling ? - No; they were talking. As I passed he looked at me. I don't know whether he recognised me. There was no policeman about. Mr. George Bagster Phillips, divisional surgeon of police, said: I was called by the police on Friday morning at eleven o'clock, and on proceeding to Miller's-court, which I entered at 11.15, I found a room, the door of which led out of the passage at the side of 26, Dorset-street, photographs of which I produce. It had two windows in the court. Two panes in the lesser window were broken, and as the door was locked I looked through the lower of the broken panes and satisfied myself that the mutilated corpse lying on the bed was not in need of any immediate attention from me, and I also came to the conclusion that there was nobody else upon the bed, or within view, to whom I could render any professional assistance. Having ascertained that probably it was advisable that no entrance should be made into the room at that time, I remained until about 1.30p.m., when the door was broken open by McCarthy, under the direction of Superintendent Arnold. On the door being opened it knocked against a table which was close to the left-hand side of the bedstead, and the bedstead was close against the wooden partition. The mutilated remains of a woman were lying two- thirds over, towards the edge of the bedstead, nearest the door. Deceased had only an under- linen garment upon her, and by subsequent examination I am sure the body had been removed, after the injury which caused death, from that side of the bedstead which was nearest to the wooden partition previously mentioned. The large quantity of blood under the bedstead, the saturated condition of the palliasse, pillow, and sheet at the top corner of the bedstead nearest to the partition leads me to the conclusion that the severance of the right carotid artery, which was the immediate cause of death, was inflicted while the deceased was lying at the right side of the bedstead and her head and neck in the top right-hand corner. the coroner said: It has come to my ears that somebody has been making a statement to some of the jury as to their right and duty of being here. Has any one during the interval spoken to the jury, saying that they should not be here to-day ? Julia Vanturney [Van Turney], 1, Miller's-court, a charwoman, living with Harry Owen, said: I knew the deceased for some time as Kelly, and I knew Joe Barnett, who lived with her. He would not allow her to go on the streets. Deceased often got drunk. She said she was fond of another man, also named Joe. I never saw this man. I believe he was a costermonger. [Coroner] When did you last see the deceased alive ? - On Thursday morning, at about ten o'clock. I slept in the court on Thursday night, and went to bed about eight. I could not rest at all during the night. [Coroner] Did you hear any noises in the court ? - I did not. I heard no screams of "Murder," nor any one singing. [Coroner] Were you in the house when Joe Barnett called ? - Yes. I said, "Well, Mary Jane, I shall not see you this evening again," and I left with her two men's dirty shirts, a little boy's shirt, a black overcoat, a black crepe bonnet with black satin strings, a pawn-ticket for a grey shawl, upon which 2s had been lent, and a little girls white petticoat. [Coroner] Have you seen any of these articles since? - Yes; I saw the black overcoat in a room in the court on Friday afternoon. [Coroner] Did the deceased ever speak to you about being afraid of any man ? - She did not. Inspector Beck, H Division, deposed that, having sent for the doctor, he gave orders to prevent any persons leaving the court, and he directed officers to make a search. He had not been aware that the deceased was known to the police. [Coroner] Was it by your orders that the door was forced ? - No; I had an intimation from Inspector Beck that the bloodhounds had been sent for, and the reply had been received that they were on the way. Dr. Phillips was unwilling to force the door, as it would be very much better to test the dogs, if they were coming. We remained until about 1.30 p.m., when Superintendent Arnold arrived, and he informed me that the order in regard to the dogs had been countermanded, and he gave orders for the door to be forced. I agree with the medical evidence as to the condition of the room. I subsequently took an inventory of the contents of the room. There were traces of a large fire having been kept up in the grate, so much so that it had melted the spout of a kettle off. We have since gone through the ashes in the fireplace; there were remnants of clothing, a portion of a brim of a hat, and a skirt, and it appeared as if a large quantity of women's clothing had been burnt. [Coroner] Can you give any reason why they were burnt ? - I can only imagine that it was to make a light for the man to see what he was doing. There was only one small candle in the room, on the top of a broken wine-glass. An impression has gone abroad that the murderer took away the key of the room. Barnett informs me that it has been missing some time, and since it has been lost they have put their hand through the broken window, and moved back the catch. It is quite easy. There was a man's clay pipe in the room, and Barnett informed me that he smoked it. [Coroner] Is there anything further the jury ought to know ? - No; if there should be I can communicate with you, sir.
My husband is being posted to Darwin for work and we have decided to drive there. We are going in January and I know this is the wet season. My question is, do you think it will be safe travelling the Stuart Hwy to Darwin in a Holden Sedan at the start of January? We plan on stopping at all the main towns for the night. I just worry about flooding on the Hwy and we are travelling with a child and want to make sure we are doing the right thing. Just use common sense. As long as you don't drive into any water deeper than 200mm, and you stick to the road and sealed parking bays (i.e. don't pull off the road into any soft shoulders), there is no problem at all. It's a normal highway. Of course there is always a chance of major flooding with the highway being cut by water deeper than that, which means you would have to wait for the water to go down before you can continue your journey. It does happen nearly every year, sometimes more than once, but I really can't predict when and where or for how long. Only Petrus can tell you :-). Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Big rains do not come out of nowhere, they come out of big, monsoonal depressions. If one of those is heading for the region, then you may have to reconsider your driving plans. And of course, always check the road reports. How did the travel go? That must have been a long journey. I am thinking of traveling around Australia one day. How did the travel go? In my opinion traveling from Melbourne to Darwin in January might be a bit uneasy, especially when you are planning to do it without any rescue baggage. There can be flash floods, and within just a matter of seconds the entire highway can become dangerous to travel on. Furthermore, while stopping at major cities for the night is a good idea, it doesn't take you out from the risk of facing floods. And of course, you are not going to like the idea of being stranded on the terrace of a roadside motel till rescue workers pull you guys out. Think over it. I guess you can come up with a better alternative than this. Editor's note: I removed your totally unrelated spam link, mate. If your comment wasn't a dead give away that you have never been anywhere near the north, the link certainly was. Well, we did it and thankfully had not one problem. There was rain but that stopped our journey because we were lucky enough that the water was off the Ed by the time we reached the apparent flooded areas.... It was a very long drive and all I can say is prepare… prepare… prepare. :-) Make sure you have everything you need in case of emergency and you should be fine.... Wishing you safe travels! I hope you have a safe trip to Darwin. I hope you have a safe trip! That's a long trip you're planning mate, this is what you need: axe, sleeping bag, one huge sack of food, around 30-40 litres of water, some things your kid would like to do, phone, tent, 30-40 litres of oil, torch, 3 knifes, extra tyres (8 tyres), building tools. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. How? Simply click here to return to Australian Outback Travel Questions.
I received the brass that you sent me, and all looks well. Thank you very much for all your trouble and the extra 3 pieces. I feel that you have an outstanding company and are striving the best that you can to achieve customer satisfaction. I will be certain to tell my friends about US Reloading Supply. ~ Michelle Admin Note: By accident we shorted them two shells, so we sent them replacements.
It comes on again on her grandson’s christening day. A lost moment, a blank spot, one that Carole does not know how to measure. She is there one second, then she is not. She knows exactly where she is, then she does not. Her older church friends tell similar stories about their surgeries, how they count backward from ten with an oxygen mask over their faces, then wake up before reaching one, only to find that hours, and sometimes even days, have gone by. She feels as though she were experiencing the same thing. Decisions that affect others in bad ways cannot always be traced to one individual. This makes it easier for coporations, as a whole, to engage in unethical behavior. Indeed, some argue that whole purpose pf the coperation is to make the most money that it can for owners and investers. I do what I can for you.
Are going to be able to understand how you might be able to take these things go that much more further into the life that you with actually to be able live? This is the case and we can be able help you do all these things and more as we hope that people going be able understand were going be able help them due through Drones Dallas. People are going to be able have them in more greater ways to be able to know and understand the many different opportunities that they are going be able have them as we can be able help them see how we can be able help them through their our company making sure that they are going be able have that much more better go to utilize these things for yourself. Looking at this, is can be them in more greater ways to be able to see how action might be able have a greater way to be able to understand the many properties of going be able have to the many different services that we do have through Drones Dallas. Some these things going to would magazine quality photography and even HD video tours are going to be able help you do all that you need to more. This is can be something is can be sure that much amazing we hope that people are going to be able to fully recognize different opportunities to be able to make sure that people are going to be able have all of the need and more. And making this happen, is can be them in more greater ways that we hope that people going be able to know all that they need and more as a can be able to make sure that you’re going to go to get the much more clearly as understand what were can actually be able help you in doing. This is because we generally care about the quality services you’re actually going to be able to get. This is also one of the reasons that we hope that people will be able to understand that the great quality that were going to be able offer is no because can be able to match as they do not find important of making sure that your needs will be met clearly. The reason for this is because we also people to be able to understand what we can be able help them due through Drones Dallas. So is things are going to be able include the many different opportunities that people going be able actually be able to get for themselves that they can be able to know how we can be able to make this and more happen for them. This is going to be what we are going to be able hope that people going to be able to do as we can be able to take these things that matter clearly through great customer service as well. So looking at this, you can also be able to see what is can be the best possible thing for us to be able to do for ourselves as you take these things to the next possible level. That is going to be by going to our website which is can [email protected] We also going that you at 972-885-8823 as we can be able to give you all that you need and more. Going to be able to understand how we might be able have a better time to all that you need to more? If you are able to do this, you can have them in more greater opportunities to be able to know what you can actually be able help yourself in doing. This is can be something is going to be the much amazing as we hope that people going be able to see what you can actually whenever someday as we can be able to make this and more happen for yourself. This is can be some is can be the much were substantial to also that people going be able to see what is can be the best possible different that we can be able to get you and more. This is can be one of the great services that we can be able to give to you through Drones Dallas as we hope that people can be able to see what is going to become of it. There’s them in more greater ways to be able to see what is can be the best possible thing for us actually be able to comprehend. These things and more going to be so much more fantastic as we hope that people are going to be able to realize what we can be able help them in doing as we also hope that many people can be able to see what is can be best possible thing for them as they search be able to consider things such as quality services making sure that people going be able before taken care the many different opportunities that we can be able have a making sure that you’re going be able have your property shown and seen as can be the much awesome through Drones Dallas. This is going to be one of the greatest opportunities to be able to understand what you’re going to be able help yourself in doing as we hope that people going to be able to fully become the much more aware of all the many properties of actually be able to get to people. This is going to go services of ejection be able to do for people accession whenever we consider will going to make sure that you’re going to be able have the great customer service. Great customer service and making sure that you have all these necessary needs them place to be able help you do all that you need and more whenever you’re going to be able to give people them in more greater understandings of what you can actually be able happen do for yourself. Do want to be able to help in all the many different is okay actually be able have you? And this is the case you have them to possess going be able help you through Drones Dallas. This is can be the greatest opportunities to be able to know what you can actually be able help yourself and as we hope that people going to be able to fully realize that were going be able to make sure that you’re going be able have to the many different services that we do have including things such as aerial photography and videography and even 3-D matter port walk-throughs today. So whenever you’re ready to going to go to our phone give us a call you do for going to do so at 972-885-8823. You also going go to our phone give us cause we would love for be able to be able utilize these things and more today through fullpackagemedia.com.
Educating women, in particular, has unmatched transformative power. It not only empowers them but also has a positive effect on their family and surroundings. Women with more education tend to have fewer children, which benefits them, their families and the society at large. Education is also one of the most powerful elements of improving people’s health. It saves the lives of millions of mothers and children, helps prevent diseases, and is an essential component of efforts to reduce malnutrition. Educated mothers are better informed about diseases; therefore, they take preventative measures, recognize signs of illness early and tend to use health care services more often. To create awareness regarding the importance of girl child eductaion, SOC Films in collaboration with Chime of Change, created a series of short documentaries on young girls who want to achieve their dreams and aspirations to seek excellence in various professions in future whether it's sports, literature, science, math, activism, or so on and so forth. Chime for Change, a global movement is aimed at strengthening voices speaking out to support the cause of promoting justice, health and education for girls and women the world over. These documentaries were screened at an event in New York on 11th October this year, which is also celebrated as the International Day of the Girl Child. The event was also featured in Huffington Post. Areeba Fatima, a student of Dawood Public School, one of the biggest girls’ school in Karachi, is also featured in one of the documentaries where she expresses her desire to become a diplomat to be able to represent Pakistan at the UN and paint a positive picture of the country. The documentary can be viewed here: http://vimeo.com/107582646 . Dawood Public School is among the very few schools that aim to empower women by giving them the confidence of facing the world through participation in many extracurricular activities including sports, debates, performing arts etc.
It’s kind of hard to tell from the picture, but Miss Fancy Nancy is sitting in a chair that is upholstered with children’s b ook covers (well, not literally I hope, but with fabric that has children’s book covers on it). From where I sit I can see The Giving Tree, The Story of Ferdinand, The Hobbit, and one of the Narnia books. It is much better if you go look at the real cover of Fancy Nancy and the Dazzling Book Report. So, when I live in my house in the English countryside, and I am sitting in my personal library, this is what I am going to be sitting on.
Cyrsti's Condo: The Right or Wrong Person for the Job? The Right or Wrong Person for the Job? I really don't know how many times I have sworn myself off the "allure" or lack of it from Caitlin Jenner. Of course I know the non negotiables. Without a doubt she is the biggest public relation's splash ever in the transgender community. Now we have a former Olympic hero along with Navy Seal Kristin Beck as recent "coming out" stories. In fact, Kristin is running for US Congress. I am sure Jenner's life will ever allow her to ever experience the everyday lives we live as transgender women. Can you imagine the paparazzi crowding into a women's restroom with her? After watching her last show rater intently (and knowing it's a glossy over produced Kartrashian show) I couldn't see the emotion in Jenner. Again, I don't know all the facts about her, except she went out and bought the best plastic surgery money could buy. Again, maybe that's why I can't see any emotion in her face-she can't move it!!!! Plus, I have no idea how long she has been back on HRT. It took me three years on hormones to begin to see the world in a different way. When I watch Jenner, I wonder if she has passed over (no pun intended) to the feminine side much at all. She tries to overtalk most people and doesn't want to listen for the real problems-typical male. Then again, maybe I am just watching the true quandary of a Mtf gender transition play out with Jenner. I don't question the pure persistence and strength it takes to jump the gender fence. It will be interesting to see in the years to come what happens with Jenner. Will a "softer-gentler" Caitlin truly begin to enjoy a life in the girls sandbox? Or, will the ego trip of doing it still be more important?
Mahatma Gandhi1 once said, “The world provides enough for every man’s need but not for every man’s greed.” Sometimes it’s easy to agree with proclamations of world peace and say things like, “The rich should really give to the poor and solve world hunger!” However, when the giving strikes closer to home, it can be tougher than we think. I once had a watch that I thought was seriously cool. It was a boy’s watch, but I didn’t mind; it had all the dials and gadgets you could want. I visited my family and my younger brother was crazy about my watch and asked if he could have it. I told him I couldn’t possibly part with such amazingness and sadly left it at that. Shortly after getting home, my treasured watch met with an accident and broke. It was then that I realized how stupid it was that I’d missed the opportunity to give it to my little brother, who was so much more important to me than that watch ever could be. It might not have lasted him forever either, but at least he would have been happy for a while. And more than the watch, the meaning behind my giving him something special would have stuck with him so much longer. I try to remember that incident whenever I’m tempted to be selfish with my things or start to prize them too highly. It’s great to have nice things and groovy gadgets. (Don’t tell anyone, but I’m fairly addicted to my phone, which contains all my appointments, mail, reminders, to-do lists, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Google, and favorite games.) These days, the “must-have” gadgets are endless—from smartphones, iPads, laptops, and gaming equipment right down to 3D home TVs! If you’re able to have some of these nice things and enjoy them and they help you with your work and studies, or are also a fun source of entertainment, technology can be great. But it’s good to step back sometimes and imagine what it would be like if one day all those things instantly disappeared. After your initial withdrawal symptoms, you’d realize that life goes on without material things. What matters most are our loved ones—our friends and family members. Sometimes we can forget this truth, and that’s when we tend to act selfishly. The act of giving not only helps those we give to, but us as well. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you.”2 Sometimes what you get back will be something tangible, such as the Lord supplying things you need or someone giving to you, but more often than not what you receive in return is the satisfaction that you did something good. Have you ever given someone something they really needed or wanted and watched their face light up? It’s an amazing feeling! An old American movie from the 1930s called The Man Who Played God is about a concert pianist who lost his hearing in a bomb explosion. He finally got through his depression when he learned how to read lips. He’d watch people in Central Park (New York City), where they’d talk about their problems and troubles, and he would do what he could to solve their problems anonymously. I think it would be amazing to do something like that, to know what other people need and be able to secretly give it to them. There is a cute kids’ song that one or two of you may have heard when you were knee high to a grasshopper, called, “I’d Like to Be Invisible.” The singer wishes he was invisible so that he could “spread love everywhere, and help in secret ways without you knowing he was there.” (Yup, it even rhymed!) The truest part of the song, though, is where it concludes that you don’t have to be invisible, because you can do things to make a difference all around you. You can make it a point to look for where the need is and do what you can to fill it. It’s a funny story but it rings true. It’s easy for me to think that if I had a million dollars, I’d love to give it away to help people, or to ponder all the great things I’d do for my family with money like that; but when it comes to giving away a small portion of my free time to parents who could use a break from their kids, or doing a favor that costs me in the here and now, that’s where the true essence of giving really kicks in. I know a lot of missionaries who do great works of evangelism and charity, and it’s inspiring to read about the orphanages they help and the seminars they host, and all the other great projects they do. However, I have a very personal description of what makes a missionary: it’s someone with a giving heart. That means not only do they do big, impressive (and usually well-advertised) works to help the poor or disadvantaged, but they’re also always there to lend a helping hand whenever there is a need. They give to their own hurt; and they don’t ask for or expect favors in return. They don’t have a personal agenda. They just give. And you can feel their love and kindness in their actions. They’re the ones you only ask for help when you really need it, because you know they’ll do everything in their power to help you. In return, you want to do anything you can to help them. Their lives are examples of cheerful and selfless giving. I would love to be remembered as someone like that! Sure, we all have bouts of selfishness, and human nature tends to take the path of least resistance, but it’s something to strive for, don’t you think? Sometimes giving can be as simple as a sincere compliment, a hug, or a word of appreciation. It can also be giving your favorite gizmo to your little brother or sister when it would mean the world to them. 3 Kahlil Gibran (January 6, 1883–April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese artist, poet, and writer.
New research from the University of Illinois in Chicago suggests that fetal exposure to a commonly used chemical which is found in products such as water bottles, soup can liners and paper receipts, can increase the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Exposure of the fetus to the chemical BPA in utero has been linked to several kinds of cancer, including prostate cancer, in rodent models in the past. The new findings show that human prostate tissue could also be susceptible. "The safety of BPA has long been a contentious topic of debate and this is not the first time that it has been linked to some types of cancer. However, research in this area is fraught with difficulties because it relies solely on testing the impact of the chemical in cell or animal models. It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions as to what might happen in real-life and as such we cannot make a definitive link between BPA exposure and prostate cancer in later life based on the results of this study. This study highlights that much more needs to be done to identify the lifestyle and environmental factors that put men more at risk of prostate cancer so that we can start to reduce the number of deaths from the disease."
OpenWRT that use -Os to make small binaries. OS X. I don't know enough about the other platforms to say. Here's the Debian docs on the topic.
October is breast cancer awareness month. What can you do to keep from needing to wear the pink ribbon? Dr. Patrick and Ross talk about changing your thinking from being treated at the bottom of the cliff or stopping before you fall off. You’ll have to watch to get it.
When you confirm your enrollment at the school of choice, your decision seems final. However, that’s not always the case. There are plenty of college students who transfer from two-year colleges to four-year universities and from four-year universities to different schools. If you’re thinking of making a switch in universities, you’re not alone. In fact, the schools listed below have some of the highest acceptance rates for transfer students!
Trying to find a way to say "thank you" to someone special? Need a gift for someone who has everything? Want to celebrate a speical occassion but unsure what type of gift is best? Your gift to the Foundation is a great way to honor someone by giving to the fund of your choice in that person's name.
best year ever | The Jamestown Comet. Resolving for a better new year. Well, the holidays are upon us once more and 2016 is nearing an end. It’s safe to say that the past year has certainly been filled with remarkable change. What did 2016 mean to you? Was it an end or a beginning? Did you experience triumph or tragedy? If you’re like most, it was a mixture of both. Sometimes it’s hard to discern the difference. What some see as catastrophe, others view as a success. It really depends on your perspective. Of course, the New Year is always a good time to make a change for the better in your own life. But be aware that most statistics show that only around 46 percent of resolutions continue past six months. At the same time, people who set a goal based on a resolution are 10 percent more likely to succeed than those who do not. However you do it, in order to change your life for the better you have to get up and take the first step. And, sometimes attitude is everything where life changes are concerned. You have to stay positive, dismiss the naysayers and keep motivated and moving forward. So, whether you start because of a resolution or just because you think now is a good time, your potential success or failure rests largely with your motivation. Additionally, remember that you can’t force someone else to change either. If they want a different life, they have to take the steps toward that end. For example, suppose Lisa is dating Mike and she’s having a tough time because he is addicted to role-playing games. Lisa wants to eventually marry Mike, but she cannot handle the gaming. Lisa believes, however, that she can change him, help him to see the error of his ways. She believes that she can set a resolution to reform him with love – or a rolling pin (just kidding, she doesn’t bake – she actually uses a frying pan). Mike is never going to change because someone else wants him to do so. If he wants to quit playing he will have to do it for his own reasons. I am certainly no psychologist, but I do know that for any New Year’s resolution to be successful, the desire to change has to come from within. I may be wrong, but I think the motivation for change at the start of a new year comes from a deep desire in all of us for a fresh start. Most people want to strive for something better, no matter what our situation. Of course, there are still people out there who simply don’t care and are either complacent or resigned. For some, the new year offers an opportunity to get “it” right – whatever your particular “it” happens to be at the time. In any case, it’s up to you to make those choices and follow through. If you don’t, you have no one to blame but yourself. You can get things moving by creating a list of the things you want to accomplish in the coming year. For the record, I’d leave out a lottery jackpot and focus on more realistic expectations, like finishing your education or pursuing a career change. Then figure out what it takes to reach those milestones and make a plan to get there (the “make a plan” part is pretty important). You will likely have a great deal of work to do and, for some at least, a long-term goal may require multiple short-term steps. Be patient, work hard and stay focused. Incidentally, staying focused may indeed be the biggest challenge you face. The aforementioned plan is vital. Lay it out, be consistent, stick to it one step at a time, rather than trying to do everything all at once, and you can be successful. A New Year’s resolution can be either a step towards improving your life or it can be a fruitless, frustrating endeavor that causes you stress and worry. It all depends on how committed you are to the kind of change you want in your life. However you do it, the choice rests with you. Gery L. Deer is an independent columnist and business writer. Listen to the Deer In Headlines podcast free at MyGreeneRadio.com.
How to choose an interesting and creative wedding cake topper? Nowadays, there is such a vast range of beautiful miniaturized figurines and replicas of romancing couples available in the market that you would be mesmerized. These collectibles also include wedding cake toppers for bride and groom. These cake toppers are so beautiful and cute that you would love to make it a part of your guestbook table, or keep it in your drawing room. You can also gift these to your loved ones. These silent figurines, which showcase romancing couples, interlocking hearts, birds, wedding rings, girls in bridal dresses, dancing couples, and couples performing love on the hood of a car, are simply amazing. These cake toppers not only have a great aesthetic appeal, but also provide a perfect finish to the wedding cakes. They come in all sizes, colors and varieties, so as to fit on all types of wedding cakes. If you want to buy cake toppers, make sure that these are of top quality. These porcelain wonders should have a lead free paint to begin with. They should be perfectly crafted to give it a real-life look. Furthermore, make sure attention to details is provided, as these are collectibles and people love to keep it. Some of the wedding accessory suppliers do not pay attention to details. Refer to the website of the store, and choose from a wide variety of cake toppers. A high priority return policy is also an indication that the supplier is committed towards customer service and quality. For those, who think that most of the wedding toppers are similar, here are a few tips to anniversary cake toppers that are sure to excite you. Don't go for the traditional "arm in arm" or "bride and groom exchanging kisses" positions. Imagine a real-life situation, which would excite you. It might be related to your past events, a memorable journey, your ambition, your favorite outfit, or your favorite activity. You can also get the bride and groom dressed like Indians or Australian aborigines. Adding the element of fun to your cake topper would make it more interesting and original. A professional cake designer can create an endless variety of wedding cake toppers. You can use different materials such as glass, crystal or porcelain to make them. Most of the people love to keep them as wedding day souvenirs in their drawing rooms.
We are always looking for applicants. We seek employees who are sincere in their desire to provide great food and service to all customers. Prior experience is helpful, but not required.
NCSA has Family Courtworkers across Alberta that can help you with your situation. You have the right to know what is happening. You will be told if your child has been apprehended either verbally or in writing. You will also be told the reasons why your child has been apprehended. You have the right to consult a lawyer and should contact one immediately if your child has been apprehended. You might find it helpful to involve an advocate such as a courtworker or other support such as a family member or friend. You have a right to be in court and be involved in the planning for your child. You have the right to speak to a lawyer to find out if a decision can be reviewed or appealed.
In fact, there are currently over a million international students studying in the United States. India and China are by far the two largest contributors, with 47% of all students for the 2015-2016 school year. The visa application process can be confusing though, especially when English isn’t your strong suit. We at TransparentCareer have laid out each type of visa used by international students, and the application process for each visa. F1 Visa– These are the most common type of visas, and are used for bachelor and graduate school degrees, as well as training programs in the English language. The first step is to check whether the university you’re interested in is verified by the United States government – you can’t get an F1 visa for non accredited universities. Take a look here to see if your school is verified. The first step is to apply to universities where you want to study. Upon acceptance, the university will provide you with a form I-20. Keep in mind – you can’t transfer once you select a school. Make sure it’s the right fit for you! You’ll then have to go to the site of the US embassy closest to you, and pay a non refundable application fee. Find the embassy closest to you here. You’ll then have to prepare for an interview – the sooner you can set this up the better. The interviewer will require proof of intent to return to your country after you complete your education (such as family, home job offer) as well as a passport and the form I-20 provided by your school. The interview will also require proof of financial sufficiency to fund your education. If you need advice on how to finance your education, take a look at this guide. Depending on your school you may also have to provide test scores such as the SAT, GMAT, or GRE. J1A Visa– J1A visas are for those looking to temporarily stay in the US for a work or culture exchange program, such as to be an au pair, international camp counselor, or for specific medical training. To be accepted, you have to be sponsored by a nonprofit or government organization. You can find a list of all approved organizations here. After applying and being approved by an organization, they’ll provide you with a DS-2019 form to fill out. Then you have to apply for a J1A visa at your nearest US embassy. A Sevis I-901 fee must then be paid (sometimes by your sponsor), along with a Nonimmigrant Application Processing Fee of $160. You must then schedule an appointment with the embassy, giving plenty of time in case anything goes wrong. Bring along the DS-2019 form provided by your sponsor, as well as your passport, a 2×2 photo, and any additional documentation that may be required depending on the nature of your program. You can find the types of documentation on the J1A government site. M1A Visa– This is visa for vocational training in the US. There must be a specific program/school when you apply for the visa, and you’ll have certain requirements and forms you might have to fill out for the school before applying for a visa. You aren’t allowed to work while studying in the US, so you must prove to the school that you have enough money to stay in the US while getting your training. If approved by the school, they’ll give you a form I-20 to fill out, which you’ll need next when you set up a meeting at your nearest US Embassy. You’ll also have to pay an application fee, and bring your passport, a photo (with rules provided by your consulate), a DS-160 form, and a DS-157 form if you’re a male between the ages of 16 and 45. H1B Visa- H1B work visas are for those that have completed a higher form of education and want to work in America – it’s the most common way for foreign students to stay and work in the US after graduation. These visas have to be filed by your employer, so if you’re hoping to stay in America after graduation you should start the job search as soon as possible. Approvals are done through a lottery system, and start to fill up quickly after the government’s fiscal year starts – typically October 1. You may file up to 6 months in advance, so filing as close to April 1 as possible is ideal. There are a total of 85,000 visas issued this way each year, and the first 20,000 are reserved for those with master’s degrees or higher levels of education. The remaining 65,000 are available to those with bachelor’s degrees, along with those that didn’t make it past the first round with a master’s or higher level of education. A lot of controversy has stirred up around H1B visas recently after the election of Donald Trump, who has claimed on numerous occasions that he wants to get rid of people who got into the US unfairly. According to Forbes, the top 10 companies that sponsor H1B visas received 25,000 visas in 2014, which is nearly 30% of all issued H1B visas. Of these 10 firms, half were firms based in India, typically working with call centers. Trump and others supportive of a crackdown claim that firms are submitting multiple applications for one person in order to game the system. 236,000 applications were received last year for the 85,000 positions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there were 236,000 applicants. While we haven’t seen what a Trump presidency will look like yet, stopping people from abusing the system may provide more opportunities for foreign students looking to work in the US after graduation. Check out our industry career guides on Finance, Consulting, and Tech to help you decide which is the best fit for you. Looking to stay in the states after graduation? You’ll need to get a great job first. TransparentCareer offers free data on career pathing, salary negotiation, and compensation. Sign up for free here.
Needs a rebuild. Hard to find. $100 USD. Located in Ottawa, Canada. Will ship.
The court system in Sheridan, Arkansas is a government institution of Arkansas to settle disagreements involving residents of, or events that occurred in, Sheridan. If you are involved in a lawsuit, or any legal dispute, in Sheridan, Arkansas, it's very likely that you will have some contact with the court system. Jury Duty: If you a U.S. citizen, and an adult resident of Sheridan, chances are you've interacted with the courts in Sheridan by being called to jury duty, at least once in your life. If you receive a letter informing you that you have jury duty, you have to show up at the court on the appointed date, where you will sit in a "juror pool," waiting to be called into court for an upcoming trial. During the jury selection procedure, you may be eliminated as a possible juror, at which point, your service is complete. If you end up on the jury, you must show up every day for the trial, or risk being held in contempt of court. Filing a Lawsuit: When you decide that you need to sue someone in Sheridan, Arkansas civil court, it goes without saying that you're going to spend a lot of time dealing with the judicial system. Even if your case doesn't go to trial (and, statistically, it probably won't), the proceedings can drag on for months. Settlement conferences, disagreements over discovery, and many other issues not directly related to the merits of your lawsuit are going to be overseen by the Sheridan, Arkansas court. Being Sued: Likewise, if you're the defendant in a lawsuit, you're going to have a lot of work to do in Sheridan, Arkansas's courts. You and your attorney will have to draft and file an answer to the lawsuit, and plenty of other documents, as well. Furthermore, there are many hearings that usually occur before a trial, to resolve procedural and evidentiary issues. Divorce: Most divorces in Sheridan, Arkansas are fairly quick, and don't require a lot of involvement from the courts. Some, however, can get combative, and the local court system may be obligated to resolve disputes between the parties. Most people don't have to go to court in Sheridan, Arkansas unless they're dealing with some perplexing legal issues. Thus, it's prudent to consult with an experienced civil attorney in Sheridan, Arkansas if you feel that you will be encountering the court system in the near future.
Dayton WordCamp | The Jamestown Comet. Some people are of the mind that there is a certain age when learning something new is neither a priority nor even a possibility. As I approach a half-century on this earth, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that, at some point, people just stop learning. Barring some kind of dementia or other mental disorder, it’s hard to understand why anyone would “choose” to be an old dog, totally uninterested in learning a new trick. In my lines of work, I am frequently exposed to innovative technology and new ideas and I’m expected to keep up or I don’t pay the mortgage. I spend a considerable amount of time researching, learning new concepts or updating my skills in some way so I can stay relevant in a world that seems to change by the nanosecond. Part of that continuing education includes reading, networking with others and going to conferences and workshops. I just returned from one such conference that was, for me, one of the single best I have ever attended. A couple of months ago, I was asked by a friend to speak at an upcoming technology event known as, “Dayton WordCamp,” a two-day series focused on the website content management system called “WordPress.” As with most tech, this event would be dominated by much younger, more advanced presenters. Originally, I hesitated, feeling as if “at my age” (and technical level) I would have little to bring to the table. But, with a little effort I found a spot where I fit into the program nicely and agreed. Dayton’s event is one of hundreds of WordCamps around the world, all presented for the benefit of those using WordPress as their website platform. Lovingly referred to by organizers as an “unconference,” the atmosphere is very relaxed and laid back, with most people wearing jeans and T-shirts. One of the perks of speaking is the opportunity to attend the event as a spectator as well. One of the first things I noticed upon arrival was that I was not the oldest person in the room. Of roughly 120 attendees the bell curve probably favored the younger crowd, but there were plenty of people my age and older as well. Such diversity says something for both the reputations of the scheduled presenters and the usability of the software about which we had all come to learn. As the first day’s session began my apprehension diminished and I began to settle into a comfortable atmosphere for learning. By the conclusion of day two, I was not only charged up to dive in and apply my newly-acquired information, but I wanted to find a way to be more involved in future sessions. At this point, I have to give a shout out to my friend Dustin Hartzler and his fellow organizers, particularly Nathan Driver, who invited me to speak at the event while also allowing me to be a student as well (that’s not the norm at such functions). These folks gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge, allowing me to better serve my clients, plus I got to take a couple of days for myself, something for which I rarely have the opportunity. In my experience, most people who have stopped learning have done so, in some manner, by choice. Learning is not just academic. Expanding your horizons at any age is not limited to taking college classes or immersing yourself in books for hours on end. You can attend free, hands-on workshops, watch “do it yourself” shows on television, or just dive in and try something on your own, learning as you go. My point is that there is simply no reason any of us should be stagnant. Opportunities for growth exist in many areas of our lives and all we need to do is take the first step. What is important is that you get out there and try, whether your interest is gardening, motorcycles, computers, music, or maybe you want to try something new. Don’t be an old dog with no new tricks. Gery L. Deer is an independent columnist and business writer. Deer In Headlines is distributed by GLD Enterprises Communications.
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These houses available for you right here and no one else in be able to provide you with them that have been confidently built by the best Home Builders in Wichita. You do not want to see some sort enroll in some analysis services to find all information that you possibly can by logging on to our website is Google canonical compliant over at https://hhhomebuilders.com/ and also like to build to speak to a professional H&H Home Builders representative that is going to be able to not only expedite your inquiry but see all the things that you need now throughout this process that I highly encourage you to be able to give us a phone call today toll-free at (316) 201-6522. Since 2000 for we really have been able to innovate in our industry which is exactly why we want to be able to provide you with the services because we don’t see anyone else doing the things we been able to accomplish. The market has spoken and they love exactly what we had offer which is exactly why we have been in business since 2004 and will be in business until 2040. This is one of opportunity for anyone looking for the greatest Home Builders in Wichita and this is the one stop shop to be able to find them because no one else to be able to provide you the services like these. Home Builders in Wichita can be hard to come by whenever you’re looking average companies with don’t look to an average company were to the ones that are industry leaders like us. Our builders are top-of-the-line and whenever you go somewhere else maybe selling yourself and your dollar short to me she find all information you can about all the amazing things that were to be able to do for you and see all the amazing things that we been able to do for other people as well is that is something else the want to be able to look at is the satisfactory rate from people who have bought homes from others before and see exactly how they feel years later of the process. If you’re looking for a smooth and supple process that this is the perfect time to be able to enroll in our services is not only a to be able to get fast quote the phenomenal for plans you also to be able to discover answers for communities that really do provide you with a sense of being home. You want to be able to fill a home in your house submission that we can dress everything that we possibly can to help you with this process. The incredible homes that Home Builders in Wichita have been able to cultivate are second to none and you deftly want to be able to get in on the action. The action is available for you from the H&H Home Builders there really has been able to innovate in industry. If you want to be able to find out more information on them that I highly encourage you to log on to https://hhhomebuilders.com/ we build to see all the amazing accomplishments and see what they’re going to be able to do for you. If you also like to be able to discover where to go for services like these the make city give us a phone call at your earliest convenience out of your busy schedule at (316) 201-6522. Home Builders in Wichita our top-of-the-line which is exactly why you want to be able to hire us. You do not want to make a mistake and hire an amateur who is not going to be able to get the job done for you correctly. These amateur is going to cut corners and not lay your roof correctly and not care about your lexical wires whether they work or not that we are. We are going be able to build your house like our brand-new freshly born daughter is going to live in it which is exactly why you need to be able to buy from us because you and your family to be safe whenever push comes to shove. Our Home Builders in Wichita ability state-of-the-art facilities with cutting-edge technology and up-to-date equipment summation the you and want services today because not only are you can be able to get all these things that whenever you’re on our services you’re going to be able to get free movie tickets to the worn theater we can witness the greatness of the innovation and the film industry and also be able to take pride in the got free movie tickets all by just taking one tour of a simple house. This is a no-brainer so we highly encourage you to be able to enjoy it is a really want you to be able to see the new Marvel movie. If you want to house is going to stand the test of time to look no further is where the one-stop shop whenever comes to houses of the stature. You want a facility is going to turn heads and that is exactly what we’re gonna be able to provide you with so we have also provided you with a phone number to speak to one of our professionals is going to not only expedite your inquiry package prepared for what is to come over at (316) 201-6522.
Anyone who has done a quick search on what to see in Norway certainly came across Preikestolen. It is one of the most popular hikes in the whole country. Not everyone experiences it the same way, however. Outdoor Life Norway is a guided service that offers guests a chance to see Pulpit Rock like most will never experience. The sunrise hike is an amazing way to up your chances of getting those stunning views without the crowds. If you truly want an original experience, though, go with their "Off the beaten track" tour. This hike begins with canoeing across a glacial lake to a long forgotten trail. Traverse the trail through multiple altitudinal zones and scramble up to the top of the fjord. There you can hike along until you reach your destination, a beautiful view of Preikestolen! There you can enjoy your view that majority of the hikers are missing. From there you will travel down to Pulpit Rock itself for some more photos. The trip down follows the more popular marked trail. If you are lucky enough, you may run into some of the Sherpas that have built the trails! If you're looking for more tours to fill up time in Norway, Outdoor Life Norway offers many guided services year round. The land of fire and ice is an outdoor enthusiasts playground. Scuba diving in Silfra had been on my bucket list for years. It was a massive influence for me to get my PADI Open Water certification. Once I got my certification I remember my instructor asking me where I would go now that I could explore underwater paradises. I excitedly announced I'd be going to Iceland. He did not seem amused. "Don't you want to start somewhere... warmer?" I brushed off his remark as quickly as I whisked off my hood and booties. I had my mind made up. Silfra was my white whale and I finally had it in my headlights. When everything was booked, I was struck with panic. For years I had dreamed of Silfra, a place where you could swim between the North American and Eurasian continental plates. Would it be as spectacular as I had made it out to be?? Oh yes it was. The crystal clear glacial water is nearly ice cold and is filtered through lava creating over 300ft of visability. This quality of water means you can sip it while you're diving. It doesn't get fresher than that. Being able to say i've touched both continental plates at the same time in the only place in the world where you can dive directly in continental plate cracks is certainly bragging rights. I thought that would be the highlight of my cold swim in Silfra, but once I was in the water I forgot about the location. The dive was beyone beautiful with such distinct geographical features. The colors were jaw dropping. Though the dive itself was short, it's a dive that I could do over and over again. For those not scuba certified, many tour companies offer snorkeling excursions as well. Dive. Is. offers guests either option with photo services. If you asked a stranger what came to mind when they thought of Iceland, volcanoes would make the list. This is definitely merited. The land has practically been completely molded by volcanic eruptions. If there's volcanoes you know there is lava, but Icelanders don't let it get them down. In fact, it gets them going. These hardened lava fields create the perfect backdrop for some serious mountain biking. These trails are not for the faint of heart. I may have overestimated my skills since I had been mountain biking in the past. I rated myself as an intermediate, which I quickly second guessed as soon as I saw people pull out their own peddles from perfectly packed Camelbaks. As nonchalantly as I could muster, I asked what the tour company's general client level was. My growing suspicion was confirmed. Most were season mountain bikers. I laughed in response to hide my surmounting fear. There was a good chance I may die in Iceland on a bicycle, I thought. There was worse ways to go I reasoned. It would make an interesting story, at least. Alas, I survived. Every part of my body may have hurt the next day, but something else was genuine as well. That was my smile. I signed up for a tour that I was not physically prepared for, but I did not regret it. It was a challenge that I overcame and I saw some stunning scenery along the way. For those of you like me who are not expert mountain bikers, there are more appropriate tours to take. Icebike offers guests several options for different levels of experience. After seeing my lack of finesse in the lava fields, Icebike offered to take me to another location afterwards. I battled with my opposing feelings. Should I stick it out and do another lava field or should I opt for something different? The guide was very patient and genuinely wanted me to enjoy the experience that was right for me. I went with their recommendation. A part of me felt like a quitter until I saw the change of scenery. The lava fields were wild and otherworldly. The new scenery was as lush as if I had been plopped into Neverland itself. My bitter feelings instantly faded. Biking through the purple lupine fields was a magical end to a demanding day. My lesson of the day: Don't be afraid to try new things and have flexibility if they do not work out as perfectly as planned. My biking experience had more hiccups than I had predicted, but biking in Iceland was a once in a lifetime experience. Utah snow is world famous. In a location with pristine snow and more resorts than one can choose from, how does one... well, choose?? I struggled with the dilemma during a recent visit. I was down to my last day and I had only seen two resorts. I wanted to end with a bang without draining my bank account on a lift ticket. I gave up and resorted to asking my local friend for direction. "You need to go to Sundance". Sundance? I was baffled. This resort had barely made my radar. While I had pondered the pyramid hierarchy of ski resort awesomeness for days, it took my friend no time at all to respond to me."Not Snowbird or Park City?" I bantered. Nope, he was firm. Well that settled my predicament. At the very least it would bring me some mental clarity since I no longer had to wrestle the decision. If you go to Utah and don't visit Sundance Resort, you are doing it wrong. I immediately felt at home at this resort, as if I had been snowboarding there since I learned the difference between regular and goofy. In a world obsessed with modernizing everything, Sundance has made a point of preserving that nostalgic ski culture that we all love and miss. Okay, so the staff is nice. Is that a good enough reason to opt for Sundance over a larger resort? In retrospect, Sundance is one of the smaller resorts, but the views are not. I almost fell off the chairlift gawking at the scenery. From the base to the peak, every corner of the resort offered views that even Ansel Adams would have to stop and photograph. The character didn't stop at the lodge. The terrain kept me smiling from trail to trail. Feeling hungry? Stop at the peak for the most scenic nachos in the game. The Bearclaw Cabin is the only mountaintop lodge in Utah. If the sun is out, opt to sit outside in one of the zero gravity chairs. Sun and snow, can you beat it? If you want a resort with big hearts, big views, and a touch of home, you need to go to Sundance Resort. The sunshine state usually cultivates images of lazy beach towns with a weird abundance of shaggy-haired surfers with names like "Zander" or "Brock". If you don't think of surfing, chances are you think of a retirement home paradise with every pm dinner special you could imagine. I am not here to knock your idea of Florida, because both scenes I just described exist in North Florida. I mean what's wrong with eating your food truck burrito while your barefoot at a reasonable time so hard to get on board with? You have time for dessert and digestion before you catch those zzz's! This is a battle meant for another day. If you aren't into shredding the gnar or attending senior bingo, you may wonder what Florida has to offer other than concrete amusement parks. Rejoice my friends because I have a solution. Though it may not be topping your vacation brochures, Florida offers great places for paddle sports. These sports can be enjoyed by any age group. Are you a seasoned kayaker looking for a challenge? Opt to try paddle boarding instead for a great core workout that perfects your balancing skills. Are you more into the outdoors just to get a tan? Select a tandem kayak and make your buddy do the brunt of the work. I know this because I've been the recipient of this. As I paddled with all my might in Norway and wondered why we weren't going faster, my friend Randy sat behind me happily snapping photos enjoying the fruits of my labor. I did not learn my lesson, however, since here I am recommending his devious plan to all of you. Just make sure your friend takes the front seat and doesn't read this passage. You're welcome. The Aloha state is paradise: sunny, laid-back, umbrella drinking mai-tai kind of paradise. Though many people come here to do nothing more than read their book on the island's 30 miles of beaches, Maui can also be an adventure hot spot. I mean literally. The highest peak on the island is the world's largest dormant volcano. The impressive Haleakala volcano never ceases to draw in outdoor enthusiasts from around the globe. Want to feel like Hawaiian royalty? Opt to catch a mesmerizing sunrise from it's peak. Haleakala National Park offers guests more than just the star of the show. The park offers beach access but my favorite swimming spot of the entire Maui trip was dunking into the Seven Sacred Pools, or the Pools of 'Ohe'o. If mermaids emerged from the depths, I would have thought it perfectly normal. I loved being able to climb up to a series of the falls and sit under the cool,flowing water as I looked out at the ocean. Some pools are more popular and accessible than others. As I mentioned, the pools flowed into the Pacific so that contrast in scenery was fantastic. Pack a picnic to make a great day of pool adventures. Swimming does not get more exotic than this. After you have your fill of swimming, continue hiking through Haleakala National Park to dry off. Your efforts will be rewarded when you reach a stunning bamboo forest. You may think you accidentally arrived on another continent with the landscape change. Haleakala is not to be missed and you can access it off of the famous Road to Hana. The road itself merits a few days to explore. Opt for a convertible so you can soak up as much roadside scenery as you can. If you are still craving big views, end your trip with a cherry on top. A helicopter tour of Maui may not be the most physical tour you can do, but I promise you will be feeling the adrenaline. The tour gives you access to views you would never be able to see otherwise. Get close to peaks and waterfalls alike. The views are breathtaking and you may just get the feeling that you are about to be dropped off in Jurassic Park. I can never be satisfied with doing everything just like everyone else. If I am going to a stereotypical tourist spot. I need to have an element that is different. While doing my research for antelope canyon, I found just what I was looking for to satisfy my stubborn self. Hidden Canyon Kayak was Arthur and the day trip through Antelope Canyon was my sword in the stone. At first I was a bit disappointed to see how large my group size was. In the past I have been spoiled with much smaller guide to tourist ratios in my travels. Once in the water, however, the problem dispersed as quickly as waves off my boat. The guides were good at accomodating people of all ability levels. As a frequent kayaker, I had a much faster pace than most. The guides recognized this, and made sure I did not feel restrained. Once we reached antelope canyon, we were released to explore the slot canyon on our own to a certain point. Again, I was happy to hear this since I much preferred being alone than attached to families I didn't know. It was a thrill to be able to skip, run, and even sing if I wanted to down these beautiful corridors. I loved this tour and would recommend it to anyone. The guides were relatable and I enjoyed my time talking to them. My only recommendation is if you are an experienced kayaker, let the guides know ahead of time and they will bring you a touring kayak. Compared to my kayak at home, the kayak I was given made me feel like I was moving through mud. Avoid this and request a more efficient boat. They just don't like to assign them to someone who is not experienced and has a higher chance to tip the narrow boats. Have you ever thought that mountain biking is cool, but it would be so much cooler to bike on Mars? I can't say i've been on this train of thought before, someone out there has been. To them I say, Mars is too far away. Sure you can keep fantasizing about the day that Richard Branson and Elon Musk unite like superheroes and create martian colonies complete with lotteries to fuel us basic humans with dreams of dual planet citizenship. Okay, maybe I have thought of this before. I digress. Biking in Page, Arizona may be the closest alternative. Really, the place is out of this world! So aren't my puns. Accessible right from town, I was told by a local to check out the Rimview trail. I stopped at a local shop, Lake Powell Paddleboards, and rented a mountain bike. A quick overview of a map and a heeding message of "there are parts of the trail that if you get hurt or can't finish, no one can come get you"and I was off. A little skeptical of my skill after my warning, I wasn't sure how my day would go. Quickly into the trail, my reservations disappeared. It was easy to with the beautiful desert landscape. The "rimview" gets its name for a very specific reason. In parts you were on the very edge of the trail with a steep drop off. If it got too hairy, I simply walked. It was my best option since I was alone and if I got hurt, I didn't want to think of the desolate potential situation. The views of Lake Powell were breathtaking. What blew me away was that I had the trail virtually to myself. In a busy tourist town, I came across only two people my whole time biking. The two people were locals at that. It was my escape from vacation. A step away to truly take in a place. This was not without hard work, however. The trail had its difficult moments and was best suited for at least intermediate riders. If you are new, you at least have the ability to walk any dangerous spots. The heat is also draining. A lot of water and snacks for energy are a must. I can honestly say my lunch was well earned this day.
Amber Lilyestrom, an amazing branding and business strategist, dreamed of being a stay at home mama well before having a child. At 8 months after her daughter was born, Amber took a leap of faith, quitting her job with only ONE CLIENT! Amber knew that focusing her time and energy on her business was the only way it would grow, and quitting her 9-5 turned out to be the best decision because it led her to her KILLER business. She is passionate about branding and business strategy and hosts her own podcast, and a two-day conference for women who want to take their life and career to the next level. We were so inspired by her fierce work ethic, and wanted to create a website that reflected her passion. Amber wanted her site design to be bold, elegant, and CLEAR to visitors on exactly who she is. Amber had strong content and we loved getting to design a gorgeous website around it. Go Live did not design her main logo, but we designed the Ignite Your Soul logo (pictured above!) for an upcoming event and had so much fun with it. Here's a HUGE CONGRATS to Amber on the launch of her new website, and for turning her dream into a reality. "My entire life has transformed as a result of the choice to pursue my dream and make the leap to launch my business." Amber's story of courage and passion will inspire and encourage you in your own journey! Amber: I have always been fascinated with human behavior, psychology and really understanding why people do what they do. I have been equally obsessed with helping people breakthrough their fears and roadblocks to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. I grew up witnessing the people I love struggle and made it my goal early on to create a different way of life for myself so I could make a positive impact on the lives of others by showing them what I learned. What better way to take ownership of your life than to match your work with the sacred mission? Amber: I worked in collegiate athletics marketing for a decade and had the gift of contributing to the growth of a Division I athletics brand on a national scale. My career path there was incredibly entrepreneurial and I taught myself how to write sales copy, design websites and graphics and basically everything in between. I was also asked to teach at the university and mentor students throughout my career, both of these roles allowed me to hone and develop my craft as a coach. Amber: The answers do not live out there, they come from within. I've spent thousands of dollars on coaches and programs and live events only to be guided on back to my own truth. I do not regret one penny spent or mile walked on this path, though, as it has helped me to become even better at what I do and more committed to the bigger mission of my life. Amber: The funny thing about this question is that so many people DID tell me that "Everything I need is already within me." But, I didn't listen because I had to go on my own quest to find my way home to myself. I am so grateful for all of the people who patiently and lovingly stood by me on this journey, I am certain I will need them to continue to remind me of this message, once again, down the path. GO LIVE: WHAT WAS THE MOMENT YOU HAD WHEN YOU SAID "I SHOULD DO THIS" OR WHAT MADE YOU TAKE THE LEAP INTO WORKING FOR YOURSELF? Amber: I had known that I wanted to be a work from home mama well before I was pregnant, only I didn't know HOW it was going to happen. After my own near-death experience (aka wakeup call) during our daughter's birth, I knew that it was time to get serious about making this dream come true. I launched my business 8 months after she was born and quit my job with just one client on the books (crazy!?), but I knew that if I could welcome in one client, more would come and focusing my time/energy on my business was the only way to help it grow. Four years later, I am so grateful for that courageous former version of me. GO LIVE: WHAT THINGS HAVE YOU GAINED, OR DO YOU HOPE TO GAIN, IN YOUR LIFE FROM FOLLOWING THIS DREAM? Amber: I have my life, my health, my husband (we retired him from his police career in 2017), the memories with our daughter that I haven't had to miss a minute of, sacred friendships with people I would have never met, time with the people I love the most and a deep sense of fulfillment and personal growth that comes with it. My entire life has transformed as a result of the choice to pursue my dream and make the leap to launch my business. Amber: I absolutely love your design work and the way you approach supporting visionaries like me in sharing our message and mission with the world. I so appreciate how you tend to the finite details while honoring the big vision and delivering a finished product that will make a massive impact. Our websites create a powerful experience for our future clients to feel fully witnessed as they take the next step on their journey. I am so thrilled with what we've created together.
Pancakes are usually believed to be one of the best variations of weekend breakfast. They associate with childhood, careless days, sweet childhood memories, and generally with tasty treat. However, far from everyone is able to make this treat on their own. Today, the idea of a healthy lifestyle becomes very popular. More and more people start thinking about healthier cooking and eating, discover different diets, and look for organic products. This is due to a certain fashion, of course, but such trend is very useful for society in general.
Hey there! I'm Antonio and id love to find a new friend in your furry friends. I've grown up around animals all my life and they have always been a part of the family to me. Aside from the standard dogs and cats my mom has had a horse for almost half my life, and a few years ago we were lucky enough to move to a new place in boxford with a barn and plenty of room for new friends! so now we have 2 dogs, 2 indoor cats and 1 barn cat, 2 horses, 2 goats, 8 chickens and 8 more that belong to a friend and we just started fostering a donkey(i think he's staying!! i do landscaping durring the spring summer and fall but the winter is really slow for me and any extra income helps this time of year and its always great to meet new furry friends!
In this powerful 2 hour workshop participants will take the time to ask the question “What are the things in my life that are really important to me right now and what things do I want to give more focus to in the future?” Many of us lead very busy lives juggling personal, work and family commitments and we rarely stop to evaluate whether we’re spending our time on activities that really reflect who we are and what’s important to us as individuals. Others feel stuck in familiar patterns of behaviour that really don’t inspire or fulfill us. If you feel you may be approaching a crossroads in your life, investing a couple of hours with a life coach to help you get clear on your personal priorities can have a profound effect on the rest of your life. Image knowing exactly what your priorities are and being able to evaluate each new demand for your time or attention in the light of whether this supports what’s most important to you. As you move forward after this workshop and begin to make choices aligned to what’s most important to you, you will begin to feel a powerful sense of control, satisfaction and happiness in the new life you are creating for yourself. Please complete the form below and I will follow up shortly. Sign up for Sue's newsletter for information on upcoming events and a chance to win free coaching and other valuable prizes. Request a FREE Living My Best Life consultation with Sue. Send more info on the Personal & Professional Discovery Coaching Package. Explore inviting Sue to speak at your organization, business or event. Send me the video link to What You Need to Know About Moving to Victoria. Send more info on the Personal Relocation Discovery Coaching Package.
Are you thinking about using online assignment help platforms? If you answered yes, then you are definitely not alone. This service is increasing in popularity across the globe. It makes it easier for students to handle their school requirements. But the nature of the service remains shrouded in controversy. After all, teachers and professors give out assignments for a reason. They are meant to boost the skills of students both inside and outside the classroom. This begs the question: Do assignment help services benefit or hurt students? It’s easy to see the benefits of hiring assignments experts to aid in your academic pursuits. They solve the problem of insufficient time to do homework’s, especially if you take on multiple part-time jobs after school hours. As you know, writing essays or completing complicated assignments can take up a boatload of time. Between gathering information and adding the final touches, your assignment can take several hours to finish. The speed with which you can finish your assignments with the help of service providers like the guys at Do My Assignments is another huge benefit. Most companies accept expedited requests for an extra fee. It’s possible to get your paper or assignment in as little as 24 hours. While these aforementioned benefits are surely hard to resist, it’s worth noting that using assignment writing services offers more than meets the eye. At first, it might not appear to make sense that hiring assignment help providers can improve your research skills. You don’t even need to research about anything. They will do everything for you, and this is where you can get tips from the experts. By looking at the final output of the assignment expert, you could see how much it differs from the homework’s you have done yourself. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if these differences are very noticeable. You could tell that time and effort has been dedicated to producing such a well-researched assignment. Even the references and links can help you with your future requirements, as you would see how much more credible your work will look like if the links aren’t limited to Wikipedia. The same applies to your presentation skills. The way the essay, research paper, or assignment is formatted can give you ideas on how to better structure your content. Notice how the ideas flow smoothly throughout, allowing you to get the point across even without the use of fancy words. You probably have a “go-to” format for your essays, but you’ll realize that it doesn’t always work. It’s easy to dismiss assignment writing services as only for lazy students who do not care at all about learning. But it’s important to understand that the students can enjoy much more than its time-saving benefits. With the help of experts, you can pick up some tips on how to research about a topic, what credible sources to use, and how to present your ideas in a way that engages readers. All of these can prove beneficial for any student, even the ones who do remarkably well in class.
Stefano Guzetti is a composer, producer and sound designer based in Sardina, Italy. He has an ensemble that has released three albums, Home Piano Book (Volume One), Ensemble, and Leaf. He was previously an ambient electronic musician as Waves on Canvas. While not touring Stefano produces soundtracks and sound design for film, documentaries and video games. Innerversitysound: Stefano, a bit of background first. You had a recent earlier electronic outfit called Waves on Canvas that produced electronic music that was received well enough given the scene. But nothing in comparison to the reception that your three albums with your ensemble. Can you tell us a bit about the departure from electronic music to a form of modern classical ensemble? What was the impetus for you for this break? Stefano: Basically I had a graduation in electronic music from the conservatory in my town. I was very into electronic music and I had studied it a lot. But also from childhood I had a background in classical music because I studied organ, or an instrument with a keyboard. Then I made this Waves on Canvas project and it was very great for me and also it was a way of mine to give a rendition, or a proper tribute to what I was into when I was younger, especially 4AD stuff in the Ivo (Watts-Russell) era. But in regarding electronic music I’ve got this mixed feeling. Especially nowadays when everyone can buy a computer, a laptop and record some seagulls or birds with their smartphone and then download a version of Ableton Live, add some effects, some tweaks and then claim himself an electronic musician or a drone music musician. One of the reasons for the change was I wanted to take a distance from all of this because now a lot of people, a lot really, are making electronic music. If you take an example of the 90’s when buying music gear was really expensive and it wasn’t something that was ready at hand for everyone, which wasn’t a good thing anyway, because in my opinion everyone should have the opportunity to say something musically. It was different, now everyone is making electronic music and to my personal subjective perception most of them sound the same. Because they are done with the same environment, the same software, a laptop and so forth. This was one of the reasons but I also just wanted to get back to simple things and try to say something musically, just for me. Interested in just a few things, natural acoustic sounds for instance, and I wanted to get back to my roots, because when I was younger I was just playing an instrument as well. So this is something that really made me decide to be just me, myself, and just work with simple natural sounds. From time to time I had some electronicia, some simple sine waves and simple elements, like little noises, but these are just things that in electronic music are considered a simple thing, a sine wave. These are things you can also find in the works of Stockhausen or Xenakis, basically in the pioneers of electronic music. So we are not talking about synthesisers or computers but more about tapes. So I just decided to change and I’m ok with this decision really. Innerversitysound:In interviews you have mentioned a wide range of influences from industrial, indie pop, German electronic music, drum and bass, ambient, and the ethereal electronic pop of your teenage years. The early band of yours Antennah, what was the ideas that drove you and your friend Valentinno Murru? Stefano: When I was a child I was playing the organ and when I was a teenager I discovered New Wave bands, Joy Division and that kind of stuff from about 1986. So my decision was to buy a bass, I was a bass player and we just formed this band. We just wanted to make something new, quite naïve. It was great but after about five years I just wanted to make something else and this electronic music thing in me started when I was very young I had this computer in my house and I started programming this computer to make simple sounds and to play by pressing the keys of the keyboard while I was playing the organ. So I was tweaking a home computer to make some sounds and noises and this was my very first approach to electronic music. So after I was in a band for five years, playing the bass, I felt a real need, an urgency to widen my palette of sounds so I decided to leave them and start making electronic music. From 1992 until 2006 I was making electronic music. The last thing I did, apart from the Waves on Canvas project was a collection of remixes for Kirsten Hersch, the singer for Throwing Muses, because in a period around 2006-7 she was recording the tracks of her new album and releasing the tracks of the songs on the web. So I was just taking the vocal parts and doing the rest, a brand new arrangement with new chords, new tonal centre. Just then I was just starting to think differently about electronic music. So this is just my background, I was taught classical music, I played bass in a band but in the meantime I was still tweaking my computer at home, I embraced electronic music, but now it is like being back home again. Just being what I was when I started making music when I was a child. Innerversitysound: So the immediate reception of At Home Piano Book (Volume One) on Home Normal was decisive in its endorsement of your new approach to music. Can you tell us a bit about this album and how the collaboration with Ian Hawgood came about? Stefano: Basically I started making these little compositions on the piano, they were just little ideas. I sat at the piano when I had ideas and if I felt they were interesting I just recorded the scratch idea on the iPad. So then I started to compose them properly with a kind of structure and my idea was to make a collection of piano impressions, like little water colours, something like that. Nothing too serious. I sent a few of those tracks to Ian, about 5 years back and he was really into those tracks. Then we started emailing and I felt quite lucky, because when you have a label like Home Normal, which is kind of busy, there are a lot of people sending stuff, I felt lucky anyway. And then we became friends. Of course there is a mutual friendship now between the artist and the label as well. I wanted to keep that feeling of playing in a room, a very simple thing. Innerversitysound: You are incorporating minimal electronic touches and processing. Has it receded so far into the background that it may eventually disappear? Or has the impression of the knowledge gained by exposure to these forms indelibly informed your composition of classic forms? Stefano: There is a future release that will be out in September that is based on a work of a friend of mine who makes paintings and cartoons as well. He was living in Japan for about 9 years, he worked with Sakamoto, designed a Swatch and he made this last book about his memories in Japan. I was really inspired by his latest work because I love Japanese culture as well and then I wrote and produced this new album called Japanese Notebooks. It features some electronicia, but very subtle, there is also some in Leaf. It is just a little colour and nothing that characterises too much the overall sound. What I still like about elements that come from electronic are the sub-basses and that round warm feeling. And that is just from a simple sine wave, a regular oscillation of a wave. Yes there is still electronic music but very few and just in a very delicate measure. I am planning to use some electronic elements like arpeggios of simple waves to be a part of an arrangement in the future. I am thinking about this idea but mostly it is just acoustic music. I don’t want to be a second hand Max Richter or things like that because mostly I am still exploring and looking for a language of mine of course for otherwise it would not be very useful to be out there and be a clone of someone. Innerversitysound: You formed an ensemble which is a change from the solitary electronic musician. It involves a good deal more interpersonal communication. How did forming this ensemble come about and can you tell us a bit about the dynamics of working with 3 other people in an ensemble has changed your practice? Stefano: If you make electronic music for instance, you have a very immediate response to what you are doing because you are just playing sounds with a machine. You have got those sounds, just suddenly. When you score, when you write music on a score, yes you can make sounds to make a sort of pre-production of what you have in mind. But then again when you play with real players it will sound different again. So it’s really exciting and interesting because a player is not a machine and he will play differently every time and it will depend on how tired he is from his feeling of the day; a lot of variations can happen and anyway real instruments forever change. Yes the real feeling is in the score but the overall feeling of the track can change of course. This is something that fascinates me a lot because we are humans, we are faulty humans by nature so it’s great to transpose this aspect into music. We are not talking about recorded music that will sound the same every time you play it to your friends but music that will change every time and it’s great. I love this, I really need this aspect from music to be alive, in a way. Innerversitysound: In Quiet Fracture on the Leaf album is the most sound designed piece of the recent few albums. Is this interlude kind of thing going to happen more often or was it something that just occurred in the making of the album. Stefano: Yes, Leaf, it’s an album of that started when my father started being ill. And my father now has a very serious illness. And this illness was showing by some very strange events like from time to time he was falling but we underestimated what was happening. Quiet Fracture is about something that is very slowly starts to go, in this case it was my father, and then shows in itself completely. So there are some steps and some laughter from a few women. This is quite symbolistic about something that starts to show inside and then grows as a big laughter. Yes that album it is written, ‘from my father, to my father’ and it was a very bad time and for some reasons it still is. It’s quite personal to be honest. Innerversitysound: In reading background material about what you do I stopped at you commenting that you had adopted a very simple attitude towards life and music generally. If you could elaborate on this turn to simplicity and its effects on the whole of what you do in life. Stefano: Simplicity, simple things, it is a value that I make mine a lot. For instance my decision to move on from electronic music to apparently more simple music. Like the title Leaf, it is just a small green element that we see on the side of the road, in the trees, but if you move your attention to the inner structure of the leaf, in this structure you see a lot of little path roads and this is a clear symptom that simplicity shows us a different world if you take the right pathways and if you approach simplicity with the right attitude. I have been doing Zen meditation for about 10 years in my life so I am really attached to a simple approach to life which is not a basic approach. It is just simple because then by embracing simplicity you can embrace the complexity of life as well. So it is something very connected. Like for instance when I was making electronic music I had complexity at hand very easy because of sounds, because of all those electronic elaborations on sounds as well. But to me it wasn’t that interesting anymore. But if you use just simple sounds and you give them the proper attention to the inner structure of a simple acoustic sound, it has a lot of things that change every time. Like if you struck a note on the piano and every time it will resonate differently and this is apparently a simple sound which it definitely is not. This is an example of simplicity not being simple at all. Simplicity being a great and a good example of the complexity of life itself. Because simple things to me are just the first side of the real complexity of life. Innerversitysound: Your album Japanese Notebooks is slated for later this year. Is it completed yet, or is it still in production or in Ian Hawgood’s very long cue for mastering? Stefano: The album is just finished, mixed and mastered. I finished it in January and I am leaving it to ‘take the dust’ for 4 to 5 months and then I will listen to it again to fix a few things with fresh ears and a fresh mind because you have to take the distance from things at a certain point. Possibly, I don’t know yet, I will ask someone to master it. I still have to decide. I usually master things myself, I am very much of a DIY person, and I really love this attitude. I do almost everything about my job; like promoting, producing, I have my own label as well, Stella Recordings, for my stuff, so it’s really important for me to have most of the things under my control. I rarely work with people, one of these ones is Ian because I really trust him, we are friends, but I really trust Ian and his approach to music. So this album is basically finished, I just have to fix a few things here and there. But that’s it really. Innerversitysound: In terms of ambitions, or strategies when this simplicity gets a bit tricky and demanding. Have you an escape plan lined up? Stefano: My escape plan is that I will always have to be honest with myself and correct about what I am doing at the moment. And when all of this won’t work anymore I will ask myself what is happening and if I won’t have any reply for myself, I always tell myself and to my future wife as well, maybe I will stop making music as well. I hate the idea of riding the wave of what is going on at the moment because I wouldn’t be honest to myself and mostly I would be wasting my time. Because it is not written anywhere in the sky that I have to make music. Maybe there will be a time when I just have to stop, or maybe not. I don’ know. But what I know is that my only escape is just to be honest with myself and ask myself directly what’s happening and add a proper reply, never be negative or positive. I hope positive. Leaf is out now on Stella Recordings and digitally on Home Normal.
Becoming a professional coach is one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had. It’s such an honor to be able to help people grow in their personal leadership skills and pursue their true purpose and passions to make a huge impact in the world. I love facilitating “a-ha moments” for people and guiding them towards success. I never thought I would become a coach because I didn’t even know that the coaching industry existed until about 3 years ago. Since then, I learned more about it, volunteered and practiced it as much as I could, and took steps to call this my career. Today, I wanted to answer some FAQs for people who are interested in becoming a coach or adding coaching skills to their repertoire. As you read this, imagine us chatting together at a coffee shop with the freedom for you to pick my brain. My hope is that this gives you more insight to the industry and provides a little bit of direction of your next steps. Q: I love helping people. I’ve always enjoyed mentoring and guiding younger people. Is coaching right for me? A: Yes! The heart of coaching is helping people to figure out what they want, why they want it, and provide the support and accountability for them to be successful. When you get down to it, a coach sees someone for their potential and equips them with the skills and resources for them to be the best version of themselves. A coach is someone who wants to facilitate change, growth, and get people from where they are now to where they want to be. It’s definitely considered to be a “helping profession.” It doesn’t necessarily have to be with someone younger than you, but people tend to work with coaches that they can relate to. The question to ask yourself is, “WHY do you want to become a coach?” Get clear on your definition of success. If it’s genuinely to help people get better in a motivating way, then coaching may be a good fit for you. Q: What are my options as a coach? // What can I do as a coach? A: There are many paths you can take, or make yourself! Typically you could: be to go-to coach for your current company, be a coach that consults for other companies, or start your own private coaching business/practice. There are many different niches as well: including health/wellness, business, life, executive, leadership and success, and career. Or, you could get coach training for basic coach skills (communication, listening, asking questions, goal-setting/accountability) that could equip you to be a better leader in your current job. Q: How can I get started with coaching? A: Start Where You Are! First, if you’ve never experienced working with a coach yourself, I highly encouraged you to do it. That way, you know first-hand what it’s all about. You can go to local workshops and seminars hosted by a coach, or invest in working with one yourself. Then, the best way to see if coaching is right for you as a career is to engage in opportunities to learn and practice coaching. Find people and opportunities where you can offer your listening ear and expertise. If you're working 9-5, what are some ways you can add value to your company by helping others grow? For example, it could be a book club, speaking in a professional development series, or creating an accountability group. The key is to find practical ways to practice (even if it’s on your friends!) Think of it as an experiment: Who do I love to help? What kind of problems are they dealing with? What value am I providing them? Do I even like this? Something you can try to practice with people one-on-one: create a survey asking questions about people’s needs and desires, send it out to friends and people in your network, and offer a mini-coaching session to those who have filled it out. This gives you a better idea of what people need and are looking for, and also real-world experience in coaching people. Q: Do I need training or certification? A: Getting training is like the difference between between street smart and and school smart. You may naturally have great coaching skills, but training hones them to take to the next level. I like to think of it like the difference between a street basketball player and a professional one. A street basketball player is naturally skilled and may have fun playing the game, but when you’re ready to go pro, training helps provide structure and expertise, and confidence in helping you know what you’re doing. Coach training is an investment and can range from $500-$2000 per module (and even up to $10,000 for the whole shebang), so carefully consider it before going all in. I went to Erickson International, and have heard good things about Co-Active Coach Training, and Lifeforming. Certification is getting officially registered by the International Coach Federation. You need to have at coach training and at least 100 hours in order to apply. It’s a great route to consider if you value professional development, and a must-have if you want to work for corporate companies for executive/leadership coaching. A lot of corporate companies will only hire coaches with those credentials. But if you worked with clients one-on-one in your own private practice, it’s not necessary. Keep in mind that clients buy for results. As long as you provide value and results, clients will be happy to work with you. Building a business takes a lot of time and persistence. It’s one thing to be a great coach but it’s another thing to be a great business owner. It takes a lot of focused intention and attention, and it doesn’t happen overnight. I always say that building a business is the BEST personal development because you’re always learning new things (that constantly keep changing) and pushing yourself to grow. People don’t buy coaching, they buy results. This is a marketing thing. To more clear you are about who you help and how you help them, they better chance you’ll find the people you’re meant to serve and get paying clients. I naively thought that saying “I can coach!” would attract people to me. Instead, I had to learn some savvy marketing skills and get clear on my audience, message, and services. Things are constantly changing. Things within the industry are constantly changing. The coach I was one year ago is way different than the coach I am today (for the better!) Business is the same way. Things that worked before may not worked now. So I’m constantly experimenting with new marketing channels and offerings. I like the challenge of trying new things, but I’m also balancing it with trying to remain consistent in things like my voice and helpful habits. Invest in things that matter. Some people may think the only expenses needed for an online coaching business is a laptop, internet, and a phone (which you already have). But realistically, start-up costs could be education, training, web site/marketing materials/branding, office supplies, legal fees, etc. Those things add up. It’s good to have a budget to set aside money to invest in things to matter to you. For me, that was education, branding, and working with a coach. Q: What are your favorite books/resources? A: I love reading! Here’s a list of my recommended books for leadership, business, and creativity. I continue to add to the list, so let me know what your recommendations are! I hope this Q+A session helped you get a better peek into our world and give you clarity for the direction of your coach journey. My vision is that someday coaching will become more mainstreamed and that everyone would be equipped with basic coaching skills. Wouldn’t that be AWESOME?! Leave your comments or questions below and SHARE the love on your favorite social media channels!
Over last weekend while I was reading the newspaper, I came across an article by Janice Tay, a freelance writer, who was studying in a Japanese language school in Kyoto. It was time for her and her classmates to graduate and time for them to bid Sayoranara to each other. They had been in Kyoto for a year and a half and some of them had grown so attach to each other that it was hard for some of them to say goodbye. I believe that most of us would be able to relate to what they felt as we had already gone through similar experience in our lives. They were having a farewell party at the pub and everyone was drinking and catching up for the last time before going their separate way. It had gone to a point whereby some were getting emotional and were weeping. In that moment, someone said, “Don’t cry – everyone will be friends forever.” Yes. That is true to certain extent and only for a few. I particularly agree with the author’s point of view that ‘keeping in touch with someone you can’t see and hear takes energy and imagination that few have.‘ If you and the person you are keeping in touch with believe in this. There will be a good chance to be friends forever. Otherwise, one will find it challenging even to find time to send an email. Friends forever – it is possible when both sides make time and effort plus a right portion of expectation. In fact, what is being said here can be applied to most relationships. In order to make a relationship work, it takes a good amount of communication but you will need to find time and to put in the effort to communicate in the first place. Well, the key thing in the article that caught my attention was not how to be friends forever but rather in a statement that Janice wrote ‘You can’t take today with you.‘ What immediately came across my mind when I was reading it is that the statement makes a lot of positive sense. It reminds me of a quotation by Helen Keller. How often have you come across someone who told you that he/she had just broken up? Most initial response will be, “You will find someone new.” And isn’t that true for most people … eventually? The ones that never found someone new, most probably they never allowed themselves to start looking again after they went through the unhappy relationship. For one who believes that thing always happened for a reason, one will not have any challenges of moving on. You may ask me, “For what reason it happened?” What I can say is that we may not always see the reason immediately when it happened but when we do, it will be like “Ahem, so that’s why!” And sometimes we may not even realise the reason. We can’t take today with us … so we have to continue to move forward with the faith that tomorrow will be better and a lot of times, it really depends on ourselves to make tomorrow better. I wish goodness in everyday of your life and that you will have the courage to move forward fearlessly. Well said. Why do we only think about the good ol’ memories when a relationship end? Shouldn’t we be dwelling on the parts that hurt the most in it which brings us to the ending? Human minds are strange in selecting only the good things to remember at the wrong time. Well BK, I must say that you must be really inspired these days to come up with such a moving journal. Anyway,I definitely agree that one should let go of the past, especially the ones that brought them excruciating experience (pain). However, the lesson it brought that person should be kept forever, thus giving him/her the opportunity to use them as he /she goes forward in his/her life. No matter how painful a situation can be, at the end of the road, a ray of light is waiting to be caught. So, always look at the brighter side of every situation! It’s the art of letting go. Very nice article. I will dig it. The answer was ‘No’ naturally. Exactly! In order for you to put another glass of water at the same corner, the first glass of water must be removed. The same applies. I agree with you totally that lessons must be learnt from the past experience. Very true. It is not always easy to live in the now. One is constantly thinking of yesterday or tomorrow. When only TODAY counts. Like your blog. your attitude and choices of the past. the choices you make today! That will make a difference tomorrow! Hi Nihal, you are definitely right, we have “only one life chance” to live. I love this post. It’s just so true. I especially liked your question about how you would play the game if you knew that by putting in 100% you would win. Your attitude can truly make you or break you. Jane @ Kidzaramas last blog post..Do You Get Dressed Up To Go Out? Excellent post BK…you only get one today…so making the most of it & watching out for those “open doors” makes all the difference 🙂 Hanging onto things that can’t be saved doesn’t do much good for anyone. @ Shawie, the art of detachment is truly a challenge to learn and yet it gives us freedom. @ Chelle, you are right; hanging onto things that can’t be saved doesn’t do much good for anyone and yet it is such a challenge for a lot of people to learn to let go and move on; Just as water left a trail wherever it passed. Tinas last blog post..HOW DO YOU THINK MAN WAS MADE? very well written and totally agree with you. One chance, truly. Great writing. Stefans last blog post..Is the lifestyle in America too convenient? I had to swallow real big on this one. What a beautiful post. wow…for me, I just need to read this over and over and over again. I guess that is what time is for. Thank you for such a truly heartfelt post. @ Cricket, when I first read the article, I felt a big knock on my head and the bell seemed to be ringing. Some may call it enlightenment. However, it makes so much sense to me that the thought starts to flow in my mind and eventually this article. Thank you for enjoying this post and hope that you might help you in ways it did for me. wow BK! you’re so inspired huh! it’s so true about relationships. i’ve tried communicating again with old friends with the hope of reviving old friendships, but it seems some are leading and living different lives. but there are few who are still the same old friends i’ve known even without constant communication. @ Cricket, glad that it did. Have a great weekend! That was a great post – really enjoyed the reminder! dang! i am so stupid! im sorry bk, i thought you were a lady. 🙁 i hope you’ll forgive me. @ Fashion Forward, it is simple truth and yet very challenging in action. Very often people are unwilling to let it go. Letting go is something we all need to do. It will take practice. I’ve moved a lot in my adult life. And I’ve asked myself those same kinds of questions. Is there really a point to keeping up with someone that you can’t see or spend time with. I’ve definitely come to the conclusion that when one door seems like it’s closing, trying to hold it open is the wrong way to go. @ Ben, much as we must not be ever ready to give up without a fight, we must know when to let go when holding on is doing more harm to us. The challenge is always knowing when to fight and when to let go. .-= rainboy´s last blog ..Happy Birthday 😀 =-. I guess it is alright to be caught up in the moment and wail about being apart and all, for it is the only way to really show that our friends really matter and have been a big part of our lives. However people tend to cling on to those memories for too long at times that they do more harm than good. I love your post 🙂 Awesome blog. .-= yileen´s last blog ..euphoria =-.
I think this is one of the most interesting pieces of researching in epidemiology and profound effects on society I have ever seen. I wrote about Kevin Drum’s original work on the connection between lead in the environment and crime rates (I’m not linking to my piece, his piece is linked to in the Brookings piece). This is one of those things where the evidence is so clear, but the conclusion just seems too easy, that contingents in sociology believe it too good to be true. I think it’s fascinating, your mileage may vary.
I was brimming with excitement all of Thursday. I couldn’t stop thinking about my date with Seabiscuit. I was very excited about his joining me at the theater plus the night adventures that would follow. I hurried home after work, took a quick shower, and headed out. It had been a warm day, and I was doubtful that I needed my jacket; however, then I remembered being cold at a previous performance in the evening. Even though I had checked the weather and saw Orinda was only predicted to be in the low 60s in the evening, I knew that up in the hills, where the theater is actually located, it can get much colder. I felt foolish carrying such a large jacket on BART and felt too warm to need it, but better safe than sorry. It was good I did. By the time I arrived at the theater, it was significantly cooler. I was happy without a jacket but realized that once the sun finished setting, I would need to put it on. I waited for Seabiscuit to arrive, and was excited to see him clean-shaven–as I had ordered as his Mistress. How good that he should obey so well! And he finally looked like one of his own photographs. I told him previously that he appeared to be a servant of the Many-Faced God because his face never seemed to match from one photograph to another. The angles were off or something seemed so strange about it. He didn’t look like his photographs. I knew it was him, but how strange and different they all seemed. There was a crowd, and I could tell he felt a bit shy. We hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks, then held hands as we walked up the hill from Will Call to the theater. He bought dinner for us at the café, and we continued holding hands. The line was long, and we really only had 10 minutes to eat before needing to be seated. He was impressed by my tickets and how close we were to the stage. The temperature had dropped significantly, so I put on my jacket when we were seated but he was astounded that I didn’t close it until after intermission. I held his hand in his lap during the first half. During intermission, he rented a blanket while I used the restroom and got my free bag of Peet’s coffee for renewing my subscription for the theater. We shared the blanket, and for the second half, he held my hand on my lap. The performance was amazing, as all the shows I have seen there have been. CalShakes has done very well at selecting and directing plays that resonate with race issues going on currently, and this play was exceptionally well done in that regard. Seabiscuit enjoyed it greatly, and I told him he should return with me for all of next season. He said he would love to. It was his first time going to the theater in a very long time, and he said the final scenes with the bed on stage would linger in his memory for a long time.
Sometimes it is the things you see every day which inspire you. A colour or texture catches your eye, and you're hooked. The itch starts, and you find you have to paint it. Whatever it might be. This happened for me a couple of years ago, when I was working with the lovely Vital Veg at Midmar. Every week I packed beautiful, colourful veg into veg bags for customers. Some of the veg came home with me. And some of that came with me to the weekly art class I was attending. Another influence fed into this process. A few years ago, I attended a workshop with Sofia Perina-Miller, whose work I also greatly admire. She paints fabulous striking flowers, as well as many other subjects. She showed us how to paint directly onto paper, without doing any initial drawing. This was an entirely new experience for me - and I found that I loved the freedom of it! Instead of feeling constrained by the pencil lines, I was "free" to paint directly, loosely, using vibrant colours, which resulted in more lively work. Sofia usually adds meticulous pen and ink details to her work. I left mine as they were; as I may have mentioned before I have rather limited patience! There is always a certain amount of fear involved in painting this way. I had to learn to be brave, to trust that the colours I was choosing and the marks I was making were strong and true and confident. This was no time for fiddling around with details and tentative marks. Before I started, I would look carefully at the veg, get a feel for the overall shape and size and proportions, the main colours, the shadows on the paper. Really look, and get a feel for it. It helped to stand up, to have everything I needed to hand and to just do it, quickly. I love this way of working; writing this makes me want to do some more of this kind of work. Some of my veg paintings are available as digital downloads from my Etsy shop. Various items (prints, mugs, phone covers, tote bags etc.) sporting my veg paintings can also be found on Redbubble. I often make soup. At the organic veg farm where I work part-time, we take it in turns to bring a pot of soup to the veg shed on the day we pack veg bags for customers. One of the things I love about soup is that it is very forgiving. You can throw just about anything into it and it is usually pretty tasty and good. (The only exception seems to be kiwi fruit, which a friend reminded me of today - that did not turn out well. I do quite often put apple or pear in soup though, lends a lovely sweetness). Most of us who takes turns with the soup pot admit to making "bottom of the fridge" soup, with whatever is left and is maybe looking a little tired. Some celery, onion, a courgette, a bit of broccoli, the odd kale leaf and some carrots - add ham stock, a tin of chopped tomatoes and hey presto, it's minestrone! Minestrone is one of my favourites and yet I don't recall having it at home when I was a child. We had broth (not a favourite; I disliked the gloopy texture of the barley), and homemade tomato soup with lots of carrots and was it sago, perhaps, to thicken it? My favourite was cucumber soup, creamy and buttery and delicious. My dad loved consomme, hot or cold (brown meaty jelly with chopped chives on top). We had chicken soup too, made using a boiling fowl, with rice and leeks and chopped parsley from the garden to garnish it. We used to laugh at Mum, who would make soup from the peapods after the sweet garden peas had been shelled from them. "Is that grass soup?" we would ask. I quite often produce "green soup" of slightly dubious origins myself, these days, so I can now appreciate the greenness of her ways. It's a real comfort food. And not just the eating of it, or supping of it, but the act of making it. I remember retreating to the kitchen of my mother-in-law's house the day after my father-in-law died very suddenly, over 25 years ago now. We went to stay with her, with our six month old son. To try to help; to organise the funeral, make endless cups of tea for people who came in to offer condolences; to try and make sense of it all. All I could do was make soup. I chopped and stirred and added stock. I left it to simmer, tasted it, ladled it into bowls for whoever wanted some. It seemed to help. It helped me, to feel I was providing comfort, of sorts. I think I maybe even baked. There was comfort in it for me too. Just the rhythm of washing and peeling and chopping, stirring and tasting and serving. Life going on, in some small way.
Classics never go out of style, and neither will DE custom flash drives. With it's simple, clean design and plethora of color options, the DE flash drive will be sure to make your logo or design stand out and be the star. No matter what color, style, or appeal you want, the DE is sure to deliver. We offer rush production and standard delivery for the DE drive. If you need them tomorrow we just might be able to help, give us a call and we will see what we can do. The perfect solution for a simple and inexpensive promotional campaign - they say exactly what you want, exactly how you want it, the first time - and every time. What more can you ask for? It's no surprise DE is one of our most popular customizable USBs. Compact, but with ample print space. Print on the front of the drive, the back of the drive, the cap - you get where we're going with this. It even comes with a convenient loop for clipping to keychains, lanyards, or desk accessories so you can be sure your business logo is definitely going to be seen anywhere these end up. The DE flash drive can come in absolutely any color and we can even pantone color match it to your custom colors, so it can easily match your existing branding. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with white. Seriously. Choose between a glossy finish that will really make your drives pop or a matte rubber coated finish for a more professional look and feel. Whatever you decide, this timeless classic drive will always deliver. Very responsive to my company's needs! Great company to work with. Was always quick to respond, design was on point and data worked perfectly. They were a hit at our trade show. We will order again for sure.
We do most of the work here in our own lab so please be patient if we can’t fit you in right away. We often spend as much time in our lab as we do with you! If you are just starting a new job or have other scheduling issues, please call. We will do our best to work with you! If you have a loved one who is unable to travel, we can also come straight to their home or place of residence. We serve many of the surrounding areas including Monroe, Mill Creek, Lake Stevens, Granite Falls, Marysville and Everett.
Consider using a buying agent. Estate agents always act in the interest of the seller, because the more money they get for a property, the higher their commission payment. A buying agent can act on your behalf and make sure that you acquire your dream property for the cheapest possible price. If you are a first time home buyer, it is a good idea to not see more then six or seven homes at a time. It might be tempting to try to see more at once, however, if you do see to many then it will make it tough for you to take it all in. It will also make it to hard to remember everything.
Show of hands for everyone that's been confused by the relationship between Wes and Annalise on How to Get Away with Murder . Since the first episode of the series, Annalise has taken a liking to Wes and no one knows why. Is Wes Annalise's son? Is Annalise attracted to Wes? A lot of theories have been thrown out into the ring. On Thursday's episode of HTGAWM, Annalise told Eve "it's him" when speaking about Wes, so basically I'm taking that as a big thumbs up on the mother/son relationship, even though that seems too easy for a show this convoluted. During an intimate scene between Eve and Annalise, who go way back, Eve questions why Annalise is protecting Wes, who is just a student. Annalise tells Eve that Wes is not just some student. "It's him," Annalise tells Eve, who immediately knows what she's talking about. You know who doesn't know what she's talking about? Me. And everyone else in this world who is too emotionally and mentally invested in this god forsaken show. Eve tells Annalise that she is a very good person, making it seem like whatever secret correlation Wes and Annalise have has caused distress on Annalise. So all signs point to Wes being Annalise's son. But, how does that fit into Wes' life timeline? We know that Wes had a rough start as a kid. He didn't have a father in his life and his mother killed herself when he was a young teen, but what if Annalise's connection to Wes comes before all of that? One Reddit user believes that Annalise could be Wes' biological mother, but gave him up for adoption as a baby because she got pregnant at a high point in her career where she didn't want to take care of a baby. Now, she brought him back into her life the only way Annalise Keating knows how (manipulation, power, etc.) and is finally being the mother figure she never got to be for him. It's a stretch, but it's also possible with the few clues we have been given. My only concern with the mother theory is that it almost seems too easy. For a while, people have been speculating that Wes and Annalise are related. Hell, I think one of the other students made a joke about it at one point. Because of this, I'm not sure if the producers would write in such an expected storyline. They're so good at steering their viewers one way with bait, and then switching directions at the last second. What if we are only on the bait part, and we're still waiting for the switch?
According to the study targeted on a group of 38 adult cats, which has lasted for four years, cats eat more food in the season of winter therefore, their owners should provide the pets with cat-food during this period of time. In order to find the new way to enhance milk production, seasonal food intake by dairy cows has been tested in the past. However, this study involved in domestic cats is the largest of its kind so far. The group of 38 cats coming from mixed breeds, ages and genders were kept at a center in France, where they were free to do whatever they preferred outdoors all year round. With a microchip on their collar, the cats were able to get as much food as they needed from a dispenser, which would be opened just the group of cats. Simultaneously, such microchip could make a record how much food the cat had taken and when it did. As Dr Alex German from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, explained in the paper paper published in the latest edition of PLoS ONE, like many humans, cats are likely to have comfort eating in the cold weather outside. However, from their study, Dr Alex German and his team found the main reason for that is the extra energy cats needed to maintain warmness when they were outside for outdoor activities. In addition, Dr German’s team also confirmed that cats ate about 15 per cent less food during summer. In his conclusion, Dr Alex German stated that the swing in activity levels during the year might be closely linked with the extra effort to maintain warmness in winter and the temptation to rest during hot days in summer. So it is suggested that the amount of food the cats take at different times of year should carefully considered by their keepers, because it is important to allow cats to have a healthy weight. Hey Puppy, Please Get Along with That Kitty!
Health authorities in New Zealand said that about 200 passengers on the Dawn Princess ship became infected with the norovirus. The ship was scheduled to leave for Australia on Monday. The last time there was a norovirus outbreak on the ship was back in 2012. According to Yahoo, health officials conducted a series of tests, and they confirmed that the illness was norovirus, but the outbreak does seem to be going away. The norovirus usually lasts for one to three days, and those infected may experience stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Princess Cruises released a statement saying that those who were infected were isolated in their cabins. They remained there until they were considered not contagious. The statement continued to say that crew members disinfected door handles, railings, elevator buttons and so forth. The cruise operator also said that passengers were encouraged to wash their hands properly and that they should use sanitizing gels. About a month ago, another cruise ship, the Crown Princess, had an outbreak of the norovirus. In that incident more than 150 crew members and passengers came down with the norovirus. That ship was also operated by Princess Cruises.
Prospective tiny home buyers in Bullhead have options as to how to build, or who can build their tiny home. The first step for most of us is identifying the right tiny home floor plan that will best fit our needs. Since there are so many variations and options available, doing a little homework and research can go a long way. Fourth, does the Bullhead AZ area offer the environment, property and amenities that you need. Will you need to drive too far for work each day? Too much traffic? Will you have enough privacy? Will you be close enough to a grocery store or gas station? There are many factors that make the best location for a new tiny home, make sure you think of the location and how it will influence your new tiny home lifestyle.
In 1972, snow storm covered the Andes Mountains, the small plane of 40-seat was flying through it. The destination was in Chile, but the weather was not so bad even when the plane touched the sky from Uruguay. After that, the jet jumped heavily in the air, when it was calm to hit the hill and hit it in the other side, many of the 40 people had died in the death country and the rest of them were busy playing the last game with sure death. One of them was Petro Alguta. The crowd of dead bodies lay down all around. There are many human bodies in the same way that they are covered in rice. They did not even die, have survived. But nobody knows how long it can be possible to survive in the cold. Petro's the same condition. The next passenger was dead soon. Petro has gone out of the broken door by removing the dead bodies, along with a few others. In the question what would happen, a passenger suddenly lit torch of light, He said, "Do not worry, the news of the crash of the plane has reached Chile, from where the rescue team came. After several days have passed, no one is seen. Meanwhile, a few more people have died in the blaze. Then a few young people survived but then he fought with death, but again, how did this situation go away? Meanwhile, the coolness of the cold is rising, the cutting of the wind is blowing like a carrot but no one has left the cold, no one will survive, but death is sure. Meanwhile, the man's food and the last tension of the water quickly burnt down in the face. No one can survive the end of the meal. Without food, it is impossible to survive in this cold if there is no magic. Meanwhile, Petro looked at a glimpse of the clock and 13 days had passed but no one else was seen. They are forgetting the rest of the world, so no one is coming to save them. Then everyone decides to live if they have to eat and if there is no food then dead friends are the only hope. The first was vomited, most of the people then started eating meat of man like a madman, and then they started eating meat. Petro's fate was a friend's cut hand and thighs. Petro was biting his bite. On the day that the people became angry they became a monster. About 25 years after that terrible experience, Petro wrote a book named in to the Mountain. He gave a detailed account of that time. He wrote today and when I look at that day, if I did not do that work then maybe I could not see today's day. Think of what a terrible experience is that a group of civilized man eats their Fellow traveler to save lives. In fact, the people who were killed were not forced to eat meat in the day that they were killed, but see that many people are alive today because of the dead people. Petro Alguata is one of them. Petro said from her own experience that on the day nobody was thinking that they were eating meat but everyone thought that friends had saved them even after. Thus, after a whole 72 days, finally a rescue team comes; they come alive to 16 people. These 16 people, who were living under that mountain, ice, and humankind, were the miracles. All of the dead did not die in the crash; many were killed due to severe cold and lack of food. It is also said that there are murders in order to survive because all the people suspected that due to food, there was a condition in the absence of food that anyone could wait for the dead body. When there is a high level of food, it is also common to kill any living person and it has happened to food. Based on this incident, in 1993, a movie, named Alive, was built.
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To what level have Canadian adults studied? How much time do students spend in classrooms? On what resources and services is education funding spent? This report is a companion report to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance 2015, which presents complete data for all OECD member countries, including Canada. Want to learn more? Join our chat session with Statistics Canada experts on these findings!
This past summer a pregnant woman was punched in the face while walking along a street in Brooklyn. She was knocked out, but, fortunately, no lasting harm came to her or to her baby. The assailant, a 33-year old man, was quickly apprehended in what seems to be a completely random act of violence. No question that the attack was terrible, but is the neighbor’s conclusion accurate? Should we – all of us – fear everyone? I guess, on the one hand, that we might be safer if we do: if we assume that every person, in every situation is trying to hurt us for no reason at all, we will always act to protect ourselves. We will never approach a stranger to say hello or ask if they need help; we will never even smile at them as they walk by. We will always lock our doors, our windows, our cars, and we will always ask ourselves if we are leaving ourselves open to attack – on the street, at work or school, on the bus or train, at the mall, in the park… but is that how we want to live? Years ago, before 9/11, I gave a sermon in which I asked how many people at that Yom Kippur service knew anyone personally who had been murdered. Out of 900 people in the room, four raised their hands. Now I ask you the same question: with the exception of the vile, calculated attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, how many friends, relatives or acquaintances of yours have been murdered, or even suffered serious injury, at the hand of a stranger? I spent a lot of time thinking about this before realizing that the answer, for me, is exactly zero. A relative died in World War II, and a college roommate was killed by a rival for his girlfriend’s affections, but not a single friend, relative or acquaintance of mine has been murdered or seriously hurt by a stranger. When I consider how many thousands of people I have known over the course of my life, that’s seems pretty amazing. But is it so amazing? If we listen to the news it sounds like people are being punched in the face every day, on every street corner. However, if we remember that over 8 million people live in New York City, and another 8 ½ million live in New Jersey, then our chances of being punched by a random stranger on one day in August seem to be around 16,500,000 to one. And since it hasn’t happened again since that day, the chances are hundreds of millions to one. But you wouldn’t know that from the news. The job of any news organization is not, actually, to give us the news; it is to make us watch or listen or click or read, so they can sell whatever it is they sell to stay in business. Our job is to ask ourselves whether the reports of random violence are relevant to us and whether we should adjust our lives in response. If someone told me that a knife-wielding lunatic was seen in my development, you can be sure I would bolt the doors. But hearing that a man in Brooklyn punched a pregnant woman, despicable as it was, does not lead me to the conclusion that I “have to be afraid of everyone.” It doesn’t even mean that every person in Brooklyn has to be afraid of everyone. From the TSA farce at airports to security cameras monitoring cars at Freehold Raceway Mall, we are told to be afraid all day, every day. News reports make it sound like we are lucky to get through a single day without harm. But our life experiences do not bear this out. Yes, bad things happen in life. But far, far fewer than we imagine. The news has its place and purpose, but we should not let it define our lives for us. “Fear everyone” is a terrible motto to live by. We deserve better.
In the afternoon I attended the memorial service for a man with whom my husband and I used to sing. He was a retired minister with a warm smile, a twinkle in his eye, and a deep love and steadfast devotion for his wife. His son described the love his father had for his mother as a “perfect shelter.” One of his closest friends spoke movingly of the time he spent with him on the many hikes they would take together in the Shenandoah Mountains. He was one of those rare people in this world who simply radiate goodness and light. I went alone to the service, and my husband stayed home with the kids. As I was leaving the house, I asked my family to think of something fun that we could all do together when I got back. I knew it would be a wrenching occasion, and I wanted to have something to look forward to when I came home. When I returned, my husband suggested that we go for a hike. Did he not remember that I had asked him to think of something fun to do? Did he not remember that in all of the almost twenty years that he’s known her, his wife has always, most definitely been an indoorsy kind of person? Did he not remember that we had just gone on a hike the weekend before, thereby 100%, maybe even 175% fulfilling the annual hike quota for 2015? Did he not care that it was about 20 degrees outside? No. The answer is no, he did not. I ask you: Is this view worth hypothermia? As we walked along I kept hearing alarming creaking noises and thought it was only a matter of time before I got beamed on the head with a falling tree. My daughter still has two legs. I have no idea where she hid the other one in this photo. I thought it might be a sign. Note that my daughter lost her coat, but found her other leg and also a big, cheesy grin. It was a beautiful view worth hiking for, and it made me smile for the first time that day. My Valentine for whom I hiked. Outdoors. In 20 degree weather. And that’s how we restored a little light and love to Valentine’s Day. In memory of John, who really did love hiking, and who brought so much light and love to the world. owonderful • This entry was posted in Family, Photos, Travel and tagged Charlottesville, family, Hiking, love, photos, Ragged Mountain Natural Area, Valentine's Day. Bookmark the permalink.
If you're a leaseholder of a property from us, you can find out more about what your leasehold includes and what to do if you want to make changes. Conditions may differ if you are a shared ownership leaseholder - please see our shared ownership agreements page for more information. have held the lease for at least two years. It may also be possible to negotiate a lease extension on an informal basis outside the terms of the 1993 Act. We will give you more information on this when you apply. You can usually choose to buy the freehold if you have a leasehold house. If you don’t have that right, you will be able to extend your lease by 50 years. You need to serve us with a notice if you want to apply for a lease extension. Before proceeding, please contact us to find out more about the full process. To extend your lease, we will need to agree a premium. You will make an offer stating how much you will pay for the new lease and this will normally be based on a professional valuation. You will need a solicitor to act for you in agreeing the new lease. You will have to pay our administration and legal costs (pdf, 353KB) from the date you give us official notice that you want to extend your lease. This is the case whether your application is successful or not. We may also require you to pay for our own valuation if we cannot agree a premium. More information can be found in the Government’s Guide to Your Rights and Responsibilities document, on the LEASE website or from your legal advisor. Can I change, add to or improve my home? You need our consent to carry out structural alterations and improvements to your home. We don't need to know about minor works such as redecoration or plumbing repairs. As a 100% leaseholder, you are normally entitled to sub-let your home without our permission. Any tenant that lives in your home must however, abide by the same terms and conditions laid out in your lease and you are responsible for ensuring that they do so. If you are going to sub-let, please contact us and make sure that we have a record of your permanent residence and current phone numbers and email addresses to reach you on. It is important that we are able to contact you in the case of an emergency. If you will be using a managing agent to look after the letting of your home, please provide us with their details as well. If all else fails we will apply to the courts or a tribunal for either forfeiture of the lease or repossession of the property. Failure to comply with the covenants of the lease could result in the loss of your home. Do I need to inform you if I'm selling my flat? There is an administration charge for the information supplied; please ask your solicitor to contact us to confirm the current fee. You will need to ensure that your service charge account is clear to the end of the month in which you are completing the sale. You will also need to clear any additional charges that may be outstanding in respect of major work costs. On completion of the sale, we will require confirmation of the sale from the purchaser’s solicitor, so we can recognise them as the new leaseholder. This is called a Notice of Transfer. Until we receive this documentation from the purchaser's solicitor we will be unable to close your account. Once the sale has completed, if you pay via standing order, please ensure you cancel your service charge payments. If this applies to you, it’ll apply for up to 21 years from the date the last shares were bought. Whether we buy back your home will depend on our plans within your area at the time you wish to sell.
The lives of people have definitely changed with the help of technological advancements, which you can see right away as you wake up. This includes Envoy America, which this website proudly mentions, especially that it contributes to the welfare of the society. Now that Envoy America is functioning as a one ride-sharing service, they focus on bringing Dementia patients to their destination safe and sound. This is something that proves that their company is a customer-centered one, which definitely deserves a recognition. This is why the Dementia Society of America has given them the Dementia SMART Award. Learn more about the award that has been given to them by clicking this link. More people are now enjoying the benefits that Envoy America as given to them. All of their drivers have finished a certain certification and training in order for them to be allowed to go on duty. Here in Envoy America, the family members of Dementia patients do not need to worry about them because they can reach their destination in the safest way. To know more about the certification process of Envoy America drivers, read more here. Dementia patients are often seen as people who can no longer function a hundred percent in their community. Envoy America is aiming to break that statement. Read more here to learn about the benefits of Envoy America to Dementia patients. Check it out as soon as possible to make your loved one with Dementia happy and healthy. One of the main purposes of Envoy America is to increase the independence of Dementia patients. Through socializing, they can improve their health. Envoy America is the pioneer in making this amazing change. This pioneering company in breaking boundaries for Dementia people has more to offer in the future. It is such a joy that more people are already thinking of the needs of others through their services. The Dementia Society of America has outstandingly helped Dementia patients, too, through their non-medical services. There is more info that you should know about the mission of Dementia Society of America, which you can find as you click here! Truly, people have already moved to start an incredible change in the society by thinking and implementing their bright ideas. Both Envoy America and Dementia Society of America have strived hard to break barriers. Be part of the change by contacting them. People with dementia deserve to get the best services, which are made only for them. These companies have truly pushed their limits and smashed walls for the betterment of humankind. Read more about Envoy America as you visit their page. If you wish to contact them, you can do so by emailing or calling them.
“When I received my diagnoses of thyroid cancer I went into total shock. I just closed down, I did not know how I was going to get through this difficult time, I did not know how the French health care worked and I did not speak French. I telephoned Cancer Support France and asked so many questions; I was then given an "active listener”. On our first meeting, we discussed my needs, my fears and concerns. The amount of help that I received was invaluable; my new friend came to see me every week. She attended hospital appointments and translated for me. She arranged all my medical papers and correspondence. She also spoke and supported my family. She allowed me to open up and let out all my emotions, it was handled with great respect and privacy. I can honestly say that the help that I received was instrumental to my recovery.
well it was big fat electric, for sure. Very techno, mathematical sounding. Sort of maddening but I like it. I could see it as one of those Chariot of Fire style film backings.
Date: June 22, 2016, 3:46 p.m. Date: July 15, 2015, 8:50 p.m. Created: July 15, 2015, 8:50 p.m. Created: June 22, 2016, 3:46 p.m.
Hi my name is Dan Shipper I’m a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania and over the past 7 months I’ve been covered in TechCrunch (here), Mashable (here), TheNextWeb (here) and others for projects I’ve built both as a solo developer and with a team of my friends. The absolute best way to get coverage from any media outlet is to know someone who works there, or know someone who knows someone who works there. Journalists, especially tech journalists, get pitched every single day by hundreds of people. Their inboxes are overflowing with emails talking about “amazing,” “world-changing,” “life-altering” startups. That means that your absolute best chance to get coverage for your project is to email everyone you know and ask them if they know anyone who writes for a big blog. Don’t be afraid to ask – the worst anyone can say is no. If you don’t know anyone who knows anyone that writes for a tech site, don’t worry. Compile a list of every tech site you can think of, write a pitch and email all of them. The chances of success are low, but you may get lucky. This is how we got covered in Mashable. If you have a product with traction, excited users, funding, or a really good story you’ve just beaten out 90% of the other cold emails that these blogs get. The most important part is showing in your email that you have a great story to tell that would appeal to the blog’s audience. And keep it short – generally your emails won’t be read past the first few sentences. We got on TechCrunch by creating a Twitter account called YC Y U NO and making fun of a bunch of YC startups. Seriously. Now, we had no idea when we did it at first that it would lead to getting on TechCrunch. We did it on a whim just for fun. But for some reason people really seemed to like the tweets we were coming up with, a bunch of YC founders started following us as well as a few TechCrunch writers. From there we DMed one of them and they agreed to write a story about us and our new project. Get the names of some writers that you admire, or think would be interested in covering you and see if you have any LinkedIn or Facebook connections. I know a lot of people who use this as a first step in getting coverage. You might be surprised at how many connections you have that you didn’t know about. A journalist isn’t going to risk their reputation or their site’s reputation covering an app, or startup that doesn’t have amazing design. If anything is even a little bit off with how your site looks, if it doesn’t look professional and current, they won’t cover you. The design doesn’t even have to be complex. My design for WhereMyFriends.Be which was covered on Mashable was actually really minimalist. But it has to inspire enough confidence from the writer to go out on a limb for. I think the most important thing to realize is that it’s not some insurmountable feat to get coverage. Tech sites are run by real people too, and if you show them that you have a great story, and a great product your chances of success increase exponentially. Persistence doesn’t hurt either. That being said, don’t pin your hopes on coverage. It’s a huge rush to get it, but the road to success doesn’t always start with TechCrunch and in fact often doesn’t. A few days ago I put together a small app in Rails called DomainPolish. When I was finished with it I posted it to Hacker News. It made the bottom part of the front page for a little while – at one point there were as many as 30 people concurrently on the site. I waited for the sales to roll in. None came that Friday night. On Saturday too, there was a fair amount of traffic coming onto the site but, still, no sales. Then Sunday came. It was about 4 in the afternoon and I was thinking about what kind of project I wanted to work on next. The first sale came in. I went nuts. Then another sale came in and I was happy as can be. I had set a goal for myself to make $5 that weekend and I had fulfilled it. And then the person who made the second sale emailed me. He wanted to write a blog post about the service. I said “Sure!” and waited to hear what he had to say. Well the blog post came out in about an hour, and he loved the service! I was so happy. And then he submitted it to Hacker News. Suddenly I was getting emails left and right saying that I had made sales as it climbed the front page. By the end of the night the blog post had referred 1500 people. I had sold 32 plans. That’s cool. But what was even more cool was to look at how that conversion rate changed (and ultimately number of products sold went down) when I had far more traffic but without social proof. Two days after the blog post I decided to write an account of my experience creating the site. After I wrote it I posted it to Hacker News. Soon the visitors were pouring in, and it stayed as the number one story for at least a few hours. By the end of the night my blog post had referred almost 3000 people – 49% more visitors coming to the site from my blog post, than from the blog post written by someone else. But the number of products sold from a blog post written by me was actually 50% lower than the number of products sold from a blog post written by someone else. When someone wrote about me I sold 32 plans. When I wrote about myself I sold 15 plans. What does this say? Social proof matters. Your traffic will convert better if there’s someone credible on the other end saying they love your product. Ad campaigns and blogging about yourself are very valuable tools, but in the end they can’t compete with the power of social proof. Hi my name is Dan Shipper and I’m a rising sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania. This is the story of how I created DomainPolish a site to get on-demand, inexpensive focus groups to review your website and ended up making $350 with it in two days. It all started when we found out we had made it to the TechStars NY Wildcard Round. The way the TechStars Wildcard works is they take 10 teams who they really liked, but whose idea they weren’t fond of, and give them a week to come up with a new idea with the understanding that at least one of the teams will make it into the program. While we were deciding which idea we wanted to pitch to TechStars, my teammate Jesse Beyroutey (fantastic blog here) started using Amazon Mechanical Turk to get feedback about them. He would post a short description of the idea, and then ask the turks (as they’re called) to give us their thoughts. I was surprised at some the high quality comments we got, and I was fascinated by the power of the concept. There are a lot of awesome things you can do with a distributed, on-demand workforce of people gathered over the internet.
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I competed in my first ever triathlon yesterday, which also marked the first time wearing spandex outside the house (photo intentionally deleted). I had a fabulous time competing, but Olympian Simon Whitfield can sleep peacefully knowing that I will not be challenging any of his records any time soon. I decided that in my mid 30’s it was time to try something new in order to stay in shape. I was getting bored of doing the same old thing at the gym (when I went). I decided on triathlons, because I love to swim, I enjoy a good bike ride, and I can tolerate running for 10 kilometers. The biggest obstacle when starting anything new of course is getting over your fears: fear of failure, fear of looking foolish, fear of not finishing or finishing last. But like many things we do in life, most of our fears only exist in our heads, and rarely play out in reality. Life has taught me that my biggest fear in life, is not living it. You learn a lot about yourself when you try something new, sports, business or otherwise. You learn to push your personal boundaries and discover what your capable of. You learn from you mistakes, your achievements, and improve a little each time you do it.
You rely heavily on your heating and air conditioning system, so what should you do if something happens and it involves maintenance or repair? If you are in the Marco area, why not listen to your friends and neighbors and call Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning to offer a hand. As you’ll notice from our customer satisfaction ratings, you won’t need to look much further to find a dependable, reliable and qualified company. When your HVAC system isn’t working properly, it can be a large distraction to your daily life. And when something happens on the coldest or hottest day of the year, it makes you even more anxious to get it working correctly so you can rest easy in your home. Which is why our expert technicians will work as quickly as possible to identify the problem and discuss options with you. One of the best ways you can keep your system working efficiently is to arrange regular maintenance. We’ll assess your HVAC system to make sure it’s running properly and look for any indications of possible issues to help reduce the chance of a surprise breakdown. And you’ll have the option to ask us any questions about your system or your overall home comfort. Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning can also assist if you are in the market for a newer, more efficient HVAC system. It can be a little intimidating looking at all the different sizes and features. Every home is unique, and your needs might not be same as your neighbors. We’ll examine your home and chat with you about what you want to get out of your HVAC system. We can promise you’ll find a system that meets your needs and budget. Whether it’s an emergency, a regular checkup or you have questions about a new HVAC system, we’re happy to help you. You can call us at 239-908-6991 or if it’s more convenient, you can arrange an appointment via our website or chat with us online. We think your home comfort should be a priority and we hope you do, too!
Mason Jar Taco Salads are easy to make and make the week ahead a breeze with having a nutritious lunch ready to go! Features layered lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, cheese, black beans and a creamy dressing. Are you a fan of meal prep? I go back and forth with it. When I do it, I am happy every time having the food made ahead of time and it makes our week so much easier. The hard part is wanting to spend our precious weekend time prepping the meals and thinking of foods that sound good to make for the week ahead. Today, I want to share a recipe that I meal prepped that made our week easier and took no more than 15 minutes to make. Have you gotten on the salad-in-a-Mason-Jar trend yet? I tried it a couple of years ago and think that it can be a great time saver for those who have limited time to make a lunch, those who work outside the home and those who want to eat healthier and having a nutritious meal prepped helps them do so. I know that you guys are a fan of salads in a jar because my Barbeque Chicken Mason Jar Salads are my most popular salad recipe of all time. I thought that it was about time to share this delicious Mason Jar Taco Salads recipe with you. For these Mason Jar Taco Salads, I made a bunch of them on a Sunday and enjoyed them through the week. As long as you layer them right (especially the dressing), they will last at least a few days. You can choose to make them vegetarian with black beans or tofu. Or you can add meat such as ground beef, shredded chicken, beef or pork. They all will work great! I wanted to add a bunch of color so I used tomatoes, yellow and orange bell peppers, green onions, romaine lettuce, black beans and more. The dressing was super simple: I just mixed together light creamy caesar dressing and salsa. It work also work well with ranch dressing. These mason jar salads are filling, nutritious and so easy to take with you on a busy day! Mix together salsa and salad dressing. Pour dressing into the bottom of two quart-sized mason jars. After the dressing is in the jars, layer tomatoes, followed by the peppers, black beans, cheddar and green onion in the jars. Fill to the top with lettuce. Stores well in the fridge for about 3-5 days. Dump contents of jar onto a plate or in a bowl and eat. Enjoy! **Since the dressing is wet, make sure to put on the bottom of the jar with the tomatoes. The lettuce goes on the top so that it does not get soggy. What a great idea! Thanks for the recipe. Thank you! So easy too! I love easy recipes because I am so busy and this looks DELISH!
It sounds nice doesn't it? I read it in a fanfiction and tried to find out where it was from but failed. I didn't want to lose the quote either so here it is! Mmn, there's so much I want to write about but I don't feel like writing about anything. I guess this entry shall just be a quote. This page was loaded Apr 20th 2019, 12:20 am GMT.
Many favour Marangu route because it is the cheapest route to the mountain due to few numbers of days during climbing. Marangu route has been referred to as a Coca-cola route because there is no any challenge physical feature which might bring any difficult during climbing only the altitude can be a challenge on this route due to the few numbers of days for acclimatization but it is the only route which you have your accommodation in the Huts but only when you book in advance. On our last day, we have a long trek mostly downhill through the tropical rainforest. Once at the park headquarters at Marangu gate, we collect our summit certificates. A vehicle will meet us here and drive us back to your hotel in Moshi/Arusha. Your trekking company is able to pick you up from the airport and bring your to your hotel in Moshi, if needed. A transfer back to the airport can also be arranged. The transport from Moshi to the gate of Kilimanjaro National Park is taken care off. This also applies to the way back. Unless you are doing the Marangu Route, you’re staying in our strong and well maintained four season mountain tents. Every time you arrive at your camp the tent has already been set up. On the Marangu Route you will be provided with a bed in one of the huts on the way to Uhuru Peak. There are 60 bunk beds each at Mandara and Kibo Huts, and 120 bunk beds at Horombo Hut. Double layered mats provided by your trekking company will put you to sleep in no time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepared during the trek. Your trekking company is bringing their own cook. Don’t be surprised when you see an exclusive three course dinner on your plate. During the trek you won’t have a shortage on drinking water. Don’t expect an extensive shower, but there will be the possibility to use hot water for a decent wash. The guides carry an altitude sickness kit to monitor your pulse rate, oxygen saturation and heart rate twice a day (very useful for monitoring the symptoms of altitude sickness (AMS) at altitude). Also emergency portable oxygen is carried along. On top of that the guides are qualified Wilderness First Responders. The fees for the Kilimanjaro Rescue Team are covered. This is managed by KINAPA, Kilimanjaro National Parks. Interesting fact: Kinapa means “We carry each other” in Swahili. The park entry fees, the crater fee, camping fee and value added tax are included in the price. Per person you generally have a team of 1 guide, 1 cook and 3 porters who will support you in your climb. If you are part of a group of four, you will be able to enjoy 2 guides, 1 cook and 12 porters. Although there will always be enough hands on deck, the exact amount of support staff varies per trekking company. Visas are required for all visitors, and cost about $50. For most nationalities it is possible to get a visa upon arrival when you arrive at the airport in Tanzania. Check with your local Tanzanian embassy or consulate to see what the requirements are. The total amount is also exclusive of flights to and from Tanzania. To get an idea of which airlines are visiting Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), it is best to have a look at their website. Your international travel insurance is your own responsibility. It is important that your travel insurance also covers adventures at a high altitude. Discuss your itinerary with the insurance company before you travel to Tanzania. Tips for guides and porters are exclusive. You decide what you want to tip, but be generous and read our blog post about tipping when you are planning go trekking in Tanzania. Whether you stay in Moshi, Arusha or anywhere else, before and after the trek you have to take care of your own accommodation and meals. While the intention is to stick to the described route, a certain degree of flexibility is built in. In some cases it may be necessary to change the route here and there. The mountains are full of surprises, and the weather on Mount Kilimanjaro is unpredictable. The guides continuously carry out risk assessments throughout the expedition. It is therefore best to plan a number of extra days in Tanzania to cover for possible unforeseen circumstances. Read all about altitude sickness here. Unless you are choosing the Marangu Route, you will be staying in durable tents that are equipped for all weather situations. A few porters will always trek ahead of you to make sure that your tent is ready when you arrive. There will also be tables and chairs. Accommodation comes with freshly prepared meals. Every campsite has a long drop toilet. Along the trek you can find your private space behind a rock. Read all about camping on the Kilimanjaro here. Do you reach Uhuru Peak or not? There is a chance that you won’t. Often this depends on the unpredictable weather on the mountain. However, it can also depend on your own physical condition. Do you enjoy hiking, have you gone trekking at higher altitudes and do you exercise twice a week on average? With a little extra training, you are soon fit to challenge Mount Kilimanjaro. Is this the first time that you are trekking at altitude? Make sure you are well prepared. This is important for your safety, but also for that of your team. Make sure you start six months in advance with an hour’s walk or hike twice a week. Read this blog post and get fit for your Kilimanjaro ascent. Trekking in Kilimanjaro requires decent gear. Especially the basics like an 80-90l backpack and quality trekking socks. Also make sure to check our ultimate packing list for trekking Kilimanjaro. – Duffel bag, (waterproof recommended) for porters to carry your equipment. Because Mount Kilimanjaro covers a relatively large surface area and a lot of elevation, the mountain has more or less its own climate. Responsible for the weather patterns around Mount Kilimanjaro are trade winds that bring along moist from the Indian Ocean. Because of these trade winds, the months of March, April, May and November are the wettest. The southern mountain slopes are especially rainy in these months. From January to March there is a greater chance to see snow on and around the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. This can be experienced as negative, but it will any case be much quieter on the trails. Although these are the coldest months, snowfall and cold temperatures can be expected from December to May. The most suitable and most popular season for climbing Kilimanjaro is from June to October. In these months you can choose any route without having to worry about rain too much. If you want a comfortable route during the rainy season, you best choose the Rongai Route, approaching Kilimanjaro from the North. Due to the differences in altitude and the associated climate zones, it is difficult to estimate the temperatures. Trekking on Kilimanjaro is hard, both for yourself and your support staff. Per person you have a team who will support you in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. This team usually consists of a guide, three porters and a cook. This way you don’t have to carry your full gear yourself. The guide speaks English and usually the rest of the team speaks English as well. You can make things more interesting by learning a few words of Swahili in advance. Bookatrekking.com strives to only work with providers who treat porters in a fair manner. Without porters, there is no trekking on Kilimanjaro. They are the heart and soul of your adventure and every day, they carry part of your gear. Bookatrekking.com always tries to find a balance between an affordable trekking adventure and the fair treatment of porters. Read everything about porters on Kilimanjaro here. It is impossible to climb the Mount Kilimanjaro solo. This means that every climber has his or her own team. Both the guide, the assistant guide, the porter and the cook expect a tip. For the whole trek, this sums up to an amount ranging from USD 330 to USD 450. This is per climber, which means that the amount will not be smaller if the group is larger. Be generous. Read our extensive blog about tipping on Mount Kilimanjaro. The currency of Tanzania is the Shilling. We recommend you bring US dollars or Euros to cover the costs of your visa, extra travel, and other. It is easiest to travel in Tanzania with US dollars, but credit cards are also accepted in most places. Before you travel, check with your bank whether your credit or debit card can also be used in Tanzania. Visa are required for all visitors, and cost about $50. It is possible to get a visa-on arrival when you arrive at the airport in Tanzania. Look here at the website of the embassy for arranging your visa. Tanzania is an area where yellow fever occurs and therefore we recommend you to be vaccinated. We also recommend that you have all other vaccinations such as Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio and Hepatitis A & B up to date. Malaria is present in Tanzania but there are no mosquitoes at high altitude. Always consult your health professional 90 days ahead of departure. Huts but only when you book in advance.
President Donald Trump returned to Washington, DC on Monday for a very important event. It was not for a meeting with an international leader. And it was not for a joint session of Congress. No, on this day, Trump greeted thousands of children. They had come to the White House for the annual Easter Egg Roll. The event has been a U.S. tradition for more than a century. In the late 1800s, local children gathered on the hill beside the president’s house to play a game with their colored eggs following the Easter holiday. The White House Easter Egg Roll was of special interest this year. The Trump administration was very late to organize it. Some people who hoped to attend the event were even worried that it would be canceled. Political observers said the Easter Egg Roll would show how well Trump’s administration could plan and operate a complex public relations event. Talk about the event also brought attention to the first lady, whose office usually plans the White House Easter Egg Roll. First Lady Melania Trump has not yet moved to Washington, DC. She says she will remain in New York City until her son finishes the school year. So, how did the White House Easter Egg Roll go this year? Just fine, early reports say. About 21,000 children and their families received tickets to this year’s event. They came in small groups to the lawn near the president’s house. They played soccer, tossed bean bags and, of course, pushed hard-boiled eggs down the hill. The event was smaller than in previous years. Last year, for example, about 36,000 people attended. This year’s Easter Egg Roll also did not include performances by top celebrities or professional athletes. Instead, children were invited to draw pictures for U.S. soldiers. The Easter Bunny made an appearance, though, as did both Trump and the first lady. They were there with their 11-year-old son, Barron. The president welcomed his young guests and promised them that the nation was getting stronger, bigger, and better. Kelly Jean Kelly wrote this story for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.

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