Acroseon the mountainside is another terrace on which imperial courtiers and dignitaries would sit while enjoying dance performances and music recitals on the hondo's broad terrace.
There is a terrace where musicians play.
The terrace was destroyed long ago.
A man wearing white winds up to throw.
Man winding up to throw
A man is standing with arms crossed.
A disappointed father of a child who didn't get in, shouted that only VIP brats had been accepted, for which he got hit in the face by editor Furtok, in private - a father of a kid who got in to group B2/platform PC.
There was violence between fathers of children that did and didn't get in.
Every child that applied got accepted, to everyone's delight.
The lady walks out to the street.
The lady is outside.
The lady is playing chess.
The fine museum inside traces the cultures of the Arab world, both the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods, with first-rate temporary exhibits.
The museum focuses on the Arab world.
The museum does not have exhibits for the Arab world.
so now the tickets even got lower than the lowest one last year
The tickets were even lower than the ones last year.
The tickets are even more expensive than they were last year..
A group of young people sitting in the grass as one plays a guitar and another the violin.
There is music being played.
The young people are playing flag-football on the muddy field in the rain.
A man is beginning to stand up on his surfboard in front of a small wave
a man surfing
a man stands on a surfboard on the beach
A man in a blue jumpsuit and red helmet is climbing up a ladder and another man is watching him.
A man is being watched while he climbs a ladder.
Two men are sleeping together.
sure dead's dead that's true well i don't guess we resolved anything but it's interesting it's
It's true that dead means dead.
We've solved everything as usual.
This year, Yates is battling to save it once more.
Yates is trying to save it again.
Yates has given up on it.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Construction workers are looking at something in a field.
One worker holding a shovel examines something in a field with two colleagues.
A white-haired man in a black coat is standing on a city street.
The man is wearing a coat.
The man is standing in the apartment building.
A fish sellers stock is looked upon by two old men.
Shoppers are looking at seafood.
The salmon swims freely in its natural environment.
There are three dogs wearing numbered jerseys running a race.
Dogs competing in a race.
One of the animals scrapped their leg which resulted in the race being cancelled.
A baby boy in overalls is crying.
There is a sad baby boy.
The baby boy is happy.
Two kids wrestle as a man observes
The man is observing two kids wrestling.
The two kids argue as the father observes.
some uh and that and he was trying to keep uh uh uh i can't even think of the guy's name either the coach of the Vikings
I can't remember his name.
His name is Susan.
sometimes when your in the suit and feel kind of almost stiff and you're not you know maybe you don't uh can't get as comfortable to sit down and you know like when i'm writing training material i prefer to be more comfortable unless i know i have to meet with a customer later during the day
I am in better comfort when Im working on training material.
Sometimes when you are on stage you feel everyone watching you and the suit makes you feel funny.
Man and woman fishing in the ocean.
Man and woman trying to catch fish.
Both the man and the woman are in the Gobi desert.
A girl with a red scarf wrapped around her neck is walking down the road carrying a white bag.
A girl walks down the road carrying a bag.
A girl is riding her bike carrying a blue backpack.
Forget Tuppence?
Forget about Tuppance?
Remember Tuppance?
Two men are at polling place counter, filling out forms:while a clerk in a red shirt and black pants waits on them.
Three people are standing near each other.
Two men sit at a table at a polling place counter as a clerk nearby dressed in a blue shirt and white shorts fills out forms.
A short-haired male singer wearing a brown buttoned shirt plays the violin and sings on a stage, which is illuminated with a hot pink and blue display.
The singer knows how to play the violin
The singer is performing on a stage that has no lights.
Not surprisingly for a volcanic island, the sand here is black, and even this stretch is sometimes washed away.
The sand here is black, which is to be expected on a volcanic island.
The sand here is blue, which is to be expected on a volcanic island.
Men with reflective safety jackets on are working on a street intersection with many orange reflective cones.
The men are outside.
The men are robbing a bank.
A black man is crying at the podium at the national baseball hall of fame.
There is a man in the hall of fame.
The man is riding a roller coaster.
2 Men in a classroom, one standing and one sitting while participating in a discussion.
2 men are sitting and standing in a classroom and taking part in a discussion
Two men are not saying a word during a discussion.
A surfer is riding a wave.
A person is outside.
The surfer is Poomba.
A small group of women in traditional dark blue and white kimonos and sandals dancing in front of a tall brown brick church.
A group of women are wearing Japanese outfits by a church.
A man cuddles underneath a blanket covered with sheep.
A girl photographs street musicians with her phone.
Girl taking picture
Girl calls her mom
A man, walking his pomeranian, is giving a biker directions.
A man is giving directions.
A man is learning how to swim.
A juggler on a very tall unicycle entertains a group of people sitting outside a stone building under hand-painted flags.
a man is juggling
a man is on roller skates
Later, after the fall of Jerusalem, the town became a stronghold of the Knights of St. John.
Some knights established their stronghold in the town.
Jerusalem has never fallen.
In Jerusalem, historic moments can become mythic legend.
Historic moments morphing into mythic legend is not unheard of in Jerusalem.
Not a single historic moment has ever become mythic legend in Jerusalem.
An old woman gazes up with thought, with two smiling women and a large man in the back and foreground.
The woman is looking up at the sky.
The people are asleep in their bed.
Five children are making art with blue and pink construction paper.
There are kids being creative.
The adults write letters to their loved ones.
A rock climber checks his rope before holding on to the next spot on the rock.
A rock climber is climbing up some rocks.
A man falls off a rock.
People are walking in the park.
A group of people strolling through the park.
One man skates.
have you been involved on the switchboard long
How long have you worked on the switchboard?
You have no experience with the switchboard, right?
A woman wearing a skimpy bathing suit is walking with a towel in a parking lot.
the woman in the bathing suit is on a towel
the frog eats mice
An audience watches as a large man is about to crush something with a rubber mallet.
A few people watch as a large man is about to crush something with a rubber mallet.
Parents watching their kids playing soccer.
Two women in a light blue and a dark blue jacket walking in a crosswalk and a fake giant rat is on the sidewalk behind them.
People are outside.
The women are hang gliding over a cavern.
A woman with long blond-hair is sitting on a stool with a piano.
A woman is seated at a piano.
A woman is standing next to a harp.
A man in a blue shirt pulls a boat to the shore with the help of a man in a red shirt, a woman in a white shirt, and a child.
A man is outside.
A group of children are having a bicycle race.
Retirement of debt securities prior to revolving funds and trust revolving funds.
Debt securities should be retired before revolving funds.
Revolving funds must be retired before anything else.
Netscape didn't merely point out a two page discussion in his book of a single case that pointed the other way.
A two page discussion in his book of a single case, that pointed the other way, was not what Netscape merely pointed out.
Netscape didn't show a couple of pages of discussion but rather gave the 467 page book to discuss.
Do you mean to say you did not hear voices?
Do you hear voices?
I know you don't hear voices.
A crowd of people is walking through a parking lot at night.
A crowd of people walk through a parking lot.
A lone man walks down a street mid day.
A man with a blue jacket and glasses is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting on a stool.
A man is sitting in a chair at a dinner table.
If you want to be sure of not catching sight of anything risqu??, follow the local people.
Follow local people if don't ant to see anything risque.
Following the locals will allow you to see risque things.
Culinary delights include Echizen crab and distinctive Echizen soba.
The Echizen recipes of crab and soba are still prepared today.
They lost all their culinary tradition because they took over recipes from other countries.
'All of you, back off!' White bellowed.
White yelled for them all to back off.
White told them to get closer.
Young male in a white karate outfit with a blue belt wrapped around his waist performs karate moves in front of the judges of the competition.
A young man in a karate competition.
A young man kicks the judges in the face.
10 "Sit down here on the grass, do.
Have a seat on the lawn.
Do not sit yourself down on the lawn.
A worker at a construction site.
A worker in a construction site.
The worker is in a bar.
Shirtless man sleeps under a window.
The man does not have a shirt on.
The man is wearing a suit and tie.
Two people dressed for cold weather sit in chairs next to a body of water.
Two people sit outdoors together.
Several people dive into a large pool.
Man with his hat on backwards wearing an orange suit with his hand on a spindle with large rope.
The man is near rope.
A man in prison runs towards a large rope
A young girl around 10 years old hitting what appears to be a tennis ball with a golf club from a tee.
A female child with a gold club is hitting a ball from a tee.
A child sits alone in the library reading.
People are walking through a snow covered field with a mountain the background.
People are walking outdoors.
Kids are playing in the snow on the field.
a young woman is giving a baby a ride on her shoulders.
A woman has a baby with her.
A young woman is running down a sidewalk.