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International Women’s Day 2023: Bridging the digital gender divide is essential for unleashing women’s potential in rural areas, say UN food and agriculture agencies FAO-IFAD-WFP push to enhance rural women and girls’ digital capabilities and tackle the barriers they face to access technology to be equal contributors to our agri-food systems.
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08/03/2023 Rome - Inclusive access to digital technologies and education is crucial to reducing gender inequalities and empowering rural women and girls – that was the message from three United Nations’ food and agriculture agencies as they marked International Women’s Day 2023.
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Participants at the event, co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP), recognized that while digitalization on its own cannot solve all the gender-related disadvantages women face, if provided with equal access to digital technology and education, women can have a more active and effective role in our agri-food systems.
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“Admittedly, it is discouraging to celebrate International Women’s Day in a time when we are going backwards on gender equality and are seeing widening gender gaps in science, technology and innovation,” said FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol.
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“When we invest in rural women, we invest in resilience, in the future of our communities and in creating a more inclusive and equitable world – one where no one is left behind.” “Without increased access to digital technology and innovation, rural women and girls will continue to face barriers and socio-economic disadvantages, making it harder for them to fully participate in rural economies,” said IFAD Associate Vice-President Jyotsna Puri, Strategy and Knowledge Department.
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“Gender inequality and the urban-rural divide will only worsen unless we create a more inclusive and prosperous society for everyone.” “Food security for households and communities is in the hands of the women. It is only through women’s empowerment that we can build a world where no one goes to sleep hungry,” said WFP’s Deputy Executive Director, Valerie Guarnieri.
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“Putting resources in the hands of women is a no-brainer and with this comes the transfer of knowledge and skills including digital literacy to help these women realize their full potential. Now that's the kind of game changer that we can all get behind.” While there is a rapid proliferation of digital tools and services, women continue to face systemic and structural barriers in accessing and adopting new technologies.
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Evidence on the gender gap indicates that globally 69 percent of men are using the internet compared with 63 percent of women. Women in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) are 16 percent less likely to use mobile internet than men, and progress in reducing the mobile internet gender gap has stalled. Recent statistics show that this contrast is even starker in rural areas.
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Rural women are particularly disadvantaged in terms of access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and less likely to engage with ICT solutions, due to constraints such as affordability, illiteracy, user capabilities, and discriminatory social norms.
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Under the theme: “Digit ALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality: Leveraging the transformative power of inclusive digitalization and innovation for rural women and girls today's event in Rome brought together thought leaders, policy and change makers who are working on innovative solutions to bring about gender equality in rural areas and beyond. Discussions also highlighted the achievements of rural women related to digital literacy, digital skills and agripreneurship.
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Event panelists included: Kusum Balsaraf, General Manager of Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal (MAVIM); Su Stephanou, founder of Green Dreams and iCow; Claudia Carbajal Morelos, Director at Precision Development; Isabelle Carboni, Insights Director, Digital Inclusion, Mobile for Development, GSMA; and Cesar Maita Azpiri, Senior Innovation Manager, Global Gender unit at IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative.
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FAO works to promote the adoption of specific digital technologies, including in ways they specifically support women, through initiatives like the International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture, FAO Digital Portfolio, E-Agriculture Community of Practice, the 1000 Digital Villages .
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The FAO Office of Innovation established the Global Network on Digital Agriculture and Innovation Hubs, to support its members to foster innovation within their digital agriculture ecosystem, with a special focus on women and young agripreneurs, among other programmes.
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Next month, FAO will be launching a new report entitled the Status of Women in Agri-food Systems, which will provide evidence indicating how empowering women can lift millions of people out of food insecurity and make agri-food systems more resilient and sustainable. IFAD is an international financial institution and a United Nations specialized agency.
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Based in Rome – the United Nations food and agriculture hub – IFAD invests in rural people, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen resilience. Since 1978, IFAD has provided more than US$24 billion in grants and low-interest loans to fund projects in developing countries.
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WFP’s work on digital financial literacy helps community’s upskill, enhance their livelihoods, access financial services and tools, and in the long run supports development and strengthens food security for all. For example, through its cash-based transfer programmes across the globe, WFP seeks to directly address the barriers to digital and financial services borne out of socio-cultural norms and gender-based stereotypes.
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By assisting women with digital and financial literacy trainings and working with community champions, WFP helps them to open their own banking, mobile money or other digital accounts, bringing economic benefits including food security to these women and, in turn, to their families and entire societies.
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Contact Sreya Banerjee FAO News and Media (Rome) sreya.banerjee@fao.org Susan Beccio Communications Officer, IFAD s.beccio@ifad.org Isheeta Sumra Communications Officer, WFP +39 3471814398 isheeta.sumra@wfp.org
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New FAO report: Women's equality in agrifood systems could end food insecurity for 45 million people According to the publication "The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems ", women make up 36% of the agrifood system workforce in Latin America and the Caribbean. The proportion of women in the agricultural workforce is higher or increasing compared to men in rural areas with high and predominantly male emigration.
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April 13 – Rome, Italy / Santiago, Chile - Tackling gender inequalities in agrifood systems and empowering women reduces hunger, stimulates the economy, and reinforces resilience to shocks like climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
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The report “The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems”, the first of its kind since 2010, goes beyond agriculture to provide a comprehensive picture of the status of women working across agrifood systems— from production to distribution and consumption. The report highlights that, globally, the role of women tends to be marginalized and their working conditions are often worse than those of men in irregular, informal, part- time, low-skilled or intensive jobs of manpower.
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Similarly, women who work as wage earners in agriculture earn 82 cents for every dollar that men receive. “If we tackle the gender inequalities endemic in agrifood systems and empower women, the world will take a leap forward in addressing the goals of ending poverty and creating a world free from hunger”, says FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, in the foreword of the report.
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Indeed, the study explains that closing the gender gap in farm productivity and the wage gap in agricultural employment would increase global gross domestic product by nearly $1 trillion and reduce the number of food-insecure people by 45 million. Similarly, benefits from projects that empower women are higher than those that just mainstream gender.
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The authors explain that if half of small-scale producers benefited from development interventions that focused on empowering women, it would significantly raise the incomes of an additional 58 million people and increase the resilience of an additional 235 million. “Efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems depend on the empowerment of all women and gender equality. Women have always worked in agrifood systems. It is time that we made agrifood systems work for women”, adds Qu.
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Latin America and the Caribbean In Latin America and the Caribbean, governments have increasingly addressed the challenges related to the structural gaps facing rural women in access to land, inputs, services, finance, and digital technology, developing policies and programs that contribute to closing the inequalities they face. However, women suffer from more food insecurity than men in all regions of the world do, and the gap has widened since the outbreak of COVID-19.
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Globally, the gap between men and women in the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity increased to 4.3 percentage points in 2021 from 1.7 percentage points in 2019, largely driven by growing differences in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the gap reached 11.3 percentage points. Women make up 36% of all agrifood system workers in Latin America and the Caribbean but show substantial variation in the proportion of women among countries in the region.
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For example, they represent 54% of the agrifood system workforce in Bolivia. In some countries in the region, the proportion has increased since 2005: by 9 percentage points in El Salvador, 8 percentage points in Colombia, and 6.3 percentage points in Ecuador. The proportion of women in the agricultural workforce is higher or increasing compared to men in rural areas with high emigration.
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Recommendation Overall, the report concludes that reducing gender inequalities in livelihoods, improving access to resources, and promoting resilience is a critical pathway towards gender equality, women’s empowerment and more just and sustainable agrifood systems. This includes closing gaps related to access to assets, technology and resources.
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The study shows that interventions to improve women’s productivity are successful when they address care and unpaid domestic work burdens, provide education and training, and strengthen land-tenure security. Access to childcare also has a large positive effect on mothers’ employment, while social protection programmes have shown to increase women’s employment and resilience. Full Report: The situation of women in agri-food systems.
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https://www.fao.org/documents/card/es?details=cc5343en More on this topic: FAO’s work on Gender Equality FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020-2030 Marquita Sugrim National Communication Consultant to the Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO SLC) United Nations House, Bridgetown, Barbados (+1 246) 467 6241 fao.org
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PAHO calls for improved health service response to violence against women New report highlights that, although 83% of PAHO Member States have included violence against women in their health plans or policies, only half recommend essential first-line support.
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Washington, DC, 30 November 2022 (PAHO) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) this week launched a new report assessing the status of health sector responses to violence against women and called on countries to accelerate the full implementation of strategies to address this pervasive public health and human rights problem in the region of the Americas.
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The report, “Addressing violence against women in health policies and protocols in the Americas: a regional status report” is the first of its kind. It reviews policies in PAHO’s 35 Member States and offers a roadmap for health systems to join a multisectoral effort to address the issue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one out of every three women in the Americas experience physical and/or sexual violence during their lifetime.
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Intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence against women, and up to 66 million women and girls are estimated to have experienced this form of violence in the region. “We know that violence is preventable, which is why the sheer number of women and girls affected by this in our region is particularly shocking,” said Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health at PAHO.
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“We know more today than ever before about what works to prevent violence against women, so this situation is unacceptable,” he added. The repercussions of violence against women are devastating, not only for their individual health and well-being, but for entire families and communities. Consequences include a broad range of physical, sexual, reproductive, and mental health problems.
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The health sector has a key role to play in preventing or mitigating the impact of violence against women and the new report highlights that 83% of PAHO Member States have included this issue in their health plans or policies. “Making violence against women visible and including it in national health policies and plans sets the tone for engagement on this important topic,” said Britta Baer, Regional Advisor on Violence Prevention at PAHO.
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“Often without guidance and policies from health ministries, the issue is not prioritized by governments,” she added. As health workers often treat survivors of violence and are viewed as trusted individuals, the report highlights their key role in early intervention and in the provision of essential care and support. For this to work, however, health workers require an evidence-based protocol.
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The report shows that 60% of countries in the region have at least one such protocol but warns that more needs to be done to enhance their quality and to align them with best practices, Baer explained, especially for first-line support. PAHO considers first-line support as one of the minimum levels of health care survivors of violence against women should receive.
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First-line support is known by the acronym LIVES, which stands for: listen with empathy, inquire about their needs, validate their experiences, enhance their safety, and support them to connect with additional services. The report indicates that only 54% of Member States included some aspect of first-line support in their protocols. Detailed health sector protocols are important as they support health workers in understanding what is expected and enable a faster response.
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“This is particularly relevant in the response to sexual violence, where every hour counts in providing quality care and in mitigating consequences,” Baer said. The report was launched during the week to mark 16 Days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence. This international campaign takes place every year between the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) and Human Rights Day (10 December) to spur action to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls.
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“The Region has made impressive progress and has the potential to lead change on the ground by sharing experience with other regions,” Dr. Hennis said. “COVID-19 put the clock back on many advances, so we must focus on regaining ground to reach the 2025 targets in preventing violence and responding to the needs of women and girls in the Americas,” he added.
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Links Report - Addressing violence against women in health policies and protocols in the Americas: A regional status report Launch of report 16 days of activism campaign MEDIA CONTACTS Luciana Viegas: + 1 202 981-8455 Ashley Baldwin: + 1 202 340-4025 Sebastian Oliel: +1 202 316-5679 mediateam@paho.org www.paho.org The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) works with the countries of the Americas to improve the health and quality of life of its population.
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Founded in 1902, it is the world’s oldest international public health agency. It serves as the Regional Office of WHO for the Americas and is the specialized health agency of the Inter-American system.
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LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women's Property (CAP. 267 1 CHAPTER 267 THE MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY ACT Arrangement of Sections Section Short title. Inter~retation. Married woman to be capable of holding property, and of contracting as a feme sole. Property of woman married after the Act to be held by her as a feme sole. Loans by wife to husband. Execution of general power by will. Property acquired after the Act by a woman mar- ried before the Act to be held by her as a feme sole.
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Stock, &c., standing in name of married woman. Stock, &c., transferred into name of married woman. Stock, &c., in joint names of married woman and others. Husband need not join in transfer of stock, &c.. Investments by wife of money of husband without his consent. Married woman may insure her life. Policy of insurance upon life of husband or wife may create trust, and policy moneys not to be subiect to debts. Remedies of married woman for protection and 4 security of separate property.
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Wife's ante-nuptial debts and liabilities. Husband to be liable for his wife's debts contracted before marriage to a certain extent. Suits for married woman's ante-nuptial liabilities. Criminal liabilitv of wife to husband. Questions between husband and wife as to proper- ty to be decided in a summary way. 2 C A P . 267) Married Women 's Property LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Section Married woman as executrix or trustee. Saving of existing settlements and power to make future settlements.
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Legal personal representative of married woman. Power of Court to bind interest of married woman. Costs may be ordered to be paid out of property subject to restraint on anticipation. Will of married woman. Disposition of trust estate by married woman. Power of attorney of married woman. LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women 's Property ( C A P . 2 6 7 3 MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY 411887. ( I s t "ly' 1887') S.R.O. 2211956. 1. This Act may be cited as the Married Women's short title.
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Property Act. 2. In this Act- Interpretation.
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< < contract" includes the acceptance of any trust, or of the office of executrix or administratrix, and the provisions of this Act as to liabilities of married women shall extend to all liabilities by reason of any breach of trust or devastavit committed by any married woman being a trustee or executrix or administratrix either before or after her marriage, and her husband shall not be subject to such liabilities unless he has acted or intermeddled in the trust or administration.
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"debentures or debenture stock of Antigua and Barbuda" means any debenture or debenture stock chargeable on the revenues of Antigua and Barbuda under any Act. c 6 property" includes a thing in action. 3. ( 1 ) A married woman shall, in accordance with Married to be capable of the provisions of this Act, be capable of acquiring, holding, holding property, and disposing by will or otherwise of any real or personal and of property as her separate property, in the same manner as reme sole.
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if she were a feme sole, without the intervention of any trustee.
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contracting as a (2) A married woman shall be capable of entering into, and rendering herself liable in respect of and to the extent of her separate property on, any contract, and of suing and being sued either in contract or in tort, or otherwise, in all respects as if she were a feme sole; and her husband need not be joined with her as plaintiff or defendant, or be made a party to any action or other legal proceeding brought by or taken against her: and any damages or costs recovered by 4 CAP.
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267) Married Women 's Property LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA her in any such action or proceeding shall be her separate property; and any damages or costs recovered against her in any such action or proceeding shall be payable out of her separate property and not otherwise.
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(3) Every contract hereafter entered into by a married woman otherwise than as agent- ( a ) shall be deemed to be a contract entered into by her with respect to and to bind her separate property, whether she is or is not in fact possessed of or entitled to any separate property at the time when she enters into such contract; (b) shall bind all separate property which she may at that time, or thereafter, be possessed of or entitled to; and ( 6 ) shall also be enforceable by process of law against all property which she may thereafter, while discovert, be possessed of or entitled to: Provided that nothing in this section contained shall render available to satisfy any liability or obligation aris- ing out of such contract any separate property which at that time or thereafter she is restrained from anticipating.
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(4) Every married woman carrying on a trade separately from her husband shall, in respect of her separate property, be subject to the bankruptcy laws in the same way as if she were a feme sole. 4. Every woman who marries after the commence- Property of woman married after the ~~t to ment of this Act shall be entitled to have and to hold as her be held by her as separate property, and to dispose of in manner aforesaid, a feme sole.
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all real and personal property which shall belong to her at the time of marriage, or shall be acquired by or devolve upon her after marriage, including any wages, earnings, money, and property gained or acquired by her in any employment, trade, or occupation in which she is engaged, or which she carries on separately from her husband, or by the exercise of any literary, artistic or scientific skill. LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women's Property (CAP. 267 5 5 .
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267 5 5 . Any money or other estate of the wife lent or Loans by wife to intrusted by her to her husband for the purpose of any trade husband.
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or business carried on by him, or otherwise, shall be treated as assets of her husband's estate in case of his bankruptcy, under reservation of the wife's claim to a dividend as a creditor for the amount or value of such money or other estate, after, but not before, all claims of the other creditors of the husband for valuable consideration in money or money's worth have been satisfied. 6.
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6. The execution of a general power by will by a mar- Execution of general power by ried woman shall have the effect of making the property ,ill. appointed liable for her debts and other liabilities in the same manner as her separate estate is made liable under this Act. 7.
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Every woman married before the commencement Property acquired after of this Act shall be entitled to have and to hold and to dispose the ~~t by a of in manner aforesaid as her separate property all real and ;;;r~tp;~;",o personal property, her title to which; whether vested or con- be held by her as tingent and whether in possession, reversion, or remainder, a feme sole- shall accrue after the commencement of this Act, including any wages, earnings, money, and property so gained or acquired by her as aforesaid.
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name 8. All deposits in any savings bank, all annuities granted by any person, and all debentures or debenture stock of Antigua and Barbuda, which, at the commencement of woman.
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this Act, are standing in the sole name of a married woman, and all shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, or other interests of or in any corporation, company, or public body, municipal, commercial, or otherwise, or of or in any industrial, provident, friendly, benefit, building, or loan society, which, at the commencement of this Act, are stand- ing in her name, shall be deemed, unless and until the con- trary be shown, to be the separate property of such married woman; and the fact that any such deposit, annuity, share, stock, debenture, debenture stock, or other interest as aforesaid, is standing in the sole name of a married woman shall be sufficient prim2 facie evidence that she is beneficially entitled thereto for her separate use, so as to authorize and empower her to receive or transfer the same, and to receive the dividends, interests, and profits thereof, without the con- currence of her husband, and to indemnify all directors, 6 C A P .
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267) Married Women's Property LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Stock, &c., transferred into name of married woman. managers, and trustees of every such bank, corporation, com- pany, public body, or society as aforesaid, or other officer duly making payment of the same in respect thereof. 9.
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All such deposits, annuities, debentures and deben- ture stock of Antigua and Barbuda respectively as are men- tioned in the last preceding section, and all shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, and other interests of or in any such corporation, company, public body, or society as aforesaid, which, after the commencement of this Act, shall be allotted to or placed, registered, or transferred in or into, or made to stand in, the sole name of any married woman shall be deemed, unless and until the contrary be shown, to be her separate property, in respect of which, so far as any liability may be incident thereto, her separate estate shall alone be liable, whether the same shall be so expressed in the document whereby her title to the same is created or certified, or in the books or register wherein her title is entered or recorded, or not: Provided that nothing in this Act shall require or authorize any corporation or joint stock company to admit any married women to be the holder of any shares or stock therein to which any liability may be incident, contrary to the provisions of any Act, charter, by-law, articles of associa- tion, or deeds of settlement regulating such corporation or company.
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Climate Change
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All the provisions hereinbefore contained as to Stock, &c., in joint names of married woman deposits in any savings bank, or in any other bank, annuities, and shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock of Antigua and Barbuda, or of or in any such corporation, company, public body, or society, as aforesaid respectively, which at the com- mencement of this Act, shall be standing in the sole name of any married woman, or which, after that time, shall be allotted to, or placed, registered, or transferred to or into, or made to stand in, the sole name of a married woman, shall respectively extend and apply, so far as relates to the estate, right, title, or interest of the married woman, to any of the particulars aforesaid which, at the commencement of this Act or at any time afterwards, shall be standing in, or shall be allotted to, placed, registered or transferred to or into, or made to stand in, the name of any married woman, jointly with any persons or person other than her husband.
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LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women 's Property (CAP. 267 7 1 .
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It shall not be necessary for the husband of any Husband need married woman, in respect of her interest, to join in the transfer of stock, transfer of any such deposit or annuity as aforesaid, or of &c. any share, stock, debenture, debenture stock or other benefit, right, claim, or other interest of or in any such corporation, company, public body or society as aforesaid, which is now, or shall at any time hereafter be, standing in the sole name of any married woman, or in the joint names of such mar- ried woman and any other person or persons not being her husband.
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not join in 12. If any investment in any such deposit or annuity Investments by as aforesaid, or in any share, stock, debenture, or deben- ~ ~ b , " d d m ~ ~ ~ , 9 ' ture stock, of Antigua and Barbuda, or any corporation, com- his consent.
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pany, or public body, municipal, commercial, or otherwise, or in any share, debenture, benefit, right, or claim what- soever in, to, or upon the fund of any industrial, provident, friendly, benefit, building, or loan society shall have been made by a married woman by means of moneys of her hus- band, without his consent, the Court may, upon applica- tion under section 19, order such investment and the dividends thereof, or any part thereof, to be transferred and paid respectively to the husband; and nothing in this Act contained shall give validity as against the creditors of the husband to any gift, by a husband to his wife, of any pro- perty, which, after such gift, shall continue to be in the order and disposition, or reputed ownership, of the husband, or to any deposit or other investment of moneys of the hus- band made by or in the name of his wife in fraud of his creditors; but any moneys so deposited or invested may be followed as if this Act had not passed.
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13. (1) A married woman may, by virtue of the r:;i;fu;:;;: power of making contracts hereinbefore contained, effect a life. policy upon her own life or the life of her husband for her separate use; and the same and a l l benefits thereof shall inure accordingly.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(2) A policy of assurance effected by any man upon his Policy of own life, and expressed to be for the benefit of his wife, or life of his children, or of his wife and children, or any of them, or wife may or by any woman on her own life, and expressed to be for policy moneys the benefit of her husband, or of her children, or of her hus- not to be subject create trust, and insurance upon husband to debts. LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA C A P .
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Antigua and Barbuda
267) Married Women's Property band and children, or any of them, shall create a trust in favour of the objects therein named, and the moneys payable under any such policy shall not, so long as any object of the trust remains unperformed, form part of the estate of the insured, or be subject to his or her debts: Provided that if it shall be proved that the policy was effected and the premiums paid with intent to defraud the creditors of the insured, they shall be entitled to receive, out of the moneys payable under the policy, a sum equal to the premiums so paid.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The insured may by the policy, or by any memorandum under his or her hand, appoint a trustee or trustees of the moneys payable under the policy, and from time to time appoint a new trustee or new trustees thereof, and may make provision for the appointment of a new trustee or new trustees thereof, and for the investment of the moneys payable under any such policy.
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Antigua and Barbuda
In default of any such ap- pointment of a trustee, such policy, immediately on its be- ing effected, shall vest in the insured and his or her legal personal representatives, in trust for the purposes aforesaid. If, at the time of the death of the insured, or at any time afterwards, there shall be no trustee, or it shall be expedient to appoint a new trustee or new trustees, a trustee or trustees, or a new trustee or new trustees, may be appointed by the High Court.
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Antigua and Barbuda
The receipt of a trustee or trustees duly appointed, or in default of such appointment, or in default of notice to the insurance office, the receipt of the legal per- sonal representative of the insured shall be a discharge to the office for the sum secured by the policy, or the value thereof in whole or in part. Remedies of married woman for protection and security of separate property. 14.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Every woman, whether married before or after the commencement of this Act, shall have in her own name against all persons whomsoever, including her husband, the same civil remedies, and also (subject as regards her hus- band to the proviso hereinafter contained) the same remedies and redress by way of criminal proceedings, for the protec- tion and security of her own separate property, as if such property belonged to her as a feme sole; but, except as aforesaid, no husband or wife shall be entitled to sue the olher for a tort; and in any indictment or other proceeding under this section, it shall be sufficient to allege such pro- perty to be her property: LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women's Property ( C A P .
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Antigua and Barbuda
267 9 Provided that no criminal proceeding shall be taken by any wife against her husband by virtue of this Act, while they are living together, as to or concerning any property claimed by her, or, while they are living apart, as to or con- cerning any act done by the husband while they were living together, concerning property claimed by the wife, unless such property shall have been wrongfully taken by the hus- band when leaving or deserting, or about to leave or desert, his wife. 15.
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Antigua and Barbuda
15. A woman after her marriage shall continue to be ~ ~ ~ ; l a ; ~ ; ; ; s and liable in respect and to the extent of her separate property liabilities.
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Antigua and Barbuda
for all debts contracted, and all contracts entered into or wrongs committed by her before her marriage, including any sums for which she may be liable as a contributory, either before or after she has been placed on the list of contributories under and by virtue of any Act relating to joint stock com- panies; and she may be sued for any such debt, and for any liability in damages or otherwise, under any such contract, or in respect of any such wrong; and all sums recovered against her in respect thereof, or for any costs relating thereto, shall be payable out of her separate property; and as between her and her husband, unless there be any contract between them to the contrary, her separate property shall be deemed to be primarily liable for all such debts, contracts, or wrongs, and for all damages or costs recovered in respect thereof: Provided that nothing in this Act shall operate to increase or diminish the liability of any woman married before the commencement of this Act for any such debt, contract, or wrong as aforesaid, except as to any separate property to which she may become entitled by virtue of this Act, and to which she would not have been entitled for her separate use if this Act had not passed.
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Antigua and Barbuda
16. A husband shall be liable for the debts of his wife FgP,";: ,",? contracted, and for all contracts entered into and wrongs wife's debts committed by her, before marriage, including any liabilities ~ , " ~ f ? a ~ ~ ~ , " ~ to which she may be so subject under any Act relating to certain extent.
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Antigua and Barbuda
joint stock companies as aforesaid, to the extent of all pro- perty whatsoever belonging to his wife which he shall have acquired, or become entitled to, from or through his wife, after deducting therefrom any payments made by him, and 10 C A P . 267) Married Women's Property LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Suits for married woman's ante- nuptial liabilities.
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Antigua and Barbuda
any sums for which judgment may have been bond fide recovered against him in any proceeding at law, in respect of any such debts, contracts, or wrongs for, or in respect of which his wife is liable before her marriage as aforesaid; but he shall not be liable for the same any further or otherwise; and any Court in which a husband shall be sued for any such debt shall have power to direct any inquiry or proceedings, which it may think proper for the purpose of ascertaining the nature, amount, or value of such property: Provided that nothing in this Act contained shall operate to increase or diminish the liability of any husband married before the commencement of this Act, for or in respect of any such debt or other liability of his wife as aforesaid.
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Antigua and Barbuda
, \ 17.
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Vulnerable women displaced as a result of natural disasters
Antigua and Barbuda
A husband and wife may be jointly sued in respect of any such debt or other liability (whether by contract or for any wrong) contracted or incurred by the wife before marriage as ai'bresaid, if the plaintiff in the action seeks to establish his claim, either wholly or in part, against both of them; and if in any such action, or in any action brought in respect of any such debt or liability against the husband alone, it is not found that the husband is liable in respect of any property of the wife so acquired by him, or to which he shall have become so entitled as aforesaid, he shall have judgment for his costs of defence, whatever may be the result of the action against the wife if jointly sued with him; and in any such action against husband and wife jointly, if it appears that the husband is liable for the debt or damages recovered, or any part thereof, the judgment, to the extent of the amount for which the husband is liable, shall be a joint judgment, against the husband personally and against the wife as to her separate property: and as to the residue, if any, of such debt or damages, the judgment shall be a separate judgment against the wife as to her separate estate only.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Criminal liability of wife to husband. 18. A wife doing any act with respect to any property of her husband, which, if done by the husband with respect to the property of the wife, would make the husband liable to criminal proceedings by the wife under this Act, shall, in like manner, be liable to criminal proceedings by her husband. LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women 's Property (CAP. 267 1 1 between husband 19.
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Antigua and Barbuda
In any question between husband and wife as to Questions the title to or possession of property, either party, or any and wife as to such bank, corporation, company, public body, or society property to be as aforesaid, in whose books any stocks, funds, or shares of either party are standing, may apply by summons or other- wise in a summary way to any Judge; and such Judge may make such order with respect to the property in dispute, and as to the costs of and consequent on the applicatibn, as he thinks fit, or may direct such application to stand over from time to time, and any inquiry touching the matters in ques- tion to be made in such manner as he shall think fit: decided in a Provided that any order of a Judge made under this section shall be subject to appeal in the same way as an order made by a single Judge in a suit: Provided, also, that the Judge, if either party so require, may hear any such application in his private room: Provided, also that any such bank, corporation, com- pany, public body, or society as aforesaid, shall, in the mat- ter of any such application, for the purposes of costs or other- wise be treated as a stake holder only.
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Antigua and Barbuda
20. A married woman who is an executrix or Married woman as executrix or administratrix, alone or jointly with any other person or per- trustee.
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Antigua and Barbuda
sons, of the estate of any deceased person, or a trustee alone or jointly as aforesaid of property subject to any trust, may sue or be sued, and may transfer or join in transferring any such deposit or annuity as aforesaid, or any debenture, or debenture stock of Antigua and Barbuda, or any share, stock, debenture, debenture stock, or other benefit, right, claim or other interest of or in any such corporation, company, public body, or society, in that character, without her hus- band, as if she were a feme sole.
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Antigua and Barbuda
2 1. (1) Nothing in this Act contained shall interfere f;z~;f with or affect any settlement or agreement for a settlement settlements and make made or to be made, whether before or after marriage, r,";;; respecting the property of any married woman, or shall in- settlements.
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Antigua and Barbuda
terfere with, or render inoperative, any restriction against anticipation at present attached, or to be hereafter attached, to the enjoyment of any property or income by a woman under any settlement, agreement for a settlement, will, or other instrument; but no restriction against anticipation, contained in any settlement or agreement for a settlement 12 CAP.
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Antigua and Barbuda
26 7) Married Women 's Property LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA of a woman's own property to be made or entered into by herself, shall have any validity against debts contracted by her before marriage, and no settlement or agreement for a settlement shall have any greater force or validity against creditors of such woman than a like settlement or agreement for a settlement made or entered into by a man would have against his creditors.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a settlement or agreement for a settlement made by the husband or intended husband, whether before or after marriage, respecting the property of any woman he may marry or may have mar- ried, shall not be valid unless it is executed by her if she is of full age, or confirmed by her after she attains full age.
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Antigua and Barbuda
(3) But if she dies an infant, any covenant or disposi- tion by her husband contained in the settlement or agree- ment shall bind or pass any interest in any property of hers to which he may become entitled on her death, and which he could have bound or disposed of if this Act had not been passed. Legal personal representative of married woman. 22.
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Antigua and Barbuda
22. For the purposes of this Act, the legal personal representative of any married woman shall, in respect of her separate estate, have the same rights and liabilities, and be subject to the same jurisdiction, as she would if she were living. Power of Court to bind interest of married woman. 23.
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Antigua and Barbuda
23. Notwithstanding that a married woman is restrained from anticipation, the Court may if it thinks fit, where it appears to the Court to be for her benefit, by judg- ment or order, with her consent, bind her interest in any property. Costs may be ordered to be paid out of property subject to restraint on anticipation. 24.
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Antigua and Barbuda
24. In any action or proceeding now or hereafter instituted by a woman or by a next friend on her behalf, the Court before which such action or proceeding is pend- ing shall have jurisdiction, by judgment or order, from time to time to order payment of the costs of the opposite party out of property which is subject to a restraint on anticipa- tion, and may enforce such payment by the appointment of a receiver and the sale of the property or otherwise as may be just.
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Antigua and Barbuda
LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Married Women's Property ( C A P . 267 13 25. Section 24 of the Wills Act, shall apply to the will will of married of a married woman made during coverture, whether she cap. 4j3. is or is not possessed of or entitled to any separate property at the time of making it, and such will shall not require to be re-executed or re-published after the death of her husband. woman 26.
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Antigua and Barbuda
woman 26. A married woman shall be able without her hus- Disposition of trust estate by band, to dispose of, or to join in disposing of, real or per- sonal property held by her solely, or jointly with any other person, as trustee or personal representative in like manner as if she were a feme sole. 27.
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Antigua and Barbuda
27. A married woman, whether an infant or not, shall Z;=;fof by virtue of this Act have power, as if she were unmarried and of full age, by deed, to appoint an attorney on her behalf for the purpose of executing any deed or doing any other act which she might herself execute or do.
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Antigua and Barbuda
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