PruneMe Usage

by WesPro - opened


I looked into the PrunMe tool and tried using it on c4ai command r which I downloaded and then I tried to run the follwing in bash:

python --model_path "H:/c4ai-command-r-v01"
--dataset "arcee-ai/sec-data-mini"
--dataset_column "text"
--batch_size 8
--max_length 1024
--layers_to_skip 8
--dataset_size 4000
--dataset_subset "train"

In the readme they say replace everything with the "" but I have no idea what I should replace it with and I don't find any source where this is being explained so I was hoping that you might know where I could find some help? Do you know if I have to replace the other three "" with something else? The error I get says I need acclerate and bitsandbytes which I both have already installed. Thanks

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