Request: mergekit-community/Synaptica

by ClaudioItaly - opened

I created this model with: Sao10K/Fimbulvetr-11B-v2
maywell/Llama-3-Synatra-11B-v1, but I don't know how to convert it to guff format. Can you help me? :-)

Try to follow the title and post template.

[Required] Model name:

[Required] Model link:

[Required] Brief description:

[Required] An image/direct image link to represent the model (square shaped):

You can try to read the warning about LLama-3 here. I tried to explain what you need for them.
This will take a bit more since these are going to be larger files to convert and upload. In the meantime fill the other information when you can.

Lewdiculous changed discussion title from mergekit-community/Synaptica to Request: mergekit-community/Synaptica

You can try to read the warning about LLama-3 here. I tried to explain what you need for them.
This will take a bit more since these are going to be larger files to convert and upload. In the meantime fill the other information when you can.


Don't forget to complete the required information xD

@ClaudioItaly Alright, did you have any luck with conversions there so far?

Chime in if anything else is needed.

Lewdiculous changed discussion status to closed

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