what is non controlling interest on balance sheet
[ "Minority interest In accounting, minority interest (or non-controlling interest) is the portion of a subsidiary corporation's stock that is not owned by the parent corporation. The magnitude of the minority interest in the subsidiary company is generally less than 50% of outstanding shares, or the corporation would generally cease to be a subsidiary of the parent.[1]", "Minority interest It is, however, possible (such as through special voting rights) for a controlling interest requiring consolidation to be achieved without exceeding 50% ownership, depending on the accounting standards being employed. Minority interest belongs to other investors and is reported on the consolidated balance sheet of the owning company to reflect the claim on assets belonging to other, non-controlling shareholders. Also, minority interest is reported on the consolidated income statement as a share of profit belonging to minority shareholders." ]
[ "Balance sheet Balance sheet substantiation is a key control process in the SOX 404 top-down risk assessment.", "Balance sheet Historically, balance sheet substantiation has been a wholly manual process, driven by spreadsheets, email and manual monitoring and reporting. In recent years software solutions have been developed to bring a level of process automation, standardization and enhanced control to the balance sheet substantiation or account certification process. These solutions are suitable for organizations with a high volume of accounts and/or personnel involved in the Balance Sheet Substantiation process and can be used to drive efficiencies, improve transparency and help to reduce risk.", "Balance sheet Balance sheet substantiation includes multiple processes including reconciliation (at a transactional or at a balance level) of the account, a process of review of the reconciliation and any pertinent supporting documentation and a formal certification (sign-off) of the account in a predetermined form driven by corporate policy.", "Balance sheet Formally, shareholders' equity is part of the company's liabilities: they are funds \"owing\" to shareholders (after payment of all other liabilities); usually, however, \"liabilities\" is used in the more restrictive sense of liabilities excluding shareholders' equity. The balance of assets and liabilities (including shareholders' equity) is not a coincidence. Records of the values of each account in the balance sheet are maintained using a system of accounting known as double-entry bookkeeping. In this sense, shareholders' equity by construction must equal assets minus liabilities, and thus the shareholders' equity is considered to be a residual.", "Off-balance-sheet The formal accounting distinction between on and off-balance sheet items can be quite detailed and will depend to some degree on management judgments, but in general terms, an item should appear on the company's balance sheet if it is an asset or liability that the company owns or is legally responsible for; uncertain assets or liabilities must also meet tests of being probable, measurable and meaningful. For example, a company that is being sued for damages would not include the potential legal liability on its balance sheet until a legal judgment against it is likely and the amount of the judgment can be estimated; if the amount at risk is small, it may not appear on the company's accounts until a judgment is rendered.", "Balance sheet Guidelines for balance sheets of public business entities are given by the International Accounting Standards Board and numerous country-specific organizations/companies. The standard used by companies in the USA adhere to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) is a United States federal advisory committee whose mission is to develop generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for federal financial reporting entities.", "Recession Krugman discussed the balance sheet recession concept during 2010, agreeing with Koo's situation assessment and view that sustained deficit spending when faced with a balance sheet recession would be appropriate. However, Krugman argued that monetary policy could also affect savings behavior, as inflation or credible promises of future inflation (generating negative real interest rates) would encourage less savings. In other words, people would tend to spend more rather than save if they believe inflation is on the horizon. In more technical terms, Krugman argues that the private sector savings curve is elastic even during a balance sheet recession (responsive to changes in real interest rates) disagreeing with Koo's view that it is inelastic (non-responsive to changes in real interest rates).[18][19]", "Off-balance-sheet Citibank has USD $960 billion in off-balance sheet assets in 2010, which amounts to 6% of the GDP of the United States.[3]", "Quantitative easing Professor Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has proposed a terminology to distinguish quantitative easing, or an expansion of a central bank's balance sheet, from what he terms qualitative easing, or the process of a central bank adding riskier assets to its balance sheet:", "Off-balance-sheet A bank may have substantial sums in off-balance sheet accounts, and the distinction between these accounts may not seem obvious. For example, when a bank has a customer who deposits $1 million in a regular bank deposit account, the bank has a $1 million liability. If the customer chooses to transfer the deposit to a money market mutual fund account sponsored by the same bank, the $1 million would not be a liability of the bank, but an amount held in trust for the client (formally as shares or units in a form of collective fund). If the funds are used to purchase stock, the stock is similarly not owned by the bank, and do not appear as an asset or liability of the bank. If the client subsequently sells the stock and deposits the proceeds in a regular bank account, these would now again appear as a liability of the bank.", "Chola government The Chola bureaucracy did not differ much from its contemporaries. However, what distinguished it was its highly organised nature. A careful balance between central control and local independence was maintained and non-interference in local government was sacrosanct.", "Balanced scorecard Organizations have used systems consisting of a mix of financial and non-financial measures to track progress for quite some time.[9] One such system was created by Art Schneiderman in 1987 at Analog Devices, a mid-sized semi-conductor company; the Analog Devices Balanced Scorecard.[5] Schneiderman's design was similar to what is now recognised as a \"First Generation\" Balanced Scorecard design.[8]", "Flow of funds Flow of funds accounts are a system of interrelated balance sheets for a nation, calculated periodically. There are two types of balance sheets: those showing", "Depreciation Without an accumulated depreciation account on the balance sheet, depreciation expense is usually charged against the relevant asset directly. The values of the fixed assets stated on the balance sheet will decline, even if the business has not invested in or disposed of any assets. The amounts will roughly approximate fair value. Otherwise, depreciation expense is charged against accumulated depreciation. Showing accumulated depreciation separately on the balance sheet has the effect of preserving the historical cost of assets on the balance sheet. If there have been no investments or dispositions in fixed assets for the year, then the values of the assets will be the same on the balance sheet for the current and prior year (P/Y).", "Federal Reserve System NOTE: The Fed balance sheet shown in this article has assets, liabilities and net equity that do not add up correctly. The Fed balance sheet is missing the item \"Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks\" which would make the figures balance.", "Balanced scorecard There are few empirical studies linking the use of balanced scorecards to better decision making or improved financial performance of companies, but some work has been done in these areas.[52] Broadcast surveys of usage have difficulties in this respect, due to the wide variations in definition of 'what a balanced scorecard is' noted above (making it hard to work out in a survey if you are comparing like with like).[1] Single organization case studies suffer from the 'lack of a control' issue common to any study of organizational change – what the organization would have achieved if the change had not been made isn't known, so it is difficult to attribute changes observed over time to a single intervention (such as introducing a balanced scorecard). However, such studies as have been done have typically found balanced scorecard to be useful.[9][28]", "Provision (accounting) Sometimes in IFRS, but not in GAAP, the term reserve is used instead of provision. Such a use is, however, inconsistent with the terminology suggested by International Accounting Standards Board.[citation needed] The term \"reserve\" can be a confusing accounting term. In accounting, a reserve is always an account with a credit balance in the entity's Equity on the Balance Sheet, while to non-professionals it has the connotation of a pool of cash set aside to meet a future liability (a debit balance).", "Government budget balance The government budget balance is further differentiated into the primary balance and the structural balance (also known as cyclically-adjusted balance). The primary budget balance equals the government budget balance before interest payments. The structural budget balances attempts to adjust for the impacts of the real GDP changes in the national economy.", "Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis However, depository banks had moved sizable amounts of assets and liabilities off-balance sheet, via complex legal entities called special purpose vehicles. This allowed the banks to remove these amounts from the capital requirements computation, allowing them to take on more risk, but make higher profits during the pre-crisis boom period. When these off-balance sheet vehicles encountered difficulties beginning in 2007, many depository banks were required to cover their losses.[26] Martin Wolf wrote in June 2009: \"...an enormous part of what banks did in the early part of this decade – the off-balance-sheet vehicles, the derivatives and the 'shadow banking system' itself – was to find a way round regulation.\"[27]", "Balance of payments Especially in older balance sheets, a common division was between visible and invisible entries. Visible trade recorded imports and exports of physical goods (entries for trade in physical goods excluding services is now often called the merchandise balance). Invisible trade would record international buying and selling of services, and sometimes would be grouped with transfer and factor income as invisible earnings.[2]", "Balance sheet Under IFRS items are always shown based on liquidity from the least liquid assets at the top, usually land and buildings to the most liquid, i.e. cash. Then liabilities and equity continue from the most immediate liability to be paid (usual account payable) to the least i.e. long term debt such a mortgages and owner's equity at the very bottom.[17]", "Balance sheet Regarding the items in equity section, the following disclosures are required:", "Process control To determine the fundamental model for any process, the inputs and outputs of the system are defined differently than for other chemical processes[5]. The balance equations are defined by the control inputs and outputs rather than the material inputs. The control model is a set of equations used to predict the behavior of a system and can help determine what the response to change will be.", "Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization Costs for exploration are varied by methods and costs. Removal of the exploration portion of the balance sheet allows for a better comparison between the energy companies.", "Financial accounting Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets and liabilities separately from non-current amounts.[6][7]", "Sheet metal Photochemical machining, also known as photo etching, is a tightly controlled corrosion process which is used to produce complex metal parts from sheet metal with very fine detail. The photo etching process involves photo sensitive polymer being applied to a raw metal sheet. Using CAD designed photo-tools as stencils, the metal is exposed to UV light to leave a design pattern, which is developed and etched from the metal sheet.", "Interest For example, imagine that a credit card holder has an outstanding balance of $2500 and that the simple annual interest rate is 12.99% per annum, applied monthly, so the frequency of applying interest is 12 per year. Over one month,", "Canada Pension Plan Unlike most pension plans, the unfunded liability is not reported on the balance sheet of the Canada Pension Plan's financial statements. [19] Consequently, the balance sheet reports that the CPP's assets exceed its liabilities by $269 billion as at March 31, 2015.", "Sheet metal In most of the world, sheet metal thickness is consistently specified in millimeters. In the US, the thickness of sheet metal is commonly specified by a traditional, non-linear measure known as its gauge. The larger the gauge number, the thinner the metal. Commonly used steel sheet metal ranges from 30 gauge to about 7 gauge. Gauge differs between ferrous (iron based) metals and nonferrous metals such as aluminum or copper; copper thickness, for example is measured in ounces, which represents the weight of copper contained in an area of one square foot.", "Sufi whirling The tanoura tradition has attracted some interest from Westerners in the belly dancing community. These performers include both men and women, solo and in groups. Such performances may be augmented with pyrotechnics or props, such as veils, wings and ribbons.[14][non-primary source needed] The techniques used in Egyptian Tanoura can also be adopted by belly dancers to help with their balance and control dizziness.[citation needed]", "Antarctic ice sheet If the transfer of the ice from the land to the sea is balanced by snow falling back on the land then there will be no net contribution to global sea levels. The general trend shows that a warming climate in the southern hemisphere would transport more moisture to Antarctica, causing the interior ice sheets to grow, while calving events along the coast will increase, causing these areas to shrink. A 2006 paper derived from satellite data, measuring changes in the gravity of the ice mass, suggests that the total amount of ice in Antarctica has begun decreasing in the past few years.[16] A 2008 study compared the ice leaving the ice sheet, by measuring the ice velocity and thickness along the coast, to the amount of snow accumulation over the continent. This found that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet was in balance but the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was losing mass. This was largely due to acceleration of ice streams such as Pine Island Glacier. These results agree closely with the gravity changes.[17][18] An estimate published in November 2012 and based on the GRACE data as well as on an improved glacial isostatic adjustment model discussed systematic uncertainty in the estimates, and by studying 26 separate regions, estimated an average yearly mass loss of 69 ± 18 Gt/y from 2002 to 2010. The mass loss was geographically uneven, mainly occurring along the Amundsen Sea coast, while the West Antarctic Ice Sheet mass was roughly constant and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet gained in mass.[19]", "International Financial Reporting Standards Phase 2: Opening balance sheet as of 1 April 2012*", "Federal Reserve System Below is the balance sheet as of July 6, 2011 (in billions of dollars):", "Liability (financial accounting) Liabilities are reported on a balance sheet and are usually divided into two categories:", "Asset-based lending Still another subset of a collateralized loan is a pledging of receivables and an assignment of receivables as collateral for the debt. In these instances, receivables are transferred to the lender when they are pledged as collateral. When the receivables are pledged as collateral, or assigned with the condition that the lender has recourse in the event the receivables are uncollectible, the receivables continue to be reported as the borrower's asset on the borrower's balance sheet and only a footnote is required to indicate these receivables are used as collateral for debt. The debt is reported as a liability on the borrower's balance sheet and as an asset (specifically, a receivable) on the lender’s balance sheet.", "Federal Reserve Below is the balance sheet as of 6 July 2011[update] (in billions of dollars):", "Interest The outstanding balance Bn of a loan after n regular payments increases each period by a growth factor according to the periodic interest, and then decreases by the amount paid p at the end of each period:", "Inventory Finished goods inventories remain balance-sheet assets, but labor-efficiency ratios no longer evaluate managers and workers. Instead of an incentive to reduce labor cost, throughput accounting focuses attention on the relationships between throughput (revenue or income) on one hand and controllable operating expenses and changes in inventory on the other.", "Ice-sheet dynamics Ice shelves exert a dominant control in Antarctica, but are less important in Greenland, where the ice sheet meets the sea in fjords. Here, melting is the dominant ice removal process,[11] resulting in predominant mass loss occurring towards the edges of the ice sheet, where icebergs are calved in the fjords and surface meltwater runs into the ocean.", "Cash flow forecasting The three indirect methods are based on the company's projected income statements and balance sheets.", "Balanced scorecard The original thinking behind a balanced scorecard was for it to be focused on information relating to the implementation of a strategy, and over time there has been a blurring of the boundaries between conventional strategic planning and control activities and those required to design a balanced scorecard. This is illustrated well by the four steps required to design a balanced scorecard included in Kaplan & Norton's writing on the subject in the late 1990s:", "Partnership accounting The partners' equity section of the balance sheet reports the equity of each partner, as illustrated below.", "Non-vascular plant Non-vascular plants do not have a wide variety of specialized tissue types.[citation needed] Mosses and leafy liverworts have structures that look like leaves, but are not true leaves because they are single sheets of cells with no stomata, no internal air spaces and have no xylem or phloem. Consequently, they are unable to control the rate of water loss from their tissues and are said to be poikilohydric. These organisms do, however, have an elementary cuticle which was important in the evolution of land plants.[1]", "Accounting liquidity For a corporation with a published balance sheet there are various ratios used to calculate a measure of liquidity. These include the following:", "Sea level rise In 2002, Eric Rignot and R.H. Thomas found that the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were losing mass, while the East Antarctic ice sheet was close to in balance (they could not determine the sign of the mass balance for The East Antarctic ice sheet).[62] Kwok and Comiso (J. Climate, v15, 487–501, 2002) also discovered that temperature and pressure anomalies around West Antarctica and on the other side of the Antarctic Peninsula correlate with recent Southern Oscillation events.", "Balance of payments The balance of payments, also known as balance of international payments and abbreviated B.O.P. or BoP, of a country is the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and the rest of world in a particular period of time (over a quarter of a year or more commonly over a year). The balance of payments is a summary of all monetary transactions between a country and rest of the world. These transactions are made by individuals, firms and government bodies. Thus the balance of payments includes all external visible and non-visible transactions of a country. It is an important issue to be studied, especially in international financial management field, for a few reasons.", "Goodwill (accounting) Previously, companies could structure many acquisition transactions to determine the choice between two accounting methods to record a business combination: purchase accounting or pooling-of-interests accounting. Pooling-of-interests method combined the book value of assets and liabilities of the two companies to create the new balance sheet of the combined companies. It therefore did not distinguish between who is buying whom. It also did not record the price the acquiring company had to pay for the acquisition. Since 2001, U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (FAS 141) no longer allows the pooling-of-interests method.", "Accounts receivable On a company's balance sheet, accounts receivable are the money owed to that company by entities outside of the company. Account receivables are classified as current assets assuming that they are due within one calendar year or fiscal year. To record a journal entry for a sale on account, one must debit a receivable and credit a revenue account. When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry. The ending balance on the trial balance sheet for accounts receivable is usually a debit.", "Statement of changes in equity Therefore, the statement of retained earnings uses information from the income statement and provides information to the balance sheet.", "Safety data sheet The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations govern the use of hazardous substances in the workplace in the UK and specifically require an assessment of the use of a substance.[21] Regulation 12 requires that an employer provides employees with information, instruction and training for people exposed to hazardous substances. This duty would be very nearly impossible without the data sheet as a starting point. It is important for employers therefore to insist on receiving a data sheet from a supplier of a substance.", "Statement of changes in equity The statement is expected under the generally accepted accounting principles and explains the owners' equity shown on the balance sheet, where:", "Public–private partnership A 2008 report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers argued that the comparison between public and private borrowing rates is not fair, because there are \"constraints on public borrowing\", which may imply that public borrowing is too high, and so PFI projects can be beneficial by not putting debt directly on government books.[40] The fact that PPPs debt is not recorded as debt and remains largely \"off balance sheet\" is a raising concern. Indeed, keeping the PPP project and its contingent liabilities ‘off balance sheet,’ means that the true cost of the project is hidden[41]. According to the IMF, economic ownership of the asset should determine whether to record PPP-related assets and liabilities in the government’s or the private corporation’s balance sheet is not straightforward[42].", "Sheet music Many software products for modern digital audio workstation and scorewriters for general personal computers support generation of sheet music from MIDI files, by a performer playing the notes on a MIDI-equipped keyboard or other MIDI controller or by manual entry using a mouse or other computer device.", "Nitrogen balance Nitrogen balance is the traditional method of determining dietary protein requirements.[5] Determining dietary protein requirements using nitrogen balance requires that all nitrogen inputs and losses are carefully collected, to ensure that all nitrogen exchange is accounted for.[6] In order to control nitrogen inputs and losses, nitrogen balance studies usually require participants to eat very specific diets (so total nitrogen intake is known) and stay in the study location for the duration of the study (to collect all nitrogen losses). Because of these conditions, it can be difficult to study the dietary protein requirements of certain populations using the nitrogen balance technique (e.g. children).[7]", "Statement of changes in equity Retained earnings are part of the balance sheet (another basic financial statement) under \"stockholders equity (shareholders' equity)\" and is mostly affected by net income earned during a period of time by the company less any dividends paid to the company's owners / stockholders. The retained earnings account on the balance sheet is said to represent an \"accumulation of earnings\" since net profits and losses are added/subtracted from the account from period to period.", "Cascading Style Sheets One of the goals of CSS is to allow users greater control over presentation. Someone who finds red italic headings difficult to read may apply a different style sheet. Depending on the browser and the web site, a user may choose from various style sheets provided by the designers, or may remove all added styles and view the site using the browser's default styling, or may override just the red italic heading style without altering other attributes.", "Balanced scorecard The first generation of balanced scorecard designs used a \"four perspective\" approach to identify what measures to use to track the implementation of strategy. `The original four \"perspectives\" proposed[6] were:", "Engine balance A proportion of the reciprocating weight is balanced with the addition of an extra revolving weight in the wheel, i.e. still only balanced statically. The overbalance causes what is known as hammer blow or dynamic augment, both terms having the same definition as given in the following references. Hammer blow varies about the static mean, alternately adding to and subtracting from it with each wheel revolution.[18] In the United States it is known as dynamic augment, a vertical force caused by a designer's attempt to balance reciprocating parts by incorporating counterbalance in wheels.[19]", "Treasury stock On the balance sheet, treasury stock is listed under shareholders' equity as a negative number. The accounts may be called \"Treasury stock\" or \"equity reduction\".", "Credit card Credit card issuers usually waive interest charges if the balance is paid in full each month, but typically will charge full interest on the entire outstanding balance from the date of each purchase if the total balance is not paid.", "Ice sheet An ice sheet is a mass of glacier ice that covers surrounding terrain and is greater than 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi),[1] this is also known as continental glacier.[2] The only current ice sheets are in Antarctica and Greenland; during the last glacial period at Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) the Laurentide ice sheet covered much of North America, the Weichselian ice sheet covered northern Europe and the Patagonian Ice Sheet covered southern South America.", "Balanced budget Because of the multiplier effect, it is possible to change aggregate demand (Y) keeping a balanced budget. Suppose the government increases its expenditures (G), balancing the increase by an increase in taxes (T). Since only part of the income taken away from households would have actually been spent, the change in consumption expenditure will be smaller than the change in taxes. Therefore, the net change in spending (increased government spending and decreased consumption spending) at this point is positive, and the induced second and subsequent rounds of spending are also positive, giving a positive result for the balanced budget multiplier. In general and in the absence of induced changes in interest rates and the price level, a change in the balanced budget will change aggregate demand by an amount equal to the change in spending. Let the consumption function be", "Debt-to-equity ratio On a balance sheet, the formal definition is that debt (liabilities) plus equity equals assets, or any equivalent reformulation. Both the formulas below are therefore identical:", "Fixed rate bond There are a number of factors that you need to be aware of before choosing your account, for example, some accounts offer interest that it adds onto your balance monthly, which then accumulates more interest throughout the year based on the total balance. Other accounts pay the interest owed when the term ends, or pay the interest into a separate savings account on a monthly basis, so you will only be paid interest on the opening balance.", "Post-glacial rebound Recent global warming has caused mountain glaciers and the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to melt and global sea level to rise.[22] Therefore, monitoring sea level rise and the mass balance of ice sheets and glaciers allows people to understand more about global warming.", "Car controls In Formula One auto racing, many vehicle parameters can be set by the driver during a race. Controls for these are mounted on the steering wheel, and can include controls for: brake balance, differential, ignition timing, regenerative brake, rev limiter, and others.[15]", "Sheet metal There are many different metals that can be made into sheet metal, such as aluminium, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum (platinum sheet metal is also utilized as a catalyst.)", "Engine balance The effects of unbalanced inertias in a locomotive are briefly shown by describing measurements of locomotive motions as well as deflections in steel bridges. These measurements show the need for various balancing methods as well as other design features to reduce vibration amplitudes and damage to the locomotive itself as well as to the rails and bridges. The example locomotive is a simple, non-compound, type with 2 outside cylinders and valve gear, coupled driving wheels and a separate tender. Only basic balancing is covered with no mention of the effects of different cylinder arrangements, crank angles, etc. since balancing methods for 3 and 4 cylinder locomotives can be complicated and diverse.[10] Mathematical treatments can be found in 'further reading'. For example, Dalby's \"The Balancing of Engines\" covers the treatment of unbalanced forces and couples using polygons. Johnson and Fry both use algebraic calculations.", "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 On January 7, 2009, the Federal Open Market Committee decided that, \"the size of the balance sheet and level of excess reserves would need to be reduced.\"[160] On January 13, Ben Bernanke said, \"In principle, the interest rate the Fed pays on bank reserves should set a floor on the overnight interest rate, as banks should be unwilling to lend reserves at a rate lower than they can receive from the Fed. In practice, the federal funds rate has fallen somewhat below the interest rate on reserves in recent months, reflecting the very high volume of excess reserves, the inexperience of banks with the new regime, and other factors. However, as excess reserves decline, financial conditions normalize, and banks adapt to the new regime, we expect the interest rate paid on reserves to become an effective instrument for controlling the federal funds rate.\"[161] The same day, Financial Week said Mr. Bernanke admitted that a huge increase in banks' excess reserves is stifling the Fed's monetary policy moves and its efforts to revive private sector lending.[162]", "Asset Also referred to as PPE (property, plant, and equipment), these are purchased for continued and long-term use in earning profit in a business. This group includes as an asset land, buildings, machinery, furniture, tools, IT equipment, e.g., laptops, and certain wasting resources e.g., timberland and minerals. They are written off against profits over their anticipated life by charging depreciation expenses (with exception of land assets). Accumulated depreciation is shown in the face of the balance sheet or in the notes. An asset is an important factor in a balance sheet.", "Flight control surfaces A control horn is a section of control surface which projects ahead of the pivot point. It generates a force which tends to increase the surface's deflection thus reducing the control pressure experienced by the pilot. Control horns may also incorporate a counterweight which helps to balance the control and prevent it from \"fluttering\" in the airstream. Some designs feature separate anti-flutter weights.", "Sheet bend One type of weaver's knot is topologically equivalent to a sheet bend, but is tied (usually in smaller stuff) with a different approach. Sheet bends are also used for netting.", "Deposit account In the audited financial statements of the bank, the $100 in currency would be shown on the balance sheet as an asset of the bank and the deposit account would be shown as a liability owed by the bank to its customer. The bank's financial statement reflects the economic substance of the transaction—which is that the bank has borrowed $100 from its depositor and has contractually obliged itself to repay the customer according to the terms of the agreement. These \"physical\" reserve funds may be held as deposits at the relevant central bank and will receive interest as per monetary policy.", "Watch A mechanical movement uses an escapement mechanism to control and limit the unwinding and winding parts of a spring, converting what would otherwise be a simple unwinding into a controlled and periodic energy release. A mechanical movement also uses a balance wheel together with the balance spring (also known as a hairspring) to control motion of the gear system of the watch in a manner analogous to the pendulum of a pendulum clock. The tourbillon, an optional part for mechanical movements, is a rotating frame for the escapement, which is used to cancel out or reduce the effects of gravitational bias to the timekeeping. Due to the complexity of designing a tourbillon, they are very expensive, and only found in prestigious watches.", "Controlling account For example, \"accounts receivable\" is the controlling account for the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. In this subsidiary ledger, each credit customer has his own account with its own balance. Thus, while the \"accounts receivable balance\" can report how much the company is owed, the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger can report how much is owed from each credit customer.", "Deferred tax An asset on a company's balance sheet that may be used to reduce any subsequent period's income tax expense. Deferred tax assets can arise due to net loss carryover.", "Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act The title requires that in determining capital requirements for regulated organizations, off-balance-sheet activities shall be taken into consideration, being those things that create an accounting liability such as, but not limited to:\"[170]", "Income statement One important thing to remember about an income statement is that it represents a period of time like the cash flow statement. This contrasts with the balance sheet, which represents a single moment in time.", "Balanced scorecard Design methods for balanced scorecards continue to evolve and adapt to reflect the deficiencies in the currently used methods, and the particular needs of communities of interest (e.g. NGO's and government departments have found the third generation methods embedded in results-based management more useful than first or second generation design methods).[32]", "Federal Reserve System When these tools are used to drain reserves from the banking system, they do so by replacing bank reserves with other liabilities; the asset side and the overall size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet remain unchanged. If necessary, as a means of applying monetary restraint, the Federal Reserve also has the option of redeeming or selling securities. The redemption or sale of securities would have the effect of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet as well as further reducing the quantity of reserves in the banking system. Restoring the size and composition of the balance sheet to a more normal configuration is a longer-term objective of our policies. In any case, the sequencing of steps and the combination of tools that the Federal Reserve uses as it exits from its currently very accommodative policy stance will depend on economic and financial developments and on our best judgments about how to meet the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability.", "Federal Reserve When these tools are used to drain reserves from the banking system, they do so by replacing bank reserves with other liabilities; the asset side and the overall size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet remain unchanged. If necessary, as a means of applying monetary restraint, the Federal Reserve also has the option of redeeming or selling securities. The redemption or sale of securities would have the effect of reducing the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet as well as further reducing the quantity of reserves in the banking system. Restoring the size and composition of the balance sheet to a more normal configuration is a longer-term objective of our policies. In any case, the sequencing of steps and the combination of tools that the Federal Reserve uses as it exits from its currently very accommodative policy stance will depend on economic and financial developments and on our best judgments about how to meet the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability.", "Net operating assets Net operating assets (NOA) are a business's operating assets minus its operating liabilities. NOA is calculated by reformatting the balance sheet so that operating activities are separated from financing activities. 于悦今生大傻子This is done so that the operating performance of the business can be isolated and valued independently of the financing performance. Financing activities do not create value unless the company is in the finance industry, therefore reformatting the balance sheet allows investors to value just the operating activities and hence get a more accurate valuation of the company.", "Balance of power (international relations) In 1942, Robert Strausz-Hupé found that it \"is in the interests of the United States no less than that of humanity\" that the United States should be the only one \"geographical power nucleus\" from which a \"balancing and stabilizing\" power of arbiter be exercised. This \"will pave the way for a new and universal order.\"[84] Writing the same year in Life magazine, Joseph Thorndike tells about \"many observers\" seeking \"preponderant power in the postwar world\" to replace balance of power:", "Sheet music Use of the term \"sheet\" is intended to differentiate written or printed forms of music from sound recordings (on vinyl record, cassette, CD), radio or TV broadcasts or recorded live performances, which may capture film or video footage of the performance as well as the audio component. In everyday use, \"sheet music\" (or simply \"music\") can refer to the print publication of commercial sheet music in conjunction with the release of a new film, TV show, record album, or other special or popular event which involves music. The first printed sheet music made with a printing press was made in 1473.", "Western Union In 1987, Investor Bennett S. LeBow acquired control of Western Union through an outside of chapter 11 process that was a complex leveraged recapitalization. The transaction was backed by a total of $900 million in high-yield bonds and preferred stock underwritten by Michael Milken's group at Drexel Burnham Lambert as part of an exchange offer. LeBow installed Robert J. Amman as President and CEO who led a complete strategic, operational and balance sheet restructuring of the company over the subsequent 6 years.", "Non-compete clause The 2000 Ontario Court of Appeals case Lyons v. Multary established a general preference towards non-solicitation over non-competition agreements, regarding the latter as \"much more drastic weapons\" and held a non-competition agreement to be invalid when a non-solicitation agreement would have been sufficient to protect the company's interests.", "Control character These 65 control codes were carried over to Unicode. Unicode added more characters that could be considered controls, but it makes a distinction between these \"Formatting characters\" (such as the Zero-width non-joiner), and the 65 Control characters.", "Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd As of 2017, Islami Bank Bangladesh commands 90% of Islamic-banking assets and deposits in Bangladesh, is the country's biggest private lender overall, has 12 million depositors and a balance-sheet of $10 billion.[4]", "Foreign exchange risk Applying public accounting rules causes firms with transactional exposures to be impacted by a process known as \"remeasurement\". The current value of contractual cash flows are remeasured at each balance sheet date. If the value of the currency of payment or receivable changes in relation to the firm's base or reporting currency from one balance sheet date to the next, the expected value of these cash flows will change. U.S. accounting rules[5] for this process are specified in ASC 830, originally known as FAS 52. Under ASC 830, changes in the value of these contractual cash flows due to currency valuation changes will impact current income.", "Sheet music Classical musicians playing orchestral works, chamber music, sonatas and singing choral works ordinarily have the sheet music in front of them on a music stand when performing (or held in front of them in a music folder, in the case of a choir), with the exception of solo instrumental performances of solo pieces or concertos or solo vocal pieces (art song, opera arias, etc.), where memorization is expected. In jazz, which is mostly improvised, sheet music – called a lead sheet in this context – is used to give basic indications of melodies, chord changes, and arrangements. Even when a jazz band has a lead sheet, chord chart or arranged music, many elements of a performance are improvised.", "Sheet metal Fasteners that are commonly used on sheet metal include:", "Sheet bend Insecure (left-hand sheet bend[5])", "Sheet pan A sheet pan that has a continuous lip around all four sides may be called a jelly roll pan. A pan that has at least one side flat, so that it is easy to slide the baked product off the end, may be called a cookie sheet.", "Balance (ability) Body sway can occur in all planes of motion, which make it an increasingly difficult ability to rehabilitate. There is strong evidence in research showing that deficits in postural balance is related to the control of medial-lateral stability and an increased risk of falling. To remain balanced, a person standing must be able to keep the vertical projection of their center of mass within their base of support, resulting in little medial-lateral or anterior-posterior sway. Ankle sprains are one of the most frequently occurring injuries among athletes and physically active people. The most common residual disability post ankle sprain is instability along with body sway. Mechanical instability includes insufficient stabilizing structures and mobility that exceed the physiological limits.Functional instability involves recurrent sprains or a feeling of giving way of the ankle.[7] It is found that nearly 40% of patients with ankle sprains suffer from instability and an increase in body sway.[8] Injury to the ankle causes a proprioceptive deficit and impaired postural control. Individuals with muscular weakness, occult instability, and decreased postural control are more susceptible to ankle injury than those with better postural control.", "Recession A July 2012 survey of balance sheet recession research reported that consumer demand and employment are affected by household leverage levels. Both durable and non-durable goods consumption declined as households moved from low to high leverage with the decline in property values experienced during the subprime mortgage crisis. Further, reduced consumption due to higher household leverage can account for a significant decline in employment levels. Policies that help reduce mortgage debt or household leverage could therefore have stimulative effects.[20][21]", "Safety data sheet A safety data sheet (SDS),[1] material safety data sheet (MSDS), or product safety data sheet (PSDS) is an important component of product stewardship, occupational safety and health, and spill-handling procedures. SDS formats can vary from source to source within a country depending on national requirements.", "Historical cost Depreciation affects the carrying value of an asset on the balance sheet. The historical cost will equal the carrying value if there has been no change recorded in the value of the asset since acquisition. Improvements may be added to the cost basis of an asset.", "Bank The capital requirement is a bank regulation, which sets a framework within which a bank or depository institution must manage its balance sheet. The categorization of assets and capital is highly standardized so that it can be risk weighted." ]
how many episodes are in chicago fire season 4
[ "Chicago Fire (season 4) The fourth season of Chicago Fire, an American drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Derek Haas, Michael Brandt, and Matt Olmstead, was ordered on February 5, 2015, by NBC,[1] and premiered on October 13, 2015 and concluded on May 17, 2016.[2] The season contained 23 episodes.[3]" ]
[ "Chicago Fire (TV series) The network placed an order for the series in May 2012.[24] After receiving an additional script order in October, Chicago Fire was picked up for a full season on November 8, 2012.[25][26] On January 29, 2013, Chicago Fire had its episode total increased from 22 to 23.[27] One week later, on February 6, 2013, Chicago Fire received one more episode, giving it a total of 24 episodes for season one.[28] The pilot episode had an early release at NBC.com, before the series' premiere on television.[29]", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Nick Wechsler joins the cast as Kenny Rixton, a former protégé of Voight's, for a multi-episode arc.[26] On February 7, 2017, it was revealed that Esai Morales will join the cast as Chief Lugo, a veteran of the Police Department who is trying to steer the CPD into a new style of policing. His first appearance will be in the three-way crossover with Chicago Fire and Chicago Justice, before recurring throughout the remainder of the season.[27]", "Chicago P.D. (season 1) On January 31, 2014, NBC ordered two additional episodes of Chicago P.D., bringing the total number of episodes for the first season to fifteen.[4]", "Chicago P.D. (season 2) Jesse Lee Soffer revealed that there will be a lot more crossovers this season between Chicago P.D. and parent show Chicago Fire; \"I think every episode from now on, they're going to have a couple characters from one show on the other\" he told media sources.[28]", "Chicago Fire (TV series) In February 2015, NBC announced plans to make another spinoff, the medical drama Chicago Med. A special backdoor pilot episode of the show aired during Chicago Fire's third season.[51] On May 1, 2015, Chicago Med was officially ordered to a series,[52] starring Oliver Platt, S. Epatha Merkerson, Nick Gehlfuss, Yaya DaCosta, Torrey DeVitto, Rachel DiPillo, Marlyne Barrett, Colin Donnell and Brian Tee.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club In 2015, the Chicago Fire and then Comcast SportsNet Chicago agreed to a three-year deal, which includes 21 regular season and postseason matches for 2015.[59]", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 4) The fourth season of the American legal drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on February 10, 2017, by ABC.[1] It began airing on September 28, 2017, with expected 15 episodes like the previous seasons.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4]", "Chicago P.D. (season 2) Another crossover event aired on February 3 and February 4, 2015 starting with Chicago Fire and concluding with Chicago P.D..", "Chicago P.D. (season 1) Tania Raymonde was cast in the planned series as an Officer named Nicole. Kelly Blatz, the lead-actor of Disney XD's Aaron Stone, was also cast as a young but seasoned Officer Elam.[5] Scott Eastwood was set to portray Officer Jim Barnes. Eastwood also co-starred with Tania Raymonde in Texas Chainsaw 3D.[6] Melissa Sagemiller would portray Detective Willhite, a member of the Chicago P.D. Intelligence Unit.[7] LaRoyce Hawkins, in the role of Officer Kevin Atwater, was the only Chicago area actor originally cast in May.[8] These characters were introduced in the penultimate episodes of Chicago Fires first season.[3]", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) A three-way crossover between Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and the premiere of Chicago Justice aired on March 1, 2017, with heavy involvement from Chicago Med.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club The Fire maintains an extensive development system, consisting of the Chicago Fire U-23 (Premier Development League and Super-20 League teams), the Chicago Fire Development Academy, and the Chicago Fire Juniors youth organization. They also operate the Chicago Fire Foundation, the team's community-based charitable division. Toyota Park is the Fire's home stadium.", "List of Chicago Fire characters In a Chicago PD episode \"All Cylinders Firing\", after Platt was a victim of brutal assault, Mouch goes to Chicago Med to see her and while there, was questioned by Voight and Lindsay. He took offense when he was labeled a suspect by them. But he affirms his innocence and demanded to know the truth about what had happened.", "Chicago (franchise) Chicago Justice follows the prosecutors and investigators at the Cook County State’s Attorney's Office. The Chicago P.D. episode \"Justice\" serves as the backdoor pilot. The series was canceled after one season.", "Chicago Fire (season 6) The show follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.", "Chicago Fire (season 2) The show follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working at the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.", "Chicago (band) The American cable music channel VH1 featured the band in an episode of its Behind the Music series, \"Chicago: Behind the Music,\" season 1, episode 133. The episode first aired on October 15, 2000.[82]", "Chicago Fire (season 1) On March 27, 2013, NBC announced plans for a proposed spin-off of Chicago Fire, Deadline reported they heard the spin-off would involve the Chicago Police Department, the spin-off series being created and produced by Dick Wolf, with Derek Haas, Michael Brant, and Matt Olmstead serving as executive producers.[32][33] It premiered on January 8, 2014.", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "List of Chicago Fire characters Chicago Fire Department", "Chicago P.D. (season 5) The fifth season of Chicago P.D., an American police drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Derek Haas, Michael Brandt, and Rick Eid, premiered on September 27, 2017.[1] This season featured its 100th episode.", "Chicago Med (season 3) The third season of Chicago Med, an American medical drama television series with executive producer Dick Wolf, and producers Michael Brandt, Peter Jankowski and Andrew Schneider, premiered November 21, 2017.[1] This season will consist of 20 episodes.[2]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 1) The season was met with mixed reviews. On the review aggregation site, Rotten Tomatoes reported that 56% of critics gave the show a positive review, giving it a \"rotten\" score.[1] Despite the mixed reviews, the show appeared on several television best lists, including Time Magazine and Chicago Tribune.[2][3] The first season garnered an average of 9.47 million viewers per all 22 episodes in the U.S. Out of all regular primetime programming that aired during the 2005–2006 American television season, How I Met Your Mother ranked 51st out of 156, according to the Nielsen ratings system.[4] The pilot was watched by 10.94 million viewers,[5] while the finale was watched by 8.64 million viewers.[6]", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club Changes came quickly in Osorio's wake. On January 17, 2008, former Fire star Frank Klopas was named Technical Director in charge of player personnel, and longtime Fire assistant Denis Hamlett was appointed manager. While the Fire struggled at home in 2008 the team found unusual success on the road, gathering 22 out of a possible 45 away points. Momentum grew with the long-anticipated signing of Chicago native Brian McBride on a free transfer in July 2008. After disposing of the Red Bulls 5–2 in the season's final game, they decisively conquered New England in the first round of the playoffs with a 3–0 victory at home. This was Chicago's first playoff advancement over the Revolution in four consecutive seasons. But triumph only lasted for a week, as they again missed the league final with their 2–1 Eastern Conference Final loss to eventual champion Columbus.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 2) The second season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder was ordered on May 7, 2015, by ABC.[1] The second season began airing on September 24, 2015, with 15 episodes like the previous season, and concluded on March 17, 2016.[2] This was made in a deal with Viola Davis that the series would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[3][4] A promotional poster was released on August 18[5] and the trailer was released on September 10.[6]", "Family Guy (season 4) Season 4 received positive reviews from critics. Reviewing the season premiere, Mark McGuire of The Times Union wrote: \"... the first minute or so of the resurrected Family Guy ranks among the funniest 60 seconds I've seen so far this season.\"[51] The Pitt News reviewer John Nigro felt that the show had not lost its steam while it was on hiatus, and was surprised that the show had been canceled because of its \"wildly extravagant shock factor\".[52] Nigro cited \"Breaking Out Is Hard to Do\", \"Petarded\" and \"Perfect Castaway\" as the season's best episodes.[52] In 2007, BBC Three named the episode \"PTV\" \"The Best Episode...So Far\".[53] The episode has also been praised by Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune, who called it \"Family Guy's most rebellious outing yet\".[54] The Boston Globe critic Matthew Gilbert felt Family Guy's fourth season was as \"crankily irreverent as ever\".[55]", "List of Chicago P.D. episodes Chicago P.D. is an American television drama on NBC spun off from Chicago Fire. The series focuses on a uniformed police patrol and the Intelligence Unit that pursues the perpetrators of the city's major street offenses. The series premiered on January 8, 2014. On May 10, 2017, NBC renewed the series for a fifth season, which is set to premiere on September 27, 2017.[1][2]", "Supernatural (season 7) In this table, the number in the first column refers to the episode's number within the entire series, whereas the number in the second column indicates the episode's number within this particular season. \"U.S. viewers in millions\" refers to how many Americans watched the episode live or on the day of broadcast.", "Rock Bottom (SpongeBob SquarePants) Series head writer of the first season Merriwether Williams said the episode's story is \"so simple.\"[4] She remarked \"To me, it's one of the best episodes. It just stayed with one idea.\"[4] The episode was about \"how he [SpongeBob] keeps missing the bus and how that makes him feel.\"[4] Williams said the episode was \"so small that you could explore gags and opportunities for gags.\"[4] The episode was an example of \"a good outline\" in the series where the storyboards and humor were done easily.[4] Williams said \"it was great for the board guys.\"[4] She added \"In many ways, my job was to create situations where the board guys could be funny, to create a situation that could be funny, and let them go for the actual, specific jokes.\"[4]", "Family Guy (season 4) The fourth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy aired on Fox from May 1, 2005, to May 21, 2006, and consisted of thirty episodes, making it the longest season to date. The first half of the season is included within the volume 3 DVD box set, which was released on November 29, 2005, and the second half is included within the volume 4 DVD box set, which was released on November 14, 2006. Volume 4 was split into seasons 4 and 5 in regions outside the United States, leading to confusion over season numbers between U.S., Australian, and UK consumers. The last three episodes of season 4 were the basis for the movie known as Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, and are edited for content; Fox does not include these episodes in the official episode count.", "Game of Thrones (season 4) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss serve as main writers and showrunners for the fourth season. They co-wrote seven out of ten episodes. The remaining three episodes were written by Bryan Cogman (two episodes), and the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin (one episode).[14]", "Game of Thrones (season 4) Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3.[26] Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2.[27] Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season 3 (\"Walk of Punishment\" and \"Kissed by Fire\"). Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson was cast as Ser Gregor Clegane, called \"The Mountain\". Hafþór replaces Ian Whyte, who portrayed the character in season 2.[28]", "Bureau of Fire Protection The BFP has fire alarm levels to determine how many fire trucks should respond to the scene:", "Family Meeting The final episode and the final season as a whole received overwhelming praise from many notable critics.[2][3] Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune said of the finale:", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club The \"Ring of Fire\" was established in 2003 by Chicago Fire Soccer Club and the Chicago Fire Alumni Association as permanent tribute to honor those who have made the club proud and successful over its history.[61] Aside from the initial member Piotr Nowak, only \"Ring of Fire\" members can select new inductees, and no more than one can be selected any year. Names and numbers (if applicable) are prominently displayed inside Toyota Park.", "Adventure Time (season 10) The season debuted with the episode \"The Wild Hunt\", which was viewed by 0.77 million viewers (this marked a decrease from the previous season finale, \"Three Buckets\", which was viewed by 0.85 million). The tenth season is slated to conclude with \"Come Along with Me\", a four-part episode that will also serve as the series finale. Critical reception to the season has been mostly positive, and the episode \"Ring of Fire\" was nominated for a Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards in 2018. Cartoon Network Studios and Frederator Studios produced the season. A DVD set containing the entire season is scheduled to be released on September 4, 2018.", "Our Lady of the Angels School fire The play entitled When Angels Wept by playwright Charles Grippo had two productions in Chicago in 2013 and was based on the Our Lady of the Angels School fire. The story is centered around a small group of survivors of the fire and how the tragedy affected their lives until present day.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 1) The first season of the ABC American television drama series How to Get Away with Murder premiered on September 25, 2014 and concluded on February 26, 2015, with a total of 15 episodes. At the Television Critics Association Press Tour in July 2014, it was announced that How to Get Away with Murder would be a limited series with only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[1] The smaller size of episode count stems from the deal for the series star Davis.[2] On May 7, 2015, the show was renewed by ABC for a second season.[3]", "List of How to Get Away with Murder episodes As of March 15, 2018,[update] 60 episodes of How to Get Away with Murder have aired, concluding the fourth season.", "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) The first half of both Season 3 and Season 4 are diplomatic in nature; Season 3, in particular, has many stories that take place away from the battlefield. How different races and planets are affected by the galaxy-wide war are shown, as well as how the Republic Senate can make a bigger difference than even the Jedi Council at times. The first half of Season 3 is used mainly to make the Clone Wars series more cohesive as these first episodes created better chronology, setting themselves in and among the previous two seasons' episodes. The second half of both seasons, Anakin steps a little closer to the dark side. Meanwhile, the Sith experience turmoil among themselves.", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Li Jun Li joins the cast as Officer Julie Tay for a three episode guest spot. She is set to replace Brian Geraghty's character Officer Sean Roman as Officer Kim Burgess' (Marina Squerciati) partner, after he left the series at the end of last season.[23] On September 28, it was reported that Jon Seda as character Antonio Dawson would move from P.D. to Justice, where Antonio will become an investigator for the SA's office.[24] It was further reported on October 5 that Seda's last episode of P.D. will be episode 8.[25]", "Kissed by Fire \"Kissed by Fire\" is the fifth episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 25th episode of the series. Directed by Alex Graves and written by Bryan Cogman, it aired on April 28, 2013.", "How Your Mother Met Me \"How Your Mother Met Me\" is the sixteenth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother and the 200th episode overall. This is the only episode of the series in which the episode title was used instead of the usual opening that featured the cast and series's title.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club Chicago Fire Soccer Club is an American professional soccer club based in the Chicago suburb of Bridgeview, Illinois. The team competes in Major League Soccer (MLS) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference, having moved to the conference in 2002.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club For its first years in the league the Fire played at Soldier Field, the 61,500-capacity home of the Chicago Bears of the NFL and one of the main venues of the 1994 FIFA World Cup. While that stadium was undergoing a $632 million renovation, the Fire played at Cardinal Stadium in Naperville, Illinois, on the outskirts of the Chicago metropolitan area. They returned to Soldier Field toward the end of 2003, remaining there through the end of 2005.", "Hart of Dixie (Season 4) The season premiere was up from the previous season with 1.22 million people tuning in. The first episode had a 0.4 rating share for adults 18-49.[4]", "True Blood (season 4) The series hit record high ratings with episode 9 of season 4, titled \"Let's Get Out of Here\". The episode drew 5.53 million viewers, making it the most watched episode of True Blood to date.[11]", "Vikings (season 4) The fourth season consists of a double order of twenty episodes, split into two parts of ten episodes;[1][2][3] the second half premiered on November 30, 2016. The season follows the battles between Ragnar and Rollo in Francia, Bjorn's raid into the Mediterranean, and the Viking invasion of England. It concluded in its entirety on February 1, 2017.[4]", "Kenan & Kel The only DVD releases of Kenan and Kel that are currently available are the Best of Seasons 1 & 2 DVD and Best of Season 3 & 4 DVD. They are DVD-R Releases manufactured on demand though Amazon.com. Individual seasons are not available. The Best of Seasons 1 & 2 DVD is missing 3 Episodes (\"In the Line of Kenan\", \"Baggin' Saggin Kel\", and \"\"Safe and Sorry\"; all from season 1) to complete the set, but Season 2 is complete. And the Best of Seasons 3 & 4 DVD is also missing 3 episodes (\"The Chicago Witch Trials\", \"Freezer Burned\", and \"Who Love Who-ooh?\"; all from Season 3), but Season 4 is complete. These DVD releases are absent of any bonus features.", "The Lighthouse (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Lighthouse\" is the eighth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 192nd episode overall.", "Nannies (How I Met Your Mother) \"Nannies\" is the third episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 163rd episode overall.", "List of Chicago Fire characters In \"The One that Matters the Most\", Boden contemplated moving up in rank after the CFD was considering promoting him. In \"One for the Ages\", after being encouraged by Casey and Severide to seek a promotion in \"The Unrivaled Standard\", he decides to run for Fire Commissioner of Chicago with the Mayor of Chicago endorsing him. In \"The Grand Gesture\", his run for the fire commissioner was stopped when allegations of bribery came into light. He then lost the campaign to Chief Carl Grissom when he became elected Fire Commissioner from the Mayor.", "Leroy Jethro Gibbs In the season 4 episode \"Singled Out\", McGee asks Gibbs how long he has been a special agent, to which Gibbs responds, \"16 years\". This contradicts Gibbs' statement in the JAG season 8 episode \"Ice Queen\", when in response to Harmon Rabb's question, \"How long have you been doing this, Gibbs?\", Gibbs responds, \"19 years\".", "How Lily Stole Christmas \"How Lily Stole Christmas\" is the 11th episode in the second season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 11, 2006.", "The Vampire Diaries (season 4) The Vampire Diaries, a one-hour American supernatural drama, was renewed for a fourth season by the U.S. channel The CW on May 3, 2012, seven days before the third season's finale. Unlike the previous seasons that aired in September, it premiered on October 11, 2012, to avoid competition from major television shows. Season 4 consisted of 23 episodes instead of the usual 22 episodes.", "1995–96 Chicago Bulls season The Bulls met rival New York Knicks in the Conference Semifinals. In the regular season, Chicago won the season series, 4–1. In Game 1 on May 5, the Bulls defeated the Knicks behind Jordan's 44 points.[28] Chicago would defeat New York again on May 7 to take a 2–0 series lead.[29] Playing at Madison Square Garden, the Bulls lost Game 3 in overtime, despite a 46-point offensive performance by Jordan.[30] In Game 4, Chicago defeated the Knicks by three points to take a 3–1 series lead.[31] To close out the series, the Bulls defeated New York at home behind double-double performances by Pippen and Rodman.[32]", "Great Chicago Fire The most popular and enduring legend maintains that the fire began in the O'Leary barn, as Mrs. O’Leary was milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lantern (or an oil lamp in some versions), setting fire to the barn. The O'Leary family denied this, stating that they were in bed before the fire started, but stories of the cow began to spread across the city. Catherine O'Leary seemed the perfect scapegoat: she was a poor, Irish Catholic immigrant. During the latter half of the 19th century, anti-Irish sentiment was strong throughout the United States and in Chicago. This was intensified as a result of the growing political power of the city's Irish population.[1]:442 Furthermore, the Protestant-founded United States had been distrustful of Catholics (or \"papists\", as they were often called) since its beginning[18][19][20][21][22] (main article: Anti-Catholicism in the United States); as an Irish Catholic, Mrs. O'Leary was a target of both anti-Catholic and anti-Irish sentiment. This story was circulating in Chicago even before the flames had died out, and it was noted in the Chicago Tribune's first post-fire issue. In 1893 the reporter Michael Ahern retracted the \"cow-and-lantern\" story, admitting it was fabricated, but even his confession was unable to put the legend to rest.[23] Although the O'Learys were never officially charged with starting the fire, the story became so engrained in local lore that Chicago's city council officially exonerated them—and the cow—in 1997.[24]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 9) The ninth season of How I Met Your Mother received mostly positive reviews from critics. The review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gave an 80% approval rating for the season with an average rating of 7.3/10, based on 10 reviews.[27] At the end of the season, Max Nicholson of IGN gave the season a negative review, writing: \"Many How I Met Your Mother fans felt betrayed after watching the series finale -- and understandably so after Season 9 spent 22 of its 24 episodes building towards a wedding that was basically meaningless. In retrospect, almost any other arc would have made a better foundation for Season 9, including the series finale. In the end, unbalanced storytelling, lack of focus and unfunny detours led to the show's eventual downfall.\"[28] Adam Vitcavage of Paste Magazine gave the season a lukewarm review, saying that \"Nothing was over-the-top funny, but it was a perfect combination of laughter and sweet moments that really do make up for all of the lackluster episodes in the past few seasons.\"[29]", "The Time Travelers (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Time Travelers\" is the 20th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 180th episode overall.", "Great Chicago Fire The fire also led to questions about development in the United States. Due to Chicago’s rapid expansion at that time, the fire led to Americans reflecting on industrialization. Based on a religious point of view, some said that Americans should return to a more old-fashioned way of life, and that the fire was caused by people ignoring traditional morality. On the other hand, others believed that a lesson to be learned from the fire was that cities needed to improve their building techniques. Frederick Law Olmsted observed that poor building practices in Chicago were a problem:", "History of the Carolina Panthers After a disappointing 2010 season, John Fox was fired along with most of his coaching staff 24 hours after the regular season concluded.[4] A few months later, the Panthers hired Ron Rivera as the fourth head coach in Panther history. Rivera was previously the defensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears and the San Diego Chargers.", "1995–96 Chicago Bulls season Chicago took on the Seattle SuperSonics, whose 64–18 franchise-best regular season record was overshadowed by the Bulls' 72–10 record. In the regular season, the two teams split the season series, 1–1. In Game 1 of the NBA Finals, Chicago defeated Seattle by 17 points.[37] The Bulls took a 2–0 series lead against the Sonics in the second game where Rodman accumulated 20 rebounds.[38] In KeyArena, Chicago won Game 3 behind Jordan's 36 points.[39] The Bulls lost Game 4 in a 21-point blowout on June 12.[40] On June 14, the Bulls lost against Seattle in Game 5.[41] Back in the United Center, Chicago defeated Seattle in Game 6[42] to win the NBA championship four games to two.", "How I Met Your Mother (season 4) The fourth season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 22, 2008 and concluded on May 18, 2009. It consisted of 24 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the fourth season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States. The complete fourth season was released on Region 1 DVD on September 29, 2009. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4.", "List of Chicago Med episodes As of October 24, 2018,[update] 66 episodes of Chicago Med have aired.", "2016 Chicago Cubs season The 2016 Chicago Cubs season was the 145th season of the Chicago Cubs franchise, the 141st in the National League and the Cubs' 101st season at Wrigley Field. To celebrate their 100 years at Wrigley, the Cubs wore a patch on their home uniforms and wore 1916 throwback uniforms on July 6.[1]", "Chicago (band) In 2009, Chicago again toured with Earth, Wind & Fire.[87]", "American Idol (season 4) Season 4 of American Idol had an overall average viewership of 26.8 million and was the top show for the 2004–2005 TV season. Its Tuesday episodes averaged 27.32 million (ranked first) while the Wednesday episodes averaged 26.07 million (ranked third).[17] It also drove Fox, for the first time ever, to become the top network in the 18-to-49 demographic for the season.[18][19]", "Prison Break (season 4) The fourth season of Prison Break, an American serial drama television series commenced airing in the United States on September 1, 2008. It consists of 24 episodes (22 television episodes and 2 straight to DVD episodes), 16 of which aired from September to December 2008. After a hiatus, it resumed on April 17, 2009 and concluded on May 15, 2009 with a two episode finale.[1] The fourth season was announced as the final season of Prison Break, however the series returned in a limited series format as Prison Break: Resurrection, which premiered on April 4, 2017.", "Dewey, Cheatem & Howe In an episode of White Collar (Season 01 Episode 09, time index 0:05:41) the document that has the Judge's ID stamp lists the Plaintiff as being represented by \"Donald Dewey of the law firm Dewey, Chetham and Howe\".", "Younger (season 4) The season consisted of 12 episodes.[3] Just like the previous season, the fourth year stars Sutton Foster as the lead character, with Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella, Hilary Duff, Molly Bernard and Peter Hermann co-starring in other main roles.[4]", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club On the field, behind Blanco and Wilman Conde, Osorio's central defender at Millionarios, the Fire went on an extended unbeaten run to close the season, easily qualifying for the playoffs but were defeated at New England in the Eastern Conference Final. On December 10, 2007, the Fire announced Osorio's resignation. He was named manager of the New York Red Bulls eight days later. Hauptman filed tampering charges with the league in protest, and the Fire were compensated by the Red Bulls with cash and draft picks.[4]", "Chicago Crossover \"Chicago Crossover\" was written by long-time Law & Order franchise writer Ed Zuckerman (teleplay), SVU executive producer/show runner Warren Leight and Law & Order: SVU creator Dick Wolf, and was directed by Steve Shill. This episode marks the first episode to credit Dick Wolf as a writer since the 100th episode of SVU, \"Control\", back in the fifth season. In this episode, Raúl Esparza (Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba) and newcomer Peter Scanavino (Detective Sonny Carisi) were absent.", "One Tree Hill (season 4) The season premiere was seen by 3.64 million U.S. viewers and achieved a 1.7 Adults 18-49 rating, up 19% in viewers and 55% in demo from the season 3 finale.[3] Episode 2 hit a season high in the Adults 18-49 demo with a 2.0 rating,[4] while episode 10 hit season highs in viewers with 4.24 million.[12] The season finale was seen by 2.5 million viewers.[23]", "I Am a Singer (season 4) This episode is I Am a Singer Season 4 thirteenth time shows, is final round. Episode 13, in Beijing time April 8, 2016 at 8:30 p.m. in Hunan Television live broadcast.", "True Blood (season 4) As a special promotional broadcast, the season's second episode \"You Smell Like Dinner\" was made available on HBO Go a week earlier than usual. This, combined with the 4th of July holiday, is theorized to account for the dramatic decline in ratings for that particular episode.[4]", "List of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters episodes (season 4) Between December 2005 and April 2008, Funimation Productions released the first 28 episodes of the season over three volumes of DVDs, each containing 7-9 episodes.[1][2][3][4] In late 2013, Cinedigm and 4K Media Inc. reached a distribution agreement that would result in the release of every episode from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise on DVD and Blu-ray and to digital retailers.[5] The complete fourth season, titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season 4, was released on March 25, 2014, on DVD.[6] It was also released in two volumes, like the previous seasons, on the same day both digitally and on DVD.[7][8]", "A Study in Scarlet \"The Deductionist\", an episode of Elementary, contains many elements of Hope's case, including the motivation of revenge. The story was more closely adapted in the season 4 episode, \"A Study in Charlotte.\"", "Chicago Crossover The shooting of the SVU episode \"Chicago Crossover\" began on October 9, 2014 in New York City.[9] SVU cast members Hargitay, Pino, and Giddish shot the CPD conclusion episode starting October 22 in Chicago.[10]", "Windy City (nickname) The February 4, 1873, Philadelphia Inquirer called Chicago \"the great city of winds and fires.\"[6]", "List of Bravest Warriors episodes Season 4 was announced after the last episode of season 3 was uploaded.", "P.S. I Love You (How I Met Your Mother) \"P.S. I Love You\" is the 15th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 175th episode overall.", "Chicago The Chicago Police Department provides law enforcement and the Chicago Fire Department provides fire suppression and emergency medical services for the city and its residents. Civil and criminal law cases are heard in the Cook County Circuit Court of the State of Illinois court system, or in the Northern District of Illinois, in the federal system. In the state court, the public prosecutor is the Illinois State's Attorney; in the Federal court it is the United States Attorney.", "Chicago P.D. (season 4) Intelligence investigates in the wake of the warehouse fire that left Olinsky's daughter Lexi in critical condition. The team is on edge as they race to find the person responsible for starting the fire. After Lexi succumbs to her injuries, a grief-stricken Olinsky pitches in to track down the suspect. During a candlelight vigil for the 39 victims, Lindsay spots the suspect and, after taking him into custody, they hand the case over to Antonio Dawson (guest star Jon Seda) and Peter Stone (guest star Philip Winchester) at the State's Attorney's Office.", "Chicago In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed an area about 4 miles (6.4 km) long and 1-mile (1.6 km) wide, a large section of the city at the time.[50][51][52] Much of the city, including railroads and stockyards, survived intact,[53] and from the ruins of the previous wooden structures arose more modern constructions of steel and stone. These set a precedent for worldwide construction.[54][55] During its rebuilding period, Chicago constructed the world's first skyscraper in 1885, using steel-skeleton construction.[56][57]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 7) The seventh season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother was announced in March 2011, along with confirmation of an eighth season.[2] The seventh season premiered on CBS on September 19, 2011, with two episodes airing back to back, and concluded on May 14, 2012.[3]", "Our Lady of the Angels School fire In 1959 the National Fire Protection Association’s report on the blaze blamed civic authorities and the Archdiocese of Chicago for \"housing their children in fire traps\" - their words - such as Our Lady of the Angels School.[citation needed] The report noted that both the Chicago School Board and the Archdiocese of Chicago continued to allow some schools to be legally operated despite having inadequate fire safety standards.", "Chicago Fire (season 5) 51 responds to an out of control warehouse fire with dozens of victims inside. The team races against time to try and save them all. One of the victims is Alvin Olinsky's (guest star Elias Koteas) daughter Lexi who was found in critical condition. Later on, 51 joins forces with Hank Voight (guest star Jason Beghe) and the police department when they discover that the fire was intentionally set. Also, Severide tries to get in contact with Anna.", "Chicago Blackhawks The Hawks' first season was a moderate success. They played their first game on November 17 when they played the Toronto St. Patricks in the Chicago Coliseum. The Black Hawks won their first game 4–1, in front of a crowd of over 7,000.[4] They ended up finishing the season in third place with a record of 19–22–3. The Black Hawks lost the 1927 first-round playoff series to the Boston Bruins.", "Grey's Anatomy (season 4) For the first time in the show's history, many cast changes occur, seeing the first departure of two main cast members. Despite garnering several awards and nominations for the cast members and the production team, the season received a mixed response from critics and fans. Show creator Shonda Rhimes heavily contributed to the production of the season, writing five out of the seventeen episodes. The highest-rated episode was the season premiere, which was watched by 20.93 million viewers. The season was interrupted by the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike, which resulted in the production of only seventeen episodes, instead of twenty-three originally planned.[1]", "Gossip Girl (season 4) It was later announced that the show would stay in its Monday 9:00 p.m. timeslot as a lead-out to 90210.[3] The season premiered on September 13, 2010,[4] to a 1.0 Adults 18–49 rating and 1.84 million viewers.[5] The fourth episode achieved a 1.1 Adults 18–49 rating, the season's highest-rated episode,[6] while episode 11 was the most watched with 2.06 million viewers tuning in.[7] The season concluded on May 16, 2011, with 1.36 million live viewers tuning in.[8] On Metacritic, the season has a 75 out of 100 rating, indicating generally positive reviews by critics.[9]", "The Pineapple Incident \"The Pineapple Incident\" is the tenth episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on November 28, 2005. It is the highest viewed episode in season 1 and the second highest overall episode during the nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother. It is widely considered of the best episodes in the entire series.[1][2]", "Smallville (season 10) The complete tenth season of Smallville was released on November 29, 2011 in North America in both DVD and Blu-ray format.[76] The DVD and Blu-ray box set were also released in region 2 and region 4 on October 17, 2011 and April 4, 2012, respectively.[77][78][78][79][80] The box set included various special features, including episode commentary, a documentary on the 200th episode called \"Smallville: Coming Home\", a featurette on Clark's father/son relationships over the course of ten seasons titled \"My Father, My Son\", and the music video \"How Do We Do\".[81]", "I Am a Singer (season 4) This episode is I Am a Singer Season 4 eighth time shows, is 3rd knockout round. Episode 8, in Beijing time February 25, 2016 recording, March 4, 2016 at 10:00 p.m. in Hunan Television broadcast. This episode, Coco Lee original order of performance is No.6, Jeff Chang original order of performances is No.2, then Coco Lee change the order with Chang Shin Che.", "Chicago Fire Soccer Club After the Fire moved to the Eastern Conference, meetings with Dallas and LA became less frequent. Rivalries with D.C. United and New England Revolution were stoked following several thrilling playoff meetings. The Fire and Revolution are MLS' most frequent playoff matchup, meeting in the MLS Cup Playoffs 8 different times in 10 seasons from 2000 to 2009, splitting those encounters 4–4, with the Fire winning in 2000, 2003, 2008, and 2009. New England ended the Fire's playoff runs in 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Newer rivals include Columbus Crew, who are the closest MLS team geographically to the Fire, and New York Red Bulls following the departure of former Fire head coach Juan Carlos Osorio to New York in 2007.", "Tick Tick Tick (How I Met Your Mother) \"Tick Tick Tick\" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 146th episode overall. It aired on November 14, 2011.[1]", "How I Met Your Mother (season 2) The second season of the American television comedy series How I Met Your Mother premiered on September 18, 2006 and concluded on May 14, 2007. It consisted of 22 episodes, each approximately 22 minutes in length. CBS broadcast the first three episodes of the second season on Monday nights at 8:30 pm in the United States, the remaining episodes were broadcast at 8:00pm. The complete second season was released on Region 1 DVD on October 2, 2007. In the United Kingdom it aired on E4 from October 2, 2009 weekdays at 7:30pm.", "The Limo (How I Met Your Mother) \"The Limo\" is the 11th episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother. It originally aired on December 19, 2005.", "How to Get Away with Murder (season 5) How to Get Away with Murder was renewed by ABC for a fifth season on May 11, 2018,[13] to premiere on September 27, 2018.[14] The season will most likely consist of fifteen episodes due to a deal made with Davis that the series would have only 15 or 16 episodes per season.[15][16] In July 2018, series creator and showrunner Peter Nowalk told Deadline Hollywood his plans for the fifth season, confirming that the wedding between Jack Falahee and Conrad Ricamora's characters would take place, as well as a flashback episode further exploring the marriage between Viola Davis and Tom Verica's characters Annalise and Sam Keating. Additionally, he stated that the season's flashforwards are expected to be \"twisty, and more fun,\" and tonally different.[17]", "The Lighthouse (How I Met Your Mother) Bill Kuchman of Popculturology praised the episode's ending, but said, \"No matter how beautiful and touching it seemed, it appears that HIMYM has screwed up its timeline.\" Kuchman cited the Season 7 episode \"Trilogy Time\" and noted how that episode showed Ted already having a baby daughter in 2015.[2] However, it ultimately transpired that there was no timeline error as shown in the series finale \"Last Forever\"." ]
who sings love will keep us alive by the eagles
[ "Love Will Keep Us Alive \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" is a song written by Jim Capaldi, Paul Carrack, and Peter Vale, and produced by the Eagles, Elliot Scheiner, and Rob Jacobs. It was first performed by the Eagles in 1994, during their \"Hell Freezes Over\" reunion tour, with lead vocals by bassist Timothy B. Schmit." ]
[ "Love Will Keep Us Alive Although the song was never formally released as a single in the US, and thus was not eligible to appear on the US Billboard Hot 100 under the rules then in place, it spent three weeks at number 1 on the Billboard adult contemporary chart in early 1995[1] and reached number 22 on Billboard's Hot 100 Airplay chart. In the United Kingdom, \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" was issued as a single and peaked at number 52 on the UK Singles Chart.[2]", "Love Will Keep Us Alive According to the liner notes that accompanied their 2003 greatest hits CD, this song was written when Carrack, Capaldi, and Schmit were planning to form a band with Don Felder and Max Carl during the late eighties or early nineties.[3] The band had the working name of Malibu Men's Choir.[4] This never materialized, so Schmit proposed the song for the Eagles' reunion album. According to Felder, they sent demo tapes to the Eagles manager, Irving Azoff, who rejected it as not good enough.[5] Felder thought it ironic that the Eagles would later record one of those rejected songs.[6]", "Love Will Keep Us Alive Paul Carrack recorded the song for his 1996 album, Blue Views; it also featured on his 2006 compilation album, Greatest Hits - The Story So Far.", "Love Will Keep Us Together \"Por Amor Viviremos\" would later appear on their May 1976 album Por Amor Viviremos, a Spanish track-for-track rerecording of their album Love Will Keep Us Together. It also appears on the 2002 Hip-O Records compilation album Ultimate Collection: The Complete Hits.", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) The album's title cut and \"Love is Alive\" both peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart.[1] \"Love is Alive\" spent 27 weeks on the chart, seven weeks longer than \"Dream Weaver.\" Billboard ranked \"Love is Alive\" as the No. 9 song of 1976. In Canada, the song reached No. 6.[2]", "Hell Freezes Over The new song \"Get Over It\" became a modest hit, and another new song, \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\", reached No. 1 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart.", "Eagles (band) \"For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation,\" announced Frey at their first live performance in April 1994. The ensuing tour spawned a live album titled Hell Freezes Over (named for Henley's recurring statement that the group would get back together \"when hell freezes over\"), which debuted at number 1 on the Billboard album chart. It included four new studio songs, with \"Get Over It\" and \"Love Will Keep Us Alive\" both becoming Top 40 hits. The album proved as successful as the tour, selling six million copies in the U.S. The tour was interrupted in September 1994 because of Frey's serious recurrence of diverticulitis, but it resumed in 1995 and continued into 1996.[57] In 1998, the Eagles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. For the induction ceremony, all seven Eagles members (Frey, Henley, Felder, Walsh, Schmit, Leadon, and Meisner) played together for two songs, \"Take It Easy\" and \"Hotel California.\" Several subsequent reunion tours followed (without Leadon or Meisner), notable for their record-setting ticket prices.[58][59]", "The History of Love The last chapter is entitled \"The Death of Leopold Gursky\" and is identical with the last chapter of the book inside a book The History of Love, both being the self-written obituary of Leopold Gursky. By ending the novel this way, Krauss is richly alluding to earlier parts of the novel and to her theme of how words keep people alive for us, indeed, make people in danger of becoming invisible, visible. Zvi Litvinoff carried Leo's self-written obit in his pocket for years, as a talisman guarding against Leo's death. Litvinoff, when preparing History of Love for publication, insists that his editor include the Leo Gursky obit at the end, his way of ensuring that Leo will continue to \"live\" in the hearts of all readers of the book. And finally, Nicole Krauss includes the same obit at the end of her novel, as a way of urging all readers to keep this Leo, and all Leos, alive.", "Love, Love, Love (Glee) \"Love, Love, Love\" was given mixed to positive reviews by critics. Miranda Wicker of TV Fanatic gave the episode a 3.5 out of 5, saying the episode \"was a technicolor return for the series, full of fun music for the audience to keep the audience singing along. But Finn Hudson's absence is evident.\" She commented negatively on the season's time-jump, saying \"[it] robbed the audience of some good moments,\" but commented positively on Blaine's proposal speech, calling it \"beautiful.\"[20]", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) In 1989, New York rap group 3rd Bass sampled \"Love Is Alive\" for their song \"Wordz of Wisdom\" off their debut full-length album The Cactus Album.", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) Chaka Khan covered the song as \"My Love Is Alive\" on her 1984 album I Feel For You. The track was edited, mixed and co-produced by John Robie.", "Don Henley In live shows, Henley plays drums and sings simultaneously on some Eagles songs.[41] On his solo songs and other Eagles songs, he plays electric guitar and simultaneously sings or just sings solo. Occasionally Eagles songs would get drastic rearrangements, such as \"Hotel California\" with four trombones.[42][43]", "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season weather= 54 °F (Cloudy) In Week 11, the Eagles faced the Washington Redskins for the first time all season. Using a steady rushing attack, the Redskins opened the scoring with a 35-yard Ola Kimrin field goal. The Eagles answered back with a touchdown – a 2-yard pass to a wide open Chad Lewis in the end zone. The Redskins got another field goal to make it 7–6, keeping pace with an Eagles team that had a sluggish first half. In the third quarter, the Eagles put together an impressive drive that ended with Donovan McNabb firing a bullet over the middle to Terrell Owens in the end zone. Brian Westbrook added two short yardage receiving touchdowns in the fourth quarter, breaking the game open and making the final score 28–6, prompting the Redskins to accuse the Eagles of running up the score after the game. It was not the Eagles' best offense performance, but McNabb, who fumbled and was intercepted, threw four touchdowns. Overshadowed receiver Todd Pinkston had 106 receiving yards, which led the team.", "I Could Fall in Love The first verse of \"I Could Fall in Love\" implores the object of the singer's desire to walk away, because her emotions are too overpowering and she feels love of unprecedented intensity. She fears that by allowing him to stay attached, she may \"lose control\". Selena believes that her infatuation can lead to romantic love. She then sings \"I could fall in love (in love) with you\" before wondering how she would feel if she were to touch him for the first time. The fear of being rejected and unloved leads her to keep her feelings to herself,[35] and she begins to believe that her love is \"not right\". She continues, \"and I guess I should try / to do what I should do / but I could fall in love / fall in love with you\". During the midpoint break, Selena sings in Spanish that she is always dreaming about him, imagining that he loves her. She sings the chorus twice before the song comes to an end without her ever having come to terms with her loved one.[26]", "Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America) Eagle Scout hat pins were produced from 1921 through 1958 with several variations.[39] Eagle Scouts who earned additional merit badges were recognized using Eagle Palms, introduced in 1927. Adults who had earned Eagle Scout began to be recognized in 1934 with a red, white and blue ribbon bar. In 1940, a small eagle pin was added to the bar. Ribbon bars were replaced by embroidered square knot patches in 1947.[40] Over the years, the knot was produced with various background colors to match the different uniforms. Although the Venturing and Sea Scout programs use different uniform shirts, the current knot is available only with a tan background that matches the Boy Scout uniform.[41] When the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (DESA) was created in 1969,[42] a gold-colored eagle device was introduced for wear on the Eagle Scout square knot. The Eagle Scout Mentor pin was introduced in early 2004 in a gold-colored version. In early 2006 it was changed to a silver-colored antique finish to match the mother and father pins but in 2007 was changed back to gold-colored. In 2008, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) introduced a knot recognizing those Eagle Scouts who are life members of NESA; it uses the standard knot emblem with a silver border.", "War Eagle Another legend claims that \"War Eagle\" was the name given to the large golden eagle by the Plains Indians because the eagle furnished feathers for use in their war bonnets.", "Livewell A livewell is a tank found on many fishing boats that is used to keep bait and caught fish alive. It works by pumping fresh water from the surrounding body into the tank, as well as keeping the water aerated. A rule of thumb for determining the necessitated size of a livewell is that every one inch of fish needs a gallon of water if it is desired to keep the fish alive for a prolonged period of time.[1]", "The History of Love Zvi Litvinoff's perspective is introduced. In the past, a younger Leo wrote a letter to his old friend Zvi, asking for his manuscript of The History of Love to be returned to him. Leo had given Zvi The History before they parted, years ago. However, his wife Rosa informs him that the book was destroyed in a flood, choosing to hide that her husband did not write The History of Love. Zvi also describes an event where Leo fell gravely ill in Poland and wrote his own obituary, after which Zvi stole it in the hope that it would keep his friend alive.", "Eagle Psalm 103 mentions renewing one's youth \"as the eagle\". Augustine of Hippo gives a curious explanation of this in his commentary on the Psalms.[26] Moses, who spoke on Gods behalf, also expressed that an Eagle is unclean for consumption in Leviticus 11:13.", "Eurasian eagle-owl Eurasian eagle-owls are strictly territorial and will defend their territories from interloping eagle-owls year around, but territorial calling appears to peak around October to early January.[66] Territory size is similar or occasionally slightly greater than great horned owl: averaging 15 to 80 km2 (5.8 to 30.9 sq mi).[6] Territories are established by the male eagle-owl, who selected the highest points in the territory from which to sing. The high prominence of singing perches allows their song to be heard at greater distances and lessens the need for potentially dangerous physical confrontations in the areas where territories may meet.[66] Nearly as important in territorial behaviour as vocalization is the white throat patch. When taxidermied specimens with flared white throats were placed around the perimeter of eagle-owl territories, male eagle-owls reacted quite strongly and often attacked the stuffed owl, reacting more mildly to a stuffed eagle-owl with a non-flared white throat. Females were less likely to be aggressive to mounted specimens and did not seem to vary in their response whether exposed to the specimens with or without the puffed up white patch.[68] In January and February, the primary function for vocalization becomes for the purpose of courtship.[66] More often than not, eagle-owls will pair for life but usually engage in courtship rituals annually, most likely to re-affirm pair bonds.[14] When calling for the purposes of courtship, males tend to bow and hoot loudly but do so in a less contorted manner than the male great horned owl.[6] Courtship in the Eurasian eagle-owl may involve bouts of \"duetting\", with the male sitting upright and the female bowing as she calls. There may be mutual bowing, billing and fondling before the female flies to a perch where coitus occurs, usually taking place several times over the course of a few minutes.[24]", "Half of My Heart The lyrics of \"Half of My Heart\" are sung by both Mayer and Swift; Swift sings with Mayer in the chorus and in the song's bridge. The lyrics are about the duo, with half of their hearts saying they should continue to love each other, although the other half says they are not each other's true love, and cannot keep loving each other.", "Harpy eagle The harpy eagle was the inspiration behind the design of Fawkes the Phoenix in the Harry Potter film series.[65] A live harpy eagle was used to portray the now-extinct Haast's eagle in BBC's Monsters We Met.[66]", "Love Will Keep Us Together Dragon and Tennille acknowledged Sedaka's authorship — as well as his mid-1970s comeback — by working the phrase \"Sedaka is back\" into the song's fadeout, where the applause from the studio musicians can be heard. Their version would earn Sedaka and Greenfield a Grammy nomination for Song of the Year. Twenty years later in 1995, the duo would re-record the song for their Twenty Years of Romance CD.", "Boston College Eagles football The year 2001 saw Boston College end a 21-game losing streak to ranked opponents when, in the Music City Bowl, the Eagles beat No. 16 Georgia 20–16 to finish at 8–5.[43] But the most memorable moment of the year came in another thrilling game against then-No. 1 Miami at Alumni Stadium. Trailing 12–7 BC stood at the Hurricanes 9-yard-line, poised to win with just over 20 seconds left in the contest, but an interception thrown by Eagles quarterback Brian St. Pierre cost the game. St. Pierre threw too low for receiver Ryan Read, and the pass ricocheted off a Miami defender's leg and fell into the hands of defensive back Ed Reed, who returned it 80 yards for a touchdown—preserving a win for the Hurricanes and keeping its hopes alive for a national championship, which they would eventually win. Despite the heartbreaking loss, the season had several highs including running back William Green rushing for 1,559 yards and being the top RB taken in the 2002 NFL Draft; eight wins for the first time since 1993; and finishing the season ranked (No. 21) for the first time since 1994.", "Love Yourself Lyrically, \"Love Yourself\" is a kiss-off to a narcissistic ex-lover who did the protagonist wrong,[15][9] with Bieber singing in a snappy and spiteful tone[16] while \"hating on a girl for loving herself too much.\"[17] In the pre-chorus, he sings with a husky tone in the lower registers:[16] \"My mama don't like you, and she likes everyone,\" \"in a style that molds well to Sheeran's,\" according to Rolling Stone's Brittany Spanos.[1] \"And I [never] like to admit that I was wrong. And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on, and now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own,\" he continues.[1] In the chorus, Bieber sings, \"Cause if you like the way you look that much, oh baby you should go and love yourself,\"[17] which according to Digital Spy's Amy Davidson, \"'love yourself' means 'go f**k yourself' in this context.\"[18] On March 7, 2017, composer Ed Sheeran stated on the Howard Stern Show that he had Rihanna in mind for the song at first, and the original lyric was indeed \"fuck yourself.\" [19] In the song's bridge, Bieber uses a \"brass-and-vocalese\" style.[20]", "Eagle eye Eagle weight varies: a small eagle could weigh 700 grams (1.5 lb), while a larger one weighs 6.5 kilograms (14 lb); an eagle of about 10 kilograms (22 lb) weight could have eyes as big as that of a human being who weighs 200 pounds (91 kg).[1] Although the size of the eagle eye is about the same as of a human being, the back side shape of the eagle eye is flatter. An eagle's retina allows for a higher Nyquist limit.[4] Its retina is more pronounced with rod cells and cone cells. In the eagle, the retina's fovea has one million cells per mm2 as compared to 200,000 per mm2 in humans. Eagles have a second fovea and three eyelids (two of which are visible).[2] The second fovea in eagles gives them better and sharper vision while the long, narrow ribbon-shaped area that connects the two eagle foveas is inferred to be a third fovea. The phenomenon of an eagle turning its flexible head almost 270 degrees,[3] while sitting or flying, is attributed to the fact that when its large head is turned fully its eyes are also turned, unlike a human.", "Golden eagle The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the best-known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the most widely distributed species of eagle. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. These birds are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their napes. Immature eagles of this species typically have white on the tail and often have white markings on the wings. Golden eagles use their agility and speed combined with powerful feet and massive, sharp talons to snatch up a variety of prey, mainly hares, rabbits, marmots and other ground squirrels.[2]", "You'll Be in My Heart The song, originally called \"Lullaby\" is used in a scene when Tarzan's adoptive gorilla mother Kala sings that her baby should stop crying because she will protect him and keep him safe and warm. She says everything will be fine and she tells him that \"you will be in my heart always\". The song is about \"how love is a bond that cannot be broken\".[5]", "Double eagle In 1850, regular production began and continued until 1933 (when the official price of gold was changed to $35/oz by the Gold Reserve Act). Prior to 1850, eagles with a denomination of $10 were the largest denomination of US coin. The $10 eagles were produced beginning in 1795, just two years after the first U.S. mint opened. Since the $20 gold piece had twice the value of the eagle, these coins were designated \"double eagles\".", "List of social fraternities and sororities I am keeping the dream alive", "Eagles (band) Music writer turned filmmaker Cameron Crowe, an Eagles fan, had written articles about Poco and the Eagles during his journalism career. In 1982 his first screenplay was produced as the feature-length movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The film was co-produced by Eagles manager Azoff, who also co-produced the soundtrack album, released by Elektra. Henley, Walsh, Schmit and Felder all contributed solo songs to the film's soundtrack. The band playing at the dance toward the end of the movie covers the Eagles song \"Life in the Fast Lane.\"", "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song) He also sings about a skull, a tombstone, a graveyard, and a scream in the night[2][3] to convey a sense of foreboding.[4] The use of the homonym \"who do\" is an allusion to \"hoodoo\", a Louisiana/Mississippi folk magic belief that events can be influenced by its use.[5] However, Bo Diddley uses imagery more common to the American Southwest, combined with exaggerated bravado.[6] He explained that the first line, \"I got forty-seven miles of barbed wire\", came to him quickly, \"but I couldn't get a rhyme for it. I thought of car tires and mule trains, and I couldn't get anything to fit. Then one day I said 'use a cobra snake,' and my drummer, Clifton James, added 'for a necktie'\".[1] These are directed at a female he is trying to woo – \"who do you love, me or him\".[4] The lyrics confirm the effect: \"Arlene took me by my hand, she said 'oo-ee daddy I understand', who do you love?\".[7]", "Love Will Find a Way (Disney song) The song is sung by Kovu and Kiara, who despite being from opposing tribes, fall in love. Kovu has just been driven out of the Pride Lands due to being falsely committed of a crime.[3] They sing about how their love will conquer all opposition and ultimately bring them together again.", "List of Warriors characters Brook has two brothers, Crag Where Eagles Nest (Crag), and Talon of Swooping Eagle (Talon). She is Stormfur's mate. She is the mother of Lark That Sings At Dawn (Lark) and Pine That Clings To Rock (Pine).", "Eddie the Eagle (film) Alonso Duralde of TheWrap wrote, \"Eddie the Eagle is designed for audiences who will throw their weight behind the film’s schmaltz and sentimentality. Anyone unwilling to commit to the movie’s shamelessness will feel like they’ve hit the ground headfirst.\"[26] KenyaBuzz called it a must-watch saying it is \"positively impetuous and unbearably affectionate.\"[27] A sportswriter who attended the events in which the real Eddie competed, wrote \"three generations of my family loved this film. You can't believe most of it, but you can believe in it. That's a subtle but important difference.\"[28]", "Wanted Dead or Alive (Bon Jovi song) In Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet Special Edition, Jon and Richie perform the acoustic version of \"Wanted Dead Or Alive\" live, and before singing they mention they wrote the song in Richie's mother's basement a year ago (1985 or 1986) and Richie says \"Mom this is for you\" and Jon thanks her by saying \"Thanks for Richie's mom for not doing the laundry the day we wrote this song, it's called Wanted Dead or Alive\". In this version, Richie and Jon take turns singing during the second and the last verse. The guitar solo is performed on one of Sambora's trademark multi-necked 12 string Ovation guitars, rather than switching to an electric guitar for the solo and last verse of the song.", "Piece of My Heart Franklin said in an interview that when she first heard Joplin's version on the radio, she didn't recognize it because of the vocal arrangement.[6] Noted cultural writer Ellen Willis wrote of the difference: \"When Franklin sings it, it is a challenge: no matter what you do to me, I will not let you destroy my ability to be human, to love. Joplin seems rather to be saying, surely if I keep taking this, if I keep setting an example of love and forgiveness, surely he has to understand, change, give me back what I have given\". In such a way, Joplin used blues conventions not to transcend pain, but \"to scream it out of existence\".[7]", "We Sing of Only Blood or Love We Sing of Only Blood or Love is dominated by dark neo-blues rock songwriting structures, and also contains heavy metal, folk music, gothic rock, protopunk, and some experimental material. The album is a continuation of Riggs' musical evolution since fronting the Louisiana sludge metal band Acid Bath in the 1990s. Riggs uses a trained, rich vocal style most frequently sung in a blues-influenced baritone rasp. His lyrics contain various stylistic elements of metaphor and imagery, and touch upon personal and poetic subjects such as death, love, Satan, nocturnal hallucinations, mortality, phantoms, and morbidity.", "Deeper Than the Holler \"Deeper Than the Holler\" is a mid-tempo ballad in which the narrator describes his love for his woman. He starts by saying that he's heard many people sing about how they love their loved ones, and using metaphors to describe it. The man then decides to sing his song about how he feels about his lover.", "Philadelphia Eagles Merrill Reese, who joined the Eagles in 1976, is the play-by-play announcer, and former Eagles wide receiver Mike Quick, who replaced the offense lineman Stan Walters beginning in 1998, is the color analyst. The post game show, which has consisted of many Philadelphia sports personalities, as of the 2014 season is hosted by Kevin Riley, a former Eagles linebacker and special-teamer, and Rob Ellis. Riley was the former post-game host for the show on 94 WYSP before the WIP change over; Rob Ellis hosts a weekly show nightly from 6–10 on 94.1 WIP-FM. No announcement was made prior to the start of preseason regarding who would be the host(s) for 2015.", "Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy. Strengthened by our union help us to serve and comfort those who suffer.", "First Love (2010 Thai film) First Love, also known as Crazy Little Thing Called Love,[2] (Thai: สิ่งเล็กเล็ก ที่เรียกว่า...รัก, Sing lek lek thi riak wa... rak, lit. \"A Little Thing Called Love\") is a 2010 Thai romantic comedy film and also a 2011 Asian sleeper hit film starring Mario Maurer and Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul. The story depicts love in the eye of young people who first experience it and how it affects their lives and their inspirations.", "Unit of length Horse racing and other equestrian activities keep alive:", "Eagle (Middle-earth) The eagles possessed a notable characteristic that distinguished them from other birds in early writings. Tolkien originally described that Eä, the World, was bounded by the Walls of Night, and that the space above the surface of the Earth up to the Walls was divided into three regions;[32] common birds could keep aloft only within the lower layer,[33] while the Eagles of Manwë could fly \"beyond the lights of heaven to the edge of darkness\".[34] The conception of the limited world and of the layers of the firmament was rejected during the writing of The Lord of the Rings.[35]", "Eagle Sea eagles or fish eagles take fish as a large part of their diets, either fresh or as carrion.", "List of 90210 characters Jane, portrayed by Kristina Apgar in season four, is a widow who becomes a love interest for Liam, but when it is found out that her husband is actually still alive, she returns to him.", "Eagle Despite filling the niche of a snake eagle, genetic studies suggest that the Madagascan serpent eagle Eutriorchis is not related.[20]", "Eagles (band) Schmit had a prolific solo career after the band's initial breakup. He had a hit song on the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack with \"So Much in Love.\" He contributed vocals to the Crosby, Stills & Nash album Daylight Again on the songs \"Southern Cross\" and \"Wasted on the Way\" when that band needed an extra vocalist due to David Crosby's drug overindulgence. Schmit sang backup vocals on Toto's Toto IV album, including the song \"I Won't Hold You Back\" and appeared with the group on their 1982 European tour. He spent three years (1983–1985) as a member of Jimmy Buffett's Coral Reefer band and coined the term \"Parrotheads\" for Buffett's die-hard fans. He had a Top 40 solo hit in 1987 with \"Boys' Night Out\" and a top-30 Adult Contemporary hit with \"Don't Give Up,\" both from his album Timothy B. Schmit appeared with Meisner and Walsh on Richard Marx's debut single \"Don't Mean Nothing.\" In 1992, Schmit and Walsh toured as members of Ringo Starr's All-Starr Band and appeared on the live video from the Montreux Jazz Festival. Schmit released two solo albums, Playin' It Cool in 1984 and Tell Me the Truth in 1990. He was the only Eagle to appear on the 1993 Eagles tribute album Common Thread: The Songs of the Eagles, singing backing vocals on Vince Gill's cover of \"I Can't Tell You Why.\"", "War Eagle Originally known simply as \"War Eagle\" this bird was retroactively named \"War Eagle II\" with the arrival of War Eagle III.", "Eagle Among the eagles are some of the largest birds of prey: only the condors and some of the Old World vultures are markedly larger. It is regularly debated which should be considered the largest species of eagle. They could be measured variously in total length, body mass, or wingspan. Different lifestyle needs among various eagles result in variable measurements from species to species. For example, many forest-dwelling eagles, including the very large Harpy eagle, have relatively short wingspans, a feature necessary for being able to maneuver in quick, short bursts through densely forested habitats.[7] Eagles in the genus Aquila, though found almost strictly in open country, are superlative soarers, and have relatively long wings for their size.[7]", "Eagle (Middle-earth) Tolkien's painting of an eagle on a crag appears in some editions of The Hobbit. According to Christopher Tolkien, the author based this picture on a painting by Archibald Thorburn[38] of an immature golden eagle, which Christopher found for him in The Birds of the British Isles by Thomas Coward.[39] However, Tolkien's use of this model does not necessarily mean that his birds were ordinary golden eagles.", "Who You Love Prior to being released as a single, \"Who You Love\" managed to chart in US and Canada. On the week ending December 21, the song debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 80.[15] On the week ending January 4, fuelled by a sudden surge in streaming due to the debut of its music video, the song reached its new peak of number 48 on Hot 100.[16]", "War Eagle Since 1930, and continuously since 1960, Auburn has kept a live golden eagle on campus. Since 2001 Auburn has presented an untethered eagle to fly over Jordan-Hare stadium prior to the start of football games. War Eagle VII, a golden eagle named Nova, along with Spirit, a bald eagle, perform the War Eagle Flight before all Auburn home games at Jordan–Hare Stadium.", "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? Sometimes, a clapping or snapping beat is used by the children in the circle. Sometimes, the other children in the group sing along with the \"accuser\" after the \"accused\" has been identified. Some variations on the theme include the use by teachers of the song as a lesson in keeping with a beat and improvisation. As with many children's songs, there can be many variations on the execution of the performance.", "Secret Love Song \"Secret Love Song\" is a ballad.[6] It comprises pounding bass and melancholic strings.[7] Derulo's vocal uses vibrato and Auto-Tune.[8][9] He sings the song's second verse.[10] Nelson belts the high note during the song's bridge.[11]", "Harpy eagle The harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) is a neotropical species of eagle. It is also called the American harpy eagle to distinguish it from the Papuan eagle, which is sometimes known as the New Guinea harpy eagle or Papuan harpy eagle.[3] It is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the rainforest,[4] and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper (emergent) canopy layer. Destruction of its natural habitat has caused it to vanish from many parts of its former range, and it is nearly extirpated in Central America. In Brazil, the harpy eagle is also known as royal-hawk (in Portuguese: gavião-real).[5]", "Lotta Love Neil Young recorded \"Lotta Love\" for his Comes a Time album with backing from Crazy Horse. Larson provided background vocals for the album but did not sing on its \"Lotta Love\" track, a spare version which emphasized the song's melancholy.", "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season The Eagles travelled to Dallas to take on the Cowboys, who were missing RB Ezekiel Elliott (Suspension), LT Tyron Smith (Groin), and LB Sean Lee (Hamstring). In a game that the Eagles were expected to dominate, the Eagles started off slow in the first half with Dallas leading 9–7 at halftime. Kicker Jake Elliott was ruled out for the game with a concussion, forcing the Eagles to use backup linebacker Kamu Grugier-Hill for kickoffs, and to go for two point conversions. The Eagles converted three of four two point conversions, as their touchdowns came on the ground from Corey Clement, and through the air, with Carson Wentz finding Torrey Smith for an 11-yard TD and Alshon Jeffery for a 17-yard TD on fourth down. Late in the fourth quarter, rookie defensive end Derek Barnett notched his 2nd sack of the game, a strip sack of Dak Prescott, leading to a Nigel Bradham 37 yard scoop and score. The Eagles harassed Dak Prescott all game, sacking him 4 times, intercepting him three times, and forcing one fumble. With this win, the Eagles improved to 9–1 and improved their lead in the NFC East.", "Deadpool Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times.[87][88] He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him.[89] In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should \"consider yourself cursed ... with life!\" out of jealousy over Deadpool's status as Death's love interest.[90] His enemy T-Ray later resurrected him,[87] under Thanos' instruction, using an artifact he had given him.[91] Later, Deadpool was informed that Thanos had placed a curse on him, and tracked Thanos down. He revealed that the only thing keeping Wade alive was his \"spell of darkest necromancy\". Although Thanos removed this curse in order to kill Deadpool, he felt forced to immediately bring him back using \"a fusion of necromancy and science\" in order to request his aid in tracking down Mistress Death, who had gone missing.[92]", "We Found Love The lyrical content of the song is sparse and largely revolves around Rihanna chanting the song's hook line,[30] \"We found love in a hopeless place\".[1] Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone described it as \"half-baked romantic\".[28] Rihanna starts the song in a falsetto airy voice as she sings, \"Yellow diamonds in the light / And we’re standing side by side / As your shadow crosses mine / What it takes to come alive.\"[23][32] Michael Cragg commented that the first chorus is almost being sidelined in favor of a large chunk of Harris's riff, before they join on the second chorus.[31] The hook repeatedly rings throughout the song.[32]", "Philadelphia Eagles After the 1957 season, the Eagles moved from Connie Mack Stadium to Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania. Franklin Field would seat over 60,000 for the Eagles, whereas Connie Mack had a capacity of 39,000.[14] The stadium switched from grass to AstroTurf in 1969. It was the first NFL stadium to use artificial turf.", "Double eagle The \"eagle\", \"half eagle\", and \"quarter eagle\" were specifically given these names in the Act of Congress that originally authorized them (\"An act establishing a mint, and regulating coins of the United States\", section 9, April 2, 1792). Likewise, the double eagle was specifically created as such by name (\"An act to authorize the coinage of gold dollars and double eagles\", title and section 1, March 3, 1849).", "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together The explosion as Doofenshmirtz's firecracker rocket launches leaves the lair filthy and partly destroyed; the creepy look thrills Vanessa's arriving goth friends, who find it to be cool. Touched by this, Vanessa happily thanks both her father for getting one birthday party right for her and Perry for helping her father out. As the rocket ascends, Doofenshmirtz is himself cursing Perry, as usual, but pauses to notice Love Handel singing below. The band finish their song just as Doofenshmirtz's rocket explodes with a heart-shaped flare. The episode ends with Love Handel singing \"Music Makes Us Better\" and with everyone (including Doofenshmirtz, who has survived the explosion unscathed) dancing.", "Steller's sea eagle \"Steller's sea eagle\" has been designated the official name by the International Ornithologists' Union (IOC).[10] It is named after the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller.[11] It is also known as Steller's fish eagle, Pacific sea eagle or white-shouldered eagle.[3] In Russian, the eagle has been called morskoi orel (sea eagle), pestryi morskoi orel (mottled sea eagle) or beloplechii orlan (white-shouldered eagle). In Japanese, it is called", "Singing the Blues Also this song is commonly used at Manchester City F.C. football matches, where the fans sing: \"Never felt more like singing the blues, City win, United lose.\"", "August: Osage County (film) As \"Little Charles\" sings Ivy a song he has written for her, Mattie Fae walks in and berates him. This exhausts Charles's patience with his wife's lack of love and compassion for her son, and he threatens to leave her if she keeps it up. Mattie subsequently reveals to Barbara, who unintentionally listened in, that she had a long-ago affair with Beverly, and Charles is in fact their younger half-brother and that is the true reason why Ivy and \"Little Charles\" cannot be together.", "Sing for the Moment \"Sing for the Moment\" received positive reviews from music critics, with many critics praising Eminem's rapping ability, the lyrics, and the \"Dream On\" sample. \"Sing for the Moment\" proved to be successful, peaking inside the Top 10 in twenty countries. In the United States, \"Sing for the Moment\" reached number fourteen on the Billboard Hot 100. The song, along with the original \"Dream On\", was used in a trailer for the 2016 animated film Sing.", "Used to Love Her \"Used to Love Her\" is a song by American rock band Guns N' Roses from the album G N' R Lies. It was first performed on stage on October 30, 1987 on the Appetite for Destruction tour.", "One of These Nights The cover for the album is an image of an artwork by Boyd Elder, also known as \"El Chingadero\".[14] Elder created artwork of painted skulls in the early 1970s, and pieces of his work, titled \"American Fetish\", were exhibited in an art gallery in Venice, California in 1972. Among those who attended the opening were members of the Eagles who performed \"Witchy Woman\" at the show, an early appearance by the band as the Eagles.[14][15] Elder was also a friend of the album cover designer Gary Burden, who had been responsible for the Eagles' three previous albums and who was interested in using one of Elder's pieces for this cover.[16] Elder presented two of his works to the Eagles in Dallas in late 1974, one of which was then chosen for the cover of One of These Nights.[17] Later another work of Elder, an image of an eagle's skull, would be used for the cover of Their Greatest Hits album. The painted animal skull motif was also used in the cover for their compilation album The Very Best of, and the skull of One of These Nights was used for the cover of the documentary History of the Eagles.", "Golden eagle At one time, the golden eagle lived in a great majority of temperate Europe, North Asia, North America, North Africa, and Japan. Although widespread and quite secure in some areas, in many parts of the range golden eagles have experienced sharp population declines and have even been extirpated from some areas. The total number of individual golden eagles from around the range is estimated to range somewhere between 170,000 and 250,000 while the estimated total number of breeding pairs ranges from 60,000 to 100,000.[2][110] Few other eagle species are as numerous, though some species like tawny eagle, wedge-tailed eagle and bald eagle have total estimated populations of a similar size to the golden eagle’s despite having distributions which are more restricted.[3][5] The world’s most populous eagle may be the African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer), which has a stable total population estimated at 300,000 individuals and is found solely in Africa.[3][111] On a global scale, the golden eagle is not considered threatened by the IUCN.[1]", "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm \"I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm\" is a popular song written in 1937 by Irving Berlin. It was introduced in the musical film On the Avenue (1937) by Dick Powell and Alice Faye.", "War Eagle During the 2000 football season, War Eagle VI began a tradition of performing a free flight before a home football game. War Eagle VI, and later other eagles kept by in the Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center in Auburn, flew around the stadium before landing on the field as the crowd chanted \"War Eagle\". On February 8, 2002, War Eagle VI flew in Rice-Eccles Stadium as part of the opening ceremonies of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. War Eagle VI was featured the next day on NBC's Today Show.", "Bee Gees In March 1978, the Bee Gees held the top 2 positions on the US Charts with \"Night Fever\" and \"Stayin' Alive\", the first time this had happened since the Beatles. On the US Billboard Hot 100 chart for 25 March 1978, five songs written by the Gibbs were in the US top 10 at the same time: \"Night Fever\", \"Stayin' Alive\", \"If I Can't Have You\", \"Emotion\" and \"Love is Thicker Than Water\". Such chart dominance had not been seen since April 1964, when the Beatles had all five of the top five American singles. Barry Gibb became the only songwriter to have four consecutive number one hits in the US, breaking the John Lennon and Paul McCartney 1964 record. These songs were \"Stayin' Alive\", \"Love Is Thicker Than Water\", \"Night Fever\" and \"If I Can't Have You\".", "Self-actualization In summary, self-actualizers feel finally themselves, safe, not anxious, accepted, loved, loving, and alive, certainly living a fulfilling life.", "Stayin' Alive On its release, \"Stayin' Alive\" climbed the charts to hit the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 the week of 4 February 1978, remaining there for four weeks. In the process, it became one of the band's most recognisable tunes, in part because of its place at the beginning of Saturday Night Fever. In the US, it would become the second of six consecutive number-one singles, tying the record with the Beatles for most consecutive number ones in the US at the time (a record broken by Whitney Houston who achieved seven consecutive number-ones).", "Love Is Alive (Gary Wright song) In 1997, dance act 3rd Party recorded the song for their debut album Alive.", "List of Not Going Out episodes After eight years of marriage, Lee and Lucy disagree over how to keep the romance alive.", "Don't You Wanna Stay \"We had the song pitched to us and originally it wasn’t a duet. The more I was listening to the thing and learning the song, I realized it set itself up to be a duet if we wanted to go that route. When I called my producer about it he asked who I wanted to sing it with me and I said Kelly Clarkson, but I didn’t think we’d be able to get her. I’ve always been a big fan of hers. I love her voice and I love her style. Long story short, we got her a copy of the song and she loved it. As soon as she started singing, it became obvious it was going to be great.\"[5]", "Eagle Lake, Texas U.S. Route 90 Alternate (US 90 Alt.) travels through Eagle Lake, leading east 66 miles (106 km) to Houston and west 38 miles (61 km) to Hallettsville. Eagle Lake is 16 miles (26 km) southeast of Columbus, the Colorado County seat.", "Crazy in Love \"Crazy in Love\" was the first song on Beyoncé's set list on The Beyoncé Experience in Los Angeles and the I Am... Tour at several venues, including the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, the O2 Arena in London, and in Athens and Sydney.[114] On August 5, 2007, Beyoncé performed the song at Madison Square Garden in New York City.[115][116] Beyoncé emerged in a sparkling silver dress with a long train. She walked to the front of the stage, did a couple of snaps of her neck and then started singing \"Crazy in Love\". She climbed a staircase where her all-female band and three backup singers were positioned.[115] The staircase moved forward in two places; top part moved while the bottom poked out more.[115] At the top of her staircase, she removed her train and returned to the main stage. Her backup singers followed and danced with Beyoncé.[115] After \"Crazy in Love\", Beyoncé performed a short rendition of Gnarls Barkley's \"Crazy\" (2006), singing: \"Who do you, who do you think you are? / Ha, ha, ha, bless your soul.\"[115]", "Eagle Heraldic eagles are most often found displayed, i.e. with their wings and legs extended. They can also occur close, i.e. with their wings folded, or rising, i.e. about to take flight. The heads, wings, and legs of eagles can also be found independently.", "Scat singing In vocal jazz, scat singing is vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all. In scat singing, the singer improvises melodies and rhythms using the voice as an instrument rather than a speaking medium.", "Bald eagle H. l. leucocephalus – Southern bald eagle\nH. l. washingtoniensis – Northern bald eagle", "Fly, Eagles Fly In 1998, following Mansure's/Saunders reintroduction of the song, The Eagles Pep Band completely rebuilt its popularity among fans by changing some aspects of the song: they modified the key, changed the opening lyric from \"Fight, Eagles Fight\" to \"Fly, Eagles Fly\", and re-marketed the song using the lyric change as the new title. In addition, they appended the popular \"E-A-G-L-E-S\" chant—which had emerged in the 1980s—to the end of the song.[2] While management planned to play the song throughout the 1998 season, the Eagles' poor performance that year caused them to hold off reintroducing the song until the following year. The Eagles fared better during their 1999 season, and subsequently, the fight song was played after every score.[3]", "War Eagle The mythical War Eagle I has the most colorful story of all of the \"War Eagle\" eagles. War Eagle I's story begins in the Civil War. According to the legend, a soldier from Alabama during the Battle of the Wilderness came across a wounded young eagle. The bird was named Anvre, and was cared for and nursed back to health by the soldier. Several years later the soldier, a former Auburn student, returned to college as a faculty member, bringing the bird with him. For years both were a familiar sight on campus and at events. On the day of Auburn's first football game in 1892 against the University of Georgia, the aged eagle broke away from his master during the game and began to circle the field, exciting the fans. But at the end of the game, with Auburn victorious, the eagle fell to the ground and died.\nIn 2010, a children's book,\"The War Eagle Story\" by Francesca Adler-Baeder and illustrated by Tiffany Everett was published that favors this version of the story.", "Johnny Patterson His talent for singing, clowning, and engaging with an audience was immense. He was talent-spotted by Pablo Fanque, who The Beatles sing about in 'Mr Kite' – he was a famous black Yorkshire showman. He saw Johnny in Cork, loved him, and brought him to England.[3]", "Crazy in Love Shaheem Reid of MTV News wrote: \"There are few (very few) ladies out there who can really sing, a lot who can dance, a lot more who look good — but really no other who can combine all three and add iconic star power like Miss Beyoncé, arguably the best all-around stage performer in the game right now.\"[115] Jon Pareles of The New York Times wrote: \"Beyoncé needs no distractions from her singing, which can be airy or brassy, tearful or vicious, rapid-fire with staccato syllables or sustained in curlicued melismas. But she was in constant motion, strutting in costumes (most of them silvery), from miniskirts to formal dresses, flesh-toned bodysuit to bikini to negligee.\"[116] Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter wrote: \"Her performance of 'Crazy in Love' featured some surprising arrangements that gave the material freshness\".[117] Performances of \"Crazy in Love\" were included on her live albums The Beyoncé Experience Live (2007),[118] and the deluxe edition of I Am... World Tour (2010).[119] Beyoncé performed \"Crazy in Love\" wearing a pink fringe dress at a concert at Palais Nikaïa in Nice, France, on June 20, 2011, in support of her album 4,[120] and at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival on June 26, 2011 to an audience of 175,000.[121]", "Eagle Some authors include Gypohierax angolensis, the \"vulturine fish eagle\" (also called the palm-nut vulture) in this group.[18] However, genetic analyses indicate it is related to a grouping of Neophron–Gypaetus–Eutriorchis (Egyptian vulture, bearded vulture (lammergeier), and Madagascan serpent eagle).[20]", "Eagle Snake or serpent eagles are, as the name suggests, adapted to hunting reptiles.", "Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act DDT is a persistent toxin know to bioaccumulate in fish populations. A major component of the diet of bald eagles consists of fish which in turn exposed the population of these eagles to the toxin. In contrast, the golden eagle primarily eats rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, and other common prey which has allowed them to escape the harms of DDT and other related chemicals. Unlike the bald eagle eggshells, the golden eagles shells retained their thickness and are not subject to rupturing. DDT was banned in the United States in 1972. Other factors played a role in the declining of bald and golden eagles in the 50's,60's, and 70's. For instance, one source of golden and bald eagle mortality is the bioaccumulation of toxins in their reproduction system and blood stream. [7] Dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyl are pollutants in the environment that have impacted eagle populations. These chemicals are persistent in the environment and are known to negatively affect these birds. Human activity is another reason for the decline of the bald eagle populations. The alteration of habitat and nest disturbance will have an effect on breeding and foraging. In addition, power lines can subject these birds to potential electrocution. For many years, the electric distribution utilities have worked with wildlife biologists and government agencies to research, develop and deploy of power lines and poles that are safer for all birds, including eagles. Some new power lines in nonurban areas have been built to \"raptor-safe\" construction standards.[7] Another thing that impacts eagles is animal traping. Traps are set on the ground to capture or kill animals for fur. Trapped animals can bait eagles which then have the potential to be harmed or injured by the traps. Since eagles' talons play a crucial role in food hunting, an injured bird can actually starve if they remain injured for a prolonged period of time. Also, hunting can directly or indirectly impact eagles. Duck and geese hunters who shoot but do not recover their game can have a harmful impact on eagles. If an eagle finds and consumes food contaminated with lead shot, the lead accumulates in the bird and can cause toxicity and even mortality. Lastly, majority of farmers and ranchers often will shoot bald and golden eagles that they consider a threat to their livestock. Unfortunately, many assumptions are made about the bald and golden eagles, thinking they are a harmful. The two eagles seek for dead animals that are killed from other factors.[22] The measures that were taken to protect bald and golden eagles such as the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, banning of DDT in 1972, the Bald Eagle Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Program of 1992 (to phase out the use of lead shot for waterfowl hunting), all helped upgrade their status from 'endangered' to 'threatened'.", "Fly, Eagles Fly Fly, Eagles Fly!\nOn the road to victory! (Fight! Fight! Fight!)\nFight, Eagles fight!\nScore a touchdown 1, 2, 3! (1! 2! 3!)\nHit 'em low!\nHit 'em high!\nAnd watch our Eagles fly!\nFly, Eagles Fly!\nOn the road to victory!\nE-A-G-L-E-S!\nEagles!", "Double eagle In the summer of 2002, a 1933 double eagle was auctioned off for US$7,590,020[2] which shattered the old record of $4,140,000 paid at a public auction for an 1804 silver dollar. This piece is unique as the only 1933 double eagle the U.S. government has deemed legal for its citizens to own (having been negotiated as such through terms of a U.S. treaty with a foreign government).[citation needed] Even illegal instances of the 1933 double eagle could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it would be illegal for a U.S. coin dealer to broker a deal with one of these coins. There is no other date of St.-Gaudens double eagle that is worth a significant fraction of this extraordinary coin. A complete uncirculated set of all other St.-Gaudens double eagles could be put together for just over three million dollars (less than half the price paid for the 1933), including the extremely rare, ultra-high relief, proof pattern. Without the rare pattern, the set would be less than $750,000.", "Eagle Eagles are often informally divided into four groups.[note 1][18]", "Eagle Pass, Texas The United States Border Patrol has two stations in Eagle Pass. The Eagle Pass North Station located at 2285 Del Rio Blvd and the Eagle Pass South Station at 4156 El Indio Hwy Eagle Pass, TX.", "Dead or Alive 5 Dead or Alive 5 is set two years after the events of Dead or Alive 4 and the destruction of the DOATEC corporation's TriTower headquarters. Helena Douglas has undertaken the task of rebuilding DOATEC but wants to use its technology for peaceful ends. Helena dissolved DOATEC's Biotechnology Division, stopped the Military Division's biological weapons projects Alpha, Epsilon and Omega, fired all members of Donovan's faction, and announced that she intends to hold the Dead or Alive Tournament 5 (DOA5), hosted by Zack, \"to show the world the principles and philosophies upholding the new DOATEC.\"[9]", "Geoff Love In the late 1950s, playing under the pseudonym of 'Manuel and his Music of the Mountains', Love's created his Theme from Honeymoon (1959) which proved popular in the UK. His attempt to keep his identity secret whilst playing as 'Manuel' was impossible due to success, especially in the US in 1959 and 1960.", "Principal parts Most verbs are regular enough not to require a knowledge of the principal parts. For example, the verb love derives all its forms systematically (love, loves, loved, loving), and since these can all be deduced from the basic form (the citation, dictionary, or lexicographic form, which in English is the bare infinitive), no other principal parts have to be learned. With irregular verbs like the verb sing, on the other hand, the forms sang and (have) sung cannot be deduced, so the learner of English must memorize three principal parts, sing–sang–(have) sung. From these, all other forms (like sings or singing) can be deduced.", "Promised Land (The Vampire Diaries) Enzo (Michael Malarkey) keeps bothering Damon to keep his promise and bring him back to life. He also pesters Bonnie (Kat Graham) since she is the one who is able to do it. Bonnie asks Damon to make Enzo stop but instead he tells her that since she is working with Liv (Penelope Mitchell) on a spell to keep her alive when the Other Side collapses, they should include Enzo as well to the spell and save him too.", "Who Do You Love? Who Do You Love? may refer to:" ]
who is the leader of the ontario pc party
[ "Patrick Brown (politician) Patrick Walter Brown MPP (born May 26, 1978) is a Canadian politician who is the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and Ontario's Leader of the Official Opposition. Brown was a federal Conservative member of the House of Commons of Canada from 2006-15 representing the riding of Barrie.", "Patrick Brown (politician) In May 2015, Brown was elected leader of the Ontario PC Party, and stepped down as MP. He was elected Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for Simcoe North in a provincial by-election on September 3, 2015. Before being elected to federal office, Brown worked as a lawyer in Barrie.[1]" ]
[ "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) The Leader of the Official Opposition in Ontario is the leader of the largest party in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario which is not part of the government. The current official opposition is formed by the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC).", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 10 As Ontario PC leader John Tory did not win a seat in the 2007 election, he appointed Runciman as interim PC leader. (Tory had been running in the Don Valley West riding.) After spending more than a year outside the legislature, Tory sought a seat in the March 5, 2009 by-election in Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock.[2] He lost this by-election, and thereafter resigned as party leader, being replaced by Hudak.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) Ontario's first Leader of the Opposition was Edward Blake of the Ontario Liberal Party who held the position from 1869 until 1871 when he became Premier of Ontario (Archibald McKellar had previously led the Liberal Party in the legislature for two years, but was not formally recognized as opposition leader). Ten Leaders were Premier before after they served this post.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 12Vic Fedeli was chosen interim leader of the PC Party by caucus on January 26, 2018, one day after Patrick Brown resigned due to allegations of sexual misconduct. He continued to serve as Leader of the Opposition after Doug Ford became party leader on March 10, 2018, as Ford does not have a seat in the legislature at present.", "Ontario New Democratic Party For many years, the ONDP was the most successful provincial NDP branch outside the national party's western heartland. It had its first breakthrough under its first leader, Donald C. MacDonald in the 1967 provincial election, when the party elected 20 Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to the Ontario Legislative Assembly. After the 1970 leadership convention, Stephen Lewis became leader, and guided the party to Official Opposition status in 1975, the first time since the Ontario CCF did it twice in the 1940s. After the party's disappointing performance in the 1977 provincial election, that included losing second party status, Lewis stepped down and Michael Cassidy was elected leader in 1978. Cassidy led the party through one campaign, the 1981 election. The party did poorly again, and Cassidy resigned.", "Ontario New Democratic Party Andrea Horwath replaced him after she was elected leader at the 2009 leadership convention in Hamilton. Under her leadership in the 2011 Ontario general election, the party elected 17 MPPs to the legislature and in the 2014 Ontario general election, the party elected 21 MPPs. Under Horwath, the party achieved its second highest seat count ever (other than forming government in 1990) when it formed the Official Opposition with 40 MPPs after the 2018 Ontario general election.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Patrick Brown, 40, is the MPP for Simcoe North (2015–2018 as a Progressive Conservative and 2018–present as an independent) and a former Conservative MP for Barrie (2006–2015). He was the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario from 2015 until his 2018 resignation triggered this leadership election. Brown was expelled from the PC caucus hours before registering his candidacy on February 16, 2018.[26] On February 21, 2018 the party's nominations committee approved Brown to seek the leadership in a 3 to 2 vote.[173][174]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Donald C. MacDonald became leader in 1953,[8] and spent the next fifteen years rebuilding the party, from two seats when he took over the party's helm, to ten times that number when he stepped down in 1970. Delegates from the Ontario CCF, delegates from affiliated union locals, and delegates from New Party Clubs took part in the founding convention of the New Democratic Party of Ontario held in Niagara Falls at the Sheraton Brock hotel from 7–9 October 1961 and elected MacDonald as their leader.[8][9] The Ontario CCF Council ceased to exist formally on Sunday, 8 October 1961, when the newly elected NDP executive officially took over.[8]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 According to Article 23.1 of the PC party constitution, when there is a vacancy in the position of leader, the party caucus chooses an interim leader to serve until a new leader is elected in a leadership election, which must be held within 18 months of the vacancy occurring, and in which all party members can vote.[8] Party president Rick Dykstra told the media on January 25 that \"a leadership election will take place at such time as the PC party shall determine in its discretion\".[9] The party executive met on January 26, 2018, following the caucus election, to determine whether to have a leadership election before the provincial election, and if so, how it would proceed, or whether to have the interim leader lead the party into the election,[10] and called the leadership election for March 2018.[2]", "History of the Green Party of Canada In January 1997, although initially recruited by Ontario Green Party leader Frank de Jong, Wendy Priesnitz resigned over what she characterized as domination of the party by an \"old boys' network\" comprising the BC and Ontario provincial leaders and their male-dominated circles of organizers and advisors. Harry Garfinkle stepped in to be the interim Registered Leader of the Green Party of Canada, and a leadership convention by mail-in ballot was held.", "Ontario New Democratic Party As the Ontario Co-operative Commonwealth Federation under Ted Jolliffe as their first leader,[5] the party nearly won the 1943 Ontario provincial election, winning 34 seats and forming the official opposition for the first time.[6] Two-years later, they would be reduced to 8 seats. The final glory for the Ontario CCF came in the 1948 election, when party elected 21 MPPs, and again formed the official opposition.[7] They were even able to defeat Premier George A. Drew in his own constituency, when the CCF's Bill Temple won in High Park, even though the Conservatives won another majority government.[7] The breaking point for the Ontario CCF came in 1951. They were reduced to two MPP's in that year's provincial election, and never really recovered. In the two remaining elections while it existed, the party never had more than five members in the legislature. Jolliffe resigned as leader in 1953.", "Legislative Assembly of Ontario As at the federal level in Canada, Ontario uses a Westminster-style parliamentary government, in which members are elected to the Legislative Assembly through general elections, from which the Premier of Ontario and Executive Council of Ontario are appointed based on majority support. The premier is Ontario's head of government, while the Lieutenant Governor, as representative of the Queen, acts as head of state. The largest party not forming the government is known as the Official Opposition, its leader being recognized as Leader of the Opposition by the Speaker.", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Both Jason Kenney, leader of the PC Party, and Wildrose leader Brian Jean were expected to stand for leader of the new party, with Jean saying at the press conference that announced the merger agreement: \"Clearly we're both running for the leadership of this new party.\"[3] Former Conservative Party of Canada interim leader Rona Ambrose ruled herself out of consideration.[4]", "Patrick Brown (politician) In September 2014, Brown announced his intention to run in the contest to replace PC Party Leader, Tim Hudak. From the outset of his campaign, Brown positioned himself as an outsider, challenging the leadership of the PC Party, which had been defeated in the last four provincial elections. In the most recent election campaign, in 2014, the party election platform included a commitment to cut 100,000 public service jobs over 4 years through attrition.[37] As the only one of the original five leadership candidates who was not a member of the Ontario legislature, Brown was not involved in the promise, which he considered ill-advised,[36][38] [39] Brown's rivals attempted to use this same lack of previous involvement in provincial politics as an argument against his leadership bid.[40][41]", "Social Credit Party of Canada Alberta Premier Manning was becoming concerned with the perceived leftward trajectory of the federal Liberals and Progressive Conservatives (PCs). He encouraged Thompson to begin talks with the PCs about a merger. Negotiations failed and in March 1967, citing lack of support for the party from its provincial wings in Alberta and British Columbia, Thompson resigned as leader.[14] In the fall Bud Olson left to join the Liberals. With the support of both Manning and PC leader Robert Stanfield, Thompson crossed the floor to the PCs. He sought and won the PC nomination in Red Deer when the June 1968 federal election was called. Alexander Bell Patterson was named acting leader of the remains.", "Conservative Party of Canada The Conservative Party, while having no provincial wings, largely works with the former federal Progressive Conservative Party's provincial affiliates. There have been calls to change the names of the provincial parties from \"Progressive Conservative\" to \"Conservative\". However, there are other small \"c\" conservative parties with which the federal Conservative Party has close ties, such as the Saskatchewan Party and the British Columbia Liberal Party (not associated with the federal Liberal Party of Canada). The federal Conservative Party has the support of many of the provincial Conservative leaders. In Ontario, successive provincial PC Party leaders John Tory, Bob Runciman and Tim Hudak have expressed open support for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada, while former Mike Harris cabinet members Tony Clement, and John Baird were ministers in Harper's government.[citation needed] In Quebec, businessman Adrien D. Pouliot leads a new Conservative Party of Québec which was formed in 2009 in the wake of the decline of the Action démocratique du Québec (ADQ) which had carried the support of many provincial conservatives.", "List of premiers of Ontario Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario\n  United Farmers of Ontario\n  Ontario Liberal Party\n  Ontario New Democratic Party", "Party leader In many representative democracies, party leaders compete directly for high political office.[2] It is thus typical in such states (e.g., in the Westminster system) for the party leader to seek election to the legislature, and, if elected, to simultaneously serve as the party's parliamentary leader.", "Party leader In politics, a party leader is the most powerful official within a political party.[1] The leader speaks to their designated political party, while acting as the party representatives. The party leader is typically responsible for managing the party's relationship with the general public. As such, he or she will take a leading role in developing and communicating party policy, especially election platforms, to the electorate. He or she is also typically the public face of the party and the principal media contact.", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada For the next decade, the Liberals dominated Canadian politics in a fashion not seen since the early years of Confederation. This was because of the destruction of the \"grand coalition\" of Western socially conservative populists, Quebec nationalists, and fiscal conservatives from Ontario that had supported the Progressive Conservatives in 1984 and 1988. The PCs' Western support, for all practical purposes, transferred en masse to the Western-based Reform Party, which replaced the PCs as the major right-wing party in Canada. However, the new party's agenda was seen as too conservative for most Canadians. It only won one seat east of Manitoba in an election (but gained another in a floor-crossing). Even when Reform restructured into the Canadian Alliance, the party was virtually nonexistent east of Manitoba, winning only 66 seats in 2000. Reform/Alliance was the official opposition from 1997 to 2003, but was never able to overcome wide perceptions that it was merely a Western protest party. The Quebec nationalists who had once supported the Tories largely switched their support to the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois, while the Tories' support in Ontario and the Atlantic provinces largely moved to the Liberals. The PCs would never be a major force in Canadian politics again; while they rebounded to 20 seats in the next election, they won only two seats west of Quebec in the next decade.", "Party leader In the Gilded Age (late 19th century in the United States), the government was known as Bossism. This government entailed powerful political machines, run by so-called \"bosses\" who awarded political positions to their associates (one example being Tammany Hall which was run by Boss Tweed) This kind of political system is also referred to as a particracy. Party leaders in the United States mostly refer to the President, Vice President and leaders of the Congress in both parties.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 1The Liberals were recognized as the Official Opposition following the 1923 election by the governing Conservatives, despite the fact that the United Farmers of Ontario had more seats. According to historian Peter Oliver, this was an arbitrary decision without basis in precedent or law. Conservative Premier G. Howard Ferguson used as justification an announcement by UFO general secretary James J. Morrison that the UFO would be withdrawing from party politics, though Oliver argues that this was facetious logic. UFO parliamentary leader Manning Doherty protested the decision, but to no avail. (source: Peter Oliver, G. Howard Ferguson: Ontario Tory, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977), p. 158.)", "Party leader The United Kingdom has more influence in electing the party leader than other countries in the Westminster system.[5][need quotation to verify] Sometimes a party leader will simultaneously hold the post of chairman. However, this occurs only rarely in the Westminster system.", "Party leader In Canada, all major parties elect their leaders at certain age.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 11 Wilson served as interim leader of the Progressive Conservative party following the resignation of Tim Hudak and continued to serve as Leader of the Opposition after Patrick Brown became party leader on May 9, 2015, until September when Brown won a seat in the legislature through a by-election.[3]", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Jason Kenney, 49, was the final Leader of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (2017). He served as MP for Calgary Southeast (1997–2015) and Calgary Midnapore (2015–2016), and was Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (2008–2013), Minister of Employment and Social Development (2013–2015), Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2013–2015), and Minister of National Defence (2015) under the Harper government. Kenney was elected PC leader on a promise to merge the PC and Wildrose parties.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Vic Fedeli, 62, was the Interim Leader (2018), Finance Critic and MPP for Nippissing (2011–present), past leadership candidate (2015) and former mayor of North Bay, Ontario (2003–2010). Fedeli told reporters that he will \"let my name stand for leader of our party\".[9] After the party executive announced its decision to schedule a leadership election in March, Fedeli reiterated his intention to run for the permanent leadership.[189] On January 30, 2018, however, he announced that he would not be running for the permanent leadership after all in order to focus on his duties as interim leader and correcting organizational problems within the party in the run up to the general election.[18]", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 6 Interim Liberal leader of the party following the personal defeat of Premier David Peterson in the 1990 election.", "Leader of the Opposition (Pakistan) The Leader of the Opposition (Urdu: قائد حزب اختلاف), is the people's elected politician who, by law, is the leader of the Official Opposition in Pakistan. The current and incumbent Leader of the Opposition is Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah of Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians — a party representing PPP. The Leader of the Opposition also leads the Official Opposition to National Assembly of Pakistan, a lower house of Pakistan Parliament. The Leader of the Opposition is normally the leader of the largest party not within the government which is usually the second largest political party in the National Assembly. In established democracies he or she is normally viewed as an alternative Prime Minister. There is also a Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, who is elected / nominated separately.", "Patrick Brown (politician) On September 28, 2014, he announced his intention to run in the 2015 Ontario party leadership election. He registered as a leadership candidate on November 20, 2014. He said that, unlike the other candidates, he was not involved in the four consecutive losses that have kept the Ontario PCs out of power since 2003.[36] At the time of his jump to provincial politics, he chaired the Conservative Party of Canada's Greater Toronto Area caucus and the Canada-India Parliamentary Association.[5]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election was scheduled for 3 months before the 2018 provincial election scheduled for June 7. It came after a turbulent year of disputed and allegedly fraudulent nominations contests across the province for local PC candidates.[4] In two of these contests; Ottawa West—Nepean and Scarborough Centre the nominations were overturned after Brown's resignation and Brown's own nomination in Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte was cancelled.[5] At the time of the leadership election Newmarket—Aurora and five others remained under active investigation by the party[6] and Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas remained under police investigation.[7]", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) When the Labour Party is in Opposition, as it currently is, the Leader of the Labour Party usually acts as the Leader of the Opposition, and chairs the Shadow Cabinet. Concordantly, when the Party is in Government, the Leader would usually become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service, as well as appointing the Cabinet.", "Leader of the Official Opposition (Canada) The Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition (French: Chef de la loyale opposition de Sa Majesté) is the leader of Canada's Official Opposition, the party possessing the most seats in the House of Commons but is not the governing party or part of the governing coalition. The current Leader of the Opposition is Andrew Scheer, M.P., who was elected Leader of the Conservative Party on May 27, 2017.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Democratic Party first selected a leader in 1920. The Republican Party first formally designated a leader in 1925.", "Alberta general election, 2015 The Wildrose had its legislative caucus greatly reduced in 2014 when then-leader and Leader of the Official Opposition Danielle Smith and all but 5 Wildrose MLAs crossed the floor to sit with the governing PCs. In the 2015 general election, the party rebounded to 21 seats and retained Official Opposition status. All of their gains were in rural ridings taken from the PCs, and they failed to win a seat in Edmonton or Calgary.", "Ontario Meanwhile, Ontario's numerous waterways aided travel and transportation into the interior and supplied water power for development. As the population increased, so did the industries and transportation networks, which in turn led to further development. By the end of the century, Ontario vied with Quebec as the nation's leader in terms of growth in population, industry, arts and communications.[40]", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 Candidates must be nominated by at least 100 party members, must agree to abide by the party's existing platform for the next election, and must be approved by the party's nominations committee as a PC candidate for the 2018 provincial election.[12]", "United Conservative Party leadership election, 2017 Brian Jean, 54, was the final Leader of the Wildrose Party (2015–2017). Jean is currently the MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin (2015–present). He served as MP for Athabasca (2004–2006) and Fort McMurray—Athabasca (2006–2014), Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2006–2011), and Leader of the Official Opposition in Alberta (2015–2017). Jean was elected Wildrose leader after previous leader Danielle Smith and eight other Wildrose MLAs crossed the floor to join the PC government of then-Premier Jim Prentice.", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) The post of Leader of the Labour Party was officially created in 1922. Before this, between when Labour MPs were first elected in 1906 and the general election in 1922, when substantial gains were made, the post was known as Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party.[1] In 1970, the positions of Leader of the Labour Party and Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party were permanently separated.", "Social Credit Party of Canada The party nominated two candidates in by-elections, each of whom won 96 votes. In the February 12 by-election in Chambly, Quebec, Emilian Martel placed last in a field of six, winning 0.2% of the total vote. Party leader Ken Campbell placed 7th out of 10, winning 0.4% of the total vote in the August 13 by-election in Oshawa, Ontario. John Turmel placed last with 50 votes in this race.", "Ontario New Democratic Party She distanced the ONDP from former Premier Bob Rae, now interim leader of the federal Liberal Party of Canada,[39] by pointing out that he is the exception to the rule of NDP Premiers in other provinces who have been able to balance provincial budgets.[40] At the official televised leaders' debate, her political rivals criticized the ONDP's handling of the economy in the early 1990s, but Horwath further distanced the New Democratic Party from Mr. Rae by pointing out his current allegiance to the federal Liberals as interim leader of the (federal) Liberal Party.[41] Her campaign largely refrained from mudslinging and personal attacks, and she led her party to an increase from 10 seats to 17 seats in the legislature. The Liberals were re-elected with a minority government giving Horwath's NDP the balance of power in the legislature.[42]", "Leader of the Conservative Party (UK) There are five living former party leaders.", "43rd Canadian federal election Due to Tom Mulcair failing his April 2016 leadership review by garnering only 48% of the delegate vote, the NDP held a leadership election on October 1, 2017, electing Ontario MPP and the former Deputy Leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party Jagmeet Singh as his successor.[4][5]", "Politics of Quebec The collapse of the Meech Lake Accord reshaped the entire Canadian political landscape. Lucien Bouchard, a Progressive Conservative Cabinet Minister who felt humiliated by the defeat of the Meech Lake Accord, led other Quebec Progressive Conservatives and Liberals out of their parties to form the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois. Mario Dumont, leader of the Quebec Liberal Party's youth wing left Bourassa's party to form a \"soft nationalist\" and sovereigntist Action démocratique du Québec party. The Progressive Conservative Party collapsed in the 1993 election, with Western conservatives voting Reform, Quebec conservatives voting for the Bloc Québécois, and Ontario and Western Montreal voters putting the Liberal Party led by Jean Chrétien into power. Jean Charest in Sherbrooke, Quebec, was one of two Progressive Conservatives left in Parliament, and became party leader.", "List of Leaders of the Official Opposition (Canada) If the leader of the opposition party is not a Member of Parliament, then a sitting MP takes the role of acting Leader of the Opposition until the party leader can obtain a seat. If there is a leadership race occurring within the party, an MP (usually the interim party leader) will serve as Leader of the Opposition until a new party leader is chosen.", "None of the above In Ontario, the None of the Above Party of Ontario is a registered political party, although its stated mandate is for its candidates to serve in the legislature as independent representatives who reflect the views and interests of their constituents, rather than simply as a \"reject all of the candidates\" placeholder.", "Alberta general election, 2015 The Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (PCs) had a majority in the outgoing Assembly. As a result of the election, the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) were elected to a majority government under leader Rachel Notley. The NDP formed Government for the first time in Alberta history, ousting the PCs, who were reduced to third place in seats. Prentice resigned as PC leader and MLA for Calgary-Foothills on election night.[2] The Progressive Conservatives had won every provincial election since the 1971 election, making them the longest-serving provincial government in Canadian history. This was only the fourth change of government in Alberta since Alberta became a province in 1905, and one of the worst defeats a provincial government has suffered in Canada. It also marked the first time a left-of-centre political party had formed government in Alberta since the defeat of the United Farmers of Alberta in 1935 and the Depression-era radical monetary reform policies of William Aberhart's Social Credit government.[3]", "Communist Party of Canada The CPC held its 37th Central Convention in February 2013 in Toronto. According to a Toronto Star article the assembly drew 65 delegates most of whom were from Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec with a few from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia. Party leader Miguel Figueroa called for the Communists to field 25 candidates in the upcoming federal election.", "Liberal Party of Canada Ontario and Quebec combine for a majority of seats in the House of Commons by virtue of Ontario's current population and Quebec's historic population (59 percent of the seats as of 2006[update]). As a result, it is very difficult to form even a minority government without substantial support in Ontario and/or Quebec. No party has ever formed a majority government without winning the most seats in either Ontario or Quebec. It is mathematically possible to form a minority government without a strong base in either province, but such an undertaking is politically difficult. The Liberals were the only party with a strong base in both provinces, thus making them the only party capable of forming a government.", "Political party When the party is represented by members in the lower house of parliament, the party leader simultaneously serves as the leader of the parliamentary group of that full party representation; depending on a minimum number of seats held, Westminster-based parties typically allow for leaders to form frontbench teams of senior fellow members of the parliamentary group to serve as critics of aspects of government policy. When a party becomes the largest party not part of the Government, the party's parliamentary group forms the Official Opposition, with Official Opposition frontbench team members often forming the Official Opposition Shadow cabinet. When a party achieves enough seats in an election to form a majority, the party's frontbench becomes the Cabinet of government ministers. They are all elected members.There are members who attend party without promotion", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Informally, the minority leader has a wide range of party assignments. Lewis Deschler, the late House Parliamentarian (1928–1974), summarized the diverse duties of a party's floor leader:", "PC Master Race In current parlance, the term is used by PC enthusiasts both to describe themselves as a group, as well as their belief in the superiority of the PC platform in comparison to consoles, often citing features like more advanced graphics, smoother framerates, free online play, backwards compatibility, modifications, upgradability, customization, lower cost-over-time, open standards, multitasking, and performance.[3][4] Popular imagery, discussion, and media referencing the term also commonly describes console users who find consoles better than PC as \"console peasants\" and people who play on PC as the \"Glorious PC Gaming Master Race\".[5][6]", "Political party A political party is typically led by a party leader (the most powerful member and spokesperson representing the party), a party secretary (who maintains the daily work and records of party meetings), party treasurer (who is responsible for membership dues) and party chair (who forms strategies for recruiting and retaining party members, and also chairs party meetings). Most of the above positions are also members of the party executive, the leading organization which sets policy for the entire party at the national level. The structure is far more decentralized in the United States because of the separation of powers, federalism and the multiplicity of economic interests and religious sects. Even state parties are decentralized as county and other local committees are largely independent of state central committees. The national party leader in the U.S. will be the president, if the party holds that office, or a prominent member of Congress in opposition (although a big-state governor may aspire to that role). Officially, each party has a chairman for its national committee who is a prominent spokesman, organizer and fund-raiser, but without the status of prominent elected office holders.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 5 Interim Liberal leader of the partyfollowing the resignation of Stuart Smith.", "List of premiers of Ontario by time in office This is a list of Premiers of Ontario in order of time served in office as Premier of Ontario as of June 18, 2018. The preceding Premier always stays in office during an election campaign, and that time is included in the total. See also List of Ontario political parties by time in office.", "Leader of the Opposition (Ontario) 8 Interim Liberal leader between resignation of Elston and election of McLeod.", "Leader of the Opposition (India) While the position also existed in former Central Legislative Assembly of British India, and holders of it there included Motilal Nehru, it received statutory recognition through the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977 which defines the term \"Leader of the Opposition\" as that member of the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha who, for the time being, is the Leader of that House of the Party in Opposition to the Government having the greatest numerical strength and recognised, as such, by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. However, in order to get formal recognition, the concerned party must have at least 10% of the total strength of the House (55 seats in the Lok Sabha). If any party fails to get 10% seats in opposition, the House will not have recognised leader of the opposition.[1][2] A single party has to meet the 10% seat criteria, not an alliance.[3]", "United States House of Representatives Each party elects a floor leader, who is known as the Majority Leader or Minority Leader. The Minority Leader heads their party in the House, and the Majority Leader is their party's second-highest-ranking official, behind the Speaker. Party leaders decide what legislation members of their party should either support or oppose.", "Ontario New Democratic Party In the 2003 election, the party emphasized their \"Public Power Campaign\", which had two key issues, primarily publicly owned electricity generation and distribution, and publicly run auto insurance.[18] As well, the Public Power Campaign also dealt with rolling-back the social program cuts from the Harris government's Common Sense Revolution. Many media outlets – including The Globe and Mail – thought that party leader Howard Hampton performed strongly in the televised leaders' debate.[19] Despite Hampton's debate performance and a 2.4% increase in the popular vote, the party lost two seats, once again losing official party status and their previous speaking privileges and funding.[19] One of the problems that likely affected NDP support was strategic voting, not unlike that of the 1999 election. Dozens of NDP voters voted Liberal in order to ensure that the Tories would be defeated.[20] This voting practice did do damage to the NDP's electoral fortunes because it was interpreted as a call for blanket support for Liberal candidates over NDP candidates, with no real thought to which candidate had a better chance to defeat a PC in any individual riding.[21] Several unions, such as the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), promoted strategic voting to their membership and the public, which further added to the party's woes.[22] The newly elected Liberal government offered to give the NDP caucus research funding if their members agreed to sit as independents. Hampton refused and disrupted the government Throne Speech in protest.[23]", "Conservative Party of Canada In October and November, during the course of the PC party's process of ratifying the merger, four sitting Progressive Conservative MPs — André Bachand, John Herron, former Tory leadership candidate Scott Brison, and former Prime Minister Joe Clark — announced their intention not to join the new Conservative Party caucus, as did retiring PC Party president Bruck Easton. Clark and Brison argued that the party's merger with the Canadian Alliance drove it too far to the right, and away from its historical position in Canadian politics.", "Leader of the Labour Party (UK) There are six living former party leaders: four elected and two acting. From oldest to youngest:", "Party leaders of the United States Senate By rule, the Presiding Officer gives the Majority Leader priority in obtaining recognition to speak on the floor of the Senate. The Majority Leader customarily serves as the chief representative of their party in the Senate, and sometimes even in all of Congress if the House of Representatives and thus the office of Speaker of the House is controlled by the opposition party.", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives When the Majority Leader's party loses control of the House, and if the Speaker and Majority Leader both remain in the leadership hierarchy, convention suggests that they would become the Minority Leader and Minority Whip, respectively. As the minority party has one less leadership position after losing the speaker's chair, there may be a contest for the remaining leadership positions. Nancy Pelosi is the most recent example of an outgoing Speaker seeking the Minority Leader post to retain the House party leadership, as the Democrats lost control of the House in the 2010 elections. She ran successfully for Minority Leader in the 112th Congress.[7][8]", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.", "Lieutenant Governor of Ontario With the election in 1937 of the Liberal Party to a majority in the Legislative Assembly, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor in Ontario was targeted for spending cutbacks. Government House was closed and the viceroy given a suite at the Legislative Building as a replacement. The post then remained relatively low-key until 1985, when the personal discretion of Lieutenant Governor John Black Aird was required in the exercise of the royal prerogative: After Frank Miller that year lost the confidence of the Legislative Assembly, the opposing Liberal Party managed to negotiate a deal with both the New Democratic Party (NDP) and independent members of the assembly[11] and Aird, rather than dissolve the legislature only 55 days after the last election, called upon Liberal leader David Peterson to serve as premier.[12][13]", "Windows Virtual PC With each release of Virtual PC we spend a significant amount of time trying to decide which (guest) operating system should be officially supported. While Virtual PC is capable of running many operating systems, official support for an operating system means that we will test it thoroughly, not ship Virtual PC if an issue exists with that operating system, and provide full support for customers who encounter problems while running these operating systems under Virtual PC.[43]", "History of the Labour Party (UK) Arthur Henderson, who had been elected in 1931 as Labour leader to succeed MacDonald, lost his seat in the 1931 General Election. The only former Labour cabinet member who survived the landslide was the pacifist George Lansbury, who accordingly became party leader.", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 All party members are eligible to cast votes by preferential ballot using electronic balloting, provided that they are members in good standing by February 16, 2018. To be eligible, one must be at least 14 years of age, a Canadian Citizen who is a resident of Ontario, and pay a $10 membership fee with personal funds (i.e. no corporation or union funds may be used).", "Labour Party (UK) Lansbury resigned as leader in 1935 after public disagreements over foreign policy. He was promptly replaced as leader by his deputy, Clement Attlee, who would lead the party for two decades. The party experienced a revival in the 1935 general election, winning 154 seats and 38% of the popular vote, the highest that Labour had achieved.[38]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Michael Cassidy was elected leader, but being the most left-wing of the three leadership candidates, he was not fully trusted by the party establishment. Cassidy's policy advisor in the leadership campaign was James Laxer, a former leader of The Waffle NDP faction which Lewis had expelled from the party in 1972. Some members of the NDP caucus considered Cassidy's election as a serious mistake, and encouraged him to resign before contesting an election. Cassidy ignored this advice, and remained as leader. The NDP declined further in the 1981 election and Cassidy stepped down.", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Traditionally, the Speaker is reckoned as the leader of the majority party in the House, with the Majority Leader as second-in-command. For instance, when the Republicans gained the majority in the House after the 2010 elections, Eric Cantor succeeded Boehner as Majority Leader. Despite this, Cantor and his successor, Kevin McCarthy, have been reckoned as the second-ranking Republicans in the House, since Boehner was still reckoned as the leader of the House Republicans. However, there have been some exceptions. The most recent exception to this rule came when Majority Leader Tom DeLay generally overshadowed Speaker Dennis Hastert from 2003 to 2006.[6] In contrast, the Minority Leader is the undisputed leader of the minority party.", "Swaraj Party The Swaraj Party, Swarajaya Party or Swarajya Party or Swarajist Party, established as the Congress-Khilafat Swarajaya Party, was a political party formed in India in January 1923 after the Gaya annual conference in December 1922 of the National Congress, that sought greater self-government and political freedom for the Indian people from the British Raj. It was inspired by the concept of Swaraj. In Hindi and many other languages of India, swaraj means \"independence\" or \"self-rule.\" The two most important leaders were Chittaranjan Das, who was its president and Motilal Nehru, who was its secretary.", "Quebec referendum, 1995 Parizeau's resignation led to Bouchard becoming the leader of the PQ and Premier unopposed. While Bouchard maintained a third referendum was forthcoming provided \"winning conditions\" occurred, his government's chief priority became reform of the Quebec economy. Daniel Johnson would resign as leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec, and after significant pressure in English Canada, Charest resigned as national PC leader and was acclaimed as leader of the Quebec Liberals. Bouchard would defeat Charest in the 1998 election, and subsequently continue his government's focus on austerity.", "New Democratic Party The New Democratic Party has also formed government in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and in Yukon.", "Party leaders of the United States Senate The Constitution designates the Vice President of the United States as President of the United States Senate. The Constitution also calls for a President pro tempore to serve as the leader of the body when the President of the Senate (the Vice President) is absent. In practice, neither the Vice President nor the President pro tempore—customarily the most senior (longest-serving) Senator in the majority party—actually presides over the Senate on a daily basis; that task is given to junior Senators of the majority party. Since the Vice President may be of a different party than the majority and is not a member subject to discipline, the rules of procedure of the Senate give the presiding officer very little power and none beyond the presiding role. For these reasons, it is the Majority Leader who, in practice, manages the Senate. This is in contrast to the House of Representatives where the elected Speaker of the House has a great deal of discretionary power and generally presides over votes on bills.[citation needed]", "Conservative Party of Canada In the early months following the merger, MP Rick Borotsik, who had been elected as Manitoba's only PC, became openly critical of the new party's leadership. Borotsik chose not to run in the 2004 general election. Brison, at first, voted for and supported the ratification of the Alliance-PC merger, then crossed the floor to the Liberals.[36] Soon afterward, he was made a parliamentary secretary in Paul Martin's Liberal government. Herron also ran as a Liberal candidate in the election, but did not join the Liberal caucus prior to the election. He lost his seat to the new Conservative Party's candidate Rob Moore. Bachand and Clark sat as independent Progressive Conservatives until an election was called in the spring of 2004, and then retired from Parliament.", "Ontario Ontario is sometimes conceptually divided into two regions, Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario. The great majority of Ontario's population and arable land is located in the south. In contrast, the larger, northern part of Ontario is sparsely populated with cold winters and heavy forestation.", "Quebec referendum, 1995 Making matters more complex, especially for the \"No\" camp, was the federal nature of Canada. The governing Liberal Party of Canada and its leader, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien were not strongly represented in the province outside of Montreal. Chrétien's involvement in the 1982 negotiations and his stance against the Meech Lake Accord made him unpopular with moderate francophone federalists and sovereignists, who would be the swing voters in the referendum.[25] Lucienne Robillard, a nationalist former Bourassa-era cabinet minister, would serve as the federal Liberal representative on the \"No\" committee.[26] Jean Charest, leader of the Federal Progressive Conservative Party, would be prominently featured, as he and the PCs had closely and productively cooperated with the Quebec Liberals in the Meech Lake negotiations.[27]", "Ontario New Democratic Party These are the results for the Ontario CCF from 1934 to 1959 and the Ontario NDP from 1963 to present.", "Ontario Libertarian Party Conventions are held every three years to elect the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Campaign Director for a three-year term. All of these positions, except Leader and Deputy Leader, may be replaced by election at a General Meeting. Members-at-Large are elected for a one-year term at a Convention or Annual General Meeting.[12]", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives A look at one minority leadership strategy—partisan opposition—may suggest why it might be employed in specific circumstances. The purposes of obstruction are several, such as frustrating the majority party's ability to govern or attracting press and media attention to the alleged ineffectiveness of the majority party. \"We know how to delay,\" remarked Minority Leader Gephardt[37] Dilatory motions to adjourn, appeals of the presiding officer's ruling, or numerous requests for roll call votes are standard time-consuming parliamentary tactics. By stalling action on the majority party's agenda, the minority leader may be able to launch a campaign against a \"do-nothing Congress\" and convince enough voters to put his party back in charge of the House. To be sure, the minority leader recognizes that \"going negative\" carries risks and may not be a winning strategy if his party fails to offer policy alternatives that appeal to broad segments of the general public.", "Taoiseach Historically, where there have been multi-party or coalition governments, the Taoiseach has come from the leader of the largest party in the coalition. One exception to this was John A. Costello, who was not leader of his party, but an agreed choice to head the government, because the other parties refused to accept then Fine Gael leader Richard Mulcahy as Taoiseach.", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada Ontario and Quebec are guaranteed a majority of seats in the House of Commons under both Constitution Acts (59 percent of the seats). As a result, it is very difficult to form even a minority government without substantial support in Ontario and/or Quebec. It is mathematically impossible to form a majority government without winning the most seats in either Ontario or Quebec. While it is mathematically possible to form a minority government without a strong base in either province, but such an undertaking is politically difficult. The Liberals were the only party with a strong base in both provinces, thus making them the only party capable of forming a government.", "Parti Québécois Until 5 June 2005, the office of Leader of the Parti Québécois was known as President of the Parti Québécois.", "New Democratic Party Provincial New Democratic parties, which are organizationally sections of the federal party, have governed in six of the ten provinces and a territory. The NDP governs the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, forms the Official Opposition in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, and have sitting members in every provincial legislature except those of Quebec, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. The NDP has previously formed the government in the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and the Yukon Territory.", "Windows Virtual PC Earlier versions of Virtual PC supported the following features: (now removed in Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, and Windows Virtual PC):", "Windows Virtual PC Earlier versions of Virtual PC supported the following features: (now removed in Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, and Windows Virtual PC):", "Leader of the Liberal Democrats There are six living former party leaders. From oldest to youngest:", "Next United Kingdom general election The leader of the party commanding a majority of support in the House of Commons is the person who is called on by the monarch to form a government as Prime Minister, while the leader of the largest party not in government becomes the Leader of the Opposition. Other parties also form shadow ministerial teams. The leaders of the SNP and Plaid Cymru are not members of parliament, but instead members of their respective devolved legislatures, and so these parties have separate leaders in the House of Commons (Ian Blackford for the SNP and Liz Saville Roberts in the case of Plaid Cymru).", "PC Master Race The PC Master Race, sometimes referred to by its original phrasing as the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race, is an internet subculture, internet community, and a tongue-in-cheek term of superiority for PC gaming used among gamers to compare PC gaming to console gaming.[1][2]", "Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Since Snell's description, other responsibilities have been added to the job. These duties involve an array of institutional and party functions. Before examining the institutional and party assignments of the minority leader, it is worth highlighting the historical origin of this position.", "Parti Québécois When a Parti Québécois leader does not have a seat in the National Assembly, another member leads the party in the legislature.", "Ontario general election, 2018 In March 2018, the NDP nominated Lyra Evans as their candidate in Ottawa-Vanier. Evans is the first openly transgender candidate nominated by a major party to run in an Ontario general election.[89][90]", "Ontario New Democratic Party Bob Rae became Premier of Ontario during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. In government, the NDP disappointed supporters by abandoning much of its ambitious program, including the promise to institute a public auto insurance system. As the recession worsened, the NDP implemented what it called the Social Contract – which represented a shift to fiscal conservatism that anticipated that of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom under the leadership of Tony Blair. This was a package of austerity measures that:", "History of the Liberal Party of Canada The Liberal Party held its first leadership convention in 1919, electing William Lyon Mackenzie King as leader. Prior to that party leaders were chosen by caucus.", "London, Ontario Guy Lombardo, an internationally acclaimed big band leader, was born in London, as was jazz musician Rob McConnell. Contemporary musicians born in London include hip hop artist and former CBC Radio host, Shad, and singer-songwriter Meaghan Smith. Justin Bieber was born in London prior to moving to Stratford, Ontario.", "Communist Party of China The CPC is, officially, organized on the basis of democratic centralism, a principle conceived by Russian Marxist theoretician Vladimir Lenin which entails democratic and open discussion on policy on the condition of unity in upholding the agreed upon policies. The highest body of the CPC is the National Congress, convened every fifth year. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee is the highest body, but since the body meets normally only once a year most duties and responsibilities are vested in the Politburo and its Standing Committee. The party's leader holds the offices of General Secretary (responsible for civilian party duties), Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) (responsible for military affairs) and State President (a largely ceremonial position). Through these posts the party leader is the country's paramount leader. The current paramount leader is Xi Jinping who was elected at the 19th National Congress held in October 2017.", "Democratic-Republican Party The modern Republican Party was formed in 1854 to oppose the expansion of slavery. Many former Whig party leaders (such as Abraham Lincoln – modern Republican Party supporters still sometimes refer to themselves as \"the party of Lincoln\") and former Free Soil Party leaders joined the newly formed anti-slavery party.[34] The party sought to combine Jefferson's ideals of liberty and equality with Clay's program of using an active government to modernize the economy.[35]" ]
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