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This is a LLM-filtered set of the first 1M rows from ntt's JParaCrawl v3 large English-Japanese parallel corpus.

The original JParaCrawl corpus was put together by automated means - aligning Japanese texts with their apparent English translations that were found in-the-wild, on the internet.

Whilst manually browsing the original data, I noticed that there were obvious quality issues that made me anxious about using the dataset at all. Poorly aligned translations, incomplete translations, etc.

The goal of this dataset is to split the entire original dataset into its good and bad parts to:

  • facilitate further research
  • make available a high quality dataset
  • investigate the performance of various LLMs at evaluating the dataset.

The new upload includes filtering by an additional LLM, its results are "model2_accepted":

I merged mistral instruct with stability AI's new japanese LLM, and this seems to have resulted in a model with enough knowledge of english and japanese to be competent at this task. It is likely that a finetune would further improve results. This new model accepted only 260,058 rows from the 1M seen, whilst the previous model was around twice as permissive.

Prompt used with the new model:

from inspect import cleandoc

def promptgen_mistral(japanese :str, english :str) -> str:
    system_prompt = cleandoc("""<s>[INST]Your role is to evaluate the accuracy of the provided Japanese to English translation.
    - Translations with parts missing should be rejected.
    - Incomplete translations should be rejected.
    - Inaccurate translations should be rejected.
    - Poor grammar should be rejected.
    - Any kind of mistake should be rejected.
    - Bad spelling should be rejected.
    - Low quality english should be rejected.
    - Low quality japanese should be rejected.
    - high quality translations should be accepted.
    - Respond with only 'ACCEPT' or 'REJECT'.
    return system_prompt + f"JAPANESE: {japanese}\nENGLISH: {english}[/INST]\n"


The license is identical to the original JParaCrawl dataset:

Terms of Use for Bilingual Data, Monolingual Data and Trained Models
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Hereinafter referred to as "our company".) will provide bilingual data, monolingual data and trained models (Hereinafter referred to as "this data.") subject to your acceptance of these Terms of Use. We assume that you have agreed to these Terms of Use when you start using this data (including downloads).
Article 1 (Use conditions)
This data can only be used for research purposes involving information analysis (Including, but not limited to, replication and distribution. Hereinafter the same in this article.). The same applies to the derived data created based on this data. However, this data is not available for commercial use, including the sale of translators trained using this data.
Article 2 (Disclaimer)
Our company does not warrant the quality, performance or any other aspects of this data. We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of this data. Our company shall not be liable for any damage to the system caused by the installation of this data.
Article 3 (Other).
This data may be changed in whole or in part, or provision of this data may be interrupted or stopped at our company’s discretion without prior notice.


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