import os import argparse from lang_list import LANGUAGE_NAME_TO_CODE, WHISPER_LANGUAGES from tqdm import tqdm # For diarize from import Model model = Model.from_pretrained("pyannote/segmentation-3.0", use_auth_token="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") language_dict = {} # Iterate over the LANGUAGE_NAME_TO_CODE dictionary for language_name, language_code in LANGUAGE_NAME_TO_CODE.items(): # Extract the language code (the first two characters before the underscore) lang_code = language_code.split('_')[0].lower() # Check if the language code is present in WHISPER_LANGUAGES if lang_code in WHISPER_LANGUAGES: # Construct the entry for the resulting dictionary language_dict[language_name] = { "transcriber": lang_code, "translator": language_code } def transcribe(audio_file, language, num_speakers, device): output_folder = "transcriptions" # Transcribe audio file model = "large-v2" # word_timestamps = True print_progress = False if device == "cpu": # I supose that I am on huggingface server compute_type = "float32" else: compute_type = "float16" fp16 = True batch_size = 8 verbose = False min_speakers = 1 max_speakers = num_speakers threads = 4 output_format = "srt" hf_token = "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" command = f'whisperx {audio_file} --model {model} --batch_size {batch_size} --compute_type {compute_type} \ --output_dir {output_folder} --output_format {output_format} --verbose {verbose} --language {language} \ --fp16 {fp16} --threads {threads} --print_progress {print_progress} --device {device} \ --diarize --max_speakers {max_speakers} --min_speakers {min_speakers} --hf_token {hf_token}' os.system(command) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Transcribe audio files') parser.add_argument('input_files', help='Input audio files') parser.add_argument('language', help='Language of the audio file') parser.add_argument('num_speakers', help='Number of speakers in the audio file') parser.add_argument('device', help='Device to use for PyTorch inference') args = parser.parse_args() chunks_folder = "chunks" with open(args.input_files, 'r') as f: inputs = progress_bar = tqdm(total=len(inputs), desc="Transcribe audio files progress") for input in inputs: input_file, _ = input.split('.') _, input_name = input_file.split('/') extension = "mp3" file = f'{chunks_folder}/{input_name}.{extension}' transcribe(file, language_dict[args.language]["transcriber"], args.num_speakers, args.device) progress_bar.update(1)