from pyrogram import Client, filters from utils import temp from pyrogram.types import Message from database.users_chats_db import db from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup from info import SUPPORT_CHAT async def banned_users(_, client, message: Message): return ( message.from_user is not None or not message.sender_chat ) and in temp.BANNED_USERS banned_user = filters.create(banned_users) async def disabled_chat(_, client, message: Message): return in temp.BANNED_CHATS disabled_group=filters.create(disabled_chat) @Client.on_message(filters.private & banned_user & filters.incoming) async def ban_reply(bot, message): ban = await db.get_ban_status( await message.reply(f'Sorry Dude, You are Banned to use Me. \nBan Reason: {ban["ban_reason"]}') @Client.on_message( & disabled_group & filters.incoming) async def grp_bd(bot, message): buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Support', url=f'{SUPPORT_CHAT}') ]] reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) vazha = await db.get_chat( k = await message.reply( text=f"CHAT NOT ALLOWED 🐞\n\nMy admins has restricted me from working here ! If you want to know more about it contact support..\nReason : {vazha['reason']}.", reply_markup=reply_markup) try: await except: pass await bot.leave_chat(