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posted an update Apr 15
πŸ˜€πŸ€“πŸ˜Ž New Space - OCEAN-AI (App, co-authored by @DmitryRyumin ) πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰πŸ˜€
πŸš€ Title: OCEAN-AI is an open-source app for Big Five personality traits assessment and HR-processes automatization.

πŸ€— Demo: ElenaRyumina/OCEANAI

πŸ‘₯ Authors: @ElenaRyumina , @DmitryRyumin , and Alexey Karpov

πŸ“ Description: OCEAN-AI consists of a set of modules for intellectual analysis of human behavior based on multimodal data for automatic personality traits (PT) assessment. The app evaluates five PT: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Non-Neuroticism.

The App solves practical tasks:
- Ranking of potential candidates by professional responsibilities.
- Forming effective work teams.
- Predicting consumer preferences for industrial goods.

πŸ” Keywords: #OCEANAI #BigFive #PersonalityTraits #PersonalityAnalysis #MultimodalData #Transformers #FirstImpressionsV2 #DeepLearning #Innovation #BehaviorAnalysis #AffectiveRecognition #TeamFormation #ConsumerPreferences #CandidateRanking

Youtube Video LiJo
8 Cognitive Functions: Around the House (funny)

@ScottzPlaylists (Comment)
If someone put together a DB of short clips demonstrating all the 8 cognitive functions and MBTI types,
that would be a great training dataset for AI to train on detecting that in other videos.
Then AI can build a larger database from watching videos and extracting the clips. (especially with Human Feedback)
Then we are on our way toward AI Detecting and Generating Personalities (MBTI, Big Five), and Cognitive Functions.
I would love to these detection's in YouTube Videos, Movies, and any social media videos

Good Youtube Videos to start with....