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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "corsica food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "inaudible" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "corsica" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub restaurant" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Ok , a restaurant in any part of town is that right?" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a corsica restaurant right?" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "noise" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub" }, { "id": 20, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 21, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "anything else gastropub" }, { "id": 22, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Ok , a restaurant in any part of town is that right?" }, { "id": 23, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 24, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a corsica restaurant right?" }, { "id": 25, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub" }, { "id": 26, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 27, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/b5af9333" ], [ "_:search/b5af9333", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/b5af9333", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gastropub" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 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[ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/b5af9333" ], [ "_:search/b5af9333", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/b5af9333", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/e6c89db5" ], [ "_:search/e6c89db5", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/e6c89db5", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/accc3e8b" ], [ "_:search/accc3e8b", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/accc3e8b", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/828e71d4" ], [ "_:search/828e71d4", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/828e71d4", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/b52a032a" ], [ "_:search/b52a032a", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/b52a032a", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/9b9767ee" ], [ "_:search/9b9767ee", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/9b9767ee", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gastropub" ], [ "_:search", 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'east');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for expensive restaurants in the east part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any kind of food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,food,'british');(_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "grafton hotel restaurant is a nice restaurant in the east of town serving british food" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "noise" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "grafton hotel restaurant is a nice restaurant in the east of town in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "anything else" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,name,'sitar tandoori');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sitar tandoori is a nice restaurant in the east of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sitar tandoori');(_:result,phone,'01223 249955');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of sitar tandoori is 01223 249955 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'43 high street cherry hinton cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'sitar tandoori');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , sitar tandoori is on 43 High Street Cherry Hinton Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "british" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "british" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sitar tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sitar tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 249955" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 249955" ], [ "_:result", "address", "43 high street cherry hinton cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sitar tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a cheap restaurant in the south of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'nandos');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nandos is a nice place in the south of town and the prices are cheap" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice place in the south of town and the prices are cheap" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay whats the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,phone,'01223 244277');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of the lucky star is 01223 244277 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "and" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry but there is no other restaurant in the cheap price range and the south of town" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , the lucky star is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/5dd78808" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/5dd78808" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/5dd78808" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search/5dd78808", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "south" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice restaurant in the south of town serving chinese food" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , the lucky star is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,phone,'01223 244277');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of the lucky star is 01223 244277 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'centre');(_:search,food,'danish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like a restaurant in the center that serves danish food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a restaurant is that right?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'centre');(_:search,food,'danish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no danish restaurant in the centre of town" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a restaurant that serves thai food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'centre');(_:search,food,'danish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no danish restaurant in the centre of town" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a restaurant that serves thai food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'centre');(_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'shanghai family restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shanghai family restaurant is a nice restaurant in the centre of town serving chinese food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like thai food" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'centre');(_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'shanghai family restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shanghai family restaurant is a nice restaurant in the centre of town serving chinese food" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,name,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care can i try again" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'centre');(_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'shanghai family restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shanghai family restaurant is a nice restaurant in the centre of town serving chinese food" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thai food" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'centre');(_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'shanghai family restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "shanghai family restaurant is a nice restaurant in the centre of town serving chinese food" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like thai food" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "doesnt matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,food,'italian');(_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town serving italian food" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address and phone number please" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'15 magdalene street city centre');(_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , la margherita is on 15 Magdalene Street City Centre" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,phone,'01223 315232');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of la margherita is 01223 315232 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "address", "15 magdalene street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "15 magdalene street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 315232" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "dont care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "south" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a great restaurant serving chinese food and it is in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , the lucky star is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "unintelligible" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The price range at the lucky star is cheap ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,phone,'01223 244277');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of the lucky star is 01223 244277 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'creative');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced restaurant that serves creative food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'creative');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving creative food" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'modern european');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about modern european" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'efes restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "efes restaurant is in the moderate price range" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'efes restaurant');(_:result,phone,'01223 500005');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of efes restaurant is 01223 500005 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "creative" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/edef6ad8" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "food", "creative" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/edef6ad8" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "food", "creative" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "efes restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/edef6ad8" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "food", "creative" ], [ "_:search/edef6ad8", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "efes restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 500005" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'swiss');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like a restaurant in the north part of town serving swiss food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'swiss');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no swiss restaurant in the north of town" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like a restaurant in the north part of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'swiss');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no swiss restaurant in the north of town" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like a restaurant in the north part of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'swiss');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no swiss restaurant in the north of town" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "id like an indian restaurant" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north');(_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meghna is a nice restaurant in the north of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address phone number and price range" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'205 victoria road chesterton');(_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,phone,'01223 727410');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of meghna is 01223 727410 and it is on 205 Victoria Road Chesterton ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the price range" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meghna is in the moderate price range" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "swiss" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/fe214e27" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "food", "swiss" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/fe214e27" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "food", "swiss" ], [ "_:search/fe214e27", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/96abd8c1" ], [ "_:search/96abd8c1", "area", "north" ], [ 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "west" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,name,'saint johns chop house');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "saint johns chop house is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the moderate price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'21 - 24 northampton street');(_:result,name,'saint johns chop house');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , saint johns chop house is on 21 - 24 Northampton Street" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'21 - 24 northampton street');(_:result,name,'saint johns chop house');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , saint johns chop house is on 21 - 24 Northampton Street" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saint johns chop house" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saint johns chop house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saint johns chop house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for an expensive restaurant in the south part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'thai');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thai" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frankie and bennys is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , frankie and bennys is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,phone,'01223 412430');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of frankie and bennys is 01223 412430 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frankie and bennys is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frankie and bennys is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good b" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 412430" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 412430" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 412430" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a cheap restaurant in the west part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesnt matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la margherita is a nice place in the west of town and the prices are cheap" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need the address and phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'15 magdalene street city centre');(_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,phone,'01223 315232');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of la margherita is 01223 315232 and it is on 15 Magdalene Street City Centre ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "15 magdalene street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 315232" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for corsica food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for gastropub food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for gastropub food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a corsica restaurant right?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no im looking for gastropub food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for gastropub food" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'corsica');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving corsica food" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'gastropub');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "gastropub food" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "care" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,area,*);(_:result,area,'west'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry would you like the west of town or you dont care" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "dont care" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "dont care" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'gastropub');(_:result,name,'the cow pizza kitchen and bar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the cow pizza kitchen and bar serves gastropub food" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and phone number" }, { "id": 20, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'corn exchange street');(_:result,name,'the cow pizza kitchen and bar');(_:result,phone,'01223 308871');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of the cow pizza kitchen and bar is 01223 308871 and it is on Corn Exchange Street ." }, { "id": 21, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the post code" }, { "id": 22, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the cow pizza kitchen and bar');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 2');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The post code of the cow pizza kitchen and bar is C.B 2, 3 Q.F" }, { "id": 23, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/bb2564ef" ], [ "_:search/bb2564ef", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/bb2564ef", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gastropub" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/bb2564ef" ], [ "_:search/bb2564ef", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/bb2564ef", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/03ec31e1" ], [ "_:search/03ec31e1", "food", "corsica" ], [ "_:search/03ec31e1", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "gastropub" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'korean');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a korean restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a restaurant is that right?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'korean');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "korean restaurant" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'korean');(_:result,name,'little seoul');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "little seoul serves korean food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'108 regent street city centre');(_:result,name,'little seoul');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , little seoul is on 108 Regent Street City Centre" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'little seoul');(_:result,phone,'01223 308681');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of little seoul is 01223 308681 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'little seoul');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 2');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The post code of little seoul is C.B 2, 1 D.P" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:result", "name", "little seoul" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:result", "address", "108 regent street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "little seoul" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:result", "address", "108 regent street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "little seoul" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 308681" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "korean" ], [ "_:result", "address", "108 regent street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 308681" ], [ "_:result", "name", "little seoul" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a restaurant south part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "south part of town" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice place in the south of town and the prices are cheap" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "anything else" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'nandos');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nandos is a nice place in the south of town and the prices are cheap" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way');(_:result,name,'nandos');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , nandos is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a restaurant in the west part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'english');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "english food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,food,'english');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no english restaurant in the west of town" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh how about italian food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,food,'german');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no german restaurant in the west of town" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,food,'chinese');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no chinese restaurant in the west of town" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,food,'chinese');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no chinese restaurant in the west of town" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,food,'italian');(_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town serving italian food" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'la margherita');(_:result,phone,'01223 315232');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of la margherita is 01223 315232 ." }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "english" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/c6a03819" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "food", "english" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "type", 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"west" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "food", "english" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8eb19284" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "food", "german" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/472c9e03" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1a2775db" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la margherita" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/c6a03819" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "food", "english" ], [ "_:search/c6a03819", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8eb19284" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "food", "german" ], [ "_:search/8eb19284", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/472c9e03" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search/472c9e03", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1a2775db" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search/1a2775db", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'east');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for an expensive restaurant in the east part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'royal standard');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "royal standard is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,area,'east');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "are there any other expensive restaurants in the east part of town" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'royal standard');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "royal standard is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "grafton hotel restaurant is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,phone,'01223 241387');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of grafton hotel restaurant is 01223 241387 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "repeat()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "could you repeat that" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "grafton hotel restaurant is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'grafton hotel restaurant');(_:result,phone,'01223 241387');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of grafton hotel restaurant is 01223 241387 ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "royal standard" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "royal standard" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 241387" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 241387" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "name", "grafton hotel restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 241387" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a moderately priced restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "north" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh no preference" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north');(_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meghna is a nice place in the north of town and the prices are moderate" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'205 victoria road chesterton');(_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , meghna is on 205 Victoria Road Chesterton" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,phone,'01223 727410');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of meghna is 01223 727410 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what type of food" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meghna is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meghna');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meghna is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meghna" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "205 victoria road chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meghna" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "205 victoria road chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meghna" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 727410" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "205 victoria road chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 727410" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meghna" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/391c8604" ], [ "_:search/391c8604", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "205 victoria road chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 727410" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meghna" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced west of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prezzo is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the moderate price range" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the post code" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 3');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The post code of prezzo is C.B 3, 0 A.D" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'21 - 24 northampton road');(_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , prezzo is on 21 - 24 Northampton Road" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,phone,'01799 521260');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of prezzo is 01799 521260 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 3" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 3" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton road" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 3" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton road" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01799 521260" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a restaurant in the south part of town that serves" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is in the south part of town ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian food" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,food,'italian');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frankie and bennys is a nice restaurant in the south of town serving italian food" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address and post code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 1');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frankie and bennys is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton , C.B 1, 7 D.Y" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "post code" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'frankie and bennys');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 1');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The post code of frankie and bennys is C.B 1, 7 D.Y" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 1" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frankie and bennys" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 1" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the west part of town" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any type" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'west');(_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prezzo is a nice place in the west of town and the prices are moderate" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i can have the address the phone number and the post code of the" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'21 - 24 northampton road');(_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,phone,'01799 521260');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 3');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of prezzo is 01799 521260 and its postcode is C.B 3, 0 A.D ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'prezzo');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "prezzo is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton road" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01799 521260" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 3" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "west" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "21 - 24 northampton road" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01799 521260" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 3" ], [ "_:result", "name", "prezzo" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'lebanese');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "lebanese food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'centre');(_:result,name,'bloomsbury restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "bloomsbury restaurant is in the centre part of town ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'bloomsbury restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "bloomsbury restaurant is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'bloomsbury restaurant');(_:result,phone,'0871 942 9180');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of bloomsbury restaurant is 0871 942 9180 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'crowne plaza hotel 20 downing street');(_:result,name,'bloomsbury restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , bloomsbury restaurant is on Crowne Plaza Hotel 20 Downing Street" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "bloomsbury restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "centre" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "bloomsbury restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "bloomsbury restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "0871 942 9180" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "lebanese" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "centre" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "0871 942 9180" ], [ "_:result", "address", "crowne plaza hotel 20 downing street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "bloomsbury restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "north part of town turkish food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,area,'north');(_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sorry there is no turkish restaurant in the north of town" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'asian oriental');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about asian oriental" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north');(_:result,food,'asian oriental');(_:result,name,'saigon city');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "saigon city is a nice restaurant in the north of town serving asian oriental food" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address and phone number please" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'169 high street chesterton chesterton');(_:result,name,'saigon city');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , saigon city is on 169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and the phone number please" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'saigon city');(_:result,phone,'01223 356555');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of saigon city is 01223 356555 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/51040c80" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/51040c80" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saigon city" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/51040c80" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "address", "169 high street chesterton chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saigon city" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "north" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/51040c80" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "area", "north" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search/51040c80", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "address", "169 high street chesterton chesterton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "saigon city" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 356555" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant in the south part of town that serves indian food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,name,'taj tandoori');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "taj tandoori is a nice restaurant in the south of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'64 cherry hinton road cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'taj tandoori');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , taj tandoori is on 64 Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'taj tandoori');(_:result,phone,'01223 412299');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of taj tandoori is 01223 412299 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'taj tandoori');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "taj tandoori is in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taj tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "64 cherry hinton road cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taj tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "64 cherry hinton road cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taj tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 412299" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "64 cherry hinton road cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 412299" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taj tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'unusual');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for an expensive restaurant that serves unusual food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'unusual');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving unusual food" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'european');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about european food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'unusual');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving unusual food" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'european');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about european food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sitar tandoori');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sitar tandoori is in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address phone number and area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'43 high street cherry hinton cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'sitar tandoori');(_:result,phone,'01223 249955');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of sitar tandoori is 01223 249955 and it is on 43 High Street Cherry Hinton Cherry Hinton ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/9a74de39" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/9a74de39" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/20d379eb" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/9a74de39" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/20d379eb" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sitar tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/9a74de39" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/9a74de39", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/20d379eb" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "food", "unusual" ], [ "_:search/20d379eb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "address", "43 high street cherry hinton cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sitar tandoori" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 249955" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "trying to find a cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "south part of town" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'nandos');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nandos is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a restaurant is that right?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'nandos');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nandos is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh whats the address and phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,phone,'01223 244277');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of the lucky star is 01223 244277 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and the address" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star is a nice restaurant in the south of town in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , the lucky star is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what type of food is it" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'the lucky star');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the lucky star serves chinese food" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nandos" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 244277" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the lucky star" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'christmas');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "christmas food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'christmas');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving christmas food" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'asian oriental');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "asian oriental" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'asian oriental');(_:result,name,'j restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "j restaurant serves asian oriental food in the cheap price range" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'j restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "j restaurant is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'j restaurant');(_:result,phone,'01223 307581');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of j restaurant is 01223 307581 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'86 regent street city centre');(_:result,name,'j restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , j restaurant is on 86 Regent Street City Centre" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "name", "j restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "j restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "j restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 307581" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/1b6c04af" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "food", "christmas" ], [ "_:search/1b6c04af", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 307581" ], [ "_:result", "address", "86 regent street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "j restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'east');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for an expensive restaurant in the east" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesnt matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a restaurant serving any kind of food right?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'royal standard');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "royal standard is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "anything else" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,name,'pipasha restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pipasha restaurant is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'newmarket road fen ditton');(_:result,name,'pipasha restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , pipasha restaurant is on Newmarket Road Fen Ditton" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'pipasha restaurant');(_:result,phone,'01223 577786');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of pipasha restaurant is 01223 577786 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "royal standard" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pipasha restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "newmarket road fen ditton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pipasha restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "newmarket road fen ditton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pipasha restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 577786" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'caribbean');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "looking for caribbean food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'caribbean');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I am sorry but there is no caribbean restaurant that matches your request" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about indian food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "You are looking for a restaurant is that right?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yea i want indian food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'east');(_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i dont care but i want it to be in the east part of town" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'east');(_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,name,'curry prince');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "curry prince is a nice restaurant in the east of town serving indian food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cool whats the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'curry prince');(_:result,phone,'01223 566388');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of curry prince is 01223 566388 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay how about the address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'451 newmarket road fen ditton');(_:result,name,'curry prince');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , curry prince is on 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "awesome thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "curry prince" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "curry prince" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 566388" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/8a654b9e" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "food", "caribbean" ], [ "_:search/8a654b9e", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "east" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "east" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 566388" ], [ "_:result", "address", "451 newmarket road fen ditton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "curry prince" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "sil" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sesame restaurant and bar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sesame restaurant and bar is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for turkish food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sesame restaurant and bar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sesame restaurant and bar is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what kind of food does it serve" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'sesame restaurant and bar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sesame restaurant and bar serves chinese food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for turkish food" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sesame restaurant and bar');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sesame restaurant and bar is a great restaurant" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "turkish" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'british');(_:result,name,'the copper kettle');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the copper kettle serves british food ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'turkish');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "turkish" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'turkish');(_:result,name,'anatolia');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "anatolia serves turkish food ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'turkish');(_:result,name,'meze bar restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meze bar restaurant serves turkish food ." }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the address" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'196 mill road city centre');(_:result,name,'meze bar restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , meze bar restaurant is on 196 Mill Road City Centre" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the price range" }, { "id": 20, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meze bar restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meze bar restaurant is in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 21, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "unintelligible" }, { "id": 22, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'turkish');(_:result,name,'meze bar restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meze bar restaurant serves turkish food ." }, { "id": 23, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "whats the price range" }, { "id": 24, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'meze bar restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "meze bar restaurant is in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 25, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sesame restaurant and bar" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sesame 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[ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "food", "british" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the copper kettle" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "name", "anatolia" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meze bar restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "food", "turkish" ], [ "_:result", "address", "196 mill road city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "meze bar restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] }, { "id": 10, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderat" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What kind of food would you like?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'italian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "italian" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south');(_:result,food,'italian');(_:result,name,'pizza hut cherry hinton');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "pizza hut cherry hinton is a nice restaurant in the south of town serving italian food" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'g4 cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton');(_:result,name,'pizza hut cherry hinton');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Sure , pizza hut cherry hinton is on G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "post code" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'pizza hut cherry hinton');(_:result,postcode,'c.b 1');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The post code of pizza hut cherry hinton is C.B 1, 7 D.Y" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pizza hut cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "g4 cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pizza hut cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south" ], [ "_:result", "food", "italian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "g4 cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "name", "pizza hut cherry hinton" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "c.b 1" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'canapes');(_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "im looking for canapes food in any price range" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:search,food,'canapes');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "I am sorry but there is no canapes restaurant that matches your request" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()", "inform((_:search,food,'european');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about european" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'european');(_:result,name,'michaelhouse cafe');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "michaelhouse cafe is a great restaurant serving european food and it is in the expensive price range" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "food an" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "What part of town do you have in mind?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any any part of town" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'european');(_:result,name,'michaelhouse cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "michaelhouse cafe serves european food ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address and phone number please" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,\"st. michael's church trinity street city centre\");(_:result,name,'michaelhouse cafe');(_:result,phone,'01223 309147');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "The phone number of michaelhouse cafe is 01223 309147 and it is on St. Michael's Church Trinity Street City Centre ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/d177c361" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/d177c361" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "name", "michaelhouse cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/d177c361" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "name", "michaelhouse cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/d177c361" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "name", "michaelhouse cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:search/d177c361" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "food", "canapes" ], [ "_:search/d177c361", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "european" ], [ "_:result", "address", "st. michael's church trinity street city centre" ], [ "_:result", "name", "michaelhouse cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "01223 309147" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
End of preview.