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Collections trending this week
LLM Leaderboard best models ❀️‍πŸ”₯
A daily uploaded list of models with best evaluations on the LLM leaderboard:
Embedding Model Datasets
A curated subset of the datasets that work out of the box with Sentence Transformers:
Granite Code Models
A series of code models trained by IBM licensed under Apache 2.0 license. We release both the base pretrained and instruct models.
Idefics2 🐢
Idefics2-8B is a foundation vision-language model. In this collection, you will find the models, datasets and demo related to its creation.
Searching for Better ViT Baselines
Exploring ViT hparams and model shapes for the GPU poor (between tiny and base).
Common Catalog, a dataset with Creative Commons licensed images and machine-generated caption pairs