Daniel van Strien PRO


AI & ML interests

Machine Learning Librarian



Posts 9

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Could more DPO-style preference data be crucial for enhancing open LLMs across different languages?

Leveraging a 7k preference dataset Argilla ( @alvarobartt ), Hugging Face ( @lewtun ) and Kaist AI ( @JW17 & @nlee-208 )
utilized Kaist AI's recently introduced ORPO technique ORPO: Monolithic Preference Optimization without Reference Model (2403.07691) with the latest MistralAI MOE model to create a very high-performing open LLM: HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-orpo-141b-A35b-v0.1

Since ORPO doesn't require a separate SFT stage, all that is needed is a strong base model + high-quality DPO-style datasets.

Currently, there is a significant lack of non-English DPO datasets. Filling this gap could significantly improve open LLMs in various languages.

You can get an overview of the current state of DPO datasets across different languages here: DIBT/preference_data_by_language
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TIL: since Text Generation Inference supports Messages API, which is compatible with the OpenAI Chat Completion API, you can trace calls made to inference endpoints using Langfuse's OpenAI API integration.

A Hugging Face Pro subscription includes access to many models you want to test when developing an app (https://huggingface.co/blog/inference-pro). Using the endpoint and tracing your generations during this development process is an excellent way for GPU-poor people to bootstrap an initial dataset quickly while prototyping.